JLM *GUILTY* in 2005 Fairfax County Rape Case #2

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves

#JesseMatthew prosecutor: DNA expert developed profile from under victims fingernail, but there was no suspect.
3:04pm - 8 Jun 15

#JesseMatthew prosecutor: In Oct Det. Boone went to meet w JM, swabbed his mouth to get DNA. (Jury didn't hear it was after Hannah Graham)
3:06pm - 8 Jun 15

#JesseMatthew prosecutor: At end of trial we will ask you to convict JM
3:07pm - 8 Jun 15
Whew, WS was down for about an hour for me. Lots of detailed tweets coming out, but I'm going to stick with Neal to get caught up on the highlights.


Robert Frank, pub defender for #JesseMatthew does opening. DNA match will raise doubt that prosecution met burden
3:08pm - 8 Jun 15

#JesseMatthew defense: Were 30-40 suspects over the years. Remnants of DNA from people other than Mr. Matthew were present.
3:10pm - 8 Jun 15

#JesseMatthew defense: There's possibility DNA recovered under victims fingernails were not Mr. Matthew's. Other people's DNA on her.
3:12pm - 8 Jun 15

#JesseMatthew defense: The 2005 sketch of suspect doesn't match Mr. Matthew.
3:13pm - 8 Jun 15

Openings done, prosecution calls first witness: Mark Raul Castro in #JesseMatthew rape trial.
3:15pm - 8 Jun 15

First prosecution witness, Mark Castro is now 34. Sept 24, 2005 was watching boxing match at friend's house. #JesseMatthew
3:18pm - 8 Jun 15

#JesseMatthew witness: Victim was "faintly screaming for help, but I could barely make it out." She looked like she was nearly dead
3:21pm - 8 Jun 15

#JesseMatthew witness shown photo of victim's face in hospital which appeared badly beaten. "When I saw her she was much more bloody."
3:28pm - 8 Jun 15

Cross-examination of Mark Castro by #JesseMatthew pub def: "She was putting a lot of effort into screaming, but nothing was coming out."
3:30pm - 8 Jun 15

#JesseMatthew witness: "I don't think she said 'attacked.' She said a guy did it -- a black guy."
3:31pm - 8 Jun 15

Victim in #JesseMatthew trial takes stand, is sworn in. States name quietly. Her microphone isn't working.
3:38pm - 8 Jun 15

Direct examination by prosecutor Ray Morrogh. Victim has not looked at #JesseMatthew. She is in witness box, looking toward nearby jurors.
3:41pm - 8 Jun 15

Victim in #JesseMatthew trial: I was walking fast because he gave me an ill feeling. I saw footsteps behind me, he grabbed me from behind
3:45pm - 8 Jun 15

Victim in #JesseMatthew trial: He dropped me, and picked me up again. I was really scared.
3:45pm - 8 Jun 15

Victim in #JesseMatthew trial: He put me on the ground, and sat on my legs. He beat me. I was screaming and trying to push him away
3:46pm - 8 Jun 15

Victim in #JesseMatthew trial: (cries softly) I realized he was putting his finger inside my vagina.
3:49pm - 8 Jun 15

Victim in #JesseMatthew trial: He was trying to insert his penis. I didn't know whether to scream or cry.
3:49pm - 8 Jun 15

Victim in #JesseMatthew trial: He said if I screamed again he would kill me.
3:50pm - 8 Jun 15

Victim in #JesseMatthew trial: I was in a state of shock. I was thinking the can't be happening.
3:52pm - 8 Jun 15

Victim in #JesseMatthew trial: Never saw attacker before. Next week she met with police sketch artist.
3:54pm - 8 Jun 15

Woman starts to cry as she recounts sexual assault. She says she "knew it was going to be a losing battle." #JesseMatthew @8NEWS
3:50pm - 8 Jun 15

Woman says she didn't realize her pants were down after sexual assault. She said at one pt. she was unconscious. #JesseMatthew @8NEWS
3:52pm - 8 Jun 15

@Jusdafacts1 @8NEWS jurors are listening intently.
3:53pm - 8 Jun 15
Gosh, this is just horrific :(

I commend this woman so much for her strength.

Attacker punched victim repeatedly when she tried to push him away, then: "He sealed my nose and my mouth with his hands." #JesseMatthew
4:17pm - 8 Jun 15

Victim in #JesseMatthew trial shown sketch she helped create. It's published (shown) to the jury.
4:15pm - 8 Jun 15


Victim is shown the sketch made after the attack. Says it was difficult to make out features with his beard #JesseMatthew @wmalnews
4:17pm - 8 Jun 15

Parents and girlfriend of #JesseMatthew focusing on testimony of woman who was attacked from front row, behind defense table.
4:17pm - 8 Jun 15

Parents and girlfriend of #JesseMatthew focusing on testimony of woman who was attacked from front row, behind defense table.
4:17pm - 8 Jun 15

Surprised he still has a girlfriend. Thanks Hoosgirl!

Prosecution in #JesseMatthew trial introduces photo showing hand impression on victim's neck. She says nose bled, eyes black & blue
4:21pm - 8 Jun 15


After the attack "Everything was hurting. My neck was hurting. My back was excruciatingly painful." Hasn't looked at #JesseMatthew @wmalnews
4:22pm - 8 Jun 15


Prosecution shows pics of scars around alleged victim's neck.Woman says the scars are a result of her being strangled. #JesseMatthew @8NEWS
4:22pm - 8 Jun 15
I admire the victim so much for going through with this. It has to be so terribly hard to face her attacker again. I can't even begin to imagine the fear that she must feel. She's doing a great job! Such a courageous young lady!

Victim in #JesseMatthew trial shown photo of clothes on grass. Bites her lip as she says "that's my underwear."
4:22pm - 8 Jun 15

Prosecutor asks victim in #JesseMatthew trial: "Pardon me, but were you a virgin?" Defense objects, judge allows: "Yes, I was a virgin."
4:24pm - 8 Jun 15


The defense is not questioning the woman. #JesseMatthew #WTOP
4:23pm - 8 Jun 15
Oops, not so fast Mike!

Defense cross-exam of victim in #JesseMatthew trial by Dawn Butorac
4:25pm - 8 Jun 15
Thanks so much hoosgirl for tweeting for us! It's great to read it right here.

Defense cross of victim in #JesseMatthew trial starts off with questions about lighting near location of attack
4:29pm - 8 Jun 15


Defense: Your main focus was trying to get away, trying to get help?
Victim: Yes I was screaming @nbcwashington #JesseMatthew
4:31pm - 8 Jun 15
Surprised he still has a girlfriend. Thanks Hoosgirl!

Was just thinking the same thing I wonder has she been named by the media. Hard to imagine anyone standing by this guy
Thanks Hoosgirl for the tweets.

Victim says attacker told her"If you don't let me do this, I will twist your neck and choke you, just let me do this"#JesseMatthew @wmalnews
4:37pm - 8 Jun 15


#JesseMatthew's mother has stepped out of the courtroom. @CBS6
4:38pm - 8 Jun 15


Victim in #JesseMatthew trial doesn't recall JM taking pants off, or remember seeing his penis, but does remember he tried to insert it.
4:38pm - 8 Jun 15

Def asking victim about statements made to police differing from current testimony, minor things like position of attacker. #JesseMatthew
4:38pm - 8 Jun 15


Seeming discrepancy in testimony of victim in #JesseMatthew trial: Man who found her said she had no pants on, she said she had one leg on
4:42pm - 8 Jun 15

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