JLM: Morgan Harrington/Fairfax Rape Victim - *Forensic Link* to MH #2

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Originally Posted by Foxfire View Post
<BBM for Focus>

Convicted serial killer Gary Michael Hilton has pleaded guilty to two more murders in North Carolina(federal).
As part of the plea deal, Hilton will spend life in prison with no chance of parole.
Hilton pleaded guilty today to killing John and Irene Bryant in 2007.
Prosecutors say Hilton camped out waiting for victims before he encountered the elderly couple hiking in the Pisgah National Forest.

Hilton is already serving a life sentence in Georgia for kidnapping and killing a hiker there and he is on death row in Florida for the kidnapping and murder of Crawfordville Sunday school teacher Cheryl Dunlap.
I followed that story pretty close, and I THINK the issue there was the plea deal was for life with the state of Georgia provided he gave them info about the Bryants. However, Florida did no such thing with Cheryl Dunlap case and gave him the DP.
Hilton appealed the Florida DP verdict, but it was upheld and he is still currently on death row there.

I may be off on some of that, as it was almost 8 years ago at this point.

Six years and ten months in three more days when GMH was apprehended, Hank Scorpio. MSM reported that GMH was given the plea deal to guide LE to Blood Mtn Hiker; Meredith Hope Emerson's remains. I lived in Dawson county when MHE was abducted and have been backtracking & researching GMH ever since. This is the case that brought me to websleuths, before the sleuthing addiction set in... The primary reason for the plea agreement with GMH was due to GA's antiquated dna law at the time, which would have prevented GMH's dna to be shared with other LEAs in GA and beyond until his conviction. It would have been years without the plea deal. An updated GA dna law was passed virtually unanimously two months later named the Meredith Emerson dna Law in her honor..

The Mystery on Blood Mountain, GA Part 1

He was smart enough to successfully navigate himself halfway across the country on the interstate highway system through three or four states, plus find shelter and food. Sounds competent to me.

IMO he certainly didn't make it to his tent beachfront home all on his own. Somebody provided the alledged:rolleyes: kidnapper/murderer with a lot of money ( gas and food) and a vehicle maybe even a tent, blankeee, pillow.

Why hasn't he been charged with fleeing an arrest warrant? Did he steal his sister/Mom's car to run or have their blessing, with a moneybag and freshly made collard greens from Grandma?

ETA: With his arrest, IMO there's a whole bunch of safe young women. But still stay AWARE!!! Buddy system only.
Quote Originally Posted by I Must Break You View Post
I'm not sure why this guys IQ even comes into the discussion. He is obviously not smart, I would say probably not even street wise. JM has been linked to 3 major crimes and looking at the particulars of each I don't see some criminal mastermind, in fact I see quite the opposite. The Fairfax assault he pulled a girl off the street, got interrupted by a neighbor and left DNA. With Morgan he again left DNA and with HG he picks his victim out in public in front of lots of witnesses and cameras. The fact this man has gotten away with these, and probably others, I doubt has much to do with intelligence and more to do with luck, and the fact it's quite hard for LE to find an assailant who is a complete stranger to his victims.

I agree that he isn't smart, but at the same time some of the people that knew him and some posters have made him out to be the village idiot and I don't believe that either. He was smart enough to get out of highschool and do some college. He also seem to be respected by his peers, he was co-captain of the football team etc. so he couldn't of been a total bumbling idiot. I would like to emphasize that i agree %1000 percent with the sentence I bolded. I just saying I don't think he is so dumb that he can justify claiming some sort of diminished capacity, either legally or morally.

I agree with you... but some one here were characterizing him quite the opposite.. as cleaver and/or calculating.

"Crazy like a Fox"... Psychopathic Sexual Predators are synonymous to mountain lions, imo...

Serial Killers - A Homicide Detective's Take
By Lieutenant Nelson Andreu (Retired) Miami Police Department

<sniped - read more>
4. Victim Selection
How does a serial killer select victims? The traditional school of thought holds that generally they select victims based on certain physical and/or personal characteristics. This assertion presupposes that, within the mind of each serial killer, there evolves synthesis of preferred characteristics and, ultimately, a clear, specific picture of his "ideal" victim, be it male or female, black or white, young or old, short or tall, large busted or small, shy or forward, and so on. Then, when that "typical" serial killer begins an active search for human prey, he will go to certain lengths to capture and victimize only those individuals who closely fit the mold.

Unexpectedly, I have observed that most serial killers never actually find and kill their "dream victim." People fitting such detailed and perfected images may not only be hard to come by, but may also not be easily available in the venues haunted by "hunting" serial killers. So when that ideal victim cannot be found, and when their internal impetus becomes powerful enough, they will settle for a substitute. Ignoring for a moment the disparity between deviant human and normal feline behavior, a serial killer can be compared to a hungry lion that lies in wait for his favorite meal. It may be the lion knows an impala has the most tender or tasty meat. He waits for an opportunity to kill and eat the impala and in doing so may allow easy but not-so-attractive prey to pass unmolested. In time, hunger pains growing and no impala in sight, the famished lion will settle for an unwary bird that happens by. After devouring the bird, which gives his hunger a brief respite, the lion again has time to savor the taste of an impala, and the cycle begins again.
LOL! No resemblance???? Joking, right?

The newer computer sketch is not AS MUCH as a resemblance. But the original, pencil drawn sketch absolutely is. Here is a direct, side by side comparison. Imagine JM a few years older with a full beard...definitely a match.

IMO he certainly didn't make it to his tent beachfront home all on his own. Somebody provided the alledged:rolleyes: kidnapper/murderer with a lot of money ( gas and food) and a vehicle maybe even a tent, blankeee, pillow.

Why hasn't he been charged with fleeing an arrest warrant? Did he steal his sister/Mom's car to run or have their blessing, with a moneybag and freshly made collard greens from Grandma?

ETA: With his arrest, IMO there's a whole bunch of safe young women. But still stay AWARE!!! Buddy system only.

If I had to guess, I would say that there are no charges against JLM's family members because LE is hoping to get their cooperation. Known hangouts, where was he Saturday the 13th and Sunday the 14th, etc. I have a sneaking suspicion that none of his family, roommates, or close friends will talk. JMO.
The newer computer sketch is not AS MUCH as a resemblance. But the original, pencil drawn sketch absolutely is. Here is a direct, side by side comparison. Imagine JM a few years older with a full beard...definitely a match.

View attachment 60400

If this is resemblence then all black guys look and all white guys look alike. The sketch is nothing like JM
Six years and ten months in three more days when GMH was apprehended, Hank Scorpio. MSM reported that GMH was given the plea deal to guide LE to Blood Mtn Hiker; Meredith Hope Emerson's remains. I lived in Dawson county when MHE was abducted and have been backtracking & researching GMH ever since. This is the case that brought me to websleuths, before the sleuthing addiction set in... The primary reason for the plea agreement with GMH was due to GA's antiquated dna law at the time, which would have prevented GMH's dna to be shared with other LEAs in GA and beyond until his conviction. It would have been years without the plea deal. An updated GA dna law was passed virtually unanimously two months later named the Meredith Emerson dna Law in her honor..

The Mystery on Blood Mountain, GA Part 1


Thanks for the reminders! I thought there was also other evidence for the Bryants and Cheryl found in his van and the dumpster he was filling up when apprehended.
Off-Topic, but that was the case that brought me here as well. I lived in NC off the AT and have hiked the whole section where MHE was abducted. I still check in on GMH every now and then to see if his DP trial has made any change.

Sorry for the derail...hard to believe that was 7 years ago.
If I had to guess, I would say that there are no charges against JLM's family members because LE is hoping to get their cooperation. Known hangouts, where was he Saturday the 13th and Sunday the 14th, etc. I have a sneaking suspicion that none of his family, roommates, or close friends will talk. JMO.

There were no charges filed against JM at the time he fled to TX. Those charges were filed after he sped off and then disappeared.
IMO he certainly didn't make it to his tent beachfront home all on his own. Somebody provided the alledged:rolleyes: kidnapper/murderer with a lot of money ( gas and food) and a vehicle maybe even a tent, blankeee, pillow.

Why hasn't he been charged with fleeing an arrest warrant? Did he steal his sister/Mom's car to run or have their blessing, with a moneybag and freshly made collard greens from Grandma?

ETA: With his arrest, IMO there's a whole bunch of safe young women. But still stay AWARE!!! Buddy system only.

<BBM for Focus>

I agree Irisha, awareness is the key and the buddy system decreases the chances of becoming an abduction victim.. However, over the years we have sleuthed many cases of the abduction of multiple victims> specifically pairs.. Seems the victims thought they were immune to abduction since they were adhering to the buddy system which made them more vulnerable in some cases..
Times they are a changin.. Imo, the buddy system rule should consist of a minimum of three persons to insure maximum effectiveness..

Found Deceased IA - Kathlynn Shepard, 15, Dayton, 20 May 2013 - abduction of 2 girls
Kathlynn Shepard Update: Missing Iowa teen's blood found, investigator says

Kathlynn and her 12-year-old friend were kidnapped while walking home from school in Dayton, a rural area about 60 miles north of Des Moines. The two had just stepped off their school bus when the suspect, parolee Michael Klunder(convicted child molester RSO Tier 3), lured them into his truck by offering to pay them for mowing lawns and to give them a ride home so they could ask their parents, Kietzman said.

Instead, he took them to a hog confinement building where he worked and tied the girls' hands with zip ties at an office inside the building. During the kidnapping, Klunder displayed what appeared to be a gun but was actually a "lethal weapon" used to euthanize livestock, Kietzman said.
<sniped - read more>
If I had to guess, I would say that there are no charges against JLM's family members because LE is hoping to get their cooperation. Known hangouts, where was he Saturday the 13th and Sunday the 14th, etc. I have a sneaking suspicion that none of his family, roommates, or close friends will talk. JMO.

generally agree but I did hear on CNN last night (so no link) that his roommates were cooperating fully.
If this is resemblence then all black guys look and all white guys look alike. The sketch is nothing like JM

Whether the sketch is good or not hardly matters.

The DNA sketch is a match. Ka boom!
Whether the sketch is good or not hardly matters.

The DNA sketch is a match. Ka boom!

We can debate all day about whether we think we can see a likeness or not
BUT, you can not argue with the above post
Just saw this posted on another thread... FYI
Morgan Harrington's mother Gil is guest True Crime Radio Thursday Oct. 2nd 8 PM ET

Morgan Harrington's mother Gil has graciously agreed to be my special guest on tomorrow's True Crime Radio
8 PM Eastern.

Go to www.truecrimeradio.com starting at 7:30 PM Eastern to join us in our chat room.

If you have any questions for the Harrington's please put them in this thread or email me at triciastruecrimeradio@gmail.com

Thank you,

ETA: showing link
There were no charges filed against JM at the time he fled to TX. Those charges were filed after he sped off and then disappeared.

This is my problem with what has happened, it's like they (le) are a step/day behind. All they kept saying was we want to talk to him, he goes in talks, asks for a lawyer then leaves. He is followed/pursued overtly mind you to his grandmothers home, leaves there and at some point sees the vsp overtly following him and he speeds away. Then and only then did the reckless vehicle charges come. At some point in his travels south he borrowed a phone and called a family member who's phone had been wired/tapped to learn he was not in Va. Then they add the abduction with intent to defile. I am not saying that I think he is innocent, but I am not thrilled with the way this has been handled. Not very professional to me. jmo idk
i mostly agree but with JG I think a lot of people (not me) think the case was fishy because of how she was found and the fact that paradoxical undressing is a very foreign concept for the average person.

Yes, one of the symptoms of severe hypothermia is "confusion and poor decision-making, such as trying to remove warm clothes," so the fact that she was found naked isn't surprising. There was no other indication that she was attacked, or sexually assaulted and her cause of death was attributed to hypothermia. It's annoying when people/media try to make connections when there clearly are none.
I do not recall ever reading a direct quote from WG??

I am just curious if WG got the description that wrong or if LE put out false information

I suppose it is of no importance , but I am still curious
Wow really? I see a clear resemblance in most features...IMO

I don't remember which HG thread I saw it on but the side by side comparison of the sketches gradually colored in leading to a pic of JM really made it seem very possible the sketch was of JM. Sometimes its hard to tell from a sketch but colored in showed some similar features
This is my problem with what has happened, it's like they (le) are a step/day behind. All they kept saying was we want to talk to him, he goes in talks, asks for a lawyer then leaves. He is followed/pursued overtly mind you to his grandmothers home, leaves there and at some point sees the vsp overtly following him and he speeds away. Then and only then did the reckless vehicle charges come. At some point in his travels south he borrowed a phone and called a family member who's phone had been wired/tapped to learn he was not in Va. Then they add the abduction with intent to defile. I am not saying that I think he is innocent, but I am not thrilled with the way this has been handled. Not very professional to me. jmo idk

Not thrilled due to the way it has been handled and not professional? why? That the law says they must have a warrant, and they didn't have the paperwork/evidence to do such at that time so what should they have done differently to be more professional?
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