JLM: Morgan Harrington/Fairfax Rape Victim - *Forensic Link* to MH

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What the actual f..k? Morgan Harrington mam has tirelessly worked to support other parents of missing girls in the area. She is instrumental in setting up "Help Save the next girl". She has fought to keep her daughter's tragic slaying in the spotlight! I'm staggered tbh. What a horrible, insensitive thing to say! I feel sick at someone being awful about Gil Harrington

I think it must be a mistake.

In one of the interviews with friends of JM, someone referred to him as “Lennie” from Of Mice and Men. This haunted me, even more so today. He really presents himself as someone who doesn’t know his own strength and lacks impulse control. Rather than “I was just petting him, George,” and hiding the victims of his strength, JM seems to just be “loving these women,” without any understanding of the carnage he leaves behind. Somehow he continues to function, hiding the horrible deeds in his past. I am emotionally devastated for the families of his victims. Hoping, praying that he helps to bring Hannah home. He does seem to be “sorry” when caught and confronted. SOOOOOOOOOO sad….when do we stop thinking it is normal for guys to exhibit “prowling” behavior, as one of his friends called it.

No offense meant but I'm not sure why some seem so determined to minimize his actions. I think his behavior has shown he has full knowledge of what he's done. He knows it is rape. He knows it is murder. He knows it is illegal. He knows it is not "love". He is a savage monster. Inhuman. Not stupid, not intellectually disabled, not living with an uncontrollable urge, not a Lenny who doesn't realize what he's doing, IMO.
IDK I have looked at it on maps, it looks like an outbuilding. It would have been a place for the local teens to gather I would suppose. There is not much for kids to do in the outer areas of charlotteville and maybe kids met there. IDK The homes (mansions) in that area have lots of buildings on their property. Lots of them have cattle/horses. I don't know how much JM knows about farming in the area as far as when they harvest what when but they are pretty much done making hay in the area so those fields will be left till next year. That is what I see most of in that area is hay/grass. In fact the area that MH was found doesn't look like it is farmed/planted, just a piece of land that is there between fields. jmo idk

There was a house near that farm where MH was found that burned down after her body was located. It was a UVA student house. Not sure of the same "party house" but I remember us local ppl were speculating if it was involved or not. I know the police during that investigstion one time wanted to speak to any bicyclist from the area that May had seen something ( I think they specified UVA cyclylist but little foggy on that) Not sure what connection it maybe
Derrick Todd Lee, the Baton Rouge serial killer, was DNA linked to 7 murders, but suspected in many more. This case with JLM could get very very ugly in terms of victims (however, I think I was family of a missing woman I woud want to know what happened, even if it turned out to be horrible).
This is all just so heartbreaking. My thoughts are with all of the families involved today, I know I should be feeling relief that this guy is off the streets but I feel so overwhelmed with emotion due to all the time passed since Morgan's passing, and all the missed opportunities to save any of his victims.

Though it might not seem plausible that Hannah will be found alive and well, I will continue to cling to any lingering hope that I can, until it is proven otherwise.

What heavy news. :( With that I want to thank all you sleuthers on this site, I know your support and commitment to these cases must mean so much to all of the families, and your dedication has not gone unnoticed by me.
Father of Morgan Harrington says family is 'relieved in one sense' after news the arrest of Jesse Matthew had provided a significant break in the case with a new forensic link, 'but very sad in another as it's taken another tragedy to solve Morgan's case' - @NBCNews
End of alert



That tells me they have the DNA link.

I hope like hell the Newport News/Virginia Beach area police are looking into any unsolved rapes, murders or missing cases that occurred through the early fall of '03.
Re: local opinion about Gil Harrington

I think it must be a mistake.

The initial lead investigators on the MH case was the UVA PD (not the CPD). By most accounts, they did a terrible job. Additionally, the Harringtons ended up suing the company that provided security to the JPJ Arena on the night that she disappeared.

There is a definite tendency in Cville not to take the criticism of "outsiders" very well. The kind of criticism tends to engender a circle the wagons mentality amongst certain people that live here. JMO
Are you the one who posted that earlier, before we learned of this link? I thought it was spot on then. Even more so now.=QUOTE]

No, I didn't post this earlier. I just read the FBI statement re: Fairfax rape today. I didn't follow the MH case at the time. I only started reading Websleuths and following a few cases when Lauren Spierer disappeared in 2011.
Another similarity that occurred to me last night was that neither MH nor HG's cell phones worked right before their disappearance. Remember how we could never figure out how Morgan's cell phone battery could be missing "by accident." Well, now we know who removed that battery and we probably now know why Hannah's cell phone couldn't be reached . . .

My wish is that the mourning we are doing here, for both families, could reduce theirs by even a bit ~ Bless them all.
I totally agree! Ariel Castro should have been accountable for his actions. Those young ladies were denied pursuing justice. He blamed the victims and his own alleged abuse.

IMO he should have been caged like an animal and left living the rest of his life there in fear. He just took the easy way out. Although I understand your comment meaning...
I apologise if anyone was offended by my language (even though I blanked it). I'm just stunned that someone could diss Gil Harrington. If it was one of my children, I don't think I could be half as brave and driven as she has. And I know I would want her (and chief Longo) in my corner. I stand in awe of the Harrington's.

Actually I think your reply was perfect.
No, I didn't post this earlier. I just read the FBI statement re: Fairfax rape today. I didn't follow the MH case at the time. I only started reading Websleuths and following a few cases when Lauren Spierer disappeared in 2011.

Someone posted this a few days ago before we learned of the forensic link between the gentle giant here and Morgan. Sort of explaining how the profile would show why JM's friends would never suspect him. I thought it was a great post!
Can a Family Member's DNA Solve a Fairfax Rape and Morgan Harrington's Murder?

Updated April 12, 2011 at 12:37 pm

Virginia Department of Forensic Science (DFS) now has the ability to search DNA databases for near-misses. This technique, called familial DNA searching, looks for those already in the database who have DNA similar to that obtained from the crime scene. Instead of needing an exact match to show up in the search results, this new practice lists those DNA profiles that bear a strong similarity to the crime scene profile, suggesting that the persons who provided the DNA may be related.

I wonder whether this will indeed turn out to be the case? Is there someone related to JM (perhaps JM Sr, for instance) that appears in the DNA database, that would have led in short order to JM himself had this technique not been prohibited.

It infuriates me that the so-called Justice System is seemingly so focused on protecting the rights of criminals -- excuse me, the "accused" -- that there is no room left left for the rights of victims or any notion of justice. I'm sure the reasoning is that doing "familial DNA searching" would somehow violate his right to privacy, or constitute an "unreasonable search or seizure" although I don't see how.
I am not caught up on this thread. I got home from work, got on CNN online, saw the headline and holy crap! We all suspected this was the case. I felt sure it was. But now that it's semi-confirmed I am freaking out!
I wonder whether this will indeed turn out to be the case? Is there someone related to JM (perhaps JM Sr, for instance) that appears in the DNA database, that would have led in short order to JM himself had this technique not been prohibited.

It infuriates me that the so-called Justice System is seemingly so focused on protecting the rights of criminals -- excuse me, the "accused" -- that there is no room left left for the rights of victims or any notion of justice. I'm sure the reasoning is that doing "familial DNA searching" would somehow violate his right to privacy, or constitute an "unreasonable search or seizure" although I don't see how.

I had never heard of it, till I read that.

Another part snipped

But familial DNA search success, at least in the Fairfax City rape and Harrington murder cases, isn't a given. The attacker would need to be related to someone who had been arrested for a violent crime in which police sampled his or her DNA.

In the meantime, state police search for a common denominator between the two crimes, committed years and 100 miles apart.
Just curious - does anyone know if MH's parents would be told by LE what evidence they have that connects JM to her? But basically the parents would not be able to reveal what it is until LE reveals it or it's presented at trial? I don't know much about police protocol in investigations like if LE would be able to tell MH's parents out of courtesy or something like that. I'm just wondering if MH's parents know more about the evidence than the public does.
Do you think he would have been brazen enough to hang these items (jewelry) from his rear view mirror? Makes me sick to my stomach typing that. Either way, if LE found something in plain sight in the car, that probably aided in getting a warrant for the house, right? Or if jewelry from MH or HG (or both) were found in his apartment, maybe there was a hair of MH's on the necklace, or HG's on the watch/bracelet? Or if there were HG hairs in his trunk...that would suggest abduction...

My brain is on overdrive. I guess what I don't understand is this: when would LE have been able to start running JM's preliminary, official DNA? They would need to have him in custody to do that, right? So they couldn't have used his OFFICIAL DNA to link him when he was on the run, tenting and fishing and God knows what else. Right? Or could LE have just assumed that they had his toothbrush and his clothes and whatever else they grabbed from his car/apartment and said...good enough, we can use this to link him to the other rape and to MH. Seems like they would have to have an actual swab of his DNA while in custody to start linking him directly. Right? Ugh. I'm confused.

bbm, I had the same thought a. I even went back and looked at the pics of the orange car, to see. There was a poster here who knew his car, I'd love to know if he had anything hung there
Nauseating to read someone say that about a victim's parent. I feel like I could throw up right now, all the news today hit me like a ton of bricks, and if this news is enough to effect me like this I can only imagine the burden these families feel on a daily basis -- I can't even fathom how they are able to find any relief from the constant grief they must be feeling. I second the poster who wished that our sadness could somehow alleviate some of theirs. I only wish I could do more.

Also would like to add how grateful I am that this is a victim friendly community, all victims and their families should be treated with compassion, it's hard for me to understand those that lack empathy for all they have been through.
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