JLM: What Do We Know About Him? - #2

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Here's a link to the CNN video interview with Coy Barefoot regarding what a bouncer of a local bar told Coy - that JLM "always came in looking for a victim."

Skip to the 3:37 mark.


I didn't get a chance to watch the video, but did this bouncer say whether or not he called LE on JM for "looking for victims"? I'd be curious to know how JM was able to convince the bar to let him back in if that's what they were thinking he was doing!
I'm not sure in which thread this information would belong, (I'm placing it here because it's interesting how much higher these numbers are in the city where JLM lives) but for reference sake, here's a table indicating the number of reported rapes between 2003-2012 for the top three college cities in Virginia with similar population densities; Charlottesville, Blacksburg and Harrisonburg. Two other cities are provided as well: Fairfax and Norfolk.



*Rapes per 10,000 should state "Reported Rapes per 10,000 individuals".
*Rapes per 10,000 should state "Reported Rapes per 10,000 individuals".
briefed respectfully

I found this very informative. Glad to see it. Thank you. Please keep posting any other info you think may help. Just a cursory look at crime in the area, from reading just the headlines set besides the Hannah Graham coverage, gave me the impression that this predator may have been unique in what and how he did things. This info helps. Thank you!
I have decided that JM's former coworkers who teased him about the Fairfax perp sketch missed the boat. They could have cashed in by calling the reward line since so many think they look alike.

If JM is such a dead ringer, wonder why LE never noticed it? Someone posted all his run-ins with the law, court appearances, etc. That's a problem for a man depicted in an FBI wanted poster to be milling in-and-out of close proximity to police officers without recognition.

Personally, Sketch looks really familiar to me...as I was looking at it again tonight, I'm thinking he looks like someone from TV. Wracking my brain because I'm not good with TV personality names, but it was someone who was in a comedian role. I'm not at all suggesting him as a suspect, just that he looks familiar.
If JM is such a dead ringer, wonder why LE never noticed it? Someone posted all his run-ins with the law, court appearances, etc. That's a problem for a man depicted in an FBI wanted poster to be milling in-and-out of close proximity to police officers without recognition.

wasn't it reported that he was a no show for many of his driving offense court dates? but even so, it does seem like he was a big obvious misfit that stuck out like a sore thumb -- the bouncer, the coworkers, the girls he made uncomfortable, the tickets......so sad that he got away with it for so long.
Thanks, Aeronomy! Interesting and helpful info....one quick look at the table and me thinks, "What the heck is going on at our beloved UVA?" (And in C-ville?)
Re #1 - For all we know, the bouncer very well could have reported JM and talked to LE early on. I hope so.

Perhaps, her did. Pure speculation on my part: Bouncer = WG.

I don't think so. The bouncer, of the unnamed establishment, according to what C.Barefoot told W.Blitzer tonight, was said to have banned JM from entering for a couple of months, and then when he did return it was usually at last call 1:30 a.m. to prowl looking for his "type" in a vulnerable state. The WG doesn't look like a bouncer, who are usually a tad more imposing, no offense to WG.

Interesting. Sounds like a typical guy who wants to get laid and knows that this is a sure thing. Still lots of young women with impaired judgment from which to choose but no way to easily accuse him of anything that crosses the line. Taking advantage of college students hasn't worked out too well in past. It's rather obnoxious but hardly cries our psychopathic, serial murderer. Seems like someone would have had him on LE radar long before this if he fit a profile. Weird.
Hey. Glad you're here. I was wondering if you could help with where JM lived and when, as child, during grade school, and high school? An was he familiar at all with the excavation trade in the quarries?

i think most young people in the area know about all the quarries... they are largely abandoned in the area and used by teens for parties
lj went to elementary school near the farm where MH was found
he knew that area very well
i think most young people in the area know about all the quarries... they are largely abandoned in the area and used by teens for parties
lj went to elementary school near the farm where MH was found
he knew that area very well

Good morning
Do you happen to know his favorite fishing spots?
Wondering how many of the missing/murdered persons in Virginia, fell off the radar after 1:30 a.m?
Could other unsolved cases, male and female, possibly be tied to JM by the time of their disappearance?
According to those who know, or think they know him best, what time does he usually like to go to sleep?


"But he said even then he would come by around at 1:30 at night at last call looking for the drunkest girl in the place. And they had to keep an eye on him. And he told me, quote, ‘He always came in looking for a victim.’”
I'm not sure in which thread this information would belong, (I'm placing it here because it's interesting how much higher these numbers are in the city where JLM lives) but for reference sake, here's a table indicating the number of reported rapes between 2003-2012 for the top three college cities in Virginia with similar population densities; Charlottesville, Blacksburg and Harrisonburg. Two other cities are provided as well: Fairfax and Norfolk.

*Rapes per 10,000 should state "Reported Rapes per 10,000 individuals".

The removal of LJM should improve the C-ville numbers! LOL!!
Time for JLM to talk, first question, WHERE IS HANNAH?

Football season is getting into full swing, bet JM would do almost anything to see or even hear the game, would he be allowed that, or could that be used as a bargaining chip to entice him talk?
Time for JLM to talk, first question, WHERE IS HANNAH?

Football season is getting into full swing, bet JM would do almost anything to see or even hear the game, would he be allowed that, or could that be used as a bargaining chip to entice him talk?

Maybe a famous football star without his own violence convictions could come and chat with the perp.
It is stated that he would look for vulnerable girls. That is why he got kicked out of the bar for a couple of months.

So,he must have scored sometimes.

Did he date rape them with drugs and they don't recall?

Where did he take them?

He couldn't have killed any there because there are no girls missing from the bar scene there except Hannah.

If he did score with others, why did Hannah suffer the fate she did?

Before I would have thought he lost it if he was rebuffed, but the Fairfax rape indicates his goal is rape.he is a killer.

Are there any girls that can come forward?
It is stated that he would look for vulnerable girls. That is why he got kicked out of the bar for a couple of months.

So,he must have scored sometimes.

Did he date rape them with drugs and they don't recall?

Where did he take them?

He couldn't have killed any there because there are no girls missing from the bar scene there except Hannah.

If he did score with others, why did Hannah suffer the fate she did?

Before I would have thought he lost it if he was rebuffed, but the Fairfax rape indicates his goal is rape.he is a killer.

Are there any girls that can come forward?

Maybe he wanted something different. I feel gross typing that. Compared to what happened to MH/Fairfax victim and probably Hannah his regular routine probably bored him after awhile.

I also think his inappropriate behavior with women isn't so much a lack of social skills but his testing the water to see how much he could get away with and to find out which women don't have clear boundaries. Pedophiles are known to do this, test to find the best victim. I also think he simply got off on acting inappropriately and putting his hands all over women without their consent. Consent obviously isn't a big concern of his.
Wondering how many of the missing/murdered persons in Virginia, fell off the radar after 1:30 a.m?
Could other unsolved cases, male and female, possibly be tied to JM by the time of their disappearance?
According to those who know, or think they know him best, what time does he usually like to go to sleep?


"But he said even then he would come by around at 1:30 at night at last call looking for the drunkest girl in the place. And they had to keep an eye on him. And he told me, quote, ‘He always came in looking for a victim.’”

Does anyone else find it odd that the bouncer used the word "victim"? It makes me wonder if he's sensationalizing it a bit. I'm not defending JM at all here, but if the bouncer truly thought JM was coming to the bar to seek out the youngest, drunkest blonde girl he could find, looking for a VICTIM, why wouldn't the bouncer have called the police back when he banned him? Just speculating that he didn't, he may actually have. But if he didn't that strikes me as odd. If he believed a man was coming in to his establishment to find victims, he should have called the police. JMO.
Does anyone else find it odd that the bouncer used the word "victim"? It makes me wonder if he's sensationalizing it a bit. I'm not defending JM at all here, but if the bouncer truly thought JM was coming to the bar to seek out the youngest, drunkest blonde girl he could find, looking for a VICTIM, why wouldn't the bouncer have called the police back when he banned him? Just speculating that he didn't, he may actually have. But if he didn't that strikes me as odd. If he believed a man was coming in to his establishment to find victims, he should have called the police. JMO.
I agree. That's twice that odd words were used to describe his behavior at the bars. Once his friend said that he was a prowler and he would look for girls who were vulnerable. (A different word was used I just can't remember right off hand what it was), and now the bouncer says he was looking for a victim. It almost sounds like people have already known what he was up to, yet others would say he was a gentle giant. I find it disturbing that there are so many different words used to describe him by so many different people. It makes me know that he acted differently around different groups of people. He was a fake and I don't think anyone ever really knew him even if they think they did. However I feel like the people from the bar scene knew him better than anyone else. IMO (Or should I say they knew the real JM, the not so gentle giant, the perv looking for an intoxicated victim)
Good morning
Do you happen to know his favorite fishing spots?

i don't know his favorite fishing spots at all... sorry.
there are loads of places around to fish, though - many on private property
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