Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #21 *may contain graphic and adult content* Cont'd.

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What still bleeds through for me to see is she has stalked almost every man she's been with and she had this premeditated plan to pay back Travis for everybody that let her down which was just about everybody.

Her parents didn't support her art enough does not elicit my sympathy. Perhaps her parents feel as I do, in that, Jodi is only talented as a con artist.

I know it. But the art thing, I think, is them setting the stage for why she was so insecure that she stayed with an abusive monster. That will also be an epic fail, I hope.

Boy do I second that. Did we all hear Dr.D say Travis might be a sex addict ?
Yeah, 30 year old man who has had sex with one women for a few months and no *advertiser censored* on his computer. FGS !!!!!!!!

Yeah, his crazy pronouncements annoy me.

However, I do think he might have been a bit obsessed with sex with jodi because he was a virgin until he met her at age 30 and because she knew how to use it to keep him ensnared.

I hope Juan asks her how she happened to have either the knife or gun nearby the shower area as she claimed she was being attacked. Then, how she managed to switch weapons during the fight. The other weapon just happened to be within reach.

At some point it appears she could have run away since she seemed to be getting the upper hand in the battle. But switching weapons and finishing him off is a tough pill to swallow for the jury.

Especially when the law in that state says that you can only use the same level of self defense as is deemed necessary to neutralize or stop the attack. Which means once the attack is neutralized, the law does not allow one to finish someone off. Its the same problem the owner of the pharmacy had when he finished the robbers off with multiple shots.

This is what is very important to understand. How did jodi have the knife and the gun IN the bathroom with her as Travis showered and she photographed him?

She can't simply explain why she brought a gun or had access to one. She must explain why she had them at hand in the bathroom. Because Travis was murdered by both weapons IN THE BATHROOM. There is no blood anywhere but the bathroom and a tiny portion of the hall, where he was crawling around. So, he did not chase her around the house.

And if he threatened her but she managed to get away to get a weapon, then self defense is gone, because instead of continuing to run, she returned to the bathroom and used those weapons.

I hope Jodi's mom is called to the witness stand. I would really like to know what Jodi did to deserve The Spoon! Was she habitually behaving like the little girl in "The Bad Seed?" (We can see that she had a Hitchcock "Psycho" moment, given what she did to Travis in his shower.)

It bothered me that she gave few details about what she did that made her mom and dad hit her. The one and only explanation I recall -- about her dad slapping her for sneaking out of the house -- sounded like a rather typical reaction many parents would have. (Not mine, but a few of my friends' parents might have flown off the handle this way.)

If JM calls her mom to the witness stand, this trial may bring about a public discussion about forms of "child abuse." But, really... a WOODEN SPOON? That's hardly the worst form of corporal punishment I've heard of.

BTW: How big were all of mom's purses that she could always fit a HUGE, DANGEROUS wooden spoon inside them? Maybe Nurmi needs to produce a replica of this weapon?

Her abuse claims are ridiculous but I don;t think the mother will be helpful. She doesn;t want her daughter to be deemed a murderer.

She isn't afraid. In fact, she's probably looking forward to it. jmo

I agree. She's a narcissist and a sociopath, IMO. She is not afraid of a thing.
And I really hope that t-shirt still exists and comes into evidence. Especially if that is true about the reverse of the shirt, which I have read numerous times.

IIRC TA had the tee shirts made up for his PPL guys so I am sure the PA can find one. I do find it odd that his blog address was not printed on the front along with " Travis Alexander's" Kind of reminds me of the retro shirts that had "Property Of: " on them. A poster (sorry, cannot remember who) pointed out the "Property Of:" shirts in an earlier post.
This lady doesn't get it. Travis wanted to marry was it Lisa. But she wasn't ready for that yet, too young. Only 18

He was seeing Jodi but she wasn't the marrying kind. HE broke up with her and she stalked him.

How do we know he opened the door for her at 4:30 in the morning. Didn't she use the doggy door?

Oh...thanks, didn't see this before posting. Thought I had missed something. I couldn't figure out why the folks on Dr. Drew were saying the only mistake Travis made was opening the door for JA.
That whole bit about how she wasn't really angry after finding out Bobby was cheating on her...she was hurt that he deceived her. She continued the story...then backtracked...oh, and btw I went to the house and took all my stuff. Her testimony was so disjointed...the next thing I knew Bobby was physically abusing her...then she was back with him. Yes, I do understand how many abused women go back for more...but she seemed so unaffected by it all. Just way too much detail. Remembering a past act of abuse and smirking?

PS- oh, I lost my train of thought. I had a question in all this...was there email from another woman to Travis found on his computer?
I will tell you what I told Beth K today. I sat through 2 DP trials and mitigating sentences and what I heard was FAR WORSE than what Jodi has described here in terms of "abuse". Also two known copious liars. And they were both sentenced to death by AZ juries.

"Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Pinellas County, Florida anymore."

[With apologies to Baum, Langley, Brecher, Bryerson, and Woolf.]
First there was Victor, who ended up committing suicide, Bobbi who took off and is probably still licking his wounds, then there was Matt who puts comments on Facebook about how she hurt him when she left and now Travis dead at her hand because HE wanted her to stop hanging around, showing up unannounced, invading his private space and not respecting his boundries.

The more she talks the better insight we get at just how far she would go to stalk someone and wear them down. Seems to me the ex's who are sticking up for her should be down on their knees thanking the good lord it was not them. jmo

Actually Bobby was first, then Victor (who just smothered her) lol, then back to Bobby who TRIED to commit suicide, but just got sent to the psych ward. Not one of these possibly fictional characters actually really got away from Jodi. Then Matt............... and so on. lol
Excuse me for saying this but she really didn't need any weapons. All she had to do is tie Travis up and talk him to death. This isn't girl's night out. The jury doesn't need to know how the houses are furnished, what she was deciding to take when she left the house for good. She's on trial for murder. Short, simple answers to the questions will work just as well, would probably work better. jmo

The psychopath is a manipulator, who knows exactly what makes us tick and knows how to manipulate and influence our feelings.

They have the talent to spot "kind, caring" women.

 Mimicry is often used to convince others that the psychopath is a normal human being. He does this to create a false empathy with his victim. The psychopath will try to make you believe he has normal emotions by spinning some sad tale or professing profound, moving experiences; the truth is, most psychopaths go through life as in an incubator, touched by few and having no real compassion for others; but they will lie to convince you that they have normal emotions. 

The pity factor is one reason why victims often fall for these "poor" people.

Lying is like breathing to the psychopath. When caught in a lie and challenged, they make up new lies, and don't care if they're found out. As Hare states,

"Lying, deceiving, and manipulation are natural talents for psychopaths...When caught in a lie or challenged with the truth, they are seldom perplexed or embarrassed -- they simply change their stories or attempt to rework the facts so that they appear to be consistent with the lie. The results are a series of contradictory statements and a thoroughly confused listener." [Hare]. 

Often, their behavior serves to confuse and repress their victims, or to influence anyone who might listen to the psychopath's side of the story.

 Manipulation is the key to their conquests, and lying is one way they achieve this.
Hare's Psychopathic Checklist:

Factor 1: Personality "Aggressive narcissism"
Glibness/superficial charm
Grandiose sense of self-worth
Pathological lying
Lack of remorse or guilt
Shallow affect (genuine emotion is short-lived and egocentric)
Callousness; lack of empathy
Failure to accept responsibility for own actions

Factor 2: Case history "Socially deviant lifestyle".
Need for stimulation/proneness to boredom
Parasitic lifestyle
Poor behavioral control
Lack of realistic long-term goals
Juvenile delinquency
Early behavior problems
Revocation of conditional release

Traits not correlated with either factor
Promiscuous sexual behavior
Many short-term (marital) relationships
Criminal versatility
Acquired behavioural sociopathy/sociological conditioning

(Item 21: a newly identified trait i.e., a person relying on sociological strategies and tricks to deceive) ANOTHER BINGO FOR JODI!

Each of the first twenty items is given a score of 0, 1, or 2 based on how well it applies to the subject being tested. A prototypical psychopath would receive a maximum score of 40, while someone with absolutely no psychopathic traits or tendencies would receive a score of zero. A score of 30 or above qualifies a person for a diagnosis of psychopathy. People with no criminal backgrounds normally score around 5. Many non-psychopathic criminal offenders score around 22.

Read more:

Shades of The Stranger Beside Me. This trial keeps bringing him to my mind.....and this list nails it all on the head.

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My brother is ranting on the phone right now saying "she's a beautiful girl but she looks like she's in cheerleader tryouts of something!". OMG I'm choking I'm llaughing so hard. I'm glad I didn't go in to some kind of nervous laughter.
Originally Posted by Sulamith
I liked Daniel and IMHO Desiree is a sweet spirit. If I actually met them my impression of them might change..but I think they are OK

Desiree gave me the creeps!!!!

Fair enough...I was trying to be nice about her LOL! When I was a Mormon (young and single) "Sweet Spirits" were the name nice Mormon boys and girls gave to simple, plain, girls. There is even a movie called Sons of Provo There is actually a song about "Sweet Spirits"...To the Mods here..I am not Mormon bashing by posting this video. You might think it funny if you were/are a Mormon. We like to make fun of ourselves. In my case, "liked"..past tense.
Who is this woman on JVM that just said JA OWNED the courtroom today?!!!! Sheesh!!! :banghead:

Also, JA stated that the reason that she would never be convicted by a jury was because she was INNOCENT, NOT that she was going to commit suicide. When she stated this she sure had a big smile on her face. Didn't look like someone that was contemplating suicide to me! Wonder how she is going to explain that one on cross?!!!! :what:


after my ex husband assaulted me and was convicted on 3 counts, I WAS A MESSSSSSS!!!! and I didn't kill him!!!!!

I know we cant even get into that messs of a mush JoDI CALLS HER HEAD!!!!!! but
holy *advertiser censored*!!!! seriously? I can't even imagine how Travis' family stay on the other side of that room and NOT STRANGLE HER!!!!!!
I am surprised do many people talk about being hit by their parents . I am a grandmother, and I do not recall any spankings growing up.

I have successful adult children, and the only one I spanked was my daughter when she was three and she went into the street.

I have grandchildren, and not one has been spanked. They are nice sweet children.

My DIL and I discussed the spanking with the danger situation and what to do.

I love her solution. The child is two and they practice STOP!

They make noises, or jump, or whatever and she gets to say STOP! Or the parents say STOP! This has taught her to freeze an action in a nice way.
You guys should watch this:
about a fairly normal woman (job, kids, friends) who went ape**** and stabbed her husband.

It is so Jodi, imo.

What I wanted to add is that the woman is interviewed extensively and it is really bizarre how she cannot really quite admit that it was unjustified (she stabbed him in the back). It's like can almost see that the danger was in her mind, but she has not accepted that. It's really weird.
Jodi talking on NG about Bobby:

"There was a physical incident that happened"

Hmmmmmm. Wonder if she was the aggressor in that physical incident.

Also, no wonder she wanted to stay with Gram.

"I could tell her ANYTHING, and it wouldnt phase her"
Translation = "I could lie to her about anything and get away with it" LOL :)
The use of death penalty in US jurisprudence is something of an anomaly in the western world at this time. As I understand it there are virtually no OECD countries which condone the death penalty.
One prevailing idea is that Life is fundamentally precious and the “state” does not have the “right” to extinguish a life regardless of crime. The theories of punishment include 1) deterrence 2) correction and rehabilitation 3) retribution and 4) incapacitation. The death penalty “problem” rests mostly on the problems implied with a policy of retribution and less on the relative utility of deterrence. There is really no good evidence that killing prisoners prevents other potential killers from killing. The moral problems with retribution include the notion that justifications are entirely backward looking. An “eye for an eye” is no longer accepted in civilized society.
The ordinary American citizen probably subscribes to the theory of “desert”. A killer deserves to lose his life! But this thinking invokes cultural and moral relativism. Is it proper to chop off the arm of a thief if most citizens think he deserves it?
The sensitivity to the death sentence is a relatively new phenomenon. Obviously surveying the history of civilization from 3000BC to the 20th century shows most cultures- everywhere - concocted the most gruesome ways of dispatching wayward unwanted people. Man has been at war with man for thousands of years. The cruelty of man treating other men has been boundless.
The attitude about state sanctioned death depends on your notion of morality and the nature of man.
In the great scheme of things – “in the end, we all are going to die” – and in cosmic time mankind will eventually become extinct when the sun burns out.
So “in the end” – who cares???
My brother is ranting on the phone right now saying "she's a beautiful girl but she looks like she's in cheerleader tryouts of something!". OMG I'm choking I'm llaughing so hard. I'm glad I didn't go in to some kind of nervous laughter.

I just saw you on DR. DRew. (I DVr'd it).

You spoke very well. I loved what I heard. What I didn't like was that stupid co-host who made the
abuse" statement and then didn't let you clarify that of course, you' don't believe jodi was ever knocked unconscious or anything, but instead, that she appears to be exaggerating what actually happened.
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