Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #21 *may contain graphic and adult content* Cont'd.

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The response to JA’s gaffe -where she confidently claimed no jury would convict her - was = the reason was “sadly” because “ I was contemplating suicide”. And because I would have been dead, a jury would therefore not convict me.
Now, of course, JA made a very different claim in Sept of 2008. Her claim then was:
“No jury would convict me! BECAUSE I AM INNOCENT. “
Typically innocent people are not dead when confronting juries.

Of course, JA was NOT contemplating suicide in Sept 2008. This is another concocted story - actually better than the ninja warriors - that renders a vigorous rebuttal tricky. She will feign having been distraught, mortified, conflicted, and SUICIDAL. And pressing her hard on that matter will cause her to fall into a morose fit of crying in front of the jury.
Martinez should not delve into the falsehood of her 2008 depression because JA will lie her way through that line of questioning. He should not even ask if she had attempted suicide or what her suicidal ideations were. Martinez should merely show that JA systematically lies and has lied and that the claim of feeling suicidal should be viewed as merely another lie.


I know what she said, but the point I'm trying to make is she would make a much more sympathetic witness for herself if she included a little more truth and a little more humility in her new version.
I just watched my dvr'd version of Dr. Drew's show with our own Katiecoolady. I am sooo freaking annoyed at whoever this "co-host" is who interrupted our KCL when she was speaking about why she doesn't believe Jodi will get off! She was not only rude, but she made her little cutsey "duck face" and made some nonsensical comments that had NOTHING to do with what KCL was saying!

In a word, Dr. Drew, "BOOOOO!" Next time, you don't need to have the other guests (except maybe Travis's friend, I like him) other than our Katiecoolady. She needs time so you can see her shine. :rose:
First there was Victor, who ended up committing suicide, Bobbi who took off and is probably still licking his wounds, then there was Matt who puts comments on Facebook about how she hurt him when she left and now Travis dead at her hand because HE wanted her to stop hanging around, showing up unannounced, invading his private space and not respecting his boundries.

The more she talks the better insight we get at just how far she would go to stalk someone and wear them down. Seems to me the ex's who are sticking up for her should be down on their knees thanking the good lord it was not them. jmo

Might be exactly why they are sticking up for her too!

Nights all! See you in the am!
I think I know what the tat questions were about now lol. They are frowned upon. It is very, very unusual ime for a Mormon to have half sleeves
I REALLY worry about how much of Jodi's story was.........hmmmm, how to say this? Helped along by Nurmi. Did he coach her? It seemed so by her rehearsed statements. Did he suggest scenarios through questioning that would guide her to a more believable story? I can't tell you how much this bothers me, because I think he did, and that is despicable.
Watching JA today reminded me of that 48 Hours ~ The Stranger Beside Me (Bryan Stuart) episode that nurse posted over the weekend. When he gave his tv interview here's what he said:

REPORTER: You sure tell a lot of stories.
BRYAN: I have a lot of stories to tell.
REPORTED: You sure tell a lot of lies.
BRYAN: Lies mixed with the truth.

That fits Jodi to a T!!!!!!!
Hi Anita,
If the caption follows the pix left to right, it looks to me like she is cuddling up to Mario............................and Victor?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and Bobby ????
Do we know who is who here? Since Bobby AND Victor are both in the pix, I have to assume this was when Victor was visiting Yreka??? And she introduced her NEXT lover Bobby, to then lover Victor??
Am I getting this right? I think the jury may need a play book.

Yeah, based on the label, I was thinking Bobby the Vampire Hunter was the smallish guy with sunglasses on in the middle. I'll bet these are three guys she knows (named Mario, Bobby and Victor), but she has created storylines around their names that are completely fictious. Just like Casey Anthony and her prince charming, wealthy single dad who she was going to marry (who happened to be someone she went to highschool with who didn't really have a child and still lived at home with his parents.)

I think Juan may come in with a picture board for his cross.
I wouldn't give her the death penalty. IMO
Well, it's pretty much a sure thing that either JM or the jury is going to ask where the gun and the knife are! Can't wait to hear what she says about THAT.

But I'm sure it'll be a whopper, the MOAL. (Mother of all lies.) <eyeroll>:what:

Let's put on our thinking caps, and imagine what she might say, eh?

"I just can't remember what I did with the gun. I know I had it with me, but I was just so scared I can't remember what I did with it. I was seriously afraid for my life, and I was just glad I got out of the house alive."

"I had the knife in my hand, and then I looked down and it was just gone. I must have blacked out for a minute. I don't honestly know where the knife is at this moment in time. I can't even remember what it looked like."

"Obviously, I had a knife and a gun. But right now <sniff, blot nose with kleenex>, I absolutely don't know where they are, or what I did with them. <sob> This whole experience has been so hard on me. My mind has been frazzled for over 4 years trying to make sense of it all. If only Travis had not called me to come by that night.....he might still be alive."

"I remember getting in the (white, nondescript rental) car, and then everything is a blur. I don't remember anything except driving, and driving, and driving-- and the next thing I know, I'm at my friend's house, and......the floor mats are missing....and, you know, there will be extra charges on the rental contract for that...."

It'll be a nice touch if she comes in pigtails or braids tomorrow, eh? Maybe a plaid skirt, white blouse, knee socks, and saddle shoes? :what:
Nurmi forced her to dress like that? :giggle:
This lady doesn't get it. Travis wanted to marry was it Lisa. But she wasn't ready for that yet, too young. Only 18

He was seeing Jodi but she wasn't the marrying kind. HE broke up with her and she stalked him.

How do we know he opened the door for her at 4:30 in the morning. Didn't she use the doggy door?



That's what I've been scre-e-e-eaming ever since it was said. Thanks, Fran!

Further, one of his boarders said that the doors were never locked. Hmmmm. Let me think.... something...something...Ahh, I know!! Maybe Jodi knew this, too! Ya think???

And another thang:

Each time there was a breakup between Jodi and a guy, she was always the one who did it -- so far -- we'll see. Um, but not this one time... Maybe it pizzed her off a tad... Hmmmm. Perhaps.

Jodi's first boyfriend is named Bobbie, second is Victor, this was in the 90's.

We see a picture of Jodi from Myspace with a Bobbie and Victor in Utah sometime in 2007-08.

We see a you tube video of Travis doing "the Chicken dance," in it it looks like Victor in second row(burgundy shirt.)

So Jodi in the 90's knew 2 guys named Bobbie and Victor,

Travis and Jodi has friends 2007-08 named Bobbie and Victor.

(the picture was posted earlier today, I don't know how to link it)

ON JVM or NG, an old friend of JA's said JA dated a guy, she couldn't remember his name, JA's friends didn't think much of him.

What are the chances of this happening? Small world, amazing.

I don't believe her!!! Might have been 2 boyfriends in the 90's but I don't believe Bobbie and Victor were their names. IMO
It seems odd to me that she moved to or visited each ex's city after the broke up. Its almost as if unless there is a challenge there or they are interested in another girl she doesn't want them. As soon as there is another person in the picture the stalking begins.

With Darryl she didn't have any use for him, she had him as long as she wanted him and there was no challenge or competition. She always had one in the wings waiting to take some ones place just in case.

Its a pattern and its scary.
I REALLY worry about how much of Jodi's story was.........hmmmm, how to say this? Helped along by Nurmi. Did he coach her? It seemed so by her rehearsed statements. Did he suggest scenarios through questioning that would guide her to a more believable story? I can't tell you how much this bothers me, because I think he did, and that is despicable.

I'm sure she coached him too.
I just watched my dvr'd version of Dr. Drew's show with our own Katiecoolady. I am sooo freaking annoyed at whoever this "co-host" is who interrupted our KCL when she was speaking about why she doesn't believe Jodi will get off! She was not only rude, but she made her little cutsey "duck face" and made some nonsensical comments that had NOTHING to do with what KCL was saying!

In a word, Dr. Drew, "BOOOOO!" Next time, you don't need to have the other guests (except maybe Travis's friend, I like him) other than our Katiecoolady. She needs time so you can see her shine. :rose:

This was my impression as well. I would have liked to see our Katie shown a lot more respect - sorry to be talking like you're not here, Katie. I just don't think they did you justice.
I wouldn't give her the death penalty. IMO
Oh I would in a heartbeat. Not because of her crime, per se, and definitely not because she has indicated she herself feels that would be appropriate.

I'd be casting my vote for Steven, Gary, Greg, Allie, Hillary, Tanisha and Sam. What they want would weigh very heavily on my mind and heart as a juror.
You are on to something important here Katie... more important than you may have realized- the irony of Jodi Arias telling her physically abusive boyfriend, how her physically abusive family would not like to find out how he had physically abused her! Oh my God, what a joke.

OMG! It just occurred to me that one of the ninjas must have been Bobby! He then wrote her the letter, while she was in jail, to remind her of his previous threat to "hurt her family" since he "knew them well".:floorlaugh:
Yeah, based on the label, I was thinking Bobby the Vampire Hunter was the smallish guy with sunglasses on in the middle. I'll bet these are three guys she knows (named Mario, Bobby and Victor), but she has created storylines around their names that are completely fictious. Just like Casey Anthony and her prince charming, wealthy single dad who she was going to marry (who happened to be someone she went to highschool with who didn't really have a child and still lived at home with his parents.)

I think Juan may come in with a picture board for his cross.

mario is one of TA's friends - thats one reason none of it makes sense
Yeah, based on the label, I was thinking Bobby the Vampire Hunter was the smallish guy with sunglasses on in the middle. I'll bet these are three guys she knows (named Mario, Bobby and Victor), but she has created storylines around their names that are completely fictious. Just like Casey Anthony and her prince charming, wealthy single dad who she was going to marry (who happened to be someone she went to highschool with who didn't really have a child and still lived at home with his parents.)

I think Juan may come in with a picture board for his cross.

He sure didn't seem like her description of someone with long curly hair. I think most of this entire story is fantasy.
I REALLY worry about how much of Jodi's story was.........hmmmm, how to say this? Helped along by Nurmi. Did he coach her? It seemed so by her rehearsed statements. Did he suggest scenarios through questioning that would guide her to a more believable story? I can't tell you how much this bothers me, because I think he did, and that is despicable.

I really don't think so. I think if either of her lawyers were to come up with scenarios for her, they would have come up with something better. I actually think most of Jodi's testimony is truthful, with a few embellishments here and there and a whole lot of attitude. None of it really means anything in terms of self defense, but it does help humanize her a bit.

I think she has described herself as a very screwed up person who has no idea what love looks or feels like and has never had a real stable sense of her own identity.

ETA: I think her testimony is truthful in the sense that it is truly how she perceives these things that happened in her life.
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