Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #21 *may contain graphic and adult content* Cont'd.

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One statement she made was about getting Bobbi, I think, interested in religion because he didn't go to church. Earlier she said she did not belong to a church and was not a member of any particular denomination????? jmo
Exactly! She describes childhood events, that are supposedly tragic, in general terms without much detail; yet, is so very detailed with other events that aren't so important.

She is good at fluffing up stories, when she thinks they will benefit her; but horrible with details really count.

This tells me that she is describing events as they should have happened, or how she thinks they would unfold. It is like she is describing a movie.

We do this when writing fiction, not when writing autobiographies. We learn this in Composition 101, as she would have learned if she spent her time actually educating herself instead of trying to find a life-preserver.

She does have an imagination. What a waste of talent.
Jodi is a parasite. Parasites must always have a host.
Well, :eek:fftobed: I hope I wake up in time to see JA and get my laundry done before it comes on, without getting too tired.
When Jodi said "That's when my mom began carrying a wooden spoon in her purse" -- that one moment seemed genuine to me, and Jodi was not acting or pretending to be emotional. I think she was really experiencing some psychic pain over that.

Not that it has any relevance to the murder, but that is the kind of thing that could have some impact on a jury when deciding whether to give her the death penalty. If Jodi just stuck to the truth and had more moments like this, she might be able to do pretty well for herself in terms of getting this jury to spare her life.
One statement she made was about getting Bobbi, I think, interested in religion because he didn't go to church. Earlier she said she did not belong to a church and was not a member of any particular denomination????? jmo
Zion Lovingier, Travis' friend, said Jodi Arias studied Wicca before entering the Morman Church.
Can the pros question her about her 3 different stories?
Play the tape of her saying it was ninjas or whatever. Compare the story she gave for that and her testimony today?
Play the tape of her saying she's never shot a gun.
Can the pros play the tape of her saying she had an ideal childhood?

Which time was she lying, then or now?

Why should we believe THIS story when she's repeatedly lied?

Just wonderin'

I know. But it didn't hurt FCA any. Her defense team used her pathological lying as 'evidence' of her childhood abuse. :furious::furious::furious:

I hope they don't pull off the same thing here. For example, bring in an 'expert' to testify that abused children often lie and say they had 'ideal' childhoods.
I just posted this on Dr. Drew's page after watching his show. ;)

Hi Dr. Drew! Thanks for having me on your show tonite. Just to clarify my comment about Jodi's abuse story. First of all, I don't believe it to be true so I don't place much value on it. Secondly, my point was not that what her parents may have done as she describes would be OK in any situation, but connecting the dots from THAT to stabbing someone 29 times, slashing their throat and shooting them in the face is a far reach. I do not think she will be spared life with this testimony. And to Dr. Walsh, with respect, I am not just your Joe General viewing public. My sister was brutally murdered, I've sat through and participated in two death penalty trials and countless years of appeals. I also suffered physical abuse in my childhood very similar to what jodi describes. So I do have some credibility in my lay opinion. Be seein you guys later. :) PS. Bill is great.
What still bleeds through for me to see is she has stalked almost every man she's been with and she had this premeditated plan to pay back Travis for everybody that let her down which was just about everybody.

Her parents didn't support her art enough does not elicit my sympathy. Perhaps her parents feel as I do, in that, Jodi is only talented as a con artist.

I sincerely worry that there is a dead ex-boyfriend out there somewhere. Anybody that ever knew this girl from their past needs to be checked up on to see if they are stll alive. Not kidding at all. She just takes this all in way too easily like she has done this before. Which maybe why she thought no jury would ever convict her. Maybe she killed a long time ago and has gotten away with it for a long time now.

I wouldnt even be surprised if dear old Mom who happened to have some ammunition of hers may be involved with helping her covering up or participating in a murder in the past. Possible shared boyfriend or just help covering up.
This slays me ..."I said no jury would convict me is because I had plans to commit suicide"

Then "probably the most bitter words I'll ever eat." <--- an attempt at humility, but a recognition that she knows she'll be convicted. Still, it's all about her.

Why oh why can she not just get up there and say -- at that time I was foolishly maintaining that I did not kill Travis because I was scared and hadn't yet come to terms with what I had done. I said "no jury would convict me" because I wanted to seem confident about my innocence. I regret saying that, and I regret that I did not tell the truth about what happened to police and in those interviews.
She might actually garner some sympathy if she did. I believe she's just too narcissistic to admit to any failure or shortcomings. 'Everyone else is to blame' is much the creed of a (malignant) narcissist in my opinion.
She is not dissociated at all. She's all there, and she's digging it. She loves to tell these tales and she thinks she is utterly fascinating. She's the smartest person in the room and she's putting it over on all of us. Even if she's not, she can just invent another, bigger, more fabulous story that'll really fool us. This is her big moment--maybe even as much fun as 48 Hours.

You've got it, mollyf and BTW,

:seeya:Welcome to WebSleuths!!
:seeya::great:We're glad you have joined us!:great:
She wouldn't leave a gun with burned clothes, etc. She'd have pitched it somewhere, like the hoover dam, where it will never be found. She'll admit it, imo.

Well, it's pretty much a sure thing that either JM or the jury is going to ask where the gun and the knife are! Can't wait to hear what she says about THAT.

But I'm sure it'll be a whopper, the MOAL. (Mother of all lies.) <eyeroll>:what:

Let's put on our thinking caps, and imagine what she might say, eh?

"I just can't remember what I did with the gun. I know I had it with me, but I was just so scared I can't remember what I did with it. I was seriously afraid for my life, and I was just glad I got out of the house alive."

"I had the knife in my hand, and then I looked down and it was just gone. I must have blacked out for a minute. I don't honestly know where the knife is at this moment in time. I can't even remember what it looked like."

"Obviously, I had a knife and a gun. But right now <sniff, blot nose with kleenex>, I absolutely don't know where they are, or what I did with them. <sob> This whole experience has been so hard on me. My mind has been frazzled for over 4 years trying to make sense of it all. If only Travis had not called me to come by that night.....he might still be alive."

"I remember getting in the (white, nondescript rental) car, and then everything is a blur. I don't remember anything except driving, and driving, and driving-- and the next thing I know, I'm at my friend's house, and......the floor mats are missing....and, you know, there will be extra charges on the rental contract for that...."

It'll be a nice touch if she comes in pigtails or braids tomorrow, eh? Maybe a plaid skirt, white blouse, knee socks, and saddle shoes? :what:
I liked Daniel and IMHO Desiree is a sweet spirit. If I actually met them my impression of them might change..but I think they are OK.

Desiree gave me the creeps!!!!
I understand now. She probably didn't expect her grandparents to notice that the gun was missing and report it. Oops.

She apparently staged a break in. The entrance door was damaged, IIRC.
I thought one of the most interesting things she said (other than the suicide remark) was how she claimed Bobby threatened to kill her family.This seems to be a theme she enjoys working with.

You are on to something important here Katie... more important than you may have realized- the irony of Jodi Arias telling her physically abusive boyfriend, how her physically abusive family would not like to find out how he had physically abused her! Oh my God, what a joke.

I see Juan going through the quagmire of her testimony and proving that some of her testimony were outright lies. Maybe not even seemingly important testimony. The jury will have no other alternative, when Juan catches her in these little lies, but to realize she is fabricating most of her testimony. I hope that makes sense.`
Well, it's pretty much a sure thing that either JM or the jury is going to ask where the gun and the knife are! Can't wait to hear what she says about THAT.

But I'm sure it'll be a whopper, the MOAL. (Mother of all lies.) <eyeroll>:what:

Let's put on our thinking caps, and imagine what she might say, eh?

"I just can't remember what I did with the gun. I know I had it with me, but I was just so scared I can't remember what I did with it. I was seriously afraid for my life, and I was just glad I got out of the house alive."

"I had the knife in my hand, and then I looked down and it was just gone. I must have blacked out for a minute. I don't honestly know where the knife is at this moment in time. I can't even remember what it looked like."

"Obviously, I had a knife and a gun. But right now <sniff, blot nose with kleenex>, I absolutely don't know where they are, or what I did with them. <sob> This whole experience has been so hard on me. My mind has been frazzled for over 4 years trying to make sense of it all. If only Travis had not called me to come by that night.....he might still be alive."

"I remember getting in the (white, nondescript rental) car, and then everything is a blur. I don't remember anything except driving, and driving, and driving-- and the next thing I know, I'm at my friend's house, and......the floor mats are missing....and, you know, there will be extra charges on the rental contract for that...."

It'll be a nice touch if she comes in pigtails or braids tomorrow, eh? Maybe a plaid skirt, white blouse, knee socks, and saddle shoes? :what:
Dr. Drew will believe this. He thinks Jodi chose Travis because abusive Travis was a good fit with all her past abusive experiences. lol
You are on to something important here Katie... more important than you may have realized- the irony of Jodi Arias telling her physically abusive boyfriend, how her physically abusive family would not like to find out how he had physically abused her! Oh my God, what a joke.

I see Juan going through the quagmire of her testimony and proving that some of her testimony were outright lies. Maybe not even seemingly important testimony. The jury will have no other alternative, when Juan catches her in these little lies, but to realize she is fabricating most of her testimony. I hope that makes sense.`

Absolutely. And if "the hare" Nurmi can wade through her life story in the next day and a half I will get to see Juan in action on Wed. afternoon. :please:
She apparently staged a break in. The entrance door was damaged, IIRC.

Could be coincidence or could be on purpose. Either way, though, Jodi didn't report it afaik. She wanted it either to go unnoticed or to look like a break in reported by someone else if it was reported. The OP was about HER reporting it. I don't think she did.
This says it all:

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