Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #21 *may contain graphic and adult content* Cont'd.

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She is going to have to explain where the gun and the knife came from. I don't see how she can get around this or come up with a good lie. Even if she said she brought it to protect herself on her drive or whatever -- there's no explanation why she surreptitiously stole it from her grandparents and gave a false police report about it a week before she murdered Travis.

I hope Juan asks her how she happened to have either the knife or gun nearby the shower area as she claimed she was being attacked. Then, how she managed to switch weapons during the fight. The other weapon just happened to be within reach.

At some point it appears she could have run away since she seemed to be getting the upper hand in the battle. But switching weapons and finishing him off is a tough pill to swallow for the jury.

Especially when the law in that state says that you can only use the same level of self defense as is deemed necessary to neutralize or stop the attack. Which means once the attack is neutralized, the law does not allow one to finish someone off. Its the same problem the owner of the pharmacy had when he finished the robbers off with multiple shots.
She is going to have to explain where the gun and the knife came from. I don't see how she can get around this or come up with a good lie. Even if she said she brought it to protect herself on her drive or whatever -- there's no explanation why she surreptitiously stole it from her grandparents and gave a false police report about it a week before she murdered Travis.

She was going to off herself or was thinking of it but decided to take the gun on the trip to see if her mood lightened. She hid it after the crime and was still planning on killing herself, but then couldn't find that spot in the desert. That's how I see her having to spin it.
I was raised Mormon...went to single's gatherings, met my husband at one. Don't feel bad that you were not raised in that church. There are good communities everywhere and that is all I am going to say about that.

I had a giggle over your comment. You sounded a bit like Forest Gump at the end there :giggle:. Just kiddin', but it struck me funny. Do you like chocolates? ;).
She was going to off herself or was thinking of it but decided to take the gun on the trip to see if her mood lightened. She hid it after the crime and was still planning on killing herself, but then couldn't find that spot in the desert. That's how I see her having to spin it.

And that's about the best she could do, and it's not believable.
Can you imagine if she never spoke to investigators? If she hadn't called them on her own to pry for information on the murder investigation, didn't return their phone calls, didn't sit voluntarily with Det. Flores (twice) talking for hours and hours? And she NEVER LAWYERED UP!!!!!! I will never understand that.

If (when) she is convicted she will have noone to blame but herself, not only for her heineous actions but her babbling (lies). I can hear defense attorneys everywhere groaning and hoping all of their future clients are taking note: DO NOT speak with authorities. Ask for a lawyer. Period!

In the beginning she was representing herself. She didn't want an attorney.
I hope Jodi's mom is called to the witness stand. I would really like to know what Jodi did to deserve The Spoon! Was she habitually behaving like the little girl in "The Bad Seed?" (We can see that she had a Hitchcock "Psycho" moment, given what she did to Travis in his shower.)

It bothered me that she gave few details about what she did that made her mom and dad hit her. The one and only explanation I recall -- about her dad slapping her for sneaking out of the house -- sounded like a rather typical reaction many parents would have. (Not mine, but a few of my friends' parents might have flown off the handle this way.)

If JM calls her mom to the witness stand, this trial may bring about a public discussion about forms of "child abuse." But, really... a WOODEN SPOON? That's hardly the worst form of corporal punishment I've heard of.

BTW: How big were all of mom's purses that she could always fit a HUGE, DANGEROUS wooden spoon inside them? Maybe Nurmi needs to produce a replica of this weapon?
I remember exquisite detail. But the thing is, jodi doesn;t remember details when they matter, like about her so called abuse.

Exactly! She describes childhood events, that are supposedly tragic, in general terms without much detail; yet, is so very detailed with other events that aren't so important.

She is good at fluffing up stories, when she thinks they will benefit her; but horrible with details really count.

This tells me that she is describing events as they should have happened, or how she thinks they would unfold. It is like she is describing a movie.

We do this when writing fiction, not when writing autobiographies. We learn this in Composition 101, as she would have learned if she spent her time actually educating herself instead of trying to find a life-preserver.

She does have an imagination. What a waste of talent.
Hmmm... from Jodi's Myspace page:

ETA caption with the photo says: Mario, ME, Bobby and Victor chillin' in Utah

She MAY have been telling the truth about the Vampire Hunter. He looks like he spends a lot of time with the undead.
Casey must be pissed. She is old news and will never come close to creepy Jodi Arais.
Also, Casey never made it to Costa Rica, and Jodi supposedly did.
Why else do you think Casey held her bankruptcy interview in Phoenix of all places, where the trial is being held???
She isn't afraid. In fact, she's probably looking forward to it. jmo

I agree that cross examining JA will be challenging.
Commentators have claimed Martinez is too heavy handed and comes across as arrogant.
The question here is likely only to be “conviction of 1st degree murder punished by death OR 1st degree murder with life imprisonment and no possibility of parole”
Now JA is a consummate accomplished liar. She has the ability to lie on the fly. IF Martinez asks her open questions she will lie and then lie about the lie etc etc. When asked to describe the murder JA will simply declare lack of memory due to the “horror of it all”.
JA will have "answers" for all state’s evidence thus far –i.e. knife, gun , over-kill, throat slash, laundry, camera in the wash, voice message that evening etc. etc. This is not to say that her answers will be credulous.
The best way to cross examine JA is to pose questions that will NOT allow her to expostulate. Taking apart and exposing lies will be an arduous task. Plus, on cross examination we will have to tolerate a lot of “I don’t remember”. JA has superb memory of past relationships and events of abuse but the detail will fade as to events occurring after 5:30PM June 4 2008.
This slays me ..."I said no jury would convict me is because I had plans to commit suicide"

Then "probably the most bitter words I'll ever eat." <--- an attempt at humility, but a recognition that she knows she'll be convicted. Still, it's all about her.

Why oh why can she not just get up there and say -- at that time I was foolishly maintaining that I did not kill Travis because I was scared and hadn't yet come to terms with what I had done. I said "no jury would convict me" because I wanted to seem confident about my innocence. I regret saying that, and I regret that I did not tell the truth about what happened to police and in those interviews.
She MAY have been telling the truth about the Vampire Hunter. He looks like he spends a lot of time with the undead.

Really? They all look pretty average to me -- by a long shot. I wouldn't think twice about that pic or anyone in it any day.
The total rage attack with the weapons, gun and knife possibly hold more symbolism that we realize.

This was to be their last encounter, she knew that (he maybe didn't) she came to him for the first time with a gun and knife.

He was planning a trip and not with her, this enraged her. She mentions he was working out, losing weight, getting in shape for the trip. This in turn resulted in her taking pictures of him to show his progress.

I can almost feel her rage building with each photo, her impromptu visit with him was coming to an end. Sex was over, she was dressed as if it was agree'd she would be heading now for Utah and he would shower.

Click, Click, Click..looking at his body, the thought she won't have it anymore and some other woman will. The trip, the body, sex is over, she has to 2...

She will make this body of yours very unattractive before she leaves. No woman will want you with 29 gashes, slices, chunks taken out. For good measure, to the pretty face of yours, how about a gun shot.

She intentionally mutilated him. I think it was both rage and an attempt to make him as ugly as she could. To take anything attractive about him, with her and leave nothing for anyone else.
As I understood the OP, the question was why report it? Afaik, she didn't report it herself, her gp's did.

I understand now. She probably didn't expect her grandparents to notice that the gun was missing and report it. Oops.
Anybody catch the Freudian when she started to say "my" when talking about VA family? I'm wondering if they are related.

Yes I did and I was thinking was her first love a cousin ???
Originally Posted by Curious Me
She was going to off herself or was thinking of it but decided to take the gun on the trip to see if her mood lightened. She hid it after the crime and was still planning on killing herself, but then couldn't find that spot in the desert. That's how I see her having to spin it.


It's occurred to me that she could say the gun and knife were Travis's. That he had brought them out as props for their sex game. Because really, I don't believe there's evidence that she stole her grandparents' gun.

Now I know that in one of her interrogations, she said she'd just bought a gun. But she claimed it was of a different calibre than the bullet casing found at the crime scene. It'll be interesting to see how she explains this.

This gun-and-knife part, more than anything, is what will do Jodi in re: premeditation.
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