Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #21 *may contain graphic and adult content* Cont'd.

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I am re-watching some of JA's testimony from yesterday. I have noticed that she uses the word "discipline" vs DT use of "beatings". Even she knows she wasn't getting beatings. I hope the jury picks up on all of JA's lies.
I just saw you on DR. DRew. (I DVr'd it).

You spoke very well. I loved what I heard. What I didn't like was that stupid co-host who made the
abuse" statement and then didn't let you clarify that of course, you' don't believe jodi was ever knocked unconscious or anything, but instead, that she appears to be exaggerating what actually happened.

We, as a society today do not feel a child should be spanked with anything but the hand on the bottom and at some point it should stop when the child understands they are not suppose to do certain things. Millions of parents years ago used a paddle, wooden spoon, switch, etc. and it was perfectly acceptable at the time. Most of these children grew up fine with no lasting effects other than remembering that it hurt depending on the intensity of the spanking. What Jodi is talking about was not abuse. She never said her mother flew into a rage and beat her, hitting her 20, 30 times within the matter of a minute. That is abusive. I think the co-host was also exaggerating with her statement instead of clarifying what severe abuse is and not what was common punishment for children 20 years ago.

Funny how we know Jodi was a handful from the testimony of the babysitter and yet Jodi never mentions that her mother hit her because she and her brother would not behave.

I noticed right behind Jodi's mother there is a man sitting and during a lot of Jodi's testimony about the family his mouth is hanging open. Almost appears if it's in disbelief, as if to say this is the first time I've heard this. I think I heard that the first two rows yesterday were filled up with Jodi's family and friends. jmo
When jodi was talking about vampire BF - out of context she tosses in that she used to read lots of Anne RICE novels (Not sure of spelling of author) but it makes no sense why she provides this nugget. So my question is - does anyone know this author? Is there a clue here? Does she use part of the author's book(s) in her plan?

Here is my transcription of what I heard on a news snippet falling asleep last night that made me get up, write down the clip to ask you guys this am!

jodi: 'He wanted to move to SF and he had all kinds of wild ideas, which were, they seemed fun but they were just not where I was so at that point I just broke up with him.'

Attorney: 'what do you mean wild ideas?'

jodi: 'um, well he entertained the belief in vampires and he thought lets go to San Francisco and see if we can find some real vampires. And you know, I used to read Anne RICE novels at the time it seemed didn't seem realistic to me.'

So, something about the way she provides that seemingly insignificant detail to the story just tosses my hinky meter. So, anyone have any insight?


Bumping this as I corrected the author name - I still don't know this author, so anyone have any insight? I know it could be nothing - but I am a curious sort and when liars add unnecessary, extraneous information it always perks my ears!
Still catching up....I must go faster or I'm going to miss today's live testimony....

I cannot believe she had the gall to lean forward to the court reporter and tell him to slow her down if she is going too fast. First of all, really? Seriously? JA, are you really that full of yourself that you think you can out-talk a court reporter? They probably could transcribe the thoughts in your head faster than you could get them out of your mouth you egotistical, maniacal, lying piece of excrement!

I just think that was an out and out "I'm important" statement.

She needs help. If, for some reason, this jury decides she shouldn't die for this crime, they really need to consider committing her to a mental health facility for the rest of her life, where she lives in a padded room, eats Xanax 3 times a day, and has a frontal lobotomy. She is one very narcisistic (sp?) human being, MOO.
I'm not a mental health professional but I truly believe there is no cure for what Jodi is. Whether you call her a psychopath or not she is as close as one can come to pure evil in my opinion. How does one teach empathy to someone incapable of feeling it?

Putting her on a psych ward would be akin to putting Darlie Routier, Susan Smith, Casey Anthony or Diane Downs on one. Each woman knew what they were doing when they decided to murder their children. Each woman understood the difference between right and wrong. Each woman decided the payout for murdering her child was greater than that child's life.

Did vinnie have a moment yesterday?

LOL - I didn't upload a VennieVent moment for him for yesterday - I think I am still numb from the day! I can bet he will have one today if he is on!!!!!!!!
I am re-watching some of JA's testimony from yesterday. I have noticed that she uses the word "discipline" vs DT use of "beatings". Even she knows she wasn't getting beatings. I hope the jury picks up on all of JA's lies.

Right? Just like it was pointed out yesterday that abused children don't feel that they are betrayed, but that they were bad kids. She used the word betrayed when she was "abused". She got into trouble, was punished for it and was ticked off about it. No one beat her.
I'm going to quickly try and take care of some household chores before the trial begins, but I wanted to weigh in with my prediction for today's testimony.

Jodi will continue to keep the court watchers and jury on the edge of the back of their seats with her riveting stories of life in a town that was being torn down by greedy bankers to be turned into a golf course. She and her band of misfit friends went on a quest (led by her current-at-the-time, boyfriend, Matt) to find some long buried treasure. Her stories will be interspersed with inane details, like the names of dogs ("Ringo"), her favorite brand of laundry detergent "Tide, because it gets the stains out" and every parttime job she ever had. P.s. They found the treasure, but to save their lives from the abusive ninjas following them, they had to choose to live or fight for the treasure. As always, they chose "life".

Alright, see ya in 2.5! Save me a seat and don't forget to share the :popcorn:

IMO the entire point if her droning on and on is to psychologically bond with a juror or two.....Find some commonality and to make her appear "human" The thought is, if she can get one juror to sympathize ... They won't be willing to sentence her to death.

IMO it could work. The longer they listen, the better her chance at lwop

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HLN will show it but at a point, they *usually* convert back to the regular shows. Last week it was at the 4pm hour, but I think yesterday they went longer. That is your best bet for national coverage. They pick up at 3pmEST after IS goes off.

HLN will show it live starting 3pm as long as JA is on the stand.
Okay, more from yesterday's testimony...

She pointed out that her boyfriend wanted her to walk on inside so as not to be next to traffic. I didn't realize that was a controlling behavior. When I walk my dog, dog goes on the inside, even if I have to dance around him 1,000 times, he is on the inside, I am on the outside. When I walk with my kids (17 and 19) I am on the outside, they are on the inside (they actually don't like this becausde they want me on the inside but I won't allow it...maybe when they are in their 30's, but for now...I'm on the outside).

Controlling? Perhaps. Courteous? Yes.
Her upbringing did not sound all that bad to me. There is a big difference between 'far from ideal' and 'abusive and neglectful.' She was sent to private schools, had private piano, flute and art lessons. Saying that your parents were 'lukewarm' in their enthusiasm of your artistic talents does not equate to cruelty or indifference, imo.

And her complaining about moving from school to school sounded like whining, imo. Plenty of people have to move around. That's how things are sometimes.

I think she is TRYING to make her parents seem like monsters when they are probably just regular old 'flawed, imperfect' parents, like a great many people have. JMO

right--her upbringing was not that "bad" compared to many - everything is relative. I just can imagine she was not cherished or encouraged or given much positive attention. her lack of self respect probably comes from parents not respecting her or teaching her self respect or modeling self respect.
I just can't believe how much she talks... and talks... and talks. It's exhausting, extraneous and dangerous to her case and you just know Juan is going to catch her up in so much crap. What kind of defense attorney lets their client ramble so?
Why is it hard to believe Jodi was beaten as a child? Do we really think she had an ideal upbringing, considering her later actions?

I think there's some confirmation bias going on around here. Seems some believe she is guilty and are just not going to believe anything that might help her case, no matter what it is.

I hear what you are saying.

But IMO it is not coming off as believable. ALL murderers lie and again, in my opinion, these are all self serving lies, in an attempt to get herself off of the charges of premeditated murder, so she will "walk" OR to play into any mitigating factors when/if she is found guilty to be used in the sentencing phase.

*Maybe* she was *disciplined* as a child and in her teens, but so far, her testimony does not scream of any extraordinary physical abuse by her parents.

I find her to be full of histrionics, full of inane anecdotes and full of ____.

Wait... Jodi explains the event that led her to move out of her parents' home...

She had a big exam but hadn't studied for it, knew she would fail it, so she decided to skip that period.

At last, she decides to go to study for it, in prep for a make-up test the next day. So, she goes to study at the RITE AID PARKING LOT?! (Who the heck sits at a Rite Aid parking lot to STUDY?!!)

This she's doing at the exact time all the other students are taking the test... so the NEXT DAY she'll have the material ALL figured out?! (Um, instant brainiac? No: delusional, thinks she's smarter than the average bear.)

Note: The fact that the school called her father ASAP for her absence -- and that he went and found her PDQ -- says a lot. This suggests that the school and parents were in cahoots and had been dealing with Jodi's antics for a while. That's why they called her dad the MOMENT she didn't show up, and he immediately went out and tracked her down.

She's grounded for three months so decides to move out. She thought she was GROWN and knew it all. What a defiant little rascal.
I'm not a mental health professional but I truly believe there is no cure for what Jodi is. Whether you call her a psychopath or not she is as close as one can come to pure evil in my opinion. How does one teach empathy to someone incapable of feeling it?

Putting her on a psych ward would be akin to putting Darlie Routier, Susan Smith, Casey Anthony or Diane Downs on one. Each woman knew what they were doing when they decided to murder their children. Each woman understood the difference between right and wrong. Each woman decided the payout for murdering her child was greater than that child's life.


True! :)
Watching Jodi's 'testimony' and have not heard one thing that indicates she was a victim or abused. If I were sitting on the jury having to listen to all of this irrelevant carp I would be very ticked off! Good grief this is such a waste of time. I can't wait to hear her explanation why she had to deliver 29 stab wounds, throat severed from ear to ear and a bullet to Travis' head to "defend" herself. I only hope Juan doesn't stroke out while questioning her.

ETA: I know her type. She is they kind of person that will make one feel like they are going to lose it when asking questions or trying to get information. I have worked with many who are same type and came very close to snapping on at least one occasion.
I haven't read all of the discussion from yesterday and don't know if or when I'll catch up, but I was tuned in all day yesterday but not posting. I'm using DH's laptop while our pc is in for service.

Re: Jodi's testimony. I don't believe a word she says! JA has been coached, for sure, and her deadpan delivery indicates that she has no real emotions. Her eyes are dead - except when they dart from side to side, up or down, as she attempts to tell a story of her life that isn't true.

I think that Jodi has relationship issues and is desperately trying to find someone to love and care for her on her terms. She felt "betrayed" by her mother who disciplined her not unlike any other parent when their children act like "brats". Jodi is full of herself and thinks that she is better than everyone and, therefore, should be treated as if she is special. Her small voice and elementary-schoolgirl appearance don't fool me one bit, and I don't think the jury will be fooled, either. :moo:

I sure hope you're right. After what the jury did in the murder trial of Caylee Marie Anthony I wouldn't be surprised if this jury believed JA.
Okay, more from yesterday's testimony...

She pointed out that her boyfriend wanted her to walk on inside so as not to be next to traffic. I didn't realize that was a controlling behavior. When I walk my dog, dog goes on the inside, even if I have to dance around him 1,000 times, he is on the inside, I am on the outside. When I walk with my kids (17 and 19) I am on the outside, they are on the inside (they actually don't like this becausde they want me on the inside but I won't allow it...maybe when they are in their 30's, but for now...I'm on the outside).

Controlling? Perhaps. Courteous? Yes.

Ditto, I always walked my child with him being on the inside. It's protective, not controlling. My husband always has me on the inside.

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