Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #21 *may contain graphic and adult content* Cont'd.

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Yep, it's going to be another episode of "As the Arias Turns".

You have hit the nail on the head!

I am not going to watch until the cross. Instead I am going to read here.

I just couldn't listen to her pathetic defence. :furious:
Quick question, when InSession goes off, is there any other TV station that shows the trial live? I think I saw mention of HLN showing it on yesterday's thread but am not sure if that is what they were talking about. If they do show it I have to set a reminder on my calendar to call my son the minute he gets home from school to set the DVR. LOL
Does anybody have any yearbook pictures of Jodi besides her 8th grade one?

Someone on MDS said that NG showed her yearbook photos on tonights show.

Okay, I can give you the cheap/fast version of the pics NG showed! (too tired this am to upload the video, so just took pic of my tv!) Oh, and the show had already done their 'age' the pic photoshop work on the pics too - so very grainy, but most of that is their 'artist' (not) staff's work! silly/028_zps8ccfd37a.jpg silly/025_zps804ce11f.jpg
Quick question, when InSession goes off, is there any other TV station that shows the trial live? I think I saw mention of HLN showing it on yesterday's thread but am not sure if that is what they were talking about. If they do show it I have to set a reminder on my calendar to call my son the minute he gets home from school to set the DVR. LOL

HLN did pick up the coverage yesterday. :)
I can believe she was beaten as a child & that her upbringing was FAR from ideal. I think watching her on the stand I got a feeling that she is a tragically pathetic, lost person. Makes me appreciate all the more that I had a stable family life and two loving parents who believed in me, encouraged me and taught me limits and self respect. They valued education and had expectations of me. BTW my father was in the Air Force and we moved around and I changed schools every few years. Looking back I think this helped me - I am able to adapt to different situations and environments and make friends wherever I go. Change doesn't throw me.

Her upbringing did not sound all that bad to me. There is a big difference between 'far from ideal' and 'abusive and neglectful.' She was sent to private schools, had private piano, flute and art lessons. Saying that your parents were 'lukewarm' in their enthusiasm of your artistic talents does not equate to cruelty or indifference, imo.

And her complaining about moving from school to school sounded like whining, imo. Plenty of people have to move around. That's how things are sometimes.

I think she is TRYING to make her parents seem like monsters when they are probably just regular old 'flawed, imperfect' parents, like a great many people have. JMO
Someone said Jody must have read 50 shades of grey????? Not sure if that's the correct title. She used the Travis bent me over the desk & gave it to me from this book.
Yes she did read that book if you read her blog she answers someones question & mentions reading that book.
I recorded DrDrew... I tried watching from the beginning but IMO he's soooo wrong About Jodi, I had to fast forward to the "two Katie's" ours was terrific and I loved the way she spoke up and let the other Katie know not to speak for her!

I was disappointed my Mark wasn't on Dr Drew .. Hope he is tonight:)

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Quick question, when InSession goes off, is there any other TV station that shows the trial live? I think I saw mention of HLN showing it on yesterday's thread but am not sure if that is what they were talking about. If they do show it I have to set a reminder on my calendar to call my son the minute he gets home from school to set the DVR. LOL

HLN will show it but at a point, they *usually* convert back to the regular shows. Last week it was at the 4pm hour, but I think yesterday they went longer. That is your best bet for national coverage. They pick up at 3pmEST after IS goes off.
I haven't read all of the discussion from yesterday and don't know if or when I'll catch up, but I was tuned in all day yesterday but not posting. I'm using DH's laptop while our pc is in for service.

Re: Jodi's testimony. I don't believe a word she says! JA has been coached, for sure, and her deadpan delivery indicates that she has no real emotions. Her eyes are dead - except when they dart from side to side, up or down, as she attempts to tell a story of her life that isn't true.

I think that Jodi has relationship issues and is desperately trying to find someone to love and care for her on her terms. She felt "betrayed" by her mother who disciplined her not unlike any other parent when their children act like "brats". Jodi is full of herself and thinks that she is better than everyone and, therefore, should be treated as if she is special. Her small voice and elementary-schoolgirl appearance don't fool me one bit, and I don't think the jury will be fooled, either. :moo:
My stupid cable provider does not get In Session. Is there a link to any other livestream or outlet for the trial? I do get HLN so I can pick it up there depending on what time they start covering it.
I knew it! I knew last week when you asked me "will you accept this rose?" that was a total Bachelor rip off! :floorlaugh:

You looked at ease and gave great insight. Both of you were excellent. Those HLN shows would be fortunate to have you on a regular basis. So glad we have you here! Not that we "have" you. I swear I'm not making you a t-shirt and boy shorts reading "LotusPawprint's"!

OMG I will wear it...under my clothes. LOL

For the record I am going to save your (^above^) comment so it's always clear you suggested wearing it, not the other way around!

(on another note my dog has a little sweater that says keep your paws off me - It's adorable- and NO I am not one of those people who dresses their dog up, but she gets chilly and I have an obligation to keep her warm.... and it's adorable)

:gasp: Rut Roh



:hills: :hills: :hills: :hills: :hills: :hills: :hills:
I will miss you all today, I have an appt. so see ya laterzz!!!!

I believe the only reason to mention one ex boyfriend's suicide attempt and another's belief in 'wild ideas' (like vampires) is to demean those people. IME it's something psychopaths and narcissists are very skilled at doing to take the emphasis off of their actions.

The payout is immense too. She gets to appear as she has painted herself against them - responsible, mature, stable; she gains the power of being cruel deliberately and can even cast herself into a victim role - a place I believe she relishes for narcissistic supply.

Lundy Bancroft (a DV advocate and researcher) has pointed out that batterers are very often successful in court because of the way victims appear as a result of the batterer's actions. After years of abuse a victim may appear unstable, suicidal, unkempt, harried, drug or alcohol dependent, etc. Studies have shown a very high rate of psychopathy among abusers.

Still catching up....I must go faster or I'm going to miss today's live testimony....

I cannot believe she had the gall to lean forward to the court reporter and tell him to slow her down if she is going too fast. First of all, really? Seriously? JA, are you really that full of yourself that you think you can out-talk a court reporter? They probably could transcribe the thoughts in your head faster than you could get them out of your mouth you egotistical, maniacal, lying piece of excrement!

I just think that was an out and out "I'm important" statement.

She needs help. If, for some reason, this jury decides she shouldn't die for this crime, they really need to consider committing her to a mental health facility for the rest of her life, where she lives in a padded room, eats Xanax 3 times a day, and has a frontal lobotomy. She is one very narcisistic (sp?) human being, MOO.
HLN will show it but at a point, they *usually* convert back to the regular shows. Last week it was at the 4pm hour, but I think yesterday they went longer. That is your best bet for national coverage. They pick up at 3pmEST after IS goes off.

Did vinnie have a moment yesterday?
I'm going to quickly try and take care of some household chores before the trial begins, but I wanted to weigh in with my prediction for today's testimony.

Jodi will continue to keep the court watchers and jury on the edge of the back of their seats with her riveting stories of life in a town that was being torn down by greedy bankers to be turned into a golf course. She and her band of misfit friends went on a quest (led by her current-at-the-time, boyfriend, Matt) to find some long buried treasure. Her stories will be interspersed with inane details, like the names of dogs ("Ringo"), her favorite brand of laundry detergent "Tide, because it gets the stains out" and every parttime job she ever had. P.s. They found the treasure, but to save their lives from the abusive ninjas following them, they had to choose to live or fight for the treasure. As always, they chose "life".

Alright, see ya in 2.5! Save me a seat and don't forget to share the :popcorn:
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