Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #21 *may contain graphic and adult content* Cont'd.

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I was flabbergasted to hear Jodi say she failed kindergarten. I'd never heard of such a thing. That's a HUGE red flag, IMO.

Success in kindergarten depends on many factors, not just intellectual ability. If fine motor skills are extremely weak and the child is immature and has a very short attention span he or she may need the gift of time and another year in kindergarten. People think repeating kindergarten would be devastating for a child but it can terrible to go to 1st grade unable to learn and then you get further behind every year. Back before 1950 they used to retain a lot of not so bright kids but the thinking changed on that and actually retaining [ not "failing" or "flunking"] average or above average kids works out better than retaining limited ability kids. Lower IQ kids can be held back every year and still not ever be at grade level.

Development among kindergarten-age children varies tremendously. One child may come to school already able to read, while another can't tell A from Z. And a child's levels of physical, social, and intellectual development may be wildly uneven.

What's more, kindergartners can range in age from 4 to 6 because about 5 percent of kids repeat the year and another 7 percent wait a year before starting, according to figures from the National Center for Educational Statistics.
I hope today isn't another long day of "Jodi's sad life". Me thinks my head may do a 360 :what:

Just until lunch because I have a Drs appt and will miss the short morning session. lol
Still catching up....

Great Googly Moogly, look at the way she is looking at JM when he objected! Evil through and through

I hope today isn't another long day of "Jodi's sad life". Me thinks my head may do a 360 :what:

I doubt we will even get to Travis today, probably on Wednesday and I imagine cross will be on Thursday if yesterdays pace is any indication, since it is her life I imagine they will allow it to go along at the defenses pace.
Success in kindergarten depends on many factors, not just intellectual ability. If fine motor skills are extremely weak and the child is immature and has a very short attention span he or she may need the gift of time and another year in kindergarten. People think repeating kindergarten would be devastating for a child but it can terrible to go to 1st grade unable to learn and then you get further behind every year. Back before 1950 they used to retain a lot of not so bright kids but the thinking changed on that and actually retaining [ not "failing" or "flunking"] average or above average kids works out better than retaining limited ability kids. Lower IQ kids can be held back every year and still not ever be at grade level.

Development among kindergarten-age children varies tremendously. One child may come to school already able to read, while another can't tell A from Z. And a child's levels of physical, social, and intellectual development may be wildly uneven.

What's more, kindergartners can range in age from 4 to 6 because about 5 percent of kids repeat the year and another 7 percent wait a year before starting, according to figures from the National Center for Educational Statistics.

Parents are expected to prepare their children for kindergarten and when they don't then they are already behind the other children.
Our compulsory education system in the US requires that children start kindergarten around age 5. The elementary school in our school district used to have a two year kindergarten program for kids who would benefit developmentally. It's pretty common practice, sometimes called "redshirting." It doesn't indicate failure. For most kids, it gives them an edge in later grades.

Thank-you--yes exactly - it gives them a gift of time. The terms "flunking" and "failing" are not used anymore--the word is "retention".
Parents are expected to prepare their children for kindergarten and when they don't then they are already behind the other children.

Yes of course parents are supposed to prepare their children and yet so many do not because they are not prepared to be parents!
jumping in here...anyone notice how her early boyfriend is an undocumented hispanic guy with grandparents who buy his clothes and he calls them parents but she doesn't know the parents, but sher thinks she saw the mother on the street.....lalalalalalalalalalala

So far, I love all of Travis's friends. Hearing Lisa's testimony about how the Mormon community has singles gatherings and activities in order to find a good partner in life...I wish I was brought up in that church. Everyone Travis surrounded himself with have all been "marriage material".

Well, except Gus.


I agree I really like ALL of Travis' friends. I so sad that there friend was killed in such a horrible way and also very sad that so many of them have said and I am sure many more do blame themselves for not trying harder to convince Travis to proverbially and literally keep the door locked to her. I hope they do not live the rest of their lives with guilt. We ALL know if there is something we want there is normally very little anyone can do to change our minds. Unfortunately it seems Jodi was a very dangerous and eventually a deadly drug to Travis.
When jodi was talking about vampire BF - out of context she tosses in that she used to read lots of Anne Wright novels (Not sure of spelling of author) but it makes no sense why she provides this nugget. So my question is - does anyone know this author? Is there a clue here? Does she use part of the author's book(s) in her plan?

Here is my transcription of what I heard on a news snippet falling asleep last night that made me get up, write down the clip to ask you guys this am!

jodi: 'He wanted to move to SF and he had all kinds of wild ideas, which were, they seemed fun but they were just not where I was so at that point I just broke up with him.'

Attorney: 'what do you mean wild ideas?'

jodi: 'um, well he entertained the belief in vampires and he thought lets go to San Francisco and see if we can find some real vampires. And you know, I used to read Anne Wright's novels at the time it seemed didn't seem realistic to me.'

So, something about the way she provides that seemingly insignificant detail to the story just tosses my hinky meter. So, anyone have any insight?


The author's name is Ann Rice. She wrote a series of best-selling books (in the early- to mid-90s, I guess) about lusty vampires. Long before Twilight and The Vampire Diaries, both huge hits of today, Ann Rice was the queen of these kinds of erotic vamp novels / love horror stories.

One of my favorite movies was based on an Ann Rice book, "Interview With a Vampire." The movie starred Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise, both as handsome, sexy vampires. It's set in old world New Orleans, so the costumes and sets are fabulous, beautiful. Kirsten Dunst and Antonio Banderas also had wonderful, prominent roles.

If you haven't seen this movie, check it out. It's awesome! I'm not a goth or vamp person, but as a Pitt & Cruise fan, I found it wholly entertaining.
Why is it hard to believe Jodi was beaten as a child? Do we really think she had an ideal upbringing, considering her later actions?

I think there's some confirmation bias going on around here. Seems some believe she is guilty and are just not going to believe anything that might help her case, no matter what it is.

I have given this much thought yesterday. I believe it's entirely possible she was disciplined as a child. Perhaps even abused. What's missing is why she was spanked, hit and shoved. It's entirely possible she was an extremely manipulative & abusive herself. Especially, to her younger siblings. While it doesn't excuse shoving her into objects, I would suspect she was a difficult child that could never accept no for an answer. It's probably do to her parents rules, punishment and discipline she doesn't have a juvenile criminal record.

What's clear to me, this give doesn't like limits, rules, or any sort if constraints placed on her. Never tell her no.

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Still catching up....

Great Googly Moogly, look at the way she is looking at JM when he objected! Evil through and through


It's the looks she gives him when JM cross examines her, that I am waiting on....
Are JAs sisters or brother ever in the courtroom? How about some of the "zillions" of cousins she mentions on her My Space page?
Jodi's first boyfriend is named Bobbie, second is Victor, this was in the 90's.

We see a picture of Jodi from Myspace with a Bobbie and Victor in Utah sometime in 2007-08.

We see a you tube video of Travis doing "the Chicken dance," in it it looks like Victor in second row(burgundy shirt.)

So Jodi in the 90's knew 2 guys named Bobbie and Victor,

Travis and Jodi has friends 2007-08 named Bobbie and Victor.

(the picture was posted earlier today, I don't know how to link it)

ON JVM or NG, an old friend of JA's said JA dated a guy, she couldn't remember his name, JA's friends didn't think much of him.

What are the chances of this happening? Small world, amazing.

I don't believe her!!! Might have been 2 boyfriends in the 90's but I don't believe Bobbie and Victor were their names. IMO

I agree and a lot will come out in cross-examination. Not that anyone would believe another set of her lies, but I trust the PA. He's taking notes as she testifies and he will follow up on the facts. It will be very interesting to say the least. OT: I LOVE Travis's chicken dance! It makes me cry, though, watching it and knowing what she did to him. It is so good to see him having fun with his friends. He reminds me so much of my son, who is close to his age. I know I'm following this trial with a mother's heart.
I have this much thought yesterday. I believe it's entirely possible she was disciplined as a child. Perhaps even abused. What's missing is why she was spanked, hit and shoved. It's entirely possible she was an extremely manipulative & abusive herself. Especially, to her younger siblings. While it doesn't excuse shoving her into objects, I would suspect she was a difficult child that could never accept no for an answer. It's probably do to her parents rules, punishment and discipline she doesn't have a juvenile criminal record.

What's clear to me, this give doesn't like limits, rules, or any sort if constraints placed on her. Never tell her no.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I so agree Linda.
She also said 911 called back and he said his gf was trying to program 911into her phone and accidentally dialed it. Somehow I don't think they would believe that without talking to her .

I don't know how 911 works in the US, but here in Canada they call & even if you say it was a mistake the send an officer to your home who always asks to come in to talk. They do this just incase it's a domestic situation & you are afraid to report because the abuser is there. I know, it happened to me when my son called 911 when he was 5. It was an accident, but they came right down even though I told them my son had done it accidently. The officer also questioned my son.

About her saying she would never be convicted because she was going to commit suicide, I had to laugh. I just read a story on My Death the other night where someone did this. I can't remeber exactly where it was but it was between pages 1 & 34. Me thinks her defence must read over there lol
Are JAs sisters or brother ever in the courtroom? How about some of the "zillions" of cousins she mentions on her My Space page?

The only two people from her family that are there are her mom and her aunt. She has two friends that are there. I think that is basically it.
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