Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #21 *may contain graphic and adult content* Cont'd.

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OMG, I was just reviewing her description of the first time she saw Bobby Juarez. They were at a fair and he was with his friends. He was tall, dress in all black, gothic, with a white high collared shirt. Long black curly hair. Their eyes meet through the crowd, blah blah blah, she notices he's looking at her again. He's on crutches. He also wanted to go to San Francisco to be a Vampire Hunter.

Does anyone remember the movie "Lost Boys" from 1987? It starred Jason Patric, Keifer Sutherland and a bunch of sexy young guys as modern day vampires (some who dressed in black leather as she described BJ when he was older) and some dressed in that gothic look, like she described young BJ. The hero meets his love interest (a sexy female almost-vampire) at guessed it...fair. Here's a link to a clip of that meeting. I am almost sure that one of the main characters is on crutches in that movie. I'm ready to watch it again just to have it confirmed. Although she MAY have come up with the "Zipper" detail on her own. :moo:

Jodi Arias's lovestory is a Netflix Number One. :floorlaugh:
OMG, I was just reviewing her description of the first time she saw Bobby Juarez. They were at a fair and he was with his friends. He was tall, dress in all black, gothic, with a white high collared shirt. Long black curly hair. Their eyes meet through the crowd, blah blah blah, she notices he's looking at her again. He's on crutches. He also wanted to go to San Francisco to be a Vampire Hunter.

Does anyone remember the movie "Lost Boys" from 1987? It starred Jason Patric, Keifer Sutherland and a bunch of sexy young guys as modern day vampires (some who dressed in black leather as she described BJ when he was older) and some dressed in that gothic look, like she described young BJ. The hero meets his love interest (a sexy female almost-vampire) at guessed it...fair. Here's a link to a clip of that meeting. I am almost sure that one of the main characters is on crutches in that movie. I'm ready to watch it again just to have it confirmed. Although she MAY have come up with the "Zipper" detail on her own. :moo:

Jodi Arias's lovestory is a Netflix Number One. :floorlaugh:

Wow...reminds me of FCA. Didn't she take her kidnapping babysitter idea from an episode of "One Tree Hill"?
The use of death penalty in US jurisprudence is something of an anomaly in the western world at this time. As I understand it there are virtually no OECD countries which condone the death penalty.
One prevailing idea is that Life is fundamentally precious and the “state” does not have the “right” to extinguish a life regardless of crime. The theories of punishment include 1) deterrence 2) correction and rehabilitation 3) retribution and 4) incapacitation. The death penalty “problem” rests mostly on the problems implied with a policy of retribution and less on the relative utility of deterrence. There is really no good evidence that killing prisoners prevents other potential killers from killing. The moral problems with retribution include the notion that justifications are entirely backward looking. An “eye for an eye” is no longer accepted in civilized society.
The ordinary American citizen probably subscribes to the theory of “desert”. A killer deserves to lose his life! But this thinking invokes cultural and moral relativism. Is it proper to chop off the arm of a thief if most citizens think he deserves it?
The sensitivity to the death sentence is a relatively new phenomenon. Obviously surveying the history of civilization from 3000BC to the 20th century shows most cultures- everywhere - concocted the most gruesome ways of dispatching wayward unwanted people. Man has been at war with man for thousands of years. The cruelty of man treating other men has been boundless.
The attitude about state sanctioned death depends on your notion of morality and the nature of man.
In the great scheme of things – “in the end, we all are going to die” – and in cosmic time mankind will eventually become extinct when the sun burns out.
So “in the end” – who cares???

Nice post. I have a lot of ambivalence regarding DP.
When people express bloodlust, I feel very uncomfortable.
Katie, forgot to ask if you're feeling better. Sure hope so.
Thanks for chatting all. Good night.
Nice post. I have a lot of ambivalence regarding DP.
When people express bloodlust, I feel very uncomfortable.
It's not bloodlust, because she will get a far more humane, bloodless death than she gave Travis.:furious:
Nice post. I have a lot of ambivalence regarding DP.
When people express bloodlust, I feel very uncomfortable.

I wouldn't call it bloodlust. That term describes a serial killer more than the average person who wants justice and feels this is one way it can be served.

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I really don't know where I stand on the DP. And I change my mind from case to case. But I have never had a loved one or close friend murdered. I am one of those people that don't hold a grudge and seldom stay mad for long but, I have to think I might change my mind if I were every put in that position.
It seems odd to me that she moved to or visited each ex's city after the broke up. Its almost as if unless there is a challenge there or they are interested in another girl she doesn't want them. As soon as there is another person in the picture the stalking begins.

With Darryl she didn't have any use for him, she had him as long as she wanted him and there was no challenge or competition. She always had one in the wings waiting to take some ones place just in case.

Its a pattern and its scary.

drop out of school parents can not control her. no education no skills. she went from p jelly jar to p jelly jar. couch to couch. seems like travis had more going for himself than anyone she had been with. imo she wanted that life style. smh
I really don't know where I stand on the DP. And I change my mind from case to case. But I have never had a loved one or close friend murdered. I am one of those people that don't hold a grudge and seldom stay mad for long but, I have to think I might change my mind if I were every put in that position.

That very accurately describes me as's a very complex issue made even more complex with the person you love most in the world is murdered. NO ONE can even begin to project how they might feel if they were in those shoes, unless they have been in those shoes.

OMG, I was just reviewing her description of the first time she saw Bobby Juarez. They were at a fair and he was with his friends. He was tall, dress in all black, gothic, with a white high collared shirt. Long black curly hair. Their eyes meet through the crowd, blah blah blah, she notices he's looking at her again. He's on crutches. He also wanted to go to San Francisco to be a Vampire Hunter.

Does anyone remember the movie "Lost Boys" from 1987? It starred Jason Patric, Keifer Sutherland and a bunch of sexy young guys as modern day vampires (some who dressed in black leather as she described BJ when he was older) and some dressed in that gothic look, like she described young BJ. The hero meets his love interest (a sexy female almost-vampire) at guessed it...fair. Here's a link to a clip of that meeting. I am almost sure that one of the main characters is on crutches in that movie. I'm ready to watch it again just to have it confirmed. Although she MAY have come up with the "Zipper" detail on her own. :moo:

Jodi Arias's lovestory is a Netflix Number One. :floorlaugh:

WOW WOW WOW You are so right. I loved that movie and saw it 3 times at least. The similarities in her story and this movie are too coincidental.
I think you hit the nail on the head. There may be a real Bobby, but she exagerrated the details of them meeting with this movie as input.
...and wouldn't be the last repeat offender.

If she is not executed, she will find a way to kill again.

Travis Alexander may have been a sexual virgin -- until he met Jodi Arias.

Jodi Arias may have been a 'murder virgin' -- until she met Travis Alexander.

Serial killers always start with the first victim.

There are manslaughter and aggravated manslaughter perpetrators who may kill but once.

And then there are the truly evil, totally depraved, meticulous schemers who live to murder.

Ladies and gentlemen, meet Jodi Arias.
OMG, I was just reviewing her description of the first time she saw Bobby Juarez. They were at a fair and he was with his friends. He was tall, dress in all black, gothic, with a white high collared shirt. Long black curly hair. Their eyes meet through the crowd, blah blah blah, she notices he's looking at her again. He's on crutches. He also wanted to go to San Francisco to be a Vampire Hunter.

Does anyone remember the movie "Lost Boys" from 1987? It starred Jason Patric, Keifer Sutherland and a bunch of sexy young guys as modern day vampires (some who dressed in black leather as she described BJ when he was older) and some dressed in that gothic look, like she described young BJ. The hero meets his love interest (a sexy female almost-vampire) at guessed it...fair. Here's a link to a clip of that meeting. I am almost sure that one of the main characters is on crutches in that movie. I'm ready to watch it again just to have it confirmed. Although she MAY have come up with the "Zipper" detail on her own. :moo:

Jodi Arias's lovestory is a Netflix Number One. :floorlaugh:

You know, I was reminded of that movie when she mentioned vampires/San Francisco since Lost Boys was filmed in Santa Cruz which is approx. 50 miles south of San Fran.

I vaguely remember some JA/Santa Cruz connection - like maybe she mentioned it an email or took photos there or something.
OMG, I was just reviewing her description of the first time she saw Bobby Juarez. They were at a fair and he was with his friends. He was tall, dress in all black, gothic, with a white high collared shirt. Long black curly hair. Their eyes meet through the crowd, blah blah blah, she notices he's looking at her again. He's on crutches. He also wanted to go to San Francisco to be a Vampire Hunter.

Does anyone remember the movie "Lost Boys" from 1987? It starred Jason Patric, Keifer Sutherland and a bunch of sexy young guys as modern day vampires (some who dressed in black leather as she described BJ when he was older) and some dressed in that gothic look, like she described young BJ. The hero meets his love interest (a sexy female almost-vampire) at guessed it...fair. Here's a link to a clip of that meeting. I am almost sure that one of the main characters is on crutches in that movie. I'm ready to watch it again just to have it confirmed. Although she MAY have come up with the "Zipper" detail on her own. :moo:

Jodi Arias's lovestory is a Netflix Number One. :floorlaugh:

No offense, but just thanks a lot. I love that movie.

Or should I say I did love it.

Now am I only going to think of JA????:please:
Nice post. I have a lot of ambivalence regarding DP.
When people express bloodlust, I feel very uncomfortable.

I read that only murder one /death penalty and burglary are on the table. So it 's all or nothing!
I am surprised do many people talk about being hit by their parents . I am a grandmother, and I do not recall any spankings growing up.

I have successful adult children, and the only one I spanked was my daughter when she was three and she went into the street.

I have grandchildren, and not one has been spanked. They are nice sweet children.

My DIL and I discussed the spanking with the danger situation and what to do.

I love her solution. The child is two and they practice STOP!

They make noises, or jump, or whatever and she gets to say STOP! Or the parents say STOP! This has taught her to freeze an action in a nice way.

I agree with you, human. Although I was spanked. But I do not agree with corporal punishment.

I was a preschool teacher and day care worker for several years and never hit a child. Yet, I was able to adequately teach and control a room of them.

That being said, my feeling is that Jodi is exaggerating many things and is omitting others. I also get the sense that jodi was manipulative and a pathological liar since young and her parents were desperate. Finally, I think being hit as she described ( with the exception of being knocked out), does not support a claim of abuse leading to domestic violence relationships.

Also, most everyone has experienced either being spanked or spanking their child and would be angry at such being called a beating. jodi didn't describe a vicious beating. To me she described frustrated parents who did what they could.
Nice post. I have a lot of ambivalence regarding DP.
When people express bloodlust, I feel very uncomfortable.

It was a very well written post. I am really, at core, against the death penalty for many of the reasons she posted. I do think some people should no be living but allowing the government to decide who, is barbaric to me, as is the practice itself.

That being said, I don't adhere so strongly to my principles when it comes to sociopaths like arias and peterson. I don't lose any sleep thinking about them being sentenced to death.

Also, death row is a harder life than regular prison and it really bothers me that sOciopaths tend to adapt to prison and just carry on enjoying a life of manipulating others. That's harder to do on death row.
Oh...thanks, didn't see this before posting. Thought I had missed something. I couldn't figure out why the folks on Dr. Drew were saying the only mistake Travis made was opening the door for JA.
That whole bit about how she wasn't really angry after finding out Bobby was cheating on her...she was hurt that he deceived her. She continued the story...then backtracked...oh, and btw I went to the house and took all my stuff. Her testimony was so disjointed...the next thing I knew Bobby was physically abusing her...then she was back with him. Yes, I do understand how many abused women go back for more...but she seemed so unaffected by it all. Just way too much detail. Remembering a past act of abuse and smirking?

PS- oh, I lost my train of thought. I had a question in all this...was there email from another woman to Travis found on his computer?

Dr Drew suggested both TA and JA were in a dysfunctional relationship that persisted.
On the Drew program the PhD sidekick asked incredulously “why would TA open the door to a crazy lady at 4 AM?”
To me the answer is an obvious DUH!!!!
TA was a Mormon elder trying to mend his ways of having had impermissible sex. He began dating chaste Mormon women both pre and post JA. The girl going with him to Cancun was nice and chaste and merely a platonic friend.
TA at the age of 30 had a choice:
Dating nice Mormon women with NO possibility of sex until marriage - for TA that was likely to have been a LONG wait. Under the circumstances perhaps too long.
Dating nice Mormon women while having access to a “booty call” candidate on the side.
One comment was that TA was trying to mend his ways – ie renounce premarital sex – so that he would be eventually “temple worthy”.
But his phone sex with JA and his “open door policy” at 4 AM days before escorting nice Mormon lady to Cancun showed TA viewing JA as another “rush” or “hit of sexual cocaine”.
Once TA had experienced erotic and exotic sex - ie pornographic sex with JA- the young Mormon elder was “hooked” on “sexual phonics”. Evidence was that both JA and TA had shaved off their pubic hair. You see this hairless phenomenon in *advertiser censored*. TA’s interest in JA’s post-coital orifices is another somewhat sordid tipoff. TA enjoyed acting out assorted sex phantasies with JA. TA did NOT get that nor would he ever get that from nice chaste Mormon ladies that would be candidates for celestial marriage.
The sexual escapades they both indulged in on June 4 2008 was something TA was NOT going to see in Cancun or anytime soon in the Mesa single ward. So in truth- JA was indeed TA’s “dirty little secret” or his little 4AM booty call vixen.
But it is also highly likely that many sexually restrained Mormon men indulge in “dirty little secrets” called online *advertiser censored*. I have heard that Utah is unexpectedly high in internet *advertiser censored* use.
drop out of school parents can not control her. no education no skills. she went from p jelly jar to p jelly jar. couch to couch. seems like travis had more going for himself than anyone she had been with. imo she wanted that life style. smh

Does she seem to alternate between sugar daddy's and total losers? Travis was the sugar daddy type, and she was so angry when he told her to move along that she carefully crafted revenge.

There's was a discussion about how it could be premeditated if she left the camera behind ... that she wouldn't just plan the lead up to the murder, but also the aftermath. Why did she leave the camera behind? Whose camera was it?

First thing that comes to mind is that she threw stuff in the laundry and accidentally grabbed the camera too. She had already deleted the memory and she most likely believed that there would be no trace of her on the camera. She was in for a surprise when police found the camera and retrieved the photos.

Also, didn't she say that he was upset because she dropped his camera? He wouldn't care if she dropped her camera ... at least not enough to get out of the shower. She arrived unexpected, they were not a couple, they would never be a couple, why would he care if she dropped her camera. If it was his camera, maybe I could believe that he would be upset. Is that why it was in the laundry? Because it was his camera? Wouldn't that mean that she didn't leave anything behind - other than the bloody palm print on the wall.
Originally Posted by Curious Me
She was going to off herself or was thinking of it but decided to take the gun on the trip to see if her mood lightened. She hid it after the crime and was still planning on killing herself, but then couldn't find that spot in the desert. That's how I see her having to spin it.


It's occurred to me that she could say the gun and knife were Travis's. That he had brought them out as props for their sex game. Because really, I don't believe there's evidence that she stole her grandparents' gun.

Now I know that in one of her interrogations, she said she'd just bought a gun. But she claimed it was of a different calibre than the bullet casing found at the crime scene. It'll be interesting to see how she explains this.

This gun-and-knife part, more than anything, is what will do Jodi in re: premeditation.

BBM The gun and knife were obviously there and used, and the jurors may just have to believe the gun had to be from grandparents. I found the gas cans she borrowed, and avoiding detection throughout the state of AZ , showed her plan was all premeditation. There was no reason to hide a visit to AZ from anybody.
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