Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #23 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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They are the ones making sex the main issue in this trial.
There have been accusations that those who view jodi as a dangerous sociopath are actually anti-feminists who think she's a *advertiser censored* and thus killed Travis. We are accused of using a double standard. I actually think that's working the other way around. jodi, because she is a woman, can't be seen as using sex as a tool to get what she wants and Travis, because he is a man, must be a rapist and cannot be a victim - not of domestic violence and not of murder.

I'm sorry, but I have a bit of a problem with that.

It is Travis who is being *advertiser censored*-shamed at this trial. It is the defense who keeps on bringing up sex and who is trying to portray Travis as a *advertiser censored* and sexual deviant to upset the conservatives and Mormons on the jury who may feel he is giving Mormonism a bad name.

I have never seen such revolting victim bashing since the 70's and 80's when it was okay to say that a rape victim asked for it because of the clothes she wore.

This is horrendous, what is being done to an innocent victim's reputation, all in the name of getting a psychopath of death row and it makes me sick at heart.

I cannot fathom how Travis family are surviving this. My heart is really breaking for them.
-respectfully snipped by me

:rocker: Post of the Day!!
What's the caller saying?

how believable everything jodi is saying - and it must be true or she is an incredible actress - and that she is on the edge of her seat listening too her - she scares me :furious:
But many women ARE rape victims and to say that men don't ever come on strong sexually unless they are given signals is odious and shameful. :(.

My post was in direct response to the statement that "men do not come on that strong unless they are given signals by the woman". Really?????

Of course, you are speaking of a different kind of circumstance though. Am I missing something? Rape is not the same as consensual sex which often starts after signals are given between two parties.
So . . . . TA treated JA worse than a vampire, an adopted kid with no papers/ no job/ no future, a 42 y/o man with a son and ex-wife, people into martial arts . .. .(but not UFC)


What made me laugh was the comment Jodi said Travis made about Darryl, calling him Grandpa. Travis was 30, still older than Jodi but far closer in age to Darryl than Jodi was. I don't believe he made that remark. What purpose would it have served? Many of Travis' friends were older than he was. jmo
At first I thought it was going to be an advantage for her. I assumed that a few would find her attractive and would sympathize with her.

But it might backfire on her if she tries to act like a victim of 'date rape.' Her cloak of innocence, and her phony claims of embarrassment, and pretending like she was forced to give him oral sex, all of that might really bother these men.

My son's best friend was falsely accused of date rape when he was a freshman in college. The girl eventually admitted to lying and the charges were dropped. But he was arrested and out on bond, and his life was ruined for a couple of years before that happened.

I think many men FEAR that kind of accusation. JMO

YEP! I agree, the same way true rape victims hate when some women lie about being raped.
Thank you for your respectful reply. :)

But I am seeing this common denominator here, and it is that Travis was a bit aggressive sexually. Not just from Jodi, but Lisa put it out there(although she tried to soften some of it later) , too.

It worries me that I keep reading comments about "buying the cow when the milk is free", or how even though Travis portrayed himself as a devout Mormon, he simply couldn't control himself when he was offered sex and that isn't HIS fault, but the fault of the temptress woman!

C'mon ladies! Travis doesn't have to be perfect or saintly to be a victim. :(.

Saying that men only "sin" when led astray by some Jezebel is insulting to our entire gender! And I guarantee you that every woman who has been pawed, fondled or raped will agree.

I know I do not feel like I am to blame for some of the unwelcomed attentions I have received in my life, although there were times I bought the old "well, she musta asked for it" party line.

Luckily, I am smarter now and I know that unlike a previous poster said, sometimes men DO come on strong even if a woman doesn't encourage it.


BUt I think we have to put some of this in context. Jodi went alone, to meet up with him at a party out of town, where she agreed to spend the night. And she even said they discussed it in a sexual way , as if there would be some intimacy expected between them that night.

If you go and spend the night with someone then, imo, you are sending them a message that you are open to some intimacy. It doesnt mean she is a *advertiser censored*---but her professed embarrassment/innocence and her pretending the situation was forced upon her is a load of BS.

The same with the 'incident' between them the following month. She drove hours to meet him at a motel to spend the weekend. How do you agree to spend the weekend in a motel, and then act like you are 'coerced' into sexual relations with the other person? That is totally disingenuous. She wasn't a teenager. She had already lived with three adult men, and been out of her home since she was 15. She was not a naive, innocent, child.
I will still contend that Lisa put it out there because at some point his behavior made her feel "dirty" and uncomfortable.

Remember she sent the email while Travis was alive and as we know, people tend to soften their views on the transgressions of others after those transgressors have died.

There was obviously something there that upset her and God forbid some young man make MY daughter feel that way and she is then pressured into recanting, saying she was just being "immature".

I want her to follow her instincts and not let some backwards thinking mentality impress upon her that she "misremembered" things and that she never actually felt groped or pressured.


No offense, but it seems you filter the testimony from a bias against men.
Jodi isn't a rape victim and this is not about rape victims. It's ridiculous to try to make it about something it's not.

Of course she isnt.

A woman that spreads her legs like peanut butter is no rape victim but a very willing participant.

grammie, I'm curious as to how you feel the testimony is being received by males. Not picking, I really would like to hear what you ladies are thinking about this

Perhaps I can give some insight :seeya:

Please do share!!
a males perspective would be awesome (asked a few ?'s earlier) ;)
She clearly explained the email in her testimony. She admitted she was immature and upset and this was less than 24 hours after the break up.

It would be better to put up her full testimony of what she really said. She explained it very well.

She also clearly answered all the questions the jurors had too and not one thing she said was disparaging for Travis.


Agreed, juror questions also cleared up Lisas testimony, she also said it was taken out of context, which she went on to explain on cross.
Did you see the cross by RM? You might want to look at it first because Lisa gets a chance to explain her side and not just say yes or no from the email as it was being read (JW said she wasn't reading it, but essentially she was). If you haven't heard the cross you might want to because it explains a lot about how a young, inexperienced 19 year old viewed making out. jmo

I'm sorry but I still think that even an inexperienced 19 year old is still entitled to her "gut" feelings. If whatever is happening is making her uneasy, then she has EVERY right to say so. Just because she is inexperienced doesn't mean she isn't entitled to feel uncomfortable with a sexually charged situation.

My gut is that Lisa was pressured to soften the sentiments in her email out of respect for Travis.

I can't figure out how anything JA has said, yesterday or today is relevant. Do we know the ages of the jury? I sure hope all of jury can see the truth.
It's not relevant to Jodi being a victim of domestic abuse by Travis.

Symptoms of domestic abuse:

-physically afraid of their partner most of the time
-must ”walk on eggshells” around the partner out of fear of angering them
-believe that they can’t do anything right for their partner
-believe they deserved to be mistreated
-believe they might be crazy
-feels numb and helpless
-lives with partner with an unpredictable temper
-partner has threatened to hurt or kill them
-partner has threatened to commit suicide if they leave
-partner forces them to have sex
-partner destroys your belongings
-partner acts excessively jealous
-partner controls what you do
-partner limits your access to money, the phone, the car
-partner constantly checks up on them
-partner blames them for their abusive behavior
-partner ignores or insults their accomplishments
-partner sees them as property or a sex object rather than a person
-partner treats you badly and embarrasses them in front of friends
-partner yells or humiliates them
-partner criticizes them
I will still contend that Lisa put it out there because at some point his behavior made her feel "dirty" and uncomfortable.

Remember she sent the email while Travis was alive and as we know, people tend to soften their views on the transgressions of others after those transgressors have died.

There was obviously something there that upset her and God forbid some young man make MY daughter feel that way and she is then pressured into recanting, saying she was just being "immature".

I want her to follow her instincts and not let some backwards thinking mentality impress upon her that she "misremembered" things and that she never actually felt groped or pressured.

I certainly pray words I have said against another in times of anger aren't so carelessly misused and misjudged as the defense attempted to portray Lisa's email. We can feel something in a moment and reflect and rationalize those feelings later without necessarily feeling pressured by societal injustices to do so.

I refuse to be dismissive of Lisa's testimony as we have no evidence her testimony, unlike Jodi's, is self-serving in any capacity. She knew, and loved Travis, a great deal. Including his faults.

I'm sorry but I still think that even an inexperienced 19 year old is still entitled to her "gut" feelings. If whatever is happening is making her uneasy, then she has EVERY right to say so. Just because she is inexperienced doesn't mean she isn't entitled to feel uncomfortable with a sexually charged situation.

My gut is that Lisa was pressured to soften the sentiments in her email out of respect for Travis.


To me, Lisa seemed very relieved to be able to explain fully her thoughts and feelings.
i wonder if martinez can call the Hughes to refute a lot of her testimony she gave today??? ms. hughes seems like she is one smart cookie and i don't think that every thing jodi said could have happened in her house and she had no clue
Travis Searles on JVM on HLN saying TA referred to JA as a "nymphomaniac" . . she was very aggressive and could not get enough sex . , . .

I don't remember Taylor talking about TA confessing his sexual relations with JA . . . maybe he was the one who said "every (mormon) guy has thought about the semantics of what type of sex is allowed and what is not . . . (?)
OMG. An attorney on JVM said the fact that Jodi didn't graduate from KINDERGARTEN and high school was going to be considered by the jury. Where do they find these panelists?
i wonder if martinez can call the Hughes to refute a lot of her testimony she gave today??? ms. hughes seems like she is one smart cookie and i don't think that every thing jodi said could have happened in her house and she had no clue

I don’t know what Sky thought JA and TA were up to, but she certainly played a part in getting them together.
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