Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #23 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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Wow I seriously doubt it...that would have been an obvious "do not pass Go" card for them in terms of Jodi.

ok lol don't go :furious: on me :D I really didn't know, and was curious after hearing her this afternoon, and didn't want to ask earlier because the thread was moving so fast.
thanks .... and btw... I think you are a rockstar Katie ;-) I'm sure you didn't see all the posts last night, but my husband thought I was crazy when I was hollering at ev1 to shush when you came on tv lol I was saying I know her... well I don't know her, but I know her :blushing::seeya:
Lisa's testimony under oath was that she never felt pressured to have sex with Travis, right?

Yes, and lets remember that this was AFTER all this supposed oral sex with Jodi that she didn't really want
Ah to be young again. Touching my behind is a prerequisite to going out with me.

I don't buy for a moment in time, the braids, pigtails, the tie her up tie him up this is not a girl that was uncomfortable with anything except being told No. She even dated Vampires, Unicorns and Jimmy Hoffa before Travis..

BBM LOL You are fantastic!
"In the email, Diadoni told Alexander she did not want him to text or email her anymore. It says when they were together, they would make out "for too long" and that Diadoni felt Alexander wanted her just for her body. She felt Alexander had a lot of sexual tension, which made her feel used and dirty, the email says.
Diadoni wrote in the lengthy email that she had asked Alexander not to "grab her butt," especially in public, but she did not feel he was really listening to her. She said she also asked him not to talk about sex so much "but he did anyway," and she did not feel like he cared how she felt.
Alexander, according to Diadoni's email, asked for compliments often and did not share the same values that she embraced. She also said he overreacted a lot."

Respectfully, Frayed, very often you and I agree but not on this. This isn't about blaming women or bashing feminine sexuality. This is about putting all of Lisa's testimony into context. She stated she did not feel pressured to have sex, she did not feel uncomfortable with Travis, she pursued certain aspects of the relationship herself because he would not. It certainly doesn't equate to her being a harlot but neither does it equate to Travis being the sex-addicted player some are attempting to paint him into with absolutely ONLY Jodi's word for it - and a few photos we also have no context for.

It isn't about sanctifying or demonizing Travis. It's about getting to the truth. We know Jodi to be a liar based on a lot of evidence and testimony already presented. Yet we have Mimi, Lisa, Chris et al. to learn of Travis from. To discount their testimony seems pointless to me unless one only wants to accept her version of events. JMO


In fact I find it insulting that women in general are lumped in with Jodi Arias who imo is a s*lt. She is what she is. What Jodi Arias has to do with other women I have no clue. I may not like what some men do but I darn sure dont think that groups all men in the same category.

Surely someone isnt trying to pretend all women are virtuous and without fault? There are many women who act just like Jodi Arias that uses sex as a tool in order to manipulate men and control them just like some seedy men do the same to women. But it never removes what they are or makes the good ones like them either.

Lisa said Travis never forced himself on her and like you have mentioned she had to initiate the kissing herself. Lisa was a virgin and when she broke up with Travis she still was.

It was obvious that even today Lisa still holds a special place in her heart for Travis. He was her first true love and she said she was so thankful she got to talk with him not too long before he was murdered. If he had been in any way abusive to her she would not still feel such an affection for him.

The only one that has said anything bad about Travis is the known pathological sociopath liar who has the most motive of anyone and incentive to lie her arse off trying to save her pathetic self from prison or DR.

I will never accept her version of events. Her pants should be on fire she lies so much.:furious: She knows very well her victim is dead and she has silenced him so that he could never be able to tell his side of the story.

When there is only one side left to tell any story the truth will never be known.:(
Jodi and her df teams can sit up there all day telling her story. I do not buy it. I sat on a murder trial, not a DP one. The DF is trying to put the attention on Jodi, oh poor Jodi. When we walked into our jury deliberations, the autopsy photos and coroners report told the story all to well. I hope this jury does not get side tracked. No way Jodi can convince me this was self defence, no one commits that brutal of a crime in self defense. I'm sure JM (my hero) will prove that in the cross.
Weren't the Hughes' (Chris and Skye) the ones that told TA never to bring her to their home again?

yes. And it's my understanding, that according to Jodi, their first sexual encounter was in their home. (oral sex)
Darryl gave his testimony prior to Jodi's. He had no clue what she would testify to. He claims the Mormon's came months before she went to the convention and that she had told him after meeting with them that they could no longer have sex because she was saving herself. I'm inclined to believe this is true because his testimony was first and if he was hurt I'm sure he would remember exactly the way it happened.

Her testimony today was first that they broke up after that weekend of the convention (Sept) and they moved into separate bedrooms. Earlier I think she messed up on her timeline of when she and Darryl stopped having relations and they moved into separate bedrooms. I'll have to listen to it again once it is up. In any case Jodi's memories are much different than Darryl's and since Darryl is not in jail facing a life sentence I'd trust his testimony before hers.

At this point all JM has to do is point out her inconsistencies, does not have to raise his voice and can be very nice to her. She is making it easy up to this point. jmo
I have a question... did the Hughes' know that Jodi and Travis were having sex? under their roof? I just can't seem to recall whether they knew at the time, or only found out after the fact.

We may get a chance to find this out since Mrs Hughes has been summoned by the defense to appear in court.. plz correct me if wrong ;)
ok lol don't go :furious: on me :D I really didn't know, and was curious after hearing her this afternoon, and didn't want to ask earlier because the thread was moving so fast.
thanks .... and btw... I think you are a rockstar Katie ;-) I'm sure you didn't see all the posts last night, but my husband thought I was crazy when I was hollering at ev1 to shush when you came on tv lol I was saying I know her... well I don't know her, but I know her :blushing::seeya:

Hahaha that's awesome..pretty sure I missed most of the posts last night...was scrolling w my iPhone and I'm half blind. Who were you hollering at? I have no idea where that :furious: came
"In the email, Diadoni told Alexander she did not want him to text or email her anymore. It says when they were together, they would make out "for too long" and that Diadoni felt Alexander wanted her just for her body. She felt Alexander had a lot of sexual tension, which made her feel used and dirty, the email says.
Diadoni wrote in the lengthy email that she had asked Alexander not to "grab her butt," especially in public, but she did not feel he was really listening to her. She said she also asked him not to talk about sex so much "but he did anyway," and she did not feel like he cared how she felt.
Alexander, according to Diadoni's email, asked for compliments often and did not share the same values that she embraced. She also said he overreacted a lot."

And Lisa went on to explain that she wrote that email less than 24 hours after she heard Travis was cheating. She was very upset and very immature. She acknowledged that she said things in that email that were unfair to Travis.
Jodi isn't a rape victim and this is not about rape victims. It's ridiculous to try to make it about something it's not.

But many women ARE rape victims and to say that men don't ever come on strong sexually unless they are given signals is odious and shameful. :(.

My post was in direct response to the statement that "men do not come on that strong unless they are given signals by the woman". Really?????
She had to lie to Darryl and he had to be dumb to believe a boob job only cost $300. She couldnt pay the bills but could afford a boob job.


She could also afford to buy a membership in PPL, and to stay at a hotel and meals for the conference. No money for Darryl - he's history.
Thank you for your respectful reply. :)

But I am seeing this common denominator here, and it is that Travis was a bit aggressive sexually. Not just from Jodi, but Lisa put it out there(although she tried to soften some of it later) , too.

It worries me that I keep reading comments about "buying the cow when the milk is free", or how even though Travis portrayed himself as a devout Mormon, he simply couldn't control himself when he was offered sex and that isn't HIS fault, but the fault of the temptress woman!

C'mon ladies! Travis doesn't have to be perfect or saintly to be a victim. :(.

Saying that men only "sin" when led astray by some Jezebel is insulting to our entire gender! And I guarantee you that every woman who has been pawed, fondled or raped will agree.

I know I do not feel like I am to blame for some of the unwelcomed attentions I have received in my life, although there were times I bought the old "well, she musta asked for it" party line.

Luckily, I am smarter now and I know that unlike a previous poster said, sometimes men DO come on strong even if a woman doesn't encourage it.

I think the potential for danger here, in this case, arises when we equate Jodi to a mentally healthy woman. It is extremely likely to me that she did use sex as a means of control and manipulation. That isn't a gender slam, fwiw, but a common tool of a disordered personality.

Likewise, my ex, also disordered, begged me to have sex with him on our first date but would also often withhold it as means of punishment further into our relationship. For disordereds it is as much a game for their amusement as a means to control or subjugate another human being.

So no, I don't believe Jodi is a *advertiser censored* but I do most certainly believe she is a depraved, soulless anomaly I fortunately cannot relate to on even the most basic of human levels - much less gender.
Oh ITA the defense "has" to bring it up. As gaggy as it it.

But what's our excuse for labeling other women as *advertiser censored*? We aren't involved in Jodi's defense. Why are we so gleeful in *advertiser censored* shaming her?

Why can't we just be happy to scream "murderer" at her? :waitasec:

If she were not a conniving psychopath, I'd just call her a bit wild. Fine by me! People who wait for marriage are fine by me, too.

Sex is so individual, I think. I do hate it when folks decide what is 'whorish' based on a woman's enjoyment of sex, etc, because we don't all have to agree about something so personal! But in this case, I think it's clear that Jodi used the sex for devious purposes.

I don't think she even likes sex, myself. But she'll use it incessantly, and that's where I think she's foul.

I think Travis may well have been having a great sexual time, but I do believe it also bothered his conscience at other times. He was a big boy, so that's all his choice. But I definitely think she tried her best to seduce him.
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