Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #24 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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jodi wasn't following the script her defense team gave her and Nurmi's strong hints weren't having much success. She is so enamored with her own stories and useless details that she is veering off course. The jury will remember nothing about what she is saying because Nurmi is;,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 and jodi talks in;,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
Finally finished listening to yesterdays testimony. :pullhair:

Sooooo looking forward to Juan asking yes or no questions of the defendant!!!!!!
LMAO as a matter of fact I would buy a big ole bag of pennies. One of my OCD (amongst other issues) Clients collects them. Pays himself 7 a day :waitasec: He is freaking out and mad at the Goverment for "changing his rules". We are stockpiling them at work LOL

:what: :waitasec: :floorlaugh:

No need to warn you about folks who are mad at governments for 'changing the rules'?
Did not catch until review on IS this morning that she said the day they went to church when staying at Hughes house, that Skys brother Zion spoke at the service. I did not realize when we saw Zion on the talking head show identify himself as Skys brother.

Am I the only one who missed this before?
This is probably mean of me but my favorite part of yesterday was when Juan started objecting and she got frustrated.

Wait till Juan keeps stopping her from more than yes and no answers, unless she says it's more than a yes or no.
I wonder how many times the judge will let her do it and ramble. If the Judge tells her only yes and no does that infringe on Jodi's criminal and civil rights? and would be one big point for an appeal?
Her mother and aunt will be there according to IS. I didn't know she had friends either but could be friends like ex cell mates:waitasec:

Jodi never talks about friendships other than her relationships with men. I get the feeling that she didn't need girlfriends as long as she had a man in her life.

What was up with that former colleague who was on HLN last night - Gayla something? She seemed much older than Jodi and hadn't seen her since 2000. I thought she might have been more of a mother-figure to Jodi and not really a kindred spirit. :moo:
No, first I want to hear her version of June 4th, and the sooner the better.

I am predicting a lot of "I don't recall". Her memory has been quite selective so far and she is never going to tell what really happened.
...I was listening to Jodi's testimony about how she and Travis "hooked up" the first time. I call shenanigans on her "discomfort" with the "incident" on that Saturday night at the Hughes' and the Starbucks meeting a few days later.

While she may be psychopathic, Cluster B, Axis II or whatever, I don't think she's devoid of all normal emotion and likely has a lot of the same feelings other people do when they meet someone new that is charming, handsome, funny, etc.

What I think is that she and Darryl were likely at a point in their relationship where things were kind of stale. Jodi had the opportunity to go to her first PPL event and met a very charming Travis Alexander. Of course it is speculation on my part, but I have a feeling there were less than 4" between their lips during that elevator ride. Jodi fell for him, HARD. This was enough for her to justify breaking up with Darryl.

She and Travis continued to have phone conversations until their next planned meet up (at the Hughes'). Jodi testified that she anticipated kissing/action or whatever. Of course she did! The relationship with Travis at that point was in the beginning stages. You know, that point where one is smitten, giddy, day-dreamy or what have you.

Regardless of what happened that night, I do not buy her testimony that she was "uncomfortable". Furthermore, if you feel uncomfortable with someone who you have continued to talk to after an "incident" (ala Nurmi) such as that, you don't meet up with them a few days later and sneak off to find a place to get it on again.

This to me sounds like a typical beginning to an adult relationship. Well, maybe a little "fast" for some, but I believe she was a more than willing participant.


I'm having a REALLY hard time believing that Travis just sauntered into Jodi's room at the Hughes's, climbed in her bed, and started kissing her -- without a single word.


1. A man with Travis's business and religious reputation wouldn't likely take such a risk. He'd want to say a few words first, to gauge her clear consent -- to make sure this girl doesn't start screaming "HELP!! HE'S RAPING ME!!"

2. Given the above, this sounds more like a scene Jodi may have read in a romance novel or something. Not saying it's impossible for certain men to just go in a girl's room and try this, but it seems waaay to early in their relationship for Travis to think this move would be accepted. Unless she was already "hoe-ing up" with him over the phone (i.e., phone sex).

Someone here commented that Jodi's "met a Goth boy at the State Fair" story was lifted from the movie "Lost Boys." And I previously shared this link to a blog with a comparison of Jodi's shower scene to Hitchcock's in "Psycho." ( )

So now I'm wondering if half of Jodi's "reality" is lifted from someone else's creative material... Will her entire testimony devolve into a game of "Name That Movie or Book?"
Good morning, sleuthers! I am really looking forward to Jodi being done on direct and getting to Juan's turn questioning her. I am just dreading listening to her tell her dishonest version of what happened that day. I'm sure she will say he kept coming at her when she stabbed him, so she had to continue (although he must have been going after her backwards!). She will make the total brutality sound like self defense. And it will all be lies!! I feel so bad for Travis' family having to listen to all the lies and the way she makes Travis sound like the devient, when I'm sure she was the aggressor from the start. My thoughts and prayers are with Travis' family and friends (and all of us who have grown to care for them and also have to listen).
Did not catch until review on IS this morning that she said the day they went to church when staying at Hughes house, that Skys brother Zion spoke at the service. I did not realize when we saw Zion on the talking head show identify himself as Skys brother.

Am I the only one who missed this before?

I wasn't aware of their relationship either. But yikes, that Zion is handsome! Very very.
I hope this evidenciary hearing doesn't last too long. I'm guessing we will only get a couple hours of JA testibaloney today.
I agree (and said that yesterday).

It is also VERY clear that she has been well coached as she knowns exactly how to answer the question to get the damning info in:

case in point: the visor mirror

Nurmi asked what Travis did after she was done giving him oral sex and she says,
"well, after he adjusted the visor mirror....."

Yeah, I have to say she's pretty good at adding in those subtle yet no so subtle details. And she didn't develop that type of skill overnight. She's been working at this for a while, probably one way she weaseled her way into Travis' life in the first place. What's so bad is that she's being allowed to give her twisted version of events, and Travis doesn't have that same opportunity. Who's going to speak for him? :(
I was wondering do we know if Travis ever went to JA's house or town to visit her? I know that she traveled to see/stalk him.
Someone asked me and I dont remember hearing if he had.
LMAO as a matter of fact I would buy a big ole bag of pennies. One of my OCD (amongst other issues) Clients collects them. Pays himself 7 a day :waitasec: He is freaking out and mad at the Goverment for "changing his rules". We are stockpiling them at work LOL

I've got 1/4 of a jar of said pennies...daughter works at outlet and for some reason has collected them.....they are worthless here
Sorry for the OT but why do you think the first jury was hung? Just trying to put all this in context of Jodi's trial and what could possibly happen. I have never really followed a trial like this before, other than OJ -- when I was on maternity leave and Court TV was still on and airing the whole trial.

Young jury appeared to be leaning toward acquittal

Young jury foreman: No doubt there was reasonable doubt
This is a serious question (I'm not being sarcastic)-

Can Juan rebut whatever the defense's psych "experts" say with an expert of his own? If so, can that expert testify in hypotheticals about Travis's childhood and what might have made him vulnerable to a controlling sexual predator? And further, how Travis the victim of actual abuse might have had difficulty in making his abuser go away and stay away?
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