Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #24 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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How does she remember so much detail from what happened several years ago? I don't remember what I did last week!

I know what you mean! Didn't Mark Twain once say that half the stuff I remember never happened?
I don't know if it can be found on Websleuths but I do know that Jason Young testified in his first trial (not on video) and that testimony was played at his second trial.

That video can be found here:

The remainder of the testimony can be found here:

Enjoy! :)

Thank you. Don't know anything about this case -- was this guy convicted?

Scott Peterson did not testify did he?
I can't resist - I did the cheap upload (used my camera instead actually uploading - because I am lazy today! LOL) of that part of her testimony from my tv ........ watch how her lies are as transparent as Saran wrap!
I also think she was lying when she said she was 'embarrassed' to testify about the oral sex. She didn't look embarrassed in the least and I think she was quite happy to talk about it.

might be reading too much into this but something I noticed from yesterday.

2 things Jodi said, first one of her boyfriends was getting serious too fast and wanted to get married and she wasn't ready for that yet so she broke it off, second when describing something between her and travis she used the phrase we were making out.

Kind of reminded me of what Lisa said about her and Travis
Good catch! I think she did use Lisa's 'making out' terminology because it sounds more innocent then say '*advertiser censored*'.
Thank you. Don't know anything about this case -- was this guy convicted?

Scott Peterson did not testify did he?

Yes, he was convicted. He killed his wife (drove hours home to do it while he was on a business trip)

He had TWO trials... first hung and second convicted.
Let me preface this by first saying that there is NO excuse or justification for Travis's murder...

That being said, why is there such a double standard when it comes to men who have casual sex with women versus women who have casual sex? If Jodi's a hoe, then what was Travis? I can certainly see labeling Jodi as a "hoe" simply because of the brutal murder she committed but if you are to lable HER a hoe because of HER sexual behavior - again I ask, what would that have made Travis? JMO ~

Here is the thing about Jodi...she went from one man to another. She always had another man waiting in the wings before she moved on. She dated the friends of the men she broke up with. Sometimes her relationships overlapped. She was looking for financial security and would leave when the funds ran dry. She was dry humping a man hours after she had sex with another man. Travis, by some acounts, was a virgin until he met Jodi. Jodi was behaving in a promiscuous manner sincce the age of 15, Travis was allegedly a virgin until the age of 30.
The reason I ask about Scott Peterson is because I see him and Jodi as very similar for some reason. Just cool as a damn cucumber after committing murders of his beautiful, wonderful wife and baby.
This is probably mean of me but my favorite part of yesterday was when Juan started objecting and she got frustrated.
I agree (and said that yesterday).

It is also VERY clear that she has been well coached as she knowns exactly how to answer the question to get the damning info in:

case in point: the visor mirror

Nurmi asked what Travis did after she was done giving him oral sex and she says,
"well, after he adjusted the visor mirror....."

Perhaps this explains why Nurmi did so poorly when questioning other witnesses. All along he has been focused on this lengthy and meticulous testimony script for JAs turn on the stand.

I think most of this detail (not all, she gets carried away) will go to the detailed points which the DV expert witness will bring up. But even if they manage to draw out an example of each item on a checklist for being "abused," I still can't see how they can possibly meet the requirements of the two tests for self defense. Those are: 1) a reasonable person must feel her life is threatened and so takes action to protect self; and, 2) the action taken is enough to achieve protection but not more, i.e., NOT overkill. (These are my words, not the legalese.)

Hopefully they coached her last night to net it out more. Mercy, that was torture!
Do any of you old-timers know of other videos of defendants who have testified, that might be found here on Websleuths? Jodi's testimony and her attorney's style just seem so odd to me -- I want to compare it to others.

Jason Young's testimony:

Part 1: Direct

Part 2: Direct

Part 3: Direct

Part 4: Cross examination & Redirect

This was from his first trial, which was declared a mistrial
His testimony from the first trial was played for the jurors in his second trial, he did not take the stand in the second trial.
He was convicted, he is now serving life in NC prison.
Thank you. Don't know anything about this case -- was this guy convicted?

Scott Peterson did not testify did he?

Scott Peterson did not testify. Supposedly they did a trial "run through" on a weekend with him to see how he would do on the stand and he failed miserably. I keep hoping the attorney that did the trial run-through with him will write a book about it...
Do any of you old-timers know of other videos of defendants who have testified, that might be found here on Websleuths? Jodi's testimony and her attorney's style just seem so odd to me -- I want to compare it to others.

They don't seem to believe her themselves. Or at least Nurmi. I could be reading more into it then what is actually there. The tone in Nurmi's voice when he asked her if she was finding it hard to testify sounded to me like he was he didn't believe she was having difficulty.

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Good morning everyone. Just love reading here and have for several years. Am ready for the trial to get started this morning, but golly gee don't know if I can make it through the blah blah rhythm that Jodi and her lawyer have going on between them. He kind of gives me the heebie-jeebies the way he is asking her the questions. So flat and drawn out. Juan will put the excitement back in the questioning for me. I think he will make Jodi's head spin by the time he gets finished with her.
And she can't say It traumatized me so I don't remember.. Apparently a certain kind of sex in a car in the park was stressful too yet we got every detail, who went first, who finished in how many minutes, if the sun was East or setting in the West, the park sprinklers came on 4.2 seconds into his part, which was 14.6 seconds after I pretended to like something, which was Wednesday October 1st just after 4:07pm because I had worked to 7:03pm the night before, I would have clocked out at 6:40pm but the cook I am seeing along with the manager tripped and dropped a grand slam breakfast that someone ordered at dinner time because you can do that at Denny's you can order breakfast around the clock, Isn't that weird? People think it's weird but it's not, it's kind of what we are known for, but we are not known for our shakes like strawberry, chocolate and vanilla in the silver iced tall shake holders like Bob's Big Boy is, some of us go there on Friday's to have a shake because ours are not as good. But the Bob's Big Boy people come to my Denny's for breakfast at 3:00pm because you can do that at Denny's.



All seriousness aside, as someone mentioned, the whole defense (Jodi included) are pulling this charade/last ditch/Hail Mary to keep the witness on the stand through the week.

Nurmi: "Look, no matter what I ask you, don't give any yes or no answers, even if you have to talk about my tie. We need to make this last until the end of the day on Wednesday. Don't worry about the clock, I have an eye on that. If I need to, I'll point out to the judge when we should take a break. You just keep talking. It ain't like it's gonna kill you or anything".
Jason Young's testimony:

Part 1: Direct

Part 2: Direct

Part 3: Direct

Part 4: Cross examination & Redirect

This was from his first trial, which was declared a mistrial
His testimony from the first trial was played for the jurors in his second trial, he did not take the stand in the second trial.
He was convicted, he is now serving life in NC prison.

Sorry for the OT but why do you think the first jury was hung? Just trying to put all this in context of Jodi's trial and what could possibly happen. I have never really followed a trial like this before, other than OJ -- when I was on maternity leave and Court TV was still on and airing the whole trial.
I'm waiting for Juan to bring it back to why we are all watching the trial.
I suspect his first question will be is this how you left Travis? And have a pic of him on the monitor.

All seriousness aside, as someone mentioned, the whole defense (Jodi included) are pulling this charade/last ditch/Hail Mary to keep the witness on the stand through the week.

Nurmi: "Look, no matter what I ask you, don't give any yes or no answers, even if you have to talk about my tie. We need to make this last until the end of the day on Wednesday. Don't worry about the clock, I have an eye on that. If I need to, I'll point out to the judge when we should take a break. You just keep talking. It ain't like it's gonna kill you or anything".

I sensed that even Nurmi was getting frustrated with her at times. Of course, Nurmi has a way of taking way too long to get to the point as well.
Very quick game of catch-up this morning. I'm ready for the "rest of the story" as I think we might actually get to hear the who, what, where, when, why, and how Jodi came to murder Travis. Does anyone think that cross might begin today, or will the jury get to "sleep" on Jodi's terrifying ordeal?

Also, I know that there is no Court tomorrow, but what about Friday? I hope the jury doesn't have a four-day lapse after they've listened to testimony from "poor me" Jodi about the reasons that she had to slice and dice Travis because he was a very bad man. :rolleyes:
reminder folks: NO NAME CALLING... this includes the defendant. I have had to remove several posts that used the "h" word in reference to the defendant. That is a :nono:
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