Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #24 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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I heard this part of the testimony on the radio so I missed her demeanor, but it was really bizarre. She was saying that after she gave him oral, he refused to kiss her on the lips (HE SAID because it was gross--ya think??) and instead kissed her on the cheek.

It sounded like she was making a mountain out of a molehill, almost upset that he wasn't romancing her after "using her for sex". Which seems to be her twisted distortion of reality. But seriously, yuck. Who would want a kiss in that moment??
Goshdarnitalldagnabbitetcetc....I really don't know if I'll make the am testimony tomorrow. I'm coughing like mad. Working all day today, not so helpful in the rest dept. Listening to a full day of The Jodi Arias Victim Story is not what the Dr. ordered either. I WILL be there for the pm....but right now it's not lookin good for the morning. I'm gonna go breathe some steam or something. :/

lavender scented steam can help. Few drops in a vaporizer :thumbup:

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Goshdarnitalldagnabbitetcetc....I really don't know if I'll make the am testimony tomorrow. I'm coughing like mad. Working all day today, not so helpful in the rest dept. Listening to a full day of The Jodi Arias Victim Story is not what the Dr. ordered either. I WILL be there for the pm....but right now it's not lookin good for the morning. I'm gonna go breathe some steam or something. :/

Feel better Katie! My Fam all took OTC cough syrup. Helped alot!!!
If I were near I would bring you some of my homemade chicken noodle soup!
Sleep sweet! See you on dr. Drew tomorrow!
Nite all :seeya: Peepers are closing. I feel like every "sense" has been violated today. Rest for tomorrow. I think it will be ugly. Again.

This trial is bringing out some very passionate people and comments. Some see levity to lighten the subject others are offended.

This is my first trial to follow on WS. Were other trial posts like this or is it just the "content" of this trial? In other words have you had to issue so many warnings before?

Johunt, as we say in the south...bless your heart.

This trial and threads are tame as we are msotly on the same page, and not many<mod snip of word we are not allowed to use of animals that lurk under bridges> are not her like they were and are sometimes in other t threads likes fca's.

We lost some long time loved ones with banning as it got so emotional!

We had actual weeks of all threads being shut down during discourse and outta hand during fca trial, during which many of us went nuts and went to the websleuths chatroom (oops, do not know if mods know that!) And one other trial, threads down for a year still, awaiting that one to come back.

So, to answer your question from someone with just a few years under belt, this is tame as to discourse moo moo moo!
My Mom is yelling from "the other side" wanting me to give Vinnie her one word.

Nite all :seeya: Peepers are closing. I feel like every "sense" has been violated today. Rest for tomorrow. I think it will be ugly. Again.

Night Bravo. Wishing you a warm blankie, and sweet dreams :eek:fftobed:.
I just took the time to read your post Floating.

First of all, thank you for having the courage to excavate all of that and put it to paper (screen). I know how hard that must have been for you.

I don't have any words for you other than the brilliance of our poster K_Z (hope I got that right) who wrote of the importance of our bearing witness for each other. So simply by writing that and it being shared and read, you are less alone in your pain.

That counts for something. A whole lot of something. And I hope you keep sharing, I sincerely do. Your voice means a lot however you choose to participate.

Soft dreams tonite, friend.
After two mind numbing days I am happy to relieve tension inappropriately.....or appropriately....

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That is tommows testimony!

ATL averts her eyes while tension is being relieved!
:floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:
JA and TA third "sexual encounter" at a hotel on the Cali/AZ boarder. DT trying to pull out how these encounters "made her feel" trying to make her say she felt dirty and used.

Having a sexual encounter in Ehrenberg would make anyone feel dirty and used! Seriously, that area is very sketch. Imo, you wouldn't meet someone there for any reason and plan to stay in a hotel there for two days EXCEPT to have sex...period. Puts the "relationship" in kind of a whole new light for me knowing that they did that.
I watched DD tonight and waited for you to speak. You know what happened is he would ask Katie a question and then he would ask Carol a question. Who the heck is Carol ????? He is such a GOOF.

Chakti! That wasn't me! lol I wasn't there today. But I'll be there tomorrow. ;)
G'nite everyone. Here's hoping the PA gets a shot sooner rather than later. If we have to listen to Nurmi and JA much longer, we may all end up in the loony bin with Nurse Ratched :gasp:.

See everyone tomorrow :eek:fftobed:.
Johunt, as we say in the south...bless your heart.

This trial and threads are tame as we are msotly on the same page, and not many<mod snip of word we are not allowed to use of animals that lurk under bridges> are not her like they were and are sometimes in other t threads likes fca's.

We lost some long time loved ones with banning as it got so emotional!

We had actual weeks of all threads being shut down during discourse and outta hand during fca trial, during which many of us went nuts and went to the websleuths chatroom (oops, do not know if mods know that!) And one other trial, threads down for a year still, awaiting that one to come back.

So, to answer your question from someone with just a few years under belt, this is tame as to discourse moo moo moo!

Ahhh thank you! Wow shut down for a year? There was a warning to shut this thread down by the Co-Owner but I just though it would be for a day or two.
Where evil lurks: Neurologist discovers 'dark patch' inside the brains of killers and - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community
On the front page under "up to minute" a thread about :
Where evil lurks: Neurologist discovers 'dark patch' inside the brains of killers and rapists

Dr Roth said no two criminals are alike. He divides them into three groups for the purposes of his hunt for evil.

The first he classifies as 'psychologically healthy,' people who grow up in an environment where it is 'OK to beat, steal and murder'.

The second type is the mentally disturbed criminal who looks at his world as threatening.

'A wrong look, one false move, he can explode and become a killer,' he said.

The third group are pure psycopaths, a group in which tyrants such as Hitler and Stalin belong.

The first would be most criminals. The second would be someone like Seung-Hui Cho or Adam Lanza. The third would be obviously Hitler and Stalin. I would include someone like Osama bin Laden, Eric Harris, and Casey Anthony.

A Really good read
Wonder how long they're going to listen to Msss Arias tomorrow?

I personally can't see the def ending her testimony with anything other than the dadddaaaa! Murder! Of course it will be dramatized, probably at least an hour, of how he abused her, licked his lips, and whatever and then she had to defend herself so she killed him!

then the jury will have a four day weekend to thinkaboutit!

I'm so over this lady!

Jodi lies like a road and I am ready for Juan to drive over her
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