Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #26 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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During direct, Nurmi has done everything besides ask Jodi 'show us on the doll where Travis touched you' my guess is he's doing the best he can, but won't lose any sleep if the jury throws the book at her.


OMG post of the day! :floorlaugh:
He has a choice on how the evidence and testimony is presented to the jury.

Thanks you, thank you. He's GOT to know his client is lying, yet he's trying to get her to lie even more dramatically!! The entire SD claim is simply a way to trash Travis. Nurmi KNOWS it was not SD, but has no problem eliciting false testimony from his client.
There are ethics involved, and IMO, Nurmi has crossed the line of obligation long ago. We also know he lied to Sky - was this part of his "obligation"?
I agree with Sky's opinion of him as a snake.
He has a choice on how the evidence and testimony is presented to the jury.

I really don't think he's trying particularly hard to paint Jodi in a sympathetic light. Why would he bring out all the testimony about her prior stalking behaviors?
My wife ( an attorney) and I have had several discussions regarding the relative “evil” to be found within Jodi Arias vs Casey Anthony.
The question reads “who is the most reprehensible and evil – JA or CA? and why so?
My wife effectively argued that JA decidedly is more “blameworthy” and “evil”. I will summarize her arguments later.
Granted that both are sociopaths, both are elegant liars, both committed serious crimes (CA verdict notwithstanding) and – ceteris paribus ie all things being equal – both would ordinarily be facing a death sentence.
I just think JA was trying to "hurt" her Mom (and Dad) as much as she could. . . . . .

skipped a final - college US history class . . . . didn't study and skipped to study in the RiteAid . . . . grounded 3 months - no phone, tv, friends, no social function of any kind . . . . . . it was in May (or April) my Junior year . . . . I did finish Jr.year with D's and F's . . . let it all fall apart.

"Surrepticiously pack" items . . . .

She was planning on moving out because she didn't like the "discipline"?!? . . . ( I am thinking . . . well - guess what happens when you hit a boundary Jodi? . . . How's that discipline working for you now?)

She was planning on moving out with the Town's token "Vampire" who did not have legal papers to be able to earn an income? JA was into Witchcraft and Wicca at that point? . . . . .

I am still thinking that her parents had a buttload of her antics by this point in her 17 years . . . . JA was just being "as naughty as she could be" . . . . . this is her MO throughout her entire life . .

A constant living at the extremes of perpetual crisis . . . . that is where JA feels most comfortable . . . . look to the eye of the storm.

Exactly!!!! She thrives on drama and when there isn't any, she creates it.
BBM..The thing that I don't get with her and what her defense is trying to show, is, she was not married Travis, was barely in any kind of "relationship" with him, besides sex, she did not live with him or was an official "domestic partner", she had no children with him and was not dependant on him for financial support.

There are women who are truly abused because they are in any of the above situations. SHE let herself be usedNOT abused. I think there is quite a difference. How dare she cry abuse. :furious:

I agree. Also, she was just as much a user as Travis, maybe moreso as she used him to fulfill not only her needs but her self. She's nothing but a pathologically needy, empty shell; without a man she doesn't exist, and she used sex to lure him in and keep him spellbound for a time. So she was getting what she needed. Travis was far better than any other man she had ever had, so she decided he was the one she wanted and she believed she just had, had, had to have him. Without him, she would become that empty nothing again, she would feel dead inside, so when he rejected her, in her mind he then became the enemy working against her. So her psychotic murderous rage took over and she destroyed him.

I guess in her pathologically twisted mind, she probably really does see it as self defense. :shakehead:
IMO psychopaths do best one on one after they select their prey/target.

Large groups not so much.

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You'd possibly understand this better than some given your research but as a psychopath (or disordered, for those who prefer) I actually find her quite disappointing from a psychological standpoint. I've seen psychopaths in action much more affable and therefore manipulative.

Just clinically it's a let down for me. I was expecting a cohesive psych assault and not muttered ramblings and missteps. JMO
My wife ( an attorney) and I have had several discussions regarding the relative “evil” to be found within Jodi Arias vs Casey Anthony.
The question reads “who is the most reprehensible and evil – JA or CA? and why so?
My wife effectively argued that JA decidedly is more “blameworthy” and “evil”. I will summarize her arguments later.
Granted that both are sociopaths, both are elegant liars, both committed serious crimes (CA verdict notwithstanding) and – ceteris paribus ie all things being equal – both would ordinarily be facing a death sentence.

That is a debate I keep having with myself as well :lol: Looking forward to your summary of the arguments.

The evil scale tips a bit towards Casey IMO simply because her victim was a 2 year old child. It's a close call though.
The only way to expose a psychopath is to anger them. It's their only 'real' emotion. He absolutely will have to get under her skin.

I think he will fire closed ended questions are her pretty quick instead of the slow motion way Nurmi talks. Martinez is not going to give her any wiggle room.
I really don't think he's trying particularly hard to paint Jodi in a sympathetic light. Why would he bring out all the testimony about her prior stalking behaviors?

To set up a foundation for the experts to explain how damaged she was before she met Travis? And how she went over the edge with him?
RE: peni pics

'Cause JA said TA deletes right after he listens/views so he probably also deletes right after he sends also. :lol:

Something is way wacky with this. I understand how they would get from her phone to her hard drive. My kids text me nice pictures from their phone to mine but, I can't see them very well so I e-mail them to my lap top. But, wouldn't police be able to trace it back to where it first came from ? The computer expert only said they were on her hard drive. I don't think he said where they came from. Right ?
You'd possibly understand this better than some given your research but as a psychopath (or disordered, for those who prefer) I actually find her quite disappointing from a psychological standpoint. I've seen psychopaths in action much more affable and therefore manipulative.

Just clinically it's a let down for me. I was expecting a cohesive psych assault and not muttered ramblings and missteps. JMO

Casey is a much more impressive psychopath IMO. Jodi is a rather boring psycho.
My wife ( an attorney) and I have had several discussions regarding the relative “evil” to be found within Jodi Arias vs Casey Anthony.
The question reads “who is the most reprehensible and evil – JA or CA? and why so?
My wife effectively argued that JA decidedly is more “blameworthy” and “evil”. I will summarize her arguments later.
Granted that both are sociopaths, both are elegant liars, both committed serious crimes (CA verdict notwithstanding) and – ceteris paribus ie all things being equal – both would ordinarily be facing a death sentence.

My 2 cents on this one is the age and innocence of the victim and in my mind hands down Casey.
After that verdict I stopped watching trials and did not even log into websleuths for about 6 or 9 months. I was disgusted even further when I discovered the defense followed social media and tailored their case depending on how people reacted.
Thanks you, thank you. He's GOT to know his client is lying, yet he's trying to get her to lie even more dramatically!! The entire SD claim is simply a way to trash Travis. Nurmi KNOWS it was not SD, but has no problem eliciting false testimony from his client.
There are ethics involved, and IMO, Nurmi has crossed the line of obligation long ago. We also know he lied to Sky - was this part of his "obligation"?
I agree with Sky's opinion of him as a snake.

What did he lie to Sky about?
I know what your are saying. Between his long,slow questions and her long, rambling answers I feel asleep the other day.
What I have noticed is how quite he and the investigator have been with her.
I think if JM does not push her hard we will never see the real jodi.

IMO there is no real Jodi. She's an empty shell. All you will ever see is the assortment of masks she shows you. That's all there really is.

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I think he will fire closed ended questions are her pretty quick instead of the slow motion way Nurmi talks. Martinez is not going to give her any wiggle room.

I expect to hear, is that a yes? I asked you a question is that a yes or no :floorlaugh:
Something is way wacky with this. I understand how they would get from her phone to her hard drive. My kids text me nice pictures from their phone to mine but, I can't see them very well so I e-mail them to my lap top. But, wouldn't police be able to trace it back to where it first came from ? The computer expert only said they were on her hard drive. I don't think he said where they came from. Right ?

He did say they were extracted from her computer hard drive.

My phone pics automatically get to my computer by Photostream (iphone/icloud)
I really don't think he's trying particularly hard to paint Jodi in a sympathetic light. Why would he bring out all the testimony about her prior stalking behaviors?

Using words such as "incidents" when asking her about the sex.

The way he coaches some of the testimony. He gives the cues and she says what she is supposed to say and if she doesn't he asks probing questions to get the answer.
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