Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #26 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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There is no trial today? I keep tuning in and see nothing.
I was thinking of that last night. IIRC, Nurmi cut her off when she started getting into the spiderman boys underwear, she said she thought it was a joke at first, then he cut her off as though he didn't want her to say anything else about the underwear, which made me curious. Then he asked her what else was in the package, and she said a nice letter, then asked if they could approach the bench and that was it.

So where are the undies?

We know the photo of them was taken after Travis was murdered on
June 18th IIRC.
For those of us that believe that this whole 'story' of JA's sounds more like a booty call than a relationship, including myself, how do we explain how some of TA's friends have said they were a couple at some point?

Maybe that goes back to how she says TA treated her differently, depending on who was around. I'm just not sure. At this point (hahaha) I don't see how this was a relationship at all.
Casey may have blamed George but I see that as self-preservation. Jodi sent flowers to Travis' grandmother after what she did to him. Irises, because according to her, Travis wanted to name a future daughter Iris.

That denotes a special sadistic element that scares the living bejeesus out of me. She literally feeds off other's pain. (To this point we see that in Casey too with both her parents.) With Jodi that sadistic, pain-inflicting circle is expanded to include a great deal many more victims.

Does anyone remember what trial day Gus was on? I want to rewatch his testimony, both from the evidentary hearing and his trial testimony. I think his name is Gus, the guy who wanted nothing more than his 30 seconds of fame.

Day 10, I think, Toes.
I didn't say anything horrible about Travis. He was a hypocrite who used Jodi for sex, but I was probably not much different when I was young, single and horny. Young people tend to be very sex driven; there's nothing out of the ordinary about Travis or the way he treated Jodi, nor was it cruel and abusive.

he cannot speak for himself

in my mind that does not make him a hypocrite..

Respectfully snipped
Besides, in this relationship, they behaved exactly the same with each other the whole time -- nothing changed when Jodi alleges they "officially" became "boyfriend/girlfriend." I don't think Travis ever saw her that way, and I'm scratching my head over why Jodi picks the exact dates February 2 - June 29 as the period when they were "officially boyfriend/girlfriend" when they were having oral and anal sex way back in November (according to Jodi).
The only thing I can think is, Jodi seems to place a great deal of importance on "being faithful". Meaning, (I think) not having sexual relations (of any sort) when one has agreed to not date anyone else (ie become "official"). Before one is "official" in Jodi's eyes, any sort of sexual relations with anyone else is fine. However, once one is in an "official relationship" with someone else, there is a high level of faithfulness both parties must uphold, including no sex with others. (Possibly also, no physical attention or eye contact with or directly speaking to people of the opposite sex who is not in your "official relationship".)

"Cheating" would be anything one does that is "unfaithful". And I feel that "cheating" to Jodi (based on her going on, ad naseum, about why she broke up with Darryl and when) is one of the biggest sins one can commit. Which is why the dates are so important and concrete to her. They signified the "boundaries" of their "official relationship". Things that happened during that time might have more significance for her than if they had happened before or after that time.
I have a question for our board attorney's. Isn't all of this going to her"state of mind" at the time?

After years of abuse from her parents (don't believe mom started beating her and carrying a spoon in her purse when Jodi was seven. It was happening before.) on down to Travis, she had been used and abuse, and when Travis came at her she snapped and that was the overkill. Course doesn't explain the gun and knife in the bathroom.

I thought it funny that Jodi "knew" how to calm Travis down with sex. Jodi has all the answers for her sick story. I wonder if the jury has figured that out yet. I mean how many times can you say you read their private thoughts, email, and texts by using the back button? I wonder how many of the men are looking at her like a bug that needs to stepped on? Beth K said there several notes in the basket from the jury....would one be do you ever shut up?

Candy Montgomery was a housewife here in Dallas that whacked Betty Gore forty times with an axe. She claimed Betty said shhhh and that set her off. When she was small and in the ER and crying her mother said shhhhh and she flashed back to that and hence (a Pasty Ramsey word) the overkill. And she got off, not guilty.

Also is Numri doing the soft voice and don't mean to make you relive this all over again male for the jury against the questioning by JM?
I feel the same way, Carol.

He is not in the league with some truly disgusting defense attorney's like Baez and Mason, IMO.

It seems to me there is really so little for him to work with, and he is doing the best he can. He is not out in the media bashing the victim or the prosecutor. He does not seem to be telling lies and making a mockery of the court.

He is not treating the witnesses badly. He is not smirking and putting his arm around his client (that I can tell).

I have to cut him some slack for having to be associated with JA and trying to do his best for her. It is probably hard for him to go through this agonizingly slow questioning, and he's probably had to do it more than once in practice. Can you imagine having to deal with her for hours and days on end, listening to that fakey meek voice. And knowing it is all bull*****, not even having the possibility of thinking maybe my client is innocent, knowing she's admitted to a heinous killing.

I think he hates her. He's tried several times to withdraw. Judge wouldn't let him. He no longer works for the Public Defender's office. Like you said, he doesn't coddle her. The closest he came, that I've noted, was when he asked her at the beginning of testimony if she was nervous and uncomfortable. That was part of the strategy and the case... not because he gives a damn!
We don't know for fact, yet, that he lied to Sky. We know that she thinks he did. But we are not yet 100% certain of what is on that report he was waiving around the courtroom during the hearing.

What Chris said was that Nurmi wrote them an e-mail stating that the forged letters had been proven to be authentic. Doesn't matter what he was waving - it matters what Nurmi told Sky in an e-mail. He then lied AGAIN to Chris during that proceeding, and Juan called him on it.
I have a hard time making that be ethical.
Travis did make the t-shirt's. He gave them to all of his friends. They say, on the front(as we see) "Travis Alexander's", and on the back: "Being Better Blog", and probably the web address. I cannot find a pic to link, which probably means all of his friends who have piped up about it have been told long ago to not speak about it because it is evidence countering her testimony.

that blog was created long after this valentine day gift was sent. correct me if i'm wrong.:moo:
I expect this to figure into their expert's testimony somehow. Like Jodi was emotionally stuck in 6th grade, which I believe she is.

I'm anxious to hear whether her expert is going to be sympathetic towards Jodi or more clinical in describing her pathologies.

I believe she is too. Her demeanor and narcissism is very young teen, and I don't think she could maintain that through several hours/days on the stand if it were not inherent. Nurmi is definitely playing it up, imo. Interesting, though probably nauseous, what the DV expert will do with it. Forensics prove she was the killer; the murder was overkill; and circumstantial evidence concludes premeditation. I could see the defence originally going for 'crime of passion', but self-defence??
My 2 cents on this one is the age and innocence of the victim and in my mind hands down Casey.
After that verdict I stopped watching trials and did not even log into websleuths for about 6 or 9 months. I was disgusted even further when I discovered the defense followed social media and tailored their case depending on how people reacted.

I felt/feel just like this. I NEED justice to be right this time or I will lose faith in our court system completely. It's hanging on by thread at the moment.
Casey is a much more impressive psychopath IMO. Jodi is a rather boring psycho.

O/T: Was a full psych assessment ever released to the public on CA?

Or, was that possibility kiboshed when CA was found not guilty?

Links please if released. TIA
I do not think that any master criminals were stealing the laptop.

How would anyone guess that she had documents on that laptop? I would assume all documents were given to the court already .

I did not have as sensitive of a job as this woman, but we sure did get training on the keeping of documents. And on computers, there was no way to enter the information because they were so protected by so many safeguards.

Of course, some master computer person probably could get in, but I do not believe JA has one on board. But who knows. A thief and then a master hacker? Why?

They can order new testing on her,

Maybe they should give it to Jodi and she can hit that back button a few times for them.
bob... is your avatar the seal on iceskates? :lol:

Haha, no, it Peter Puck... :)

[ame=""]Peter Puck - How To Play The Game (episode 1) - YouTube[/ame]
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