Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #27 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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Pink Panther - the video starts where the prosecution witness (ugh, i just had her name!) .. anyway, she is going through the contents of the washing machine.. hope it works!

ETA: Heather Connor!

Thanks for the link moon bird! Yes...Black socks! I hadn't seen that portion of testimony but now I'm more convinced than ever.
Not sure I if I agree, though its interesting to see another take on the behavior I've also noticed. My sense is that she rambles sometimes on purpose-to make her testimony look less rehearsed, more like an innocent who is doing her very best but sometimes makes mistakes and must be forgiven. That, and many times when she is "rambling' she is also quite deftly and very purposely slipping in some of her worst and most vicious lies about Travis.

Ex.. about the night she spent at Sky's and Travis coming into the bedroom and allegedly giving her oral sex. She looks down, hesitates, says "I don't exactly," etc. etc., rambles, then slips in- "well, he knew what he was doing, that's for sure..' before going on. And on.

Don't forget the smirk
I just watched it again a couple of times and I am quite sure it's Nurmi that asks to approach the bench. He keeps his head down after she answers and doesn't look at her, looks at the judge and asks to approach. Not sure if it's shenanigans on their part or if she made a genuine mistake not in keeping with their plans...

You can scroll to the end to see:

Not sure either, but it is Nurmi asking to approach. Good catch.
I am so sick of her voice. I think part of her punishment should be that she is required to wear a muzzle.

Debark her!

Kidna OT: I'm like a total bleeding heart, but I don't get why we can't sterilize certain types of criminals. If it's good enough for my sweet little kitties, it's good enough for CA or Bundy, right?
Thank you for posting this, news junkie. I also think the shirts are a match. I am thinking he gave her/she asked for one of his PPL 'team shirts' and then later, made the 'panties' herself.

I totally do not believe the Valentine's story.

She may have helped herself to the PPL team shirt.
Haha Beth on IS reminding Jean that JA is probably lying on the stand. Get it Jean?
Is it just me or do those letters on the panties look like cheap generic iron-on letters that she found quickly at some craft store an hastily ironed on? They just don't look like letters that would be standard for a t-shirt shop or even something you would order online.

As a person who did a bunch of crafts in my younger days - They definitely look like iron on letters!
I don't have time, but have been meaning to go back through Jodi's myspace and see if she has any other photos with lettering to see if they match a known sample. Anyone have time to look?
I still think it all comes down to explaining away having a knife and gun handy enough so that both are used to kill Travis with 2 minutes.

Here's a wild guess what she'll say. The knife was in the bathroom because Travis had used it there to cut the "bondage cords." The gun belonged to Travis. She doesn't know where he got it, or when, but she knows why he has it. Travis is willing to use her one more time for sex, but sometime after she reluctantly agrees to the sex- to sooth his temper--he shows her the gun and tells her he bought for self-protection.

She dropped the camera in the shower and Travis lunged for her. She grabbed the first thing she could put her hand onto to defend herself- and its the knife. Everything after that is kind of a blur- she couldn't process that he was trying to kill her, she acted out of blind fear, she isn't sure where each blow and stab took place- how could she be? Sobs. Mouthing "I'm sorry" to his family, or just saying it out loud, loudly, as she covers her face and sobs.

Shaking off the awful traumatic memory of Travis's deadly rage, she resumes. She does remember that he kept coming after her even after she stabbed him for the first time. and that somewhere, in the back of her mind, she remembered his gun. Afraid that he would use it against her if he could get to it, she stabbed him several times in the back near the sink, then ran for the gun.

At the end of the hallway, near his bedroom, she was holding the knife and the gun when he approached her. She used the knife as hard as she could because she had never used a gun before, wasn't sure if she could shoot it right, and he was still coming after her. She doesn't remember shooting him, but thinks that she was so shaken and still in such fear of him that she may have done that in shock, towards the end.

Something like that.
New here to the trial proceedings but did watch it at my dad's house the other day when JA was on the stand testifying about receiving the Valentine "package" and the mysterious "letter."

Has there been any discussion on here of what WS folks believe that letter said and why the abrupt halt to proceedings and approach to the bench?



Another thing that struck me in that story was she pulled out her phone to video it...

One of the things that is suggested for intervention with a person who has alcohol issues is to video them when they are drunk to show them their behavior.

People with alcohol issues are in denial and this is a tool that is suggested.

It is interesting to me that it does not appear that she was into drugs or alcohol.

I wonder if that is true
I saw this question asked WAY far back so I don't recall if it ever got answered:

On cross, does JM get to call additional witnesses to testify to any of the things JA is claiming/saying, or does he JUST get to cross examine her testimony?

Sorry if that didn't make good sense lol, at work and trying not to get caught not working! ;)


On cross he can only question her. BUT - he can on his rebuttal phase of the trial!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry for the repeat, I see this was already answered. Will you guys please type slower! LOL
Good morning all.... I have a big "What if" to toss in... I keep thinking about the rage involved in killing TA. It's way more than jealousy or rejection... What If... Jodi somehow got pregnant and Travis talked her into having an abortion? I've never seen it mentioned anywhere. She testified that they did eventually have V sex. (I previously thought they stuck to the other types of sex) What IF she did manage to get pregnant and felt she was pressured to have an abortion... the rage and hate that appears in the crime scene photos would make more sense. Probably didnt happen... but what if? Crazy what if.. huh?

I might have sympathy if she was a dumb 17 yr old, but not a 27 yr old woman.
JA is responsible for her actions - I don't see 1 darn thing that can mitigate that.
I strongly disagree, respectfully that is. The "evil" that you mention is simply a symptom of their pathology. Evil people may not have an Axis I disorder (which would make them likely to be unfit to testify) but Axis II disorders like a BPD or APD is a mental disorder but they are still fit to testify.
"Evilness" is just a symptom of a mental health disorder; just like having the sniffles is likely a symptom of a cold or allergies.

Many of these people are never diagnosed with anything before or after they are caught.

Look at Russell Williams.

ETA other than his philia for wearing women's undies that he stole.
One of the things that is suggested for intervention with a person who has alcohol issues is to video them when they are drunk to show them their behavior.

People with alcohol issues are in denial and this is a tool that is suggested.

It is interesting to me that it does not appear that she was into drugs or alcohol
I wonder if that is true

human, IMO, the only "intervention" she had in mind was intervening in TA's life as much as she possibly could.
Her taping of the drunk lady was NOT for pure intentions. I'm not sure she is capable of pure intentions.
I think they either look like black sneakers/runners or, believe it or not, black socks over her shoes. I'm leaning toward the socks at the moment. (Socks over her shoes.)

I have also thought socks over shoes a possibility.

Going back to items in the washer there were several black socks in the mix.
I heard one of the talking head attorneys earlier this week say his cross will be "LEGENDARY"!! Hehehe :rocker:


Regarding Juan Martinez' crossX, I am again comforted that this ain't his first rodeo!

He put Wendi Andriano on death row for her crimes. Wendi testified for 9 days during her 2004 trial! (BBM, and colored below.) So with "only" 3 days under her (stun) belt on the stand thus far, Jodi has 6 more days of blathering to out-do Wendi Andriano. (I wish I could find out how many days of Wendi's 9 days were crossX by Juan Martinez! Will keep looking.)

At the trial, Wendi testified in her own defense. For nine days on the stand, she testified that she had been battered by her husband. She also stated that her husband Joe flew into a rage after she told him about her affair. She said there was a struggle with the knife.[5] Despite her dramatic testimony, on November 18, 2004, Wendi's jury found her guilty of first-degree murder. A month later came her sentencing. Due to the heinousness, cruelty, and depravation of the crime, and because the crime was financially motivated, she was sentenced to death by lethal injection on December 22, 2004.[4]

I'm still looking to see if by chance there is video from Andriano's trial archived.

Also of note-- Wendi Andriano did not have any prior criminal record, and she still received the death penalty.

So blather away, Jodi.

From an article in 2005 (BBM):

Including the jury in the Ahwatukee case, the trial of Wendi Andriano, Valley juries have voted the death penalty for 14 of 18 defendants since Aug. 1, 2002.

That 78 percent rate contrasts sharply with the sentences of Maricopa County Superior Court judges, who imposed death in 15 percent of cases from 1995 to 1999, according to 2002 report by the state Capital Case Commission.
It will indeed be interesting if the defense can convince the judge NOT to provide the jury instructions detailing a “duty to flee” as pertaining to the JA self-defense claim. Apparently “duty to flee” is part of the self defense statute in Arizona and it is also standard doctrine in all criminal law treatises dealing with the affirmative defense of “self-defense”. The defense, it seems, wants to convince the jury that, above all, JA was and is suffering from “battered woman’s syndrome”. A truly battered woman may NOT have the duty to flee. This is because the syndrome pertains to victims who are paralyzed from fear of retribution and who have a history showing that prior unsuccessful attempts to flee from battery have been met with even more injury. The battered woman who “snaps” may not react, as do ordinary people, with an impulse to “flee” “exit quickly” “duck” hide” etc. The battered woman merely stands her ground during the assault knowing that her tormenter will relentlessly pursue her. She has come to understand that flight is simply not an option.

After all this painstaking elaboration of JA early life and initial phase of the TA relationship we will undoubtedly hear about TA escalation of manipulation and the onset of physical abuse. Rough sex, demeaning put downs, and “beatings” will become de rigueur. By the end of next week JA will have completed the check list of “what constitutes battered woman’s syndrome”. JA ‘s psychology expert will mop up and explain that all the seeming insignificant detail JA provided in direct testimony all can be understood as the making of a battered woman. THUS “retreat” during battery is no longer needed to exculpate.

I also think that JA will provide testimony that TA on June 4 2008 became inordinately enraged when JA dropped the Sony camera. Though he was naked TA blocked any escape. Even when initially injured from either knife or gun wounds TA pursued JA relentlessly and viciously. In providing this testimony JA will be putting on an act of a lifetime. She will emote, stutter, grieve, sob, cry, and recoil in horror as she is “forced” to relive that horrific assault. She will claim that TA had JA in his clutches as he was dying and to free herself without fear of deadly retribution she had to forcefully thrash out at his neck and or face.

And I have no doubt that Juan will point out that little missy just happened to be packin' a gun and a knife............. in my best church lady voice, "How convenient!"
I've been struck with something regarding the "accidental photo" with JA's foot in it. (anyone have it handy?)

I took a workshop last year where we had to get special martial arts shoes and they look just like what it appears she's wearing in that photo. One might call them "Ninja shoes".

Here is a pic of them. Thoughts?


They sort of look like Toms brand. I don't know if they were around in 2008 in California.
Hi, I'm new here but used to post on the old Court TV forums.

I get the impression the defense is trying to set her up with the Eileen Wornus "defense," horribly abused since childhood, forced into life of prostitution with even more abuse, hates men so much she finally snaps and starts killing them "in self-defense." But....Wornus WAS terribly abused and ended up being executed.

(Forgive me if I tread on well-traveled ground)

Not to be indelicate here, but the "baptism sex" is generally not possible without a bunch of lube. I'm sure if there had been some we would have heard..."Travis stopped and reached for the bottle of .....lubricant...., does that make sense? He brought the bottle over, unscrewed the lid, I think the lid was white, the bottle was clear and almost full.........blah blah blah"

Didn't happen.
It just hit me how much the defense's job is like that of a political campaign going after the frontrunner. The goal is to use the frontrunner's strongest attributes against him. Thus, go after Travis's devoutness as a upstanding, churchgoing Mormon. He's a hypocrite from little things like drinking tea --rationalizes why chai tea is not tea , all the way up to having sex with a married woman and lying to Jodi about what constitutes sex.

He is successful and an inspiration to his friends, and that must be turned against him by alleging that he lied to his friends and family about Jodi, so they didn't know just what kind of a bad person he was. Etc.

I'm more and more sure that the defendant will place the gun in Travis' hands first.
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