Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #27 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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Is anyone else concerned that the jury will have difficulty discerning between what JA characterizes as painful anal intercourse and forcible sodomy?

I think considering the jury has already seen the video of her telling police that Travis never raped her, that would be a moot point.
Same here-she needs to be questioned like any other self confessed murdered.

It really aggravates me that some seem to think she should be treated differently because she is a female. Why? Look at the autopsy photos of her victim and it shows she is diabolical and evil. What about 'lady justice is blind' and 'justice for all?'

If she is to be treated differently just because she is a woman murderer then it shows we have not advanced at all in society and the double standards still prevail.

I hope he nails her good.:furious:

She deserves whatever he dishes out. We arent talking about a nice woman here. She has committed one of the most heinous wicked murders Ive seen recently.

It is like she is winning all over again by using her gender. Makes me want to throw up actually.:furious: All all this drama-rama boring nothings wouldnt even be in a case if the defendant was a male.

No. I am sure that is true.

But there are many comments on how cruel it is to video a drunk.

I am saying that it is not cruel at all. It can safe a person's life.

Not that JA was doing it for that reason.

I am just wondering if she is familiar with that idea,

The defendant said she taped it because she thought it was funny, and because she thought the drunk lady would think it was funny too when the defendant showed it to her the next day.

I was really struck by that, because the woman was a business colleague who I am absolutely sure would not have found it funny at all. It would have been mortifying to her, which I suspect was Jodi's intent.
Ok sleuthers, put your thinking caps on, help me out here…

One thing that really bothers me about the panties/t-shirt is that they don’t fit into any of my theories – what am I missing???

Our (majority) collective theory is that the panties combo were lettered and photographed *post* murder. Ok – check.

That would mean they served a purpose. –check.

The assumption is that the purpose they served was to help form an alibi/coverup story – which means she anticipated the possibility of being charged with murder. The (assumed) primary intention would be to show Travis was controlling/possessive. – check.

That also would mean that at the time of staging those photos, she had considered using the defense story of claiming she murdered her abusive controlling boyfriend in self-defense. Ok – check.

NOW ---
Why in the heck did she sit on that claim for two whole years while sitting in prison???? She went with the “2 Intruders Shot Travis” story for two whole years behind bars before finally filing motions to submit the forged letters to show it was version #3: self-defense. Why would she go through the trouble of setting up that faked evidence and then not go through with using it?? Scratching my head there. I’m convinced she staged and faked that evidence – but the pieces don’t exactly line up and point in a clear direction as to why.

That almost indicates to me that maybe at that time of the photos, she had not YET planned the self-defense battered woman syndrome case. And if that is the case – what secondary purpose could those photos have served?? Perhaps she was going to post them online and finally get the chance she had long been waiting for --to blast to the world that she and TA were screwing like bunnies all that time and that he considered her “HIS”? Didn’t someone say she started to post a makeshift shrine of photos of the two of them together after his murder?

Head scratching…. Something doesn’t add up. What am I missing?...

But really... she washed him off because she loved him still, and she didn't want him to be found so bloody.

After she deleted the photos- so she didn't shame him- and listening to his voice mails --just in case some of sexy messages to him en route were still there, she did some laundry so he wasn't shamed by evidence of sex, then she drove off, when it all quickly became so unreal to her that she just.. well, kept on going like nothing ever happened. PSTD and all that.

I don't think she rinsed him off per se - I think she got in the shower with his body to rinse herself off before leaving.
One of the things that is suggested for intervention with a person who has alcohol issues is to video them when they are drunk to show them their behavior.

People with alcohol issues are in denial and this is a tool that is suggested.

It is interesting to me that it does not appear that she was into drugs or alcohol.

I wonder if that is true

This should only be done by someone close to and trusted by the drinker. Never by a relative stranger. Especially one who thinks it's funny.

This is my opinion.
Ok sleuthers, put your thinking caps on, help me out here…

One thing that really bothers me about the panties/t-shirt is that they don’t fit into any of my theories – what am I missing???

Our (majority) collective theory is that the panties combo were lettered and photographed *post* murder. Ok – check.

That would mean they served a purpose. –check.

The assumption is that the purpose they served was to help form an alibi/coverup story – which means she anticipated the possibility of being charged with murder. The (assumed) primary intention would be to show Travis was controlling/possessive. – check.

That also would mean that at the time of staging those photos, she had considered using the defense story of claiming she murdered her abusive controlling boyfriend in self-defense. Ok – check.

NOW ---
Why in the heck did she sit on that claim for two whole years while sitting in prison???? She went with the “2 Intruders Shot Travis” story for two whole years behind bars before finally filing motions to submit the forged letters to show it was version #3: self-defense. Why would she go through the trouble of setting up that faked evidence and then not go through with using it?? Scratching my head there. I’m convinced she staged and faked that evidence – but the pieces don’t exactly line up and point in a clear direction as to why.

That almost indicates to me that maybe at that time of the photos, she had not YET planned the self-defense battered woman syndrome case. And if that is the case – what secondary purpose could those photos have served?? Perhaps she was going to post them online and finally get the chance she had long been waiting for --to blast to the world that she and TA were screwing like bunnies all that time and that he considered her “HIS”? Didn’t someone say she started to post a makeshift shrine of photos of the two of them together after his murder?

Head scratching…. Something doesn’t add up. What am I missing?...

Her original story was they were friends and would always be friends. She'd never do anything to hurt him... And he felt the same. "Look see! I'm like a grieving widow". What we had was special..

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Ok sleuthers, put your thinking caps on, help me out here…

One thing that really bothers me about the panties/t-shirt is that they don’t fit into any of my theories – what am I missing???

Our (majority) collective theory is that the panties combo were lettered and photographed *post* murder. Ok – check.

That would mean they served a purpose. –check.

The assumption is that the purpose they served was to help form an alibi/coverup story – which means she anticipated the possibility of being charged with murder. The (assumed) primary intention would be to show Travis was controlling/possessive. – check.

That also would mean that at the time of staging those photos, she had considered using the defense story of claiming she murdered her abusive controlling boyfriend in self-defense. Ok – check.

NOW ---
Why in the heck did she sit on that claim for two whole years while sitting in prison???? She went with the “2 Intruders Shot Travis” story for two whole years behind bars before finally filing motions to submit the forged letters to show it was version #3: self-defense. Why would she go through the trouble of setting up that faked evidence and then not go through with using it?? Scratching my head there. I’m convinced she staged and faked that evidence – but the pieces don’t exactly line up and point in a clear direction as to why.

That almost indicates to me that maybe at that time of the photos, she had not YET planned the self-defense battered woman syndrome case. And if that is the case – what secondary purpose could those photos have served?? Perhaps she was going to post them online and finally get the chance she had long been waiting for --to blast to the world that she and TA were screwing like bunnies all that time and that he considered her “HIS”? Didn’t someone say she started to post a makeshift shrine of photos of the two of them together after his murder?

Head scratching…. Something doesn’t add up. What am I missing?...

Maybe she made them as her own version of a reward certificate. Or to post on FB if she was not suspected as proof Travis loved me, gave me these - we were gonna be married.
(Just thoughts on the run! Be back later all! Have a great day!)
Oh no. Back to the gun first argument. But......

She is photoed wearing pants and something on her feet.

If she had not made a few screw ups, I think she would have pulled it off. Her plan was pretty good.

So why would you wear clothes especially long pants when you are going to be covered in blood. She had to leave in daylight.

I think she shot him first. Not much blood. I don't know why the knife was there. Maybe there is an innocuous reason for it.

I just do not think she planned on the mess. Gun, easy. But it did not work.
Is anyone else concerned that the jury will have difficulty discerning between what JA characterizes as painful anal intercourse and forcible sodomy?

I'm not after seeing the same photos that the jury saw, especially that one which I won't mention except to say Jodi may have enjoyed fisting. (Google it because I'm not explaining.)

The old wives' tale about loose women becoming "physically more loose" DOES APPLY with anal sex. Both of the anal sphincter muscles become flaccid over time and there is a progressive loss of the anal reflex.

verified psychiatric mental health nurse
Can I just say............... I think you guys are all..........

Jacket design - PASA
Word Wizard - moonbird

LOL! I love it!! Good job!
There is no way TA ever gave JA oral sex. After she gave him oral, he refused to kiss her, so no way. Another lie.

I'm with you on this. She also had to add that he knew what he was doing. I bet she snuck into HIS room.
Possibly Chester, I wouldn't put it past them. But the instances I'm thinking of were where her eyes suddenly flashed in a realization like "oh *****, that wasn't the phrase i was supposed to supply" or on occasion she would briskly finish a rehearsed scripted answer, almost in mid-sentence (like that was where they agreed she would pause) and was already looking up for Nurmi's next scripted question, and <modsnip> wasn't ready yet and it was painfully obvious that she already knew the next line in the script and Nurmi wasn't on the ball- and in that flash moment, Jodi's eyes would get sort of wide in a thinly veiled momentary panic like "come on dude!! Hurry up, I'm sitting here in silence and you missed your queue!!" it's brief- but that quick nervous eye movement is definitely there. So was the slip-up.

That is very interesting, Stolat, because it makes me realize how much I am missing of nuance, since I typically just listen while doing other things and rarely watch.

So certain audio bits really come across as fakey to me, but I a missing the body language cues.
Oh no. Back to the gun first argument. But......

She is photoed wearing pants and something on her feet.

If she had not made a few screw ups, I think she would have pulled it off. Her plan was pretty good.

So why would you wear clothes especially long pants when you are going to be covered in blood. She had to leave in daylight.

I think she shot him first. Not much blood. I don't know why the knife was there. Maybe there is an innocuous reason for it.

I just do not think she planned on the mess. Gun, easy. But it did not work.

I think he was supposed to die neatly in the shower

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Abusers do not start out abusing. They snare their victims with good stuff.

If you are in a relationship where you start getting flowers, gifts, etc right away, take a little breather and check the person out.

This is s sign, often.

I am not saying this about TA, but the defense can use it easily

It is obvious he wasnt trying to have a close relationship with her. It was a new meeting and imo it quickly grew boring like it does in some cases. I think everyone knows if he had wanted JA up his butt 24/7 all he would have had to do is crook his finger and she would have been attached to him like glue. He was the opposite of controlling. He wanted nothing to do with her and was fine she had moved away from him. He was going on with his life.

I dont see anything that shows me Travis was an abuser or even tried to control JA. If he had really controlled her he would have worked his control and got her to stay in AZ instead of her getting the heck away from him and he didnt see her once since she moved except the day she murdered him.

I do see plenty of things that convinces me that JA was an obsessive stalker violent abuser.

I am way behind and was trying to catch up by reading all posts on yesterday's thread. So many ideas and opinions from such a diverse array of perspectives - i really enjoy this community and want to say hello to all and thank all for trial-related posts. I also enjoy many of the OT posts .....with that said, here are a few thoughts i would like to share:

Lol: I cannot imagine EVER meeting a twinkie i could stop myself from snarfing down, and it no longer matters WHAT color or WHAT grade of fabric my pants are, it SHOWS:blushing: :please: This causes me to nostagically treasure those good old days when pant-type was still potentially useful in disguising these thunder thighs, as was true for me when i was still smoking 1.5 packs a day, because i had such a lovely figure back then and it seemed like i could ingest any sweet thing my hungry little tastebuds desired in any quantity desired without having to feel SORRY about it LATER.... :sigh:uh

Now, not to be Pollyanna-ish or anything, but OTOH (re: quitting smoking) i must admit i do NOT MISS that chronic cough i used to have.

Even so, now that i no longer smoke, all i have to do is merely PEEK AT something sweet, fattening, rich, delectable, delicious, savory or otherwise forbidden, and the implied calories immediately glom onto my hips. When i dare to even THINK ABOUT how such things look, taste, or smell, just one innocent thought-> BOOM! Another eighth of an inch piles on automatically. :sigh:
So, i just wanna say THANKS ALOT (sarcastic scolding tone of voice) to that grandma person who was baking peanut butter cookies yesterday and talking about how good they smelled and whoever then posted a photo of cookies with chocolate kisses who got my obsessive mind to ruminating, you CRUEL CRUEL PEOPLE my kitchen is/was empty and yet i have increased 3 pant sizes following along:floorlaugh:

You are sooo funny!! I watched The Big Theory last night, love love love that show! Now that's comedy!
I don't think she rinsed him off per se - I think she got in the shower with his body to rinse herself off before leaving.

I totally agree. For the past few posts I have been trying to imagine what the defendant will say happened, not what I think is true. Sorry if that was confusing.
Maybe she made them as her own version of a reward certificate. Or to post on FB if she was not suspected as proof Travis loved me, gave me these - we were gonna be married.
(Just thoughts on the run! Be back later all! Have a great day!)

Your post just brought back a memory to me! When I was a very naive, young 15 yr. old girl (yes, you read that right!) I started dating a 17 yr. old that was very possessive. He lived in Dallas with his dad and stepmother and I lived in a small town about 60 miles away. He would come home to his mom's on the weekend and was always asking me where I went, who I talked to, etc. during the week. He kept me so upset my mom took me to the dr. and I was put on something for my nerves. At one point he bought us matching sweatshirts that said "Master" and "Slave". I was so stupid that I thought it was CUTE! OMG!!!! I thought it showed that he "loved" me! If my daughter or grandaughters ever wore something like that I would have hit the roof! This boy actually bought me an engagement ring, which I hid from my parents. Thankfully I saw the light and broke it off with him and we went on our merry ways! It is a wonder that he wasn't a stalker. I don't believe he ever treated any other girl the way he did me. :what:
I don't think she rinsed him off per se - I think she got in the shower with his body to rinse herself off before leaving.

I agree. Travis was propped up with his back against the side of the shower stall where the shower head is.

There would be room for her to stand where his legs/feet were.
I'm not after seeing the same photos that the jury saw, especially that one which I won't mention except to say Jodi may have enjoyed fisting. (Google it because I'm not explaining.)

The old wives' tale about loose women becoming "physically more loose" DOES APPLY with anal sex. Both of the anal sphincter muscles become flaccid over time and there is a progressive loss of the anal reflex.

verified psychiatric mental health nurse

Thud.... Learn something new everyday, I could have went to my grave never learning about

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