Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #27 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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I wouldnt think so. She clearly said she wouldnt have minded. The reason she wanted him to stop was the pain and he did stop. Didnt she say she is the one who bought the KY jelly later on? Isnt she the one that had anal sex with Darryl before she even met TA?

We all know that if she didn't like it they wouldn't be doing it. She probably suggested it. She is truly a piece of work. I hope and pray the Jurors aren't believing anything that comes out of her mouth because it's all lies!
Ok sleuthers, put your thinking caps on, help me out here…

One thing that really bothers me about the panties/t-shirt is that they don’t fit into any of my theories – what am I missing???

Our (majority) collective theory is that the panties combo were lettered and photographed *post* murder. Ok – check.

That would mean they served a purpose. –check.

The assumption is that the purpose they served was to help form an alibi/coverup story – which means she anticipated the possibility of being charged with murder. The (assumed) primary intention would be to show Travis was controlling/possessive. – check.

That also would mean that at the time of staging those photos, she had considered using the defense story of claiming she murdered her abusive controlling boyfriend in self-defense. Ok – check.

NOW ---
Why in the heck did she sit on that claim for two whole years while sitting in prison???? She went with the “2 Intruders Shot Travis” story for two whole years behind bars before finally filing motions to submit the forged letters to show it was version #3: self-defense. Why would she go through the trouble of setting up that faked evidence and then not go through with using it?? Scratching my head there. I’m convinced she staged and faked that evidence – but the pieces don’t exactly line up and point in a clear direction as to why.

That almost indicates to me that maybe at that time of the photos, she had not YET planned the self-defense battered woman syndrome case. And if that is the case – what secondary purpose could those photos have served?? Perhaps she was going to post them online and finally get the chance she had long been waiting for --to blast to the world that she and TA were screwing like bunnies all that time and that he considered her “HIS”? Didn’t someone say she started to post a makeshift shrine of photos of the two of them together after his murder?

Head scratching…. Something doesn’t add up. What am I missing?...

If you ignore everything JA has said about their relationship, you probably are looking pretty much at the truth regarding them. There really is little prove of this 5 month long, all involved relationship and this was one way of JA proving something that she knew didn't exist. jmo
I think he was supposed to die neatly in the shower

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I dont think he was shot in the shower based on where the bullet casing landed which would be about 2-3 feet away from where she fired it. I think he was in that area where the casing was found on top of the blood pool.
I was watching some of the interrogation videos and she says "but I would have worn gloves" and I think she did! There weren't a lot of fingerprints/palmprints - just the one important one. It seems to me that for some reason she had to take the glove off to do something and lost her balance for a moment; placing her momentarily gloveless hand on the wall.

Has this possibility already been discussed?
I agree. Travis was propped up with his back against the side of the shower stall where the shower head is.

There would be room for her to stand where his legs/feet were.

It just makes me sick to think that she would actually get in the shower with his body. That tells the whole story of who she really is!
I'm not after seeing the same photos that the jury saw, especially that one which I won't mention except to say Jodi may have enjoyed fisting. (Google it because I'm not explaining.)

The old wives' tale about loose women becoming "physically more loose" DOES APPLY with anal sex. Both of the anal sphincter muscles become flaccid over time and there is a progressive loss of the anal reflex.

verified psychiatric mental health nurse

You are right on. I pointed that out way back...that she very obviously had experience in that area of her umm yeah. lol
Many of these people are never diagnosed with anything before or after they are caught.

Look at Russell Williams.

ETA other than his philia for wearing women's undies that he stole.

Many psychopaths will have wide discrepancies in their diagnoses when given by different psychiatrists. Research the wide variance of diagnoses given to Hitler by people who actually interacted with him. It's shocking.

For a legit diagnosis, you need honest disclosure from the patient.
This is why I think it is total bull to allow psych assessments in a trial setting UNLESS there were psych assessments prior to indictment.
We all know that if she didn't like it they wouldn't be doing it. She probably suggested it. She is truly a piece of work. I hope and pray the Jurors aren't believing anything that comes out of her mouth because it's all lies!

Yes the jury knows she had already done this with Darryl. It makes sense to me that she is the one that introduced him to anal sex.

I think Darryl tried to mimimize the anal sex part when he said it had happened one or two times. I imagine they too used the ky jelly when they were together for four years.

I dont think he was shot in the shower based on where the bullet casing landed which would be about 2-3 feet away from where she fired it. I think he was in that area where the casing was found on top of the blood pool.

I believe he was shot last.

I think she plunged that knife into his heart and expected him to collapse and die there. Neatly. Easily. No muss, no fuss.

I think the only reason she dragged him back into that shower is because that was her original plan, he die there. In true psychopathic form... She didn't want to let go of her plan.... So back to the shower he goes.

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This should only be done by someone close to and trusted by the drinker. Never by a relative stranger. Especially one who thinks it's funny.

As an official member of the AA fellowship for years now, I can tell you that there is no official book of "ettiquette" as your wording implies as to who/how/when a drunk should or should not be videotaped. In fact being laughed at and videotaped (even by strangers) is one of the consequences we learn to own and learn from if we are truly ready. No one likes to be laughed at, but if it is eye opening enough to get someone into "the rooms" as we call it, it really doesn't matter what method was used to save our lives- a true person in recovery will learn to appreciate the milestone as a gratitude as opposed to a resentment. Just my 2 cents. Hiccup! ;-)
Hi, I'm new here but used to post on the old Court TV forums.

I get the impression the defense is trying to set her up with the Eileen Wornus "defense," horribly abused since childhood, forced into life of prostitution with even more abuse, hates men so much she finally snaps and starts killing them "in self-defense." But....Wornus WAS terribly abused and ended up being executed.

(Forgive me if I tread on well-traveled ground)

Not to be indelicate here, but the "baptism sex" is generally not possible without a bunch of lube. I'm sure if there had been some we would have heard..."Travis stopped and reached for the bottle of .....lubricant...., does that make sense? He brought the bottle over, unscrewed the lid, I think the lid was white, the bottle was clear and almost full.........blah blah blah"

Didn't happen.

Welcome to the boards!
Now, so that i can fit into some pants, i need some exercise, which brings me to my next point, which is that i find it highly offensive that everyone from Texas was bragging all about their fine balmy climate.... jk

I live in wisconsin and am going to try to burn off some of these ill-conceived calories by shoveling my driveway, now.:seeya:

:floorlaugh::great: have a great day, y'all and everyone else too!:seeya:

HI Amyfarrahfowler – I LOVE your posts and can totally relate. Yes, I am here in balmy Katy TX – it is beautiful outside – now, am I outside – NO I am in the house, just finished ½ a gallon of decadent chocolate ice cream – I quit smoking AND retired from good old Orlando FL, was there from day 1 of the FCA ordeal, was banned by family and friends from even mentioning anything remotely close to the case LOL. Anyway, I now care for my 3 granddaughters here in Katy and am waiting for them to get home from school just so I can test their snacks to make sure they are safe for them HAHAHAHA Just wanted you to know you are not alone LOL Have an awesome day and stay warm! :cupcake:
Watching Wednesday's testimony (and my eyes want to close LoL). Nurmi asks her how many times they had sexual encounters during the weekend they met in that little town near Blythe, and she says "I would say about three, you know in total".

Three is a liar's favorite number. Imagine that :waitasec:.
I'm not after seeing the same photos that the jury saw, especially that one which I won't mention except to say Jodi may have enjoyed fisting. (Google it because I'm not explaining.)

The old wives' tale about loose women becoming "physically more loose" DOES APPLY with anal sex. Both of the anal sphincter muscles become flaccid over time and there is a progressive loss of the anal reflex.

verified psychiatric mental health nurse

OK, innocent that I am (insert blush) I had to look it up. She looks worn out to me. I'm having a hard time understanding how she still expects to come off as an innocent after previous PA's testimony??
I think considering the jury has already seen the video of her telling police that Travis never raped her, that would be a moot point.

But on the stand, while facing the jury, she testified as follows:

"It's not something I expected to happen, and I can't say I wanted it to, but I didn't stop him."

She also described it as a painful experience, so much so that she finally asked him to stop.

"I just went with his agenda, I guess you could say... Shortly after, he left, and I didn't feel very good. I kind of felt like a used piece of toilet paper."

You really don't believe this made any impression on a single member of the jury?

They were, after all, described by the talking heads and courtroom witnesses as leaning forward on their seats and taking notes during that portion of her testimony.

Moot? I doubt that.

However, only the jury will know for certain how this affected their assessments and deliberations.
It will indeed be interesting if the defense can convince the judge NOT to provide the jury instructions detailing a “duty to flee” as pertaining to the JA self-defense claim. Apparently “duty to flee” is part of the self defense statute in Arizona and it is also standard doctrine in all criminal law treatises dealing with the affirmative defense of “self-defense”. The defense, it seems, wants to convince the jury that, above all, JA was and is suffering from “battered woman’s syndrome”. A truly battered woman may NOT have the duty to flee. This is because the syndrome pertains to victims who are paralyzed from fear of retribution and who have a history showing that prior unsuccessful attempts to flee from battery have been met with even more injury. The battered woman who “snaps” may not react, as do ordinary people, with an impulse to “flee” “exit quickly” “duck” hide” etc. The battered woman merely stands her ground during the assault knowing that her tormenter will relentlessly pursue her. She has come to understand that flight is simply not an option.

After all this painstaking elaboration of JA early life and initial phase of the TA relationship we will undoubtedly hear about TA escalation of manipulation and the onset of physical abuse. Rough sex, demeaning put downs, and “beatings” will become de rigueur. By the end of next week JA will have completed the check list of “what constitutes battered woman’s syndrome”. JA ‘s psychology expert will mop up and explain that all the seeming insignificant detail JA provided in direct testimony all can be understood as the making of a battered woman. THUS “retreat” during battery is no longer needed to exculpate.

I also think that JA will provide testimony that TA on June 4 2008 became inordinately enraged when JA dropped the Sony camera. Though he was naked TA blocked any escape. Even when initially injured from either knife or gun wounds TA pursued JA relentlessly and viciously. In providing this testimony JA will be putting on an act of a lifetime. She will emote, stutter, grieve, sob, cry, and recoil in horror as she is “forced” to relive that horrific assault. She will claim that TA had JA in his clutches as he was dying and to free herself without fear of deadly retribution she had to forcefully thrash out at his neck and or face.

Why the gas cans......the failure to retain receipts for AZ.....stolen granpappy's


I am sure you are right that this is where Nurmi is going. But geeeeez....she over planned if you ask me.LOL

But really... she washed him off because she loved him still, and she didn't want him to be found so bloody.

After she deleted the photos- so she didn't shame him- and listening to his voice mails --just in case some of sexy messages to him en route were still there, she did some laundry so he wasn't shamed by evidence of sex, then she drove off, when it all quickly became so unreal to her that she just.. well, kept on going like nothing ever happened. PSTD and all that.

Jodi is a self-professed genius. She washed him off to get rid of evidense. She also washed herself off. Washed the bed clothes, dunked the camera. Bagged her bloody clothes and shoes. Put on a nice outfit. Did a little cleaning and hit the road. Then decided to check the messages, to delete any concerning her, and on to meet her next conquest.
I think she truly thought, they would never be able to prove she was there that day. That pesky bloody handprint, how did she miss that? And why didn't she take the card out of the camera, and throw it in the river, with the knife and gun.
She'll know better next time.:)
I'm watching JA on IS with the sound down, eeeeew, the way she licks her lips, and swallows, she reminds me of...hmmm never mind, that might be name calling. And the way she uses her hands, gives me chills. I can't wait for Juan Martinez to get to her!
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