Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #27 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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Many of these people are never diagnosed with anything before or after they are caught.

Look at Russell Williams.
Many psychopaths will have wide discrepancies in their diagnoses when given by different psychiatrists. Research the wide variance of diagnoses given to Hitler by people who actually interacted with him. It's shocking.
I am way behind and was trying to catch up by reading all posts on yesterday's thread. So many ideas and opinions from such a diverse array of perspectives - i really enjoy this community and want to say hello to all and thank all for trial-related posts. I also enjoy many of the OT posts .....with that said, here are a few thoughts i would like to share:

Lol: I cannot imagine EVER meeting a twinkie i could stop myself from snarfing down, and it no longer matters WHAT color or WHAT grade of fabric my pants are, it SHOWS:blushing: :please: This causes me to nostagically treasure those good old days when pant-type was still potentially useful in disguising these thunder thighs, as was true for me when i was still smoking 1.5 packs a day, because i had such a lovely figure back then and it seemed like i could ingest any sweet thing my hungry little tastebuds desired in any quantity desired without having to feel SORRY about it LATER.... :sigh:uh

Now, not to be Pollyanna-ish or anything, but OTOH (re: quitting smoking) i must admit i do NOT MISS that chronic cough i used to have.

Even so, now that i no longer smoke, all i have to do is merely PEEK AT something sweet, fattening, rich, delectable, delicious, savory or otherwise forbidden, and the implied calories immediately glom onto my hips. When i dare to even THINK ABOUT how such things look, taste, or smell, just one innocent thought-> BOOM! Another eighth of an inch piles on automatically. :sigh:
So, i just wanna say THANKS ALOT (sarcastic scolding tone of voice) to that grandma person who was baking peanut butter cookies yesterday and talking about how good they smelled and whoever then posted a photo of cookies with chocolate kisses who got my obsessive mind to ruminating, you CRUEL CRUEL PEOPLE my kitchen is/was empty and yet i have increased 3 pant sizes following along:floorlaugh:
Jodi rambles and lies A LOT. I think the prosecutor will allow that to happen, but quickly cut her off for verification. If theres a betting pool, I say she'll lose it a time or two. Jodi was getting put out, short and snarky with the defense attorney, and he is on HER side. The prosecutor starts from her perspective of adversary and goes down from there.

Jodi will lose it!

IMO any good lawyer can typically shred a liar on cross. Juan is an amazing lawyer... It's gonna be quite the show!


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I think they either look like black sneakers/runners or, believe it or not, black socks over her shoes. I'm leaning toward the socks at the moment. (Socks over her shoes.)

If true, highly problematic for the defense.

It goes directly to malice aforethought.
It will indeed be interesting if the defense can convince the judge NOT to provide the jury instructions detailing a “duty to flee” as pertaining to the JA self-defense claim. Apparently “duty to flee” is part of the self defense statute in Arizona and it is also standard doctrine in all criminal law treatises dealing with the affirmative defense of “self-defense”. The defense, it seems, wants to convince the jury that, above all, JA was and is suffering from “battered woman’s syndrome”. A truly battered woman may NOT have the duty to flee. This is because the syndrome pertains to victims who are paralyzed from fear of retribution and who have a history showing that prior unsuccessful attempts to flee from battery have been met with even more injury. The battered woman who “snaps” may not react, as do ordinary people, with an impulse to “flee” “exit quickly” “duck” hide” etc. The battered woman merely stands her ground during the assault knowing that her tormenter will relentlessly pursue her. She has come to understand that flight is simply not an option.

After all this painstaking elaboration of JA early life and initial phase of the TA relationship we will undoubtedly hear about TA escalation of manipulation and the onset of physical abuse. Rough sex, demeaning put downs, and “beatings” will become de rigueur. By the end of next week JA will have completed the check list of “what constitutes battered woman’s syndrome”. JA ‘s psychology expert will mop up and explain that all the seeming insignificant detail JA provided in direct testimony all can be understood as the making of a battered woman. THUS “retreat” during battery is no longer needed to exculpate.

I also think that JA will provide testimony that TA on June 4 2008 became inordinately enraged when JA dropped the Sony camera. Though he was naked TA blocked any escape. Even when initially injured from either knife or gun wounds TA pursued JA relentlessly and viciously. In providing this testimony JA will be putting on an act of a lifetime. She will emote, stutter, grieve, sob, cry, and recoil in horror as she is “forced” to relive that horrific assault. She will claim that TA had JA in his clutches as he was dying and to free herself without fear of deadly retribution she had to forcefully thrash out at his neck and or face.


That seems a whole lot prove in such a short time when he is laying on the floor motally wounded and she is standing above him. Also it would seem if this really did happen she would have many more injuries herself instead of two tiny bandaides where the knife slit her fingers.

Im not really sure she has the ability to put on a lot of convincing drama. She has failed miserably thus far and has come across as very scripted with a flat affect.

The one Im most interested in hearing from is the domestic violence expert that is going to be called in rebuttal by the state.

Is anyone else concerned that the jury will have difficulty discerning between what JA characterizes as painful anal intercourse and forcible sodomy?
Were there socks in the washing machine?

Here is testimony re: the items in the washing machine.


Start at 1:22:45

No way it's a "nice letter". Why would Nurmi want it in if it was?

Abusers do not start out abusing. They snare their victims with good stuff.

If you are in a relationship where you start getting flowers, gifts, etc right away, take a little breather and check the person out.

This is s sign, often.

I am not saying this about TA, but the defense can use it easily
At the end of the hallway, near his bedroom, she was holding the knife and the gun when he approached her. She used the knife as hard as she could because she had never used a gun before, wasn't sure if she could shoot it right, and he was still coming after her. She doesn't remember shooting him, but thinks that she was so shaken and still in such fear of him that she may have done that in shock, towards the end.

Something like that.
She doesn't remember dragging him into the shower and washing him off but thinks she did so because as a young child her mother beat her with a spoon when she didn't wash off her victims.
One of the things that is suggested for intervention with a person who has alcohol issues is to video them when they are drunk to show them their behavior.

People with alcohol issues are in denial and this is a tool that is suggested.

It is interesting to me that it does not appear that she was into drugs or alcohol.

I wonder if that is true
If she had more than one high school friend step forward to talk about her, I'd bet we learn that she tried it all. Psychopaths look for excitement.
I hope Juan gets all up under her skin. And, she explodes. Those little glimpses of anger at Nurmi give just a hint of what we may see. Here's hoping.

There must be a reason they have the "zapper" belt on her. FCA didn't have it. I think Jodi is capable of killing again without blinking an eye.
Im a 66 year old female and I dont expect him to pussyfoot around when cross examining any murder defendant. Arias being a female defendant shouldnt even enter in to it. He is not cross examining Mother Teresa and the jury knows it.


Same here-she needs to be questioned like any other self confessed murdered.
Wow, you're right.

"There was a nice letter" then his eyebrows go up "Judge may we approach?". and that was that.

Although he did ask her if there was anything else in that package. Maybe that's not the answer he was expecting.

Nurmi in a painfully slow extraction (like getting a tooth pulled, only without anesthetic) got the "nice letter" statement out of her and then approached the bench.

I think there is a "nice letter" they want to get admitted into evidence and this again goes back to the deemed to be fake letters from Travis.
Is anyone else concerned that the jury will have difficulty discerning between what JA characterizes as painful anal intercourse and forcible sodomy?

I wouldnt think so. She clearly said she wouldnt have minded. The reason she wanted him to stop was the pain and he did stop. Didnt she say she is the one who bought the KY jelly later on? Isnt she the one that had anal sex with Darryl before she even met TA?
human, IMO, the only "intervention" she had in mind was intervening in TA's life as much as she possibly could.
Her taping of the drunk lady was NOT for pure intentions. I'm not sure she is capable of pure intentions.

No. I am sure that is true.

But there are many comments on how cruel it is to video a drunk on here.

I am saying that it is not cruel at all. It can save a person's life.

Not that JA was doing it for that reason.

I am just wondering if she is familiar with that idea,
She doesn't remember dragging him into the shower and washing him off but thinks she did so because as a young child her mother beat her with a spoon when she didn't wash off her victims.


But really... she washed him off because she loved him still, and she didn't want him to be found so bloody.

After she deleted the photos- so she didn't shame him- and listening to his voice mails --just in case some of sexy messages to him en route were still there, she did some laundry so he wasn't shamed by evidence of sex, then she drove off, when it all quickly became so unreal to her that she just.. well, kept on going like nothing ever happened. PSTD and all that.
You just might be right. The anal thing bugs me too. I'm gonna say most people think that is very gross. And he didn't want pictures in the shower but he texts her pictures of his erection ?

Plus he seemed almost OCD in his care for his home (closet, office) and personal care (clothing, scaping), not to mention his particular revulsion about the words 'poop' 'fart' and something can't remember the third, that it is pretty hard to imagine him being into anal sex.

[OTOH, maybe that is exactly why those words bothered him! Arguing with myself now. :) ]

I really think JA is making up most of the supposed sexual encounters. If anything, I think she may have given him a few BJs, but that is it, IMO.
Now, so that i can fit into some pants, i need some exercise, which brings me to my next point, which is that i find it highly offensive that everyone from Texas was bragging all about their fine balmy climate.... jk

I live in wisconsin and am going to try to burn off some of these ill-conceived calories by shoveling my driveway, now.:seeya:

:floorlaugh::great: have a great day, y'all and everyone else too!:seeya:
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