Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #27 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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I easily believe JA will be on the stand all next week... in fact it could be longer than that.
This should only be done by someone close to and trusted by the drinker. Never by a relative stranger. Especially one who thinks it's funny.

This is my opinion.

I am talking about the whole concept of intervention.

People on here are saying it is disgusting to video a drunk.

I am saying it can save people's lives.

Not that JA did it for that reason
I doubt that there is any type of sex act that Jodi has not experienced, if not initiated. She's probably had sex of some sort in every room of every house that she ever lived in, and then some. Her "sweet, shy, and innocent" act infuriates me no end :furious:


I agree with the first part of your post, but not my bolded part. To me JA looks like (shall I say unattractive) witch, with all that dyed black hair and white skin!!!! :puke:
I don't know if it was you or a family member that had you living at all the AFB's, but THANK YOU for your family's service to our country.

Proud daughter of a Naval officer, and now a mom and mom-in-law to two wonderful Navy service members.

I moved to TX from CA...and while the central CA valley gets hot, it doesn't have the humidity we have here, along with the heat. It's the humidity that makes it so miserable for much of the summer. Ugh! Let's hope it's a cooler than normal summer for us oldies, haha! :rocker:

East Texas humidity is the worse. All those damn pine trees. At least we're not in Arizona. I hear it's hot, but it's a dry heat. I've had tomatoes on the vine explode during some of our summers.

They shut down the welcome center at DFW for military going through Dallas. I thought it was such a shame. They need a big hug, handshake and a grateful thank you.
There are some photos which can't be unseen. You see everything and I mean everything that God gave Jodi. You can find them online. There are two "close ups" (and we mean close ups) of her naughty bits, it's not a pretty sight.

If I was Jodi I would be so embarrassed. I would not be able to hold my head up. Ever.

I think she is actually proud! Seems like it doesn't faze her mother, either. :blushing:
I am talking about the whole concept of intervention.

People on here are saying it is disgusting to video a drunk.

I am saying it can save people's lives.

Not that JA did it for that reason

skye hughes will testify to what jodi was really upset about with that woman as Jodi called her (she was jealous)

(it was on one of the hln interviews)
LOL are you going for "Quantity or Quality"?

IMVHO, there were zip, zilch, nada hours of quality testimony in last week's tesibalony as fabricated by JA! I also think that what we have seen thus far from JA has/will lethally work against her. JMHO.

@ KatieCool or PASA - If we WSers come up with jury questions, can you slip them into the jury basket when no one is looking?? :giggle:
I read earlier that Beth Karas thinks Jodi might be on the stand all next week. If that's true, if the defense drags this out all that time, I believe any jurors with sympathy for her will tire of the stories and the giggles and the smiles and the fake tears and will RUSH to declare her guilty. She is wasting the time they could be with their families. They will...or already do...despise her. IMO.

If he does he will regret that. Beth said the jury is already losing interest. I mean they are human just like we are and we have been bored out of our minds the three days she has droned on and on. I would rather have heard someone putting in phone records which is boring but compared to JA it would be exciting.

ITA! They are going to learn to despise this woman. Juan is going to remind them of everything she has lied about and that she is nothing but a lying coniving cold killer.

I hope that means she will be cross examined some of next week too. I dont think Juan will keep her on the stand like Nurmi has done. He is going to cut through the fat pretty darn quickly.

Does anyone know how long he cross examined the last woman that is on death row? I know she was on the stand nine days total.

I believe he was shot last.

I think she plunged that knife into his heart and expected him to collapse and die there. Neatly. Easily. No muss, no fuss.

I think the only reason she dragged him back into that shower is because that was her original plan, he die there. In true psychopathic form... She didn't want to let go of her plan.... So back to the shower he goes.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

BBM true neophyte to the actual death process & decomposition scenario, I'm "betting" that she assumed that the shower stall would minimize the "mess" as she ran the H2O over his body, that the drain would "accept" and contain any fluids and that the "extra distance" from other rooms would help in delaying the discovery.

SORRY Jodi but nope, that game plan failed in SO many ways!
I read earlier that Beth Karas thinks Jodi might be on the stand all next week. If that's true, if the defense drags this out all that time, I believe any jurors with sympathy for her will tire of the stories and the giggles and the smiles and the fake tears and will RUSH to declare her guilty. She is wasting the time they could be with their families. They will...or already do...despise her. IMO.

I think I can say objectively, I would PO'd if I was a juror sitting thru JA's testimony. I would be wondering why they are wasting my time with this nonsense. I would be thinking about the lawyers getting like $400 an hour...
I read earlier that Beth Karas thinks Jodi might be on the stand all next week. If that's true, if the defense drags this out all that time, I believe any jurors with sympathy for her will tire of the stories and the giggles and the smiles and the fake tears and will RUSH to declare her guilty. She is wasting the time they could be with their families. They will...or already do...despise her. IMO.

Earlier in the trial I was thinking it could be interesting to see what kind of questions the jury had for her. (sidebar - does the judge approve those questions?) I know I'd have a few good ones.

But now I think they're afraid if they ask question they will never get to leave. And if anyone does ask, the other jurors will dislike that person a lot for forcing them to sit through more long and boring minutae.
I completely believe Jodi's testimony is fabricated, other than the fact that they were having a sexual relationship. No signs of abuse yet, what she has testified to as "abuse" is pretty silly so far.

What I am confused about is this: since she is lying in her attempt to make Travis out to be an abusive sexual deviant monster, why not bigger lies? Why not lies that portray him as hitting her, bruising her, raping her?

I will never understand this trial.
It is obvious he wasnt trying to have a close relationship with her. It was a new meeting and imo it quickly grew boring like it does in some cases. I think everyone knows if he had wanted JA up his butt 24/7 all he would have had to do is crook his finger and she would have been attached to him like glue. He was the opposite of controlling. He wanted nothing to do with her and was fine she had moved away from him. He was going on with his life.

I dont see anything that shows me Travis was an abuser or even tried to control JA. If he had really controlled her he would have worked his control and got her to stay in AZ instead of her getting the heck away from him and he didnt see her once since she moved except the day she murdered him.

I do see plenty of things that convinces me that JA was an obsessive stalker violent abuser.


Someone asked how the " nice letter" could be used.

I gave the method abusers use to trap their victim.

I did not say TA was doing this.
I am trying to find a clip of Dr. Drew's jury from Wednesday night 2/6/12. JON WEISS is who I am looking please...Thanks!
Someone asked how the " nice letter" could be used.

I gave the method abusers use to trap their victim.

I did not say TA was doing this.

Another possibility would be to show that what Jodi characterizes as "nice" isn't actually very nice at all. A letter that if a normal woman received it she would be offended. jmo
Jodi may be on the stand forever rolling that big rock uphill. I think jurors are going to be disgusted if they have to go through many more stories about her being spun around.

I disagree with Joey Jackson on IS saying Jodi finally found someone she felt love for, and that's why she couldn't say no. Ahh....she wasn't saying no with any of her hook ups. Jodi hasn't even professed to be in love-love yet. According to Jodi, the sex was not thrilling, nor does she describe it as love making. Why do people want to believe she ever loved Travis? IMO, it was about possession, status, and control, which is all a psychopath would be interested in.

(And please don't try to tell me she hungered for love all her life. I think Darryl would qualify as caring for her and giving her love. She ran all over him if you ask me and I didn't hear anything from Darryl that made me see how Jodi gave real love.) JMO
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