Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #27 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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This is sickening. These murderers will say anything to get off. Why is this going to be allowed in court? It's a known liars word about a dead man. I do not believe that TA was a pedophile.
Hee hee! I saw them in a trendy catalog a couple of years ago and noticed that new term I'd never heard before, no. I didn't know the word for the historical ones, either :) Learn something new every day!

I don't think there were modern snoods 5 years ago. Not in the South at least :D

You remind me about what a toboggan is and where. I'm a Southern gal but lived in Chicago as a kid. I still have no idea who has that as a sled and for whom it's a cold weather hat! "Your sled kept your ears warm? Huh?"

Yes yes haha I also recently was told by a friend from Boston that toboggans are cold weather hats. Not sleds to be worn on the head, apparently. Pffft. That's why I thought snood was perhaps a predominately northern term. I'm hoping not to look like such a doofus! And thank you, you made me feel a bit better!
I'm not after seeing the same photos that the jury saw, especially that one which I won't mention except to say Jodi may have enjoyed fisting. (Google it because I'm not explaining.)

The old wives' tale about loose women becoming "physically more loose" DOES APPLY with anal sex. Both of the anal sphincter muscles become flaccid over time and there is a progressive loss of the anal reflex.

verified psychiatric mental health nurse

I've thought that for quite sometime but didn't know how to mention it so delicately and without offending anyone ~ thank you for putting it out there!! And now that you have I've been dying to say that bc of the muscle/reflex loss I'm hoping from time to time she sharts :)
Yes yes haha I also recently was told by a friend from Boston that toboggans are cold weather hats. Not sleds to be worn on the head, apparently. Pffft. That's why I thought snood was perhaps a predominately northern term. I'm hoping not to look like such a doofus! And thank you, you made me feel a bit better!

Oh, I bet there are a ton of people who have never heard of snoods. I don't know where that one came from, but it would be interesting to see if it's regional or what.

I am Southern and had old-school Southerners teaching me my vocab, so we did say toboggan for a winter hat (and dinner instead of lunch, etc). But In Chicago, we'd go tobogganing with them on -- on our sleds! In my family, you can wear a toboggan and go tobogganing, but there aren't any around to ride anymore :D
She keeps making up stories that can not be proven. She is the one who is perverted.

I hate it when people are labeled as "monsters" or "evil",but oh my god,Jodi really is....
She personifies the word diabolical.

I'm of the mind this will prove to backfire for her. It's things like this during the penalty phase that causes jurors to pause and consider what sort of punishment is warranted. IMO, this stunt could push any juror on the fence about the DP to vote for it.

Thank you Skiptomylu!

This is infuriating that this monster is trying to say this about Travis. However, I think that her lies are going to completely be first and foremost to this jury.

In the first place, WHERE would Travis have gotten "photos" of naked boys to lay out on his bed? WHY would he have printed out photos when he could have used the Internet to look at them if he had been so inclined? And, I vehemently believe that this is a lie! This is so far fetched that I can't wait to see what JM has in store to discredit her on this? She is an evil, wretched, waste of air and needs to be put to death!

I know I know!!! This is so ludicrous and preposterous I can't even find words to properly describe how angry this makes me. The only proof is her word? Really? It reminds me of CA saying she had to give her father bj's before school. My blood pressure is rising, I need to calm down. Night all. Stay safe anyone in the midst of that snow storm.
I ran across this blogspot If you scroll down a bit there's a tribute to Travis, so these must have been friends of his. There are some pictures of Travis when he was younger (1999), and some from 2006 that I had never seen before. Another person who was touched by Travis in his short life.

I hadn't seen this yet either. Thank you for sharing!
It is specifically stated in the article that ZERO of this type photo were found on his computer or in print.

If she wants to keep spewing lies, then game on!! May they all come back to bite her in her [big, worn out] butt!!!!!!
Good morning everyone :) hubby and I are taking off for a few days so I only have a second, I haven't read all the posts so maybe this was answered, the unscensored photos of Travis and JA, were they from the camera found in the washer? Thanks :)
Good morning everyone :) hubby and I are taking off for a few days so I only have a second, I haven't read all the posts so maybe this was answered, the unscensored photos of Travis and JA, were they from the camera found in the washer? Thanks :)

Get ready for a bombshell next week. Defendant claims TA was pleasuring to photos of young males. How does she know? Claims she walked in on him unexpectedly. She will be selling it in court next week.
Good morning everyone :) hubby and I are taking off for a few days so I only have a second, I haven't read all the posts so maybe this was answered, the unscensored photos of Travis and JA, were they from the camera found in the washer? Thanks :)

Yes, taken a few hrs before she attacked, tortured & took his life.
Does anyone think the defense reads here? sometimes I seemed as if she shortened up her answers somewhat on her last day on the stand.

I hated what I woke up to and read this morning about the stuff about Travis which is coming. How many times does she get to kill this poor guy?????

I noted awhile ago about something I had seen which could be used to "back up" her claim but I said I was not going to post it. Don't know if I should reveal it now, so you all know. It is pretty silly and immature if you understand it for what it is, but if taken out of context, which I am sure they would do, it could possibly be used to support her claim.
WOW!! I hope something like this is presented during closing! Very powerful indeed. Thx for posting!

I just watched that video too...very powerful!

What are the words she is saying right at the very end? With her head down on the table?
I thought about putting verified mormon under my name....but nah, I mostly read and enjoy the discussion that way, my skins to thin

Eta: And I'm on a small nook with no spell check....

Welcome to the club as to the Nook! I put that in my siggie. The worst past is having fat fingers and not being able to move the cursor to correct, so I just let it go assuming I have the message conveyed. Does eveyon remember that thing to show how easy to read...something that goes like f u cn rd ths it shws how ....etc!
Absolutely all photos are open to interpretation because looking at a photo is always subjective. I have seen crime scene photos where 1/2 of the observers were positive on what they were seeing and the other 1/2 were positive that they saw something different. Photos just aren't the same as looking at something in person. There are just too many variables that I've mentioned many times.

I do believe that these are some of the most chilling photos that I have ever seen.

Ok more I am seeing now looking at photos again. I have read upstream about flooding (How do we know box in closet had rings) anywho..... the photo of him sitting down he is blocking the drain. We need our websleuths reenactmen team to do another enactment! Go and sit on your shower drain and how long until any overflow? Isn't if pretty standard that houhold plumbing is two gallons per minute?

Look forward to what folks think.

And yep, I am a gun first team member, lol!

I am considering shot,, water left running while she packed up. He sits in same position with butt on drain. Why else would but be on drain in shower? After he regained some cognition and stumbled out of the shoer after overflo and going to sinnk to make those types of sinus spews we are seeing, she came back in with the knife while he was leaning over the since. And as the next knife marks were all on the upper right of the torso, that would fit if she came in from the bedroom and he was at sink.

I too, came across an article about the killer saying he was attracted to young boys blah blah and pictures.

She is just unbelievable. Literally unbelievable. Her and her defense have continually attacked his character with zero proof of what she is saying went on between her and TA.

I am really sick and tired of hearing how Jodi "feels" and her relaying all her "stories" and her soap opera love and sex life. Her "stories" are nothing but her sounding like she is talking to her BFF about a guy she can't have and, oh he hurt my feelings. I sure do hope that Mr. Martinez can and will call witnesses to attest to and rebutt her stories and character.

This is a very sordid, salacious trial. And that IMO, is the reason why so many are interested in it. I have seen comments here and other places as to WHY so interested in seeing justice done in this case and not the many murders that take place everywhere else.

"The State vs Jodi Arais" Facebook page, has a very recent (says 5 hours ago) post from Chris Hughes regarding that letter that was not allowed and found to be fake.

Also on tht page I saw this, from "Eyes for Lies" website. I guess I have eyes for lies too, coz I see what "Eyes for Lies" sees in Arias.
I just watched that video too...very powerful!

What are the words she is saying right at the very end? With her head down on the table?

She says, "I chickened out like a little bit@h".

BTW, check out the same video, at around 10:42. Are my eyes playing tricks on me, or are those the same knuckles and nail beds as what are in the (now famous) penile photos?

I too, came across an article about the killer saying he was attracted to young boys blah blah and pictures.

She is just unbelievable. Literally unbelievable. Her and her defense have continually attacked his character with zero proof of what she is saying went on between her and TA.

I am really sick and tired of hearing how Jodi "feels" and her relaying all her "stories" and her soap opera love and sex life. Her "stories" are nothing but her sounding like she is talking to her BFF about a guy she can't have and, oh he hurt my feelings. I sure do hope that Mr. Martinez can and will call witnesses to attest to and rebutt her stories and character.

This is a very sordid, salacious trial. And that IMO, is the reason why so many are interested in it. I have seen comments here and other places as to WHY so interested in seeing justice done in this case and not the many murders that take place everywhere else.

"The State vs Jodi Arais" Facebook page, has a very recent (says 5 hours ago) post from Chris Hughes regarding that letter that was not allowed and found to be fake.

Also on tht page I saw this, from "Eyes for Lies" website. I guess I have eyes for lies too, coz I see what "Eyes for Lies" sees in Arias.

Wow thanks for that link. I follow Eyes on Facebook but hadn't seen this post...she's right on!
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