Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #27 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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The last woman put on death row in Arizona Juan Martinez put her there.

She was on the stand for 9 days. She also claimed self defense and abuse.

The jury believed her so much they gave her the death penalty! :seeya:

Let's hope the same is true in this case.
Sounds to me like the judge fell out of her tree! This is absolutely ridiculous and has nothing at all to do with this case. Or, maybe the judge wants the jury to see just how much of a hold Jodi might dig herself into. Sad the victim has no rights and can't speak for himself. Guarantee if she walks someone will 'take her out', and I don't mean to dinner either.

I hope no one takes her out. Not so much for her sake but for theirs. I'd hate to see someone else have their life and their family's life ruined over Jodi. :(
I am trying sooo hard to catch up with the trial video....but OMG JODI IS SOOO BORING!! No wonder TA was trying to ditch her. I am embarrassed for her. I am totally fast forwarding through her boring history. I bet the jurors are day dreaming about what they are going to cook for dinner.
I don't know how some of you watched this without a fast forward button!! Did anyone else find them selves rolling their eyes during her testimony? lol...she is just so unreal!

YES - she & nurmi put me sleep several times...she's so emotionally immature and boring it's ridiculous..
YES - she & nurmi put me sleep several times...she's so emotionally immature and boring it's ridiculous..

its terrible....she is a TRAIN WRECK! lmao ....
like... "oh...I went to his house for dinner, which by the way he was an excellent cook....."

Really JODI??? YOU are on trial for murder, this detail seems stupid! It's more like an interview for public television at times. She is sooo incredibly boring!!
Awww, carp! (scowling)
Just discovered open can of diet dr pepper cherry overturned on nice white living room carpet!
Naughty kitty? Which one is responsible? Ugly dark cherry spot, lucky the can wasn't full.
Tried to wipe it up and naturally it just spread out and got BIGGER....
Petting both tom kitties.
Naughty AMY needs to get her hindquarters ( thanks, Juan) OFF couch and should not be drinking pop in the lr in the first place.... (scowl scrub scowl scrub etc...)

I once had a red wine stain (old) on a cable knitted pillow (yellow). Warm water and oxyclean got it right out. It was amazing. Hope that helps.

I'm sickened by this new revelation in JA's depravity. I know it will backfire on her because she's just so not believable. I pray it seals her fate for the death penalty. She knows this is the last time anyone will have to listen to her and she's playing it up big. :furious:
MsCharlieChan posted this link a few days ago..

This totally freaks me out. Now I'm getting the eerie feeling that Jodie had a gun on Travis the whole time he was in the shower while instructing him in what she wanted him to do. It can't just be coincidence, imo.

And how did he end up sitting in the bottom of the shower? He looks limp to me, so is this when she shot him in the face, thus no blood visible on his body?
I took several naps during her testimony. when juan gets to cross examine her i wonder if he will start right at may 2008. Lord knows i cant bare to hear her ramble on from her days as a sperm all the way up until present day.
its terrible....she is a TRAIN WRECK! lmao ....
like... "oh...I went to his house for dinner, which by the way he was an excellent cook....."

Really JODI??? YOU are on trial for murder, this detail seems stupid! It's more like an interview for public television at times. She is sooo incredibly boring!!

i know ! she birdwalks so far off topic it's incredible....i once knew a very emotionally immature, insecure woman who did this and her continuous yakking and prattling on and on drove everyone away from her...
I seriously cannot believe they ate going to let her say she walked in on him masturbating to pictures of kids. We all know she's making stuff up by why go there?? I'm worried that the jury might think it must be true because they'll think no one would go that far if it wasn't true. :(
i know ! she birdwalks so far off topic it's incredible....i once knew a very emotionally immature, insecure woman who did this and her continuous yakking and prattling on and on drove everyone away from her...

"Birdwalks", perfect!!
i know ! she birdwalks so far off topic it's incredible....i once knew a very emotionally immature, insecure woman who did this and her continuous yakking and prattling on and on drove everyone away from her...


I had to google birdwalks. Now I don't have to learn anything else today. Thanks.
I'm a little slow but I finally get it now. The reason TA only wanted to have anal sex (or BJ's) with JA wasn't because of Mormonism (the religious loop hole we all seek when we want to bend the moral rules a bit for our own pleasure - she said vaginal sex was forbidden but everything else was a go!) but because he was fantasizing she was a little boy. Of course. Because he was a pedophile. Now, of course, one would think since he was bending his moral standards anyway, why no just get it on with a guy? Why Jodi? Oh that's right. Because this is ALL not true.
Piecing Together the Truth Behind Jodi Arias' Lies -- The Details of Travis Alexander's Death

I just watched this video on Facebook. It is on Justice for Travis Alexander. It is a powerful video.

Piecing Together the Truth Behind Jodi Arias' Lies -- The Details of Travis Alexander's Death - YouTube

It is on youtube too.

Unreal how she goes on and on about how her finger hurts.
It is a powerful video but I do not like how the person who made it gives too much grounds for why she did it (toward the end)… She is an adult and responsible for her own pitiful self.
I seriously cannot believe they ate going to let her say she walked in on him masturbating to pictures of kids. We all know she's making stuff up by why go there?? I'm worried that the jury might think it must be true because they'll think no one would go that far if it wasn't true. :(

Hopefully by now these jurors have seen what a liar she is and how it's all a sick fantasy story she is spewing. Just praying that they are not as dumb as the Pinellas 12.
Unreal how she goes on and on about how her finger hurts.
It is a powerful video but I do not like how the person who made it gives too much grounds for why she did it (toward the end)… She is an adult and responsible for her own pitiful self.

I felt the same way .....
I've been wondering about this for a while and don't recall much discussion about it since the trial started which is when I started reading here.

During all this time when Jodi was a "working girl", had multiple boyfriends, lived with a married man, traveled hither and yon to conventions, etc., what, if any, type of relationship did she have with her family? Did she talk to them on the phone? Emails? Texts? Did she visit them for holidays, or did they visit her wherever she was living? Did her family meet any of her male conquests? But for testimony and commentary about her volatile relationship with her parents that led to her moving out of the family home at age 15, there has been little mention of her interaction with her parents and/or siblings.
The last woman put on death row in Arizona Juan Martinez put her there.

She was on the stand for 9 days. She also claimed self defense and abuse.

The jury believed her so much they gave her the death penalty! :seeya:
Thank you so much for this post!
It has given me new found hope!
I just watched that video too...very powerful!

What are the words she is saying right at the very end? With her head down on the table?

The "commentary" writing in white that gives her cwap seemingly some validity. "Travis used blah blah blah". Leave that out and it is powerful.
Really? I'll have to go back again and look. Maybe I'm looking to
much at them. I should just tack them to my wall lol

Just days ago, I saw that photo again and noticed/thought what you were thinking, scratch marks on the back. Red lines going almost horizontal on his back.
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