Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #27 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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Well if she testifies to this, hopefully we will have people on the jury that will use their minds and determine she is lying. Let's say it's true (JA walks in on TA doing his thing with pics of little boys).....She sees it AND continues on a relationship with him? What woman would (especially not married, no kids, nothing to keep them tied to this pervert)? Wouldn't a decent person high-tail it to the police department and report this? I would think naked pics of "little" boys is illegal, right? Especially someone so "spiritual" as Jodi.

How could TA's sister not just walk up to the witness stand and slap that little wench across her face.
Good questions.

She did confirm it when she said he sent them to her phone in 2006.

She hated them so much she uploaded them to her computer. LOL!

I do not think it has ever been confirmed from anyone, Nurmi, Jodi included that it is Travis'

My opinion is they are trying to say Travis had homosexual tendencies

So far it has only been confirmed to be sent by Travis but not to belong to Travis by Jodi/Nurmi
Re: Info on Thurs closed door hearing

Jury to hear Arias claim victim was sexually attracted to young boys

Sounds to me like the judge fell out of her tree! This is absolutely ridiculous and has nothing at all to do with this case. Or, maybe the judge wants the jury to see just how much of a hold Jodi might dig herself into. Sad the victim has no rights and can't speak for himself. Guarantee if she walks someone will 'take her out', and I don't mean to dinner either.
I feel sick. I really wish that JA would just stop all the lies! I know I am living in a dream world!
Can you provide links to peer-reviewed studies that establish your "absolute"?

While I agree that "absolutely" is an overstatement, there really is some validity to gender-specific critical thinking.

Lawyers use those "profiles" all the time in jury selection.
To all the new posters...

Please take this weekend to run all your errands, clean your house, and spend time with your family.

Come Monday you will be only doing the above during lunch recess.

If you don't have a crock pot I suggest you purchase one. Immediately.

If you wish to join the Juanettes you may purchase a jacket from the merchandise kiosk. It is next to the concession stand.

WELCOME and thanks for posting your thoughts on this case!!!

Great post!! Good advice!! Hey.. I never got a welcome like this! haha
Welcome to all the new posters and you lurkers can come out and post too!
Good questions.

She did confirm it when she said he sent them to her phone in 2006.

She hated them so much she uploaded them to her computer. LOL!

On cross can Jodi suddenly invoke the 5th? Not that it would do any good because I think if JM thinks she may try it the question out-the-gate would be an admission of guilt if she did, IMI. jmo
I think Juan scares the jeepers out of Jodi! Has anyone noticed how quickly she says "Oh sorry" when Juan objects? She apologizes after almost every objection by Juan. He's already under her skin! Juan is one of the best I've ever seen. It will be epic!

I don't know if he scares her or if she is trying to be submissive b/c she is such a good girl and she doesn't want to disappoint a man. (Add a whole lot of sarcasm.)
I agree that the fingers are not the same so these pictures really confuse me. There is no shortage of penis pictures out there, so why use a fake one with fingers in it? And if TA isn't circumcised, why use fake pics of a circumcised one?

Really, all of the pictures confuse me. If she was trying to make it seem like she wasn't there, why take (or even stage as some have suggested) pictures?
The sad part is, all this dragging TA thru the mud is a necessity for the defense. They got nuthin'!!
For TA's family holding themselves back from smacking JA or yelling something...God bless them!!
JA's's lies....she's a proven liar. JM will back up that fact with her interviews at the police station. With the testimony of Darryl....and, from her OWN admission of "needing" to almost track down one of her ex's to find out whatever stupidity she wanted to. There's soooo many things to even go into.

IMO, the most ironic part of this....look at Nurmi's site....
He protects "accused" sex offenders from people like her....the people who "fabricate" LIES about his clients who come to him for defense from situations such as this.
There's a shoe for every foot, and there must be defense for the scum who DO sexually assault people...BUT, there ARE those circumstances, like this, where the lies are waaay too absurd to believe.

"The irony is rich...."

this kind i hate....especially after my short stint at an org for SA survivors. yes there are a few that will accuse falsely. it happens less often then one may think. and he is HER lawyer??? puke puke puke

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Awww, carp! (scowling)
Just discovered open can of diet dr pepper cherry overturned on nice white living room carpet!
Naughty kitty? Which one is responsible? Ugly dark cherry spot, lucky the can wasn't full.
Tried to wipe it up and naturally it just spread out and got BIGGER....
Petting both tom kitties.
Naughty AMY needs to get her hindquarters ( thanks, Juan) OFF couch and should not be drinking pop in the lr in the first place.... (scowl scrub scowl scrub etc...)

Maybe this will help..

The COUNTLESS Uses for Baking Soda (Besides Baking)!
To absorb carpet spills…blot up the area, spray with water, and shake on baking soda. It will help lift the stain, and once it dries, you simply vacuum it up.

Just in case the little kitties leave a stain..

How To Get Rid of Pet Stains On Carpet
“My best tip is for pet potty spots on the carpet. I use good old vinegar and baking soda. The steps are the important part. Pour enough vinegar to soak the stain and THEN add a small amount of baking soda. If you do the reverse, you will have a noisy, bubbly mess. Do it the right way, and you can hear the recipe cackling away, telling you how it is cleaning and deodorizing without leaving any residue. You need to let the spot dry for a day or two before sweeping up and then vacuuming. We cover the spot with a bowl or plate so that we don’t have baking soda kicked from heck to breakfast. You can actually see the yellow color being absorbed up into your little mountain of baking soda. Works on old stains too! Boo yaaaaaah!”
I don't know if he scares her or if she is trying to be submissive b/c she is such a good girl and she doesn't want to disappoint a man. (Add a whole lot of sarcasm.)

that is my take on it, as posted a couple days ago.. her "sorry"s to JMs objections seem like a ploy to look like she's intimidated by him, or, as you said, submissive.
Lets just say you are going to lay out any kind of *advertiser censored* pictures on your bed and masterbate, and you don't live alone, wouldn't you lock some doors ?????
The last woman put on death row in Arizona Juan Martinez put her there.

She was on the stand for 9 days. She also claimed self defense and abuse.

The jury believed her so much they gave her the death penalty! :seeya:
Lets just say you are going to lay out any kind of *advertiser censored* pictures on your bed and masterbate, and you don't live alone, wouldn't you lock some doors ?????

Or at least hide them. Plus I don't think Travis would be doing that on his bed, with the door unlocked, when he has a toilet room were he could close the door and have perfect privacy. Doesn't make sense. People who are into something like this do not leave pictures lying around for others to find.

I guess it could be argued, too, that he might have given her the impression he like the same sex just to get rid of her. Heaven knows he seems to have tried everything without success. And if he did, even that did not work. Pedifiles tend to gravitate towards activities that involve children. Travis was involved exclusively with adults so I can't see how this would be believable. Hope the jury has enough common sense to get it.

Another thing that makes no sense. If Travis were a pedifile why would he have sent her that t-shirt and pink panties? This seems like a contradiction. jmo
I am trying sooo hard to catch up with the trial video....but OMG JODI IS SOOO BORING!! No wonder TA was trying to ditch her. I am embarrassed for her. I am totally fast forwarding through her boring history. I bet the jurors are day dreaming about what they are going to cook for dinner.
I don't know how some of you watched this without a fast forward button!! Did anyone else find them selves rolling their eyes during her testimony? lol...she is just so unreal!
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