Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #27 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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Thats the one,, i found it strange her sister made a shirt,,i may be reading into it to much but the sister is no angle herself

It's an American Eagle Outfitters shirt. She just cut it and tied it. That was pretty popular among teens and tweens. My dd and her friends have done it many times, much to my displeasure...grrr.
IMVHO, there were zip, zilch, nada hours of quality testimony in last week's tesibalony as fabricated by JA! I also think that what we have seen thus far from JA has/will lethally work against her. JMHO.

@ KatieCool or PASA - If we WSers come up with jury questions, can you slip them into the jury basket when no one is looking?? :giggle:

:floorlaugh: tesibalony, or maybe testabalony :laughcry:

Earlier in the trial I was thinking it could be interesting to see what kind of questions the jury had for her. (sidebar - does the judge approve those questions?) I know I'd have a few good ones.

But now I think they're afraid if they ask question they will never get to leave. And if anyone does ask, the other jurors will dislike that person a lot for forcing them to sit through more long and boring minutae.

I don't understand why the jurors aren't told to write down their questions and hold onto them until testimony is complete. Then they could turn in only those questions which weren't answered.
OT - Completely - and I guess I shold have taken it to the correct thread...but I was too lazy...I had to go down to court house to file something today and all of a sudden Cristian Fernandez and MANY people were standing in the hallway....He plead guilty to murdering his brother today. He looks like a baby~~~Of course he is...hope he gets the help he needs
On HLN, our Cousin Vinnie asked his audience to email him questions for Jodi.

Here are two I would like her to answer:

1) When you and TA were struggling in the bathroom, when you had him too disabled to fight, why didn't you just run out of his house, jump in your car, leave and then call 911?

2) You say the struggle started when he was in the shower after you dropped his camera. He got enraged & came after you. After you both started to struggle, and you attacked him with the knife and the gun, how did he wind up back in the shower, on his back?

I'd have to come up with some premeditation questions. She already admitted to killing him, but it's the premed that needs to be clarified. Well, you're right - the SD claim as well.
So many questions - so many lies to come. lol
Interesting to note that all the callers were females. I wonder what men think of this defendant and her story.

I can only speak for my DH (dear husband)--he thinks she's guilty as sin and she creeps him out. My son, near Travis's age, says she has the has the personality of a cucumber packed with lies.
Nine days? Didn't do her any good either. JM is good and he knows how to get to the point. JA doesn't realize what's coming after her. I didn't think about the jury already losing interest but they are human like we are so I am sure they are. I would have lost interest the moment I saw her naked picture with her stuff showing. Sickening. She doesn't care. I think she is proud of her nasty work.

I really think keeping a defendant on the stand that long is very risky. It give the jury more time to assess her and if they think she is lying and then lying so more about anything they are just going to shutdown and wont find her credible at all and this is even before Juan gets up.

She just sits there like a knot on a log. Her fake emotion is off and plain weird. She pretends to cry about a dog but when she is describing that she was strangled by one of her exes she laughs. She laughs because all of this is nothing but lies taken from books and movies and concocted in her evil mind imo.

I expect to see her come in Monday with a nun's habit on since she is trying to make herself into little Miss Perfect and everyone else she has ever met is to blame........never her.

The jury is going to pick up on that. Blame anyone but Jodi..........thats her game and she doesnt even play it well. You cant fake emotional responses when you dont even know what they feel like in the first place.

She is a flatliner cold and unfeeling.

Re: "panties"

The first time I saw this pic the bottoms reminded me of the shorts my girls and all their friends have worn for years for cheer, tumbling and just everyday in the hot summer, they even sleep in them. They have a waistband like that and only come xs, s, m, etc. Also come in every color and can be personalized..though the pic looks like homemade letters. Most times, the girls roll the waistband and that is why if you personalize them it has lettering on the waistband. If they are a size too short, they will be booty shorts. The brand is Soffe and are sold at sporting goods stores though also ....ahem...Kohl's ....which we know she shopped there. Trying to post a link for first time. Thoughts?
Interesting to note that all the callers were females. I wonder what men think of this defendant and her story.

I'm not sure why people keep bringing this up. Facts don't know gender.
It is fascinating to watch her spinning her web of lies......and she has I guess what are called "micro expressions". She seems very smug when, for example, answering that Travis supposedly called her a *advertiser censored*. She looks at the her chin, it firms up and juts out ever so slightly. The corners of her mouth get tight, her lips purse, her eyes narrow and flash back to Nurmi. It happens in just a fraction of a second, but yes, you still see the rage, clearly ther.

Yes, I too noticed that tightness in her facial expression when she smugly said the "*advertiser censored*" bit.

One other time I detected the tightness (i.e., a little dander rise): in the original "48 Hours" interview when she says she'd known about Travis's trip to Cancun for months, but never brought it up to him.

You just might be right. The anal thing bugs me too. I'm gonna say most people think that is very gross. And he didn't want pictures in the shower but he texts her pictures of his erection ?

I am once again way behind...this has probably been asked and answer.....but in the heck can anyone verify it is indeed Travis' man part?? Was it even verified it came from his phone? I have grave doubts about any anal sex. Especially after baptizing her.

As long as I am asking's another...has any explanation been given for her being dressed and Travis in the shower? Perhaps he actually thought she was gone or at least on the way out (I read someplace) she would sneak into the house via the doggy door.

She had to be a bloody mess after slaughtering him as she did. Where are those clothes? With the gun and the knife?

Sorry, I am just not as up on things as many of you are. I have been reading as much as possible. After FCA's trial I vowed not to get interested in another.....and yet here I am:blushing:
I agree. I can't imagine him not being shot first. I posted my theory of the case as follows:

Is it possible that she did shoot him first, say when he was seated in the shower, and that he was unconscious for a while? Her gun jammed so she only gets off one shot. But he's taking too long to die so she knifes him in the chest which bled profusely and washed conveniently down the shower. She sits/leans on the sink trying to figure out what to do next. He wakes up after a few minutes and runs toward her. He is weak, confused, and probably with diminished eyesight (at least in the right eye). She easily evades him. He is unsteady and leans on the sink and coughs out the blood spray. She gets behind him and sets about the business of giving him the remaining 26 stab wounds, which continues as he crawls down the hall. He finally collapses at the end of the hall but still manages to scream for help. At this point she's in a state of frenzy, fury and adrenalin. She cuts his throat to shut him up and end the crisis. Then back to the shower to wash him off.

So what looks like overkill in retrospect isn't. She wanted to shoot him dead in the shower but her gun jammed and he wasn't dying from the one shot. She thought the chest stab was just insurance to finish the job. But he wakes up and she does what she needs to do to finish the job. The whole scene from when he wakes up to her cutting his throat takes less than 30 seconds.

BTW, NurseB does not agree with my "isn't overkill" supposition.

From the photo of Travis sitting in the shower and being dragged back with his throat slit is about two minutes.
I'm not sure why people keep bringing this up. Facts don't know gender.

We DID see both sexes on Dr Drew with 2 completely different outlooks. Men and women consistently have different views on this story since there are few "facts" included. IMO a woman's intuition yells a little louder in a woman's ear, where men (not meaning to stereotype - exactly) are more apt to go by facts only.

I do believe there are differences in the man/woman perceptions in this case, but believe there are enough facts for both to conclude guilt.
AMEN ain't that the truth. This past summer was my 1st here and OMG I thought it was HOT in Florida (I spent 21 yrs in Cocoa Beach and Orlando) oh HOW WRONG I was. I was stationed in Del Rio TX Laughlin AFB TX for 4 yrs and I sure don't remember it being that hot. And then I went to Fairbanks AK Eielson AFB for 3 yrs OK 1st yr was great, 2nd was OK, 3rd was get me out of here lol I'm anxious to see how this summer goes. I know old ladies sweat - but seriously:floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh::banghead:

Welcome back to Texas! I grew up in Houston, lived in Katy for a few years and now live in Montgomery.

I love lurking here and recently became "official". Everyone is so smart and witty I've been a little intimidated to post!
I'm not sure why people keep bringing this up. Facts don't know gender.

True and men are more likely to stick to the facts in evidence rather than get into the emotional drama aspect.

I have been on juries with quite a few men. They stick to the facts and apply it to the law and they can come to a conclusion quicker in the cases I was on.

My hubby thinks she is guilty as heck and we have four daughters. So he has no sympathy for JA just because she is a daughter. She is nothing like our daughters.

Heck her own father hasnt been to see her since her arrest. He isnt going to enable her like her mom is willing to do. I think her mom may see dollar signs selling JAs art.

No hurry at all....sure it is nothing but when I saw that guy they other night my blood ran cold because they reminded me so much of each other....

Sorry about you car and seeing double...BE CAREFUL TGIF!!

Thanks - and thank goodness I learned to do some things by heart with the KC trial!
Here you go!
Dr. Drew jury 2/6/2013 - YouTube

BTW - I am trying to read everyone, but doing the thanks button is aggravating (I see two of them) so, if I don't thank a post - please everyone know that I appreciate your posts!!!!!! PM me if I miss something you want to make sure I see. THANKS!
Welcome back to Texas! I grew up in Houston, lived in Katy for a few years and now live in Montgomery.

I love lurking here and recently became "official". Everyone is so smart and witty I've been a little intimidated to post!

WELCOME and don't be intimidated - I post and they still like me..........or they act like they do at times! LOL :floorlaugh:

Post away - the more the merrier!
We DID see both sexes on Dr Drew with 2 completely different outlooks. Men and women consistently have different views on this story since there are few "facts" included. IMO a woman's intuition yells a little louder in a woman's ear, where men (not meaning to stereotype - exactly) are more apt to go by facts only.

I do believe there are differences in the man/woman perceptions in this case, but believe there are enough facts for both to conclude guilt.

The thing that worries me is if there are any mormon men on the jury who remained perfectly chaste before marriage they may think TA is a "deviant." (I've lived in Utah almost 30 years, am not mormon but am very familiar with the culture).

But thinking that being a sexual deviant is grounds for murder is most likely a stretch. I would hope religious zealots were excluded during jury selection.
This is my first post and please allow me a little leeway this time if I am not posting correctly. LOL

There is a timeline of the Jodi's arrest on another site, wherein a search warrant was executed at Jodi's parents' home where.25 caliber ammo was found, but no .25 caliber ammo was found at her grandparents' house.

Have any of you heard or seen this before and if so, what does this say about her parents, if anything?
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