Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #30 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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Who is the blonde woman and guy sitting behind Nurmi? I'm thinking the guy is from the sheriff's office but I wonder who the blonde is? Anyone have any idea?

Ohh and the guy standing up.... the 70's called and they want their bad hair style back. He could at least do a comb over!! jeez

I feel so sorry for Jodi's little brother. They were just scanning the courtroom when they went to break and his dad and mom got up and walked out without a word to him and he just sat there, looking down towards the ground. He looks traumatized...poor kid!

Can you imagine having your brother and father come to court for the first time to this testimony.. TERRIBLE, EVIL, ROTTEN!
MAYBE this is a strategy to drive the prosecutor OUT OF HIS MIND so that he gives in and offers a LWOP deal.
It drives me NUTS every time Nurmi says "Not being offered for the truth of the matter."
Oh, so we should let her say everything her little heart desires then.



Lol-- even Nurmi knows nothing Jodi says can be offered for the truth of the matter!

It's all just verbal diarrhea. Filibustering to avoid June 4th and Juan Martinez as long as possible.

I wouldn't put it past Jodi to suddenly become "ill" on the day Juan Martinez begins his cross X-- so incredibly ill she won't be able to come to court for a few days.
Remember folks, JA had years and years to construct all these lies. The jury will see through all this.

EXACTLY RIGHT. She has been planning this for a very long time and she is
living her dream, IN THE LIME LIGHT.
Of course Abe would say something to the effect of, "You can do better." He has been very forthright about wanting to get in her drawers (can I say that?)... what's he going to say? "Oh that Travis is the greatest guy!"

This feels like a poorly written teen sitcom.

Hi, Paperwing. So Abe heard someone else's unspecified version of what had supposedly gone on between Travis and Jodi and he had said, "You can do better." Not knowing what version he heard or what expectations he had about his own hook-up possibilities, how can this be imagined to be even remotely relevant to anything?
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Welcome to WS!
I'm going to start demanding more chocolate from my husband.
Has anyone heard any mention of condoms in all this testimony? I can't imagine Travis risking a STD or the ultimate hook, pregnancy, with this woman.

I think the only sex was BJ's unless I missed any condom references.

Nope; you've missed virtually everything.

If there's an orifice, she claims that he was in it many, many times.
I noticed that every time she mentions that they had a fight.....they never say what the fight was about....just the sex afterwards.....
Who is the blonde woman and guy sitting behind Nurmi? I'm thinking the guy is from the sheriff's office but I wonder who the blonde is? Anyone have any idea?

Ohh and the guy standing up.... the 70's called and they want their bad hair style back. He could at least do a comb over!! jeez


I believe the blonde is the mitagation specialist. She is with the defense.
and she finally learned to use more lubrication so that anal sex no longer hurt her. (YES, SHE SAID THAT.)

And she is so stupid she didn't get herself some KY when she was enjoying that backdoor sex with her former boss at Ventana.

So many lies--she will never keep it straight.
Is there any photographic evidence of the Spiderman underwear at all, if he was so into it? If there isn't then it's BS. JMO
Tried my hand at transcribing -- I can do more if anyone wants it.

Nurmi questioning.
I was expected at Big Sur, I had commitments. I told my friend Rachel thinks weren’t working out with Travis, he was cheating on me. How long was you commitment at Big Sur to last? Two and a half months. I was thinking of moving to southern California; Travis pointed out many benefits of moving to Mesa; there would be benefits for both of us. Moved in with friend Rachel and her boyfriend; about 15-20 minute drive from Travis’. Were you in the same LDS ward as Travis? No. Stayed with Rachel two and a half weeks; then Rachel & boyfriend eloped; I needed to move out. Found room to rent through New room was about 10 minutes or less from Travis’s house. Was it in the same LDS ward as Travis? No, I didn’t want to be in the same ward; he didn’t treat me well since we broke up, ignored me, there were other women.
When did you move into new place? Middle of August 2007. Were you boyfriend-girlfriend at that time? No. Were you still having a sexual relationship? Yes. Were you acting as a couple in public? No. Had sexual relationship at Travis’ house; we would fight, make up, it would turn sexual, things would be better for awhile. Oral sex? Yes. Anal sex? Don’t remember, eventually yes we did. Penile-vaginal sex? Eventually, one time.
Did you get a job when you moved to Mesa? Not at first, eventually at P.F. Chang’s. Did you have other sources of income? Yes, Travis offered to pay me for cleaning his house, $200 per month, worked out to $12.50 per hour. We were still having sexual relationship. Why did you accept the job? I needed the money. Did you have sex while you were working? Yes, it wasn’t unpleasant, he was nice to me, focused on me. Did he ask to wear a uniform. Yes, a French maid’s outfit. Did you believe that uniform showed TA expected to have sex while you were working? Sometimes he expected it.
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