Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #30 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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I wish to God we could hear Travis side of this trash (if any of it really happened). I hope Juan tears her a new anal port on cross.

My lips are sealed. My hubby is listening to this and when it got to that part he said 'we are in trouble.':floorlaugh:

Great. Just Great. Now I not only have to watch out for people texting while driving, talking on the phone, shaving, puttiing on make-up - Now I have to watch out for those having sex while driving!

JA voice breaking up a little bit . . . saying hard t see pics because they had a really good day and it reminds her ofreally good times

She was still coming over to his house -his roommate tried to warn JA that TA was seeing other people . . . . . affection was ok in his room or on his porch

he ejaculates on your face = how did you feel about that
I felt like a prostitute but just chalking it up to one of his little antics that he did.

Any time you said enough of these little antics I am done with this guy.
A little later on down the road I did - but we increased our .. . .

he grabbed my wrist @the Oklahoma convention . . .. he and I were hanging out @ the Sheraton 2 nights after th drunklady was all over him .. . I went to the restroom by a bar - on the weekend lots of people drinkn . . . .. I heard someone call myname . . . it was Abe the guy I went on a date with some months earlier - he heard what hapened and said I deserved more . . ..

Iwalked back toward TA - he reached out and grabbed my wrist hard but not painful . . . . he was squeezing tight but it didn't hurt . . . as soon as he began to talk I could tell he was pissed off -his demeanor his tone and his words - sternly speaking under his breath . ..

Unhappy you were talking to Abe?
Yes he was. . he wanted to know what we were talking about
You were talking aboutthe ideathat you deserved better

in Mesa, the sexual encounters happened more frequently
3-4 times per week
instances on te porch . . . instances in thehome
middle of the day no one home -- if roommates were home Ihad to be very quiet . . . thin walls . . ..
presence in the home a secret?
Activities were secret

Usually stayed night but I left really early - because of roommate

TA specifically told JA that he was not in acommitted relationship with anyone - dates with people from church ocassionally I knew about

TA found out about . . . late 2007 . . . . react positively about you going on dates with othr men?
tease me - one guy he hated . ... (Dixon?)

TA believed he had aright to tellyou who you could date in this time period?
He specifically did not me to date that guy.

Object . . . . not dictated who to date - just didn't like

TA doesn't like John Dixon you are not supposed to date him because TA says so
pretty much yea

behind closed doors

Prior to2007 - sex behind closed doors .. . . .Fall of 2007 . . . . same time period you dared t defy TA and date Dixon? TA expresses anger about this . . . . @ Havisupai . . . .didn't stop going to Havisupai. . . . .

did it stop you from dating Dixon?
Anyone else?
I went a few dates but I didn't tell TA anymore after that

Why not break upwith this guy . . . . telling you to date him or not . ..

Things he did made me feel . . . . . howhe treated me - say things. . . . . got me little inexpensive gifts ,

Cmon Jodi - maybe I will marry you someday?
no not like that . . . . . something I did or said . . . he would look @ me with an inagmatic smile (sic) and say Marry me . . . .I took it as a joke . . . . he only did that when I did something that would merit being a good wife . . . . that was my goal at the time . . . . I wanted to become TA's wife until Havisupai . . . we had such a bad fight that morning . . . he had said such horrible things . . . . I couldn't imagine marrying somene who would say those things to me or him being a father who would say those things to their Mother

What did he say?
Objection - hearsay

Afternoon break
" He said some very ugly things to me...I couldn't imagine marrying someone that could say such things...or have children with someone like that..."

I CALL BS. She would have married him in a heartbeat. :heartbeat:
Her poor daddy has sit and listen to this awful
Now that is scary. VP said Jodi's been testifying for two weeks. Gag, it's been four days. Well maybe three and a half days,but it just seems like a hundred years.
She is so getting the DP and then she is so going to hell.
Hearing her voice makes me want to punch someone.:boohoo: :ignore: :jail:

I have a punching bag, don't use it enough but have been going at it more during this trial.

I better be careful though because some defense attorney will dig that up as part of my past saying that I'm violent (ala Travis liking UFC).
I have lived many, many years and can honestly say I have never hated anything or anybody (well, maybe liver and onions as a child) but this woman has my blood boiling and I am sad to say that I think I am actually feeling hatred for her and her attorney.
Oh, now in her sick, deluded mind, she is his wife and they have imaginary children that she couldn't bare their father saying those things to their mother.

BOY, she is hell bent (unintentionally) on digging her very own, deep, deep grave!

Keep talking ...
The jury should all start wearing those joke glasses with eyes painted on them, so they can nap while listening to Jodi drone on and on and on and .........
[ame=""]Travis "T-dogg" Alexander Memorial Video - YouTube[/ame]

bumping this up for the break.

This is why we are here enduring these lies.

Justice for Travis.
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