Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #30 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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I would never presume she is lying about any of this. I don't know Travis personally. No one here does. Nor does anyone know what went on with these 2. I don't put him on a pedestal - and I'm perplexed why every single word she says "isn't true" or how anyone knows that it isn't.

I'm all for not vilifying the victim (unless factual), but I'm also against automatically making a saint out of him either

Good reasons for not believing stuff:

1) Doesn't make sense
2) Inconsistent
3) Proven liar
You have GOT to be kidding me! Jodi gave Travis literature for mental health services????

My bet is that HE gave HER some literature regarding mental health. If said "incident" ever happened at all.

Are we still in March 2008... scratch that Nurmi just said it was March 2008 when Jodi supposedly gave him the pamphlets on abuse/psychology.

Finally March 2008. :banghead:

There were NO pictures of little boys or little girls on his computer or his hard drive or on his cell phone or any pix in his home hidden anywhere. NONE.

Agreed and to take this one step further, JA changed her story about him doing what he "did" from he was doing it to images on his computer, then there was nothing found on the computer through a forensics exam ... so she changed it to the pedo *advertiser censored* pics were in printed form.

Sound like a truthful account to anyone?
So...Travis wasn't living a double life so much as some sort of triple life. :waitasec:
She continued to have sex with Travis as therapy . Yes, she did this to help him. She martyred herself to help Travis. :floorlaugh:

.....and all this time I thought she was just evil. My bad. (Sarcasm) :furious:
She was sick to her stomach over his "masturbating" but not sick enough to have sex with him again. Any normal woman would kick him to the curb if that was true. STOP LYING!
Exactly! And, it didn't make her sick enough to report him to the police!
This whole thing is projection. Who believes that Jodi was giving money to Travis???
I live near Palm Desert. It gives me a chill when I think about her living so close.:what:
She brings a whole new meaning to murderess, this is testimony I imagine like no other in a court of law, unreal.
Originally Posted by Sulamith
JA's testimony of TA is triggering flashbacks for me. My Ex sounds so much like TA. My ex wanted me to wear dresses (Greek toga like) around the house
and red lipstick and red nailpolish. Other things also...I can believe her at this point.

A lot of men want to do that. Women want men to walk around in g-strings or nothing at all. Sure doesnt mean they are a deviant.


No, it does not mean the men are devient. Some posters are saying she is lying about everything she is now saying. I just wanted to say I can believer her about the maid outfit and some of the other things she is saying.
On Jan. 22nd, Travis needed to borrow $200 from Jodi. Jodi (without a full-time job) had recently loaned Travis $700. :lol:
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