Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #30 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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Hilariously fake bending ... I truly hate her. Compare that to Travis' injuries!

The bend in her finger is from tendon damage IMHO, not from being broken. I would bet it occurred during the murder from the knife. IIRC didn't Ryan ask her what happened to her hand/finger?
Guys, there sounds like there is a level of truth in some of the things she is saying. I know we're all angry at some of her allegations; but this could affect a jury. Maybe I'm reacting from ptsd from the CA trial, but I'm concerned about her defense. Some of it is ridiculous, but not everything that comes out of her mouth sounds like a lie. Her emotions sound true and when she's crying today, I see it in her entire face. MOO:moo:

I hear ya but I do try to remember that this IS the defense's case and their direct so as others have said, wait until cross and we still have state's rebuttal. So far this is all part of their plan, everything SHOULD be going their way. Even if there's one juror who's feeling some sympathy or seeing some truth in her testimony, when Juan takes over he should obliterate that with facts and his spot-on questioning.

I tend to get this nervous feeling around this time during most trials. This time around it's just worse because of how disgusting it's unfolding. We just have to hold on.
it was terrible git... no words

I'm glad I missed it. I might have burst a blood vessel in my temple. I read a few pages. The cruelty of this is incredible.

I had a good day. I think I will keep that up because my heart is starting to hurt. Going for a long run and maybe later I will have the courage to deal with watching this monster.

I love you guys.
I think we will all know for sure that there is a god if the stun belt malfunctions and her pants actually do catch on fire.

i would pay a lot of money to see that happen!
But NONE of it excuses her slashing his throat and shooting him in the head.

Unless they believe Travis to be attracted to little boys. Dont get me wrong, Im the minority and I KNOW shes a liar. But NO ONE likes a pedophile - call me *mean* but I secretly want all pedophiles to "go away (and I dont care how they get there)". Likely, the jury feels the same way. Im just amazed JA can get up there & state all this as fact without any foundation of truth/proof. The one person that could refute her claims is Travis, and he cant defend himself right now.
Just caught the last hour and a half of trial, and I think I need a LONG hot shower and a stiff drink! I am beginning to hate Nurmi as much as I hate her. This character assassination is beyond repulsive. And absolutely NOTHING she says can be backed up by anyone else.

I also caught how obvious Nurmi's disdain is for Juan Martinez. He's like that fat kid on the playground who feels picked on all the time, and blames the other guy because he's not the sharpest pencil in the box. I can't wait until Juan gets his shot at her, because he will tear her to SHREDS.

I feel so sorry for TA's family having to sit and listen to this pile of carp. Not ONE other person in TA's life backs up what she's saying about him.

ARGH it makes me furious that she is allowed to babble on and on, and spew these unprovable stories without a shred of evidence :furious:.
Anyone want to come to Websleuths chat room, come on down! We are giving out free drinks and chat while JVM has Jodi's gal friend on etc etc .
There's no power of suggestion going on with me. I noticed that finger long ago. It was broken at some point in time. Do I believe Travis did it? Nope, not without proof and JA telling a tale is not proof. Does a broken finger justify her later attacking him and brutally killing him? Nope, not even a little.

Doesn't change anything. Forget about all this drivel--the last week plus is just soy filler. Was JA's life in danger on 6/4/08 at 5:32pm? Nope it wasn't. And even if it was, why did it require stabbing him 29 times, etc, etc? Answer: it didn't require it at all. That was rage. She could have gotten away IF she felt her life was in danger. It wasn't, but even if she reasonably thought it was, she could have escaped. SHE was dressed, SHE had 2 weapons, SHE could have gotten away.

Guilty of first degree murder.

Thank you for a healthy dose of common sense.
The bend in her finger is from tendon damage IMHO, not from being broken. I would bet it occurred during the murder from the knife. IIRC didn't Ryan ask her what happened to her hand/finger?

If I remember correctly....he did and she said it was bandaged due to a cut from a broken glass at work/
Something else...not really important but...

No abuse survivor would term abuse victims as 'those people'. If it did anything, an abusive relationship made me more compassionate of others. While it's a club you never want to belong to there is an innate sense of understanding and camaraderie among survivors that transcends so far beyond the disrespectful contempt intimated by Jodi.
The bend in her finger is from tendon damage IMHO, not from being broken. I would bet it occurred during the murder from the knife. IIRC didn't Ryan ask her what happened to her hand/finger?

Or if it was straight on the interview tapes maybe a jail injury? I hope it happened during the crime ;)
for those wondering - Toblerone is a Swiss chocolate bar(unique shape) that is very very good. I live in Canada and sometimes assume that what is available here is available most everywhere. I 1st learned this is not the case after finding out that Kinder eggs are illegal in the USA. Whoa. seriously you must be kidding right?

We also don't have bagged milk. When I first heard Canadians drank milk from a bag I was so shocked that I had to you tube it. Yes, there is a you tube for EVERYTHING.

Btw, we do have Toblerone. My mom just stole 2 of them off my counter ;)
  • She lied
  • She fake cried
  • She held up a fake bent finger
  • Something about chicken

Thank you!

I got so much done today! I kinda figured if we're very lucky we may get to the day she slaughtered Travis Wednesday
I dont believe a word of her story. as a domestic violence victim myself the situation she described are textbook examples of abuse but when i think back to her lying in the interrogation room, i see her story as another self serving lie to save her worthless life. during the time of her interrogation she had no reason to "lie" and "protect" travis at all. the threat was long gone because he was dead. she kept lieing and revising her story to fit the evidence. when corned by evidence she made up another story..the ninjas and now after sitting in jail for years, she trying out the abuse excuse. she knows that the evidence show that she premeditated his murder and stabbed him when he was no longer a threat (back stab wounds). she knows this is the only shot at saving her life so here comes the abuse excusr. how do we know travis broke her finger? How do we know if the injury wasn't caused by stabbing him like a maniac? How are we supposed to believe her. this is someone that went thru extraordinary length to conceal and get a way with her crime. im not buying it.
Guys, there sounds like there is a level of truth in some of the things she is saying. I know we're all angry at some of her allegations; but this could affect a jury. Maybe I'm reacting from ptsd from the CA trial, but I'm concerned about her defense. Some of it is ridiculous, but not everything that comes out of her mouth sounds like a lie. Her emotions sound true and when she's crying today, I see it in her entire face. MOO:moo:

IMO, it doesn't matter. She has to prove that she had no other alternative than to stab him 29 times, slice his throat and shoot him in the head. Good luck with that JA.
Anyone want to come to Websleuths chat room, come on down! We are giving out free drinks and chat while JVM has Jodi's gal friend on etc etc .

The chat room seems to hate macs :(
Purely awful. I wonder if there are any pictures of her hand between March 2008 and June 2008 to prove when it got wonky?
I just can't wait for the cross-examination with Juan..

IMO, it got wonky when she was holding the knife and slashing TA more than 27 times and when she had him on his hands & knees in the hall, with him barely breathing, and she bent over him from behind and tore open his neck from ear to ear.

It would be nearly impossible, IMO, to stab someone that many times and not have your hand slip in all the slick blood & not get cut as well. That's when she & her had went wonky, IMO, Callisto.

I do agree, though, that a pic as you describe would be sweet, indeed! Oh, yes!

Get back to after the murder. She had no problem trying to sex up Ryan from Utah. No problem with the ninja theory. And on and on.

Yes! There is still so much testimony and rebuttal left.

You're all gonna be throwing vegetables, but I think Nurmi is doing a good job with what he has to deal with. (The vegetables are ok, I'm making a salad for dinner, anyway.) No glazed, breaded chicken for us tonight! :chicken:

See you all tomorrow!:seeya:
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