Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #30 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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I dunno. There's a lack of depth to her testimony I would expect from a true abuse victim...everything is very superficial but also very 'expected' - in so much that you can find it in any book or website describing living in an abusive relationship.

Abuse is messy. It is awful to try and describe not only the events that happened to you but how you allowed yourself to stay through it all. It's a combination of defense, justification, and discombobulation all mixed together. Initially the onus for the abuse is put on yourself and not the abuser. Yet it seems Jodi was aware she was being abused for the entirety of her relationship. It's unusual not to justify, rationalize, and minimize the abuser's behavior for quite some time, to the point of denying it altogether. We 'hear' her doing that but the whole time the responsibility for Travis' behavior rests squarely with him. It's contradictory. She states she believes he was confused, having a spiritual crisis, etc. The majority of abuse victims with whom I am familiar would internalize that prior to looking for blame elsewhere. 'What did I do to upset him?', 'Maybe I shouldn't have worn that dress?', 'He's right. I do talk a lot.' Abuse is insidious. You don't know it isn't normal at first because it's so gradual.

If she spoke to other DV victims as a psychopath she is incapable of expressing the emotions I would expect in relation to her testimony. She's able to recount tales of abuse like a McDonald's order - every survivor is different but most I know would be experiencing, and displaying, an immense amount of emotion on that stand. As a survivor, Arias should be angry...yet she's calm and relatively rational talking about someone kicking her in the ribs, forcing her to have degrading sex, demeaning her in front of others, etc.

Exactly! I keep thinking it's like she's presenting some other person's story. I guess it's the affect.
Since when is joining the 'mile high club' deviant? Having sex on the hood of the car on some back road either? So ridiculous. Sex while driving- totally possible and probable- so what?

I agree.

I am an old "prude" now.
My crazy days are over, but I have yet to hear
anything "deviant" about their sex life per "Jodi"
I am not hearing how she was submissive here.
All I hear is she was a stalker that would stop at
nothing to get at his $$$
(I stopped reading "50 Shades" after "the contract"
just couldn't go there!) it's true!
Thank you everyone who answered my question about Jodi having her GED when she met Travis. I knew she dropped out of high school and went to live with the boyfriend (the one who impressed her when she saw him at the fair dressed in all black).

I wonder if Travis knew she didn't graduate from high school? He was motivated...she was just floating through life trying to snag a guy to take care of her.

Who knows if TA knew if she was a HS dropout. He knew she had waitressing jobs. He never got a college degree, so maybe formal education was not that important to him or in his choice of potential wives. Mimi just wanted to be friends with him and I wonder if a reason was he did not have a degree and she did.
Are Jodi's fingers double jointed? I knew a girl that could do her fingers like that.
Ooooooh! I bet that's to excuse her for withdrawing it from Travis's account on her way to kill him!

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See .. I bet she borrowed that money off him initially .. maybe that's why he let her in the house because she said she had that $700 she owed him. Bet she stole it back before she left too.
Only thing left for her to accuse him of is having sex with the dog!

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OMG, Linda! I think you cracked the doggie door defense! She's going to say that Travis made her crawl half way through the door, as he mounted her from behind. She'll say he preferred her to enter his home through the door, so he can fantasize about Napoleon. :puke:
Anybody know if Jodi got any of those sex fantasies Travis had from the "Fifty Shades" book? I haven't read it, but it sounds like the silent bj and driving away comes from a book like that. She was consenually fulfilling this fantasy of hers too. Actually, she lied so much I'm back to wondering if they ever had real sex at all. (it wasn't ever good sex either the way Jodi describes it dull, uncomfortable, confused, unexpected, messy)

It was not published in 2008.
OK I admit to the french costume! AT HALLOWEEN!

What I want to know is how do you not wake up when
your man is penetrating you during sleep?

Does anyone sleep THAT hard?

She lies! MOO

Especially if she want us to believe that the penis pic belonged to Travis....

No way...I'm not buying it.

Tigerbalm, every time I see your avatar of Travis giving Napoleon a smooch it feels like someone punched me in the gut. He could be my son, anybody's son. I see a normal, great guy with his whole life ahead of him. A guy who loved his friends, family and his dog. It's nice to see him humanized instead of those awful crime scene photos that dehumanize him. I have such seething hatred for JA I'm beginning to question if it's even healthy for me to keep watching the trial.
I think if anything is a testament to Travis' true character it's the compassion we all feel for him, his family, his friends, and even his dog having never met him.

Travis would be my age so I see him as more a brother. I applaud his family and friends diligence and dedication in educating the world about who Travis really was, selflessly sharing their memories, photos, videos, and stories. No matter what happens in trial Jodi will never be able to destroy Travis as much as she would like to.
Why is that number of $700 bugging me, wasn't that the total of the deposits she made on her trip? :banghead:

You got it. She made a 400.00 deposit and then another deposit of 300.00, and another for 100.00.

These were made before Travis was killed, and I'm not aware of any testimony as to where the money came from. But I do find it interesting that she said she loaned him 700.00 and he asked for another 200.00.


#1 deposit account#8006 $ 400 6/3 10:10

#2 deposit account#7148 $ 300 6/3 10:11

#3 deposit account#7148 $ 100 6/3 10:15


I dunno. There's a lack of depth to her testimony I would expect from a true abuse victim...everything is very superficial but also very 'expected' - in so much that you can find it in any book or website describing living in an abusive relationship.

Abuse is messy. It is awful to try and describe not only the events that happened to you but how you allowed yourself to stay through it all. It's a combination of defense, justification, and discombobulation all mixed together. Initially the onus for the abuse is put on yourself and not the abuser. Yet it seems Jodi was aware she was being abused for the entirety of her relationship. It's unusual not to justify, rationalize, and minimize the abuser's behavior for quite some time, to the point of denying it altogether. We 'hear' her doing that but the whole time the responsibility for Travis' behavior rests squarely with him. It's contradictory.

If she spoke to other DV victims as a psychopath she is incapable of expressing the emotions I would expect in relation to her testimony. She's able to recount tales of abuse like a McDonald's order - every survivor is different but most I know would be experiencing, and displaying, an immense amount of emotion on that stand. As a survivor, Arias should be angry...yet she's calm and relatively rational talking about someone kicking her in the ribs, forcing her to have degrading sex, demeaning her in front of others, etc.

Right. Everyone is different. I'm a survivor and I'm not angry. Not even slightly. The experience taught me a lot and I'm much happier now. I chalk it up to a lesson learned the very hard way. I'm sure I wouldn't appear angry or cry if I were testifying about it now, many years after the fact. Especially if I'd had nothing but time to think about it in meantime.
So she borrowed $700 from a man for the road trip .. then she deposited $700 on the road trip, and earlier she and Travis had had a fight about $699 required for a trip?

Coincidence? Or lies merging into each other as she talks?

Sometimes I get the impression her own lawyer wants to see her on death row, I don't think he likes defending her, and he seems to personally dislike her, he was often rather cruel and kept saying 'so after he came on your face .. ' etc which was hilarious. Anyway so I guess he's human :)
I seen what she showed the jury today. I'm saying that the picture that has been posted in your last post... IMO her finger is not straight.
I don't think the fact that she has a finger injury is a big deal... it's how did she get that injury? My guess would be when she killed him, unless they have proof otherwise, that is what my guess will be ;)
Take one more look. :)
See .. I bet she borrowed that money off him initially .. maybe that's why he let her in the house because she said she had that $700 she owed him. Bet she stole it back before she left too.

I'm gonna wait for Juan to clear that up! Should be great!

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it can happen...
ummm.... I should plead the 5th! ~it can be done...
Hubby and I were in my Buick Regal...24yrs old. under 100# and limber...
on UNTRAVELED back roads at night (stoopid I KNOW)

On the highway is probably easier! NO TURNS!!!

got some BAD bruises from the steering wheel...
Bad idea!

I still think she is full of it!
carry on!

I am sorry...that is just too much information.
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