Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #34 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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Oh my God....WOW, Seriously, for real are you kidding me...not a CHANCE she remembers that convo where she told someone not to refer to her as a blonde because I dyed my hair back.
I give Travis' family credit, this witch and her stories are so ridiculous at this point, I know I would have gotten up and tried to strangle her myself

I agree,my heart breaks for them!
JA on stand . . . (after motion to dismiss/remove death penalty was denied) . . . .

JA talking about the last time she left TA's home w/uhaul and towing vehicle on flat bed so all 4 wheels were up . . . . .TA flipped her the double bird as she drove away crying . . . .after they had an argument that day.

She reviews an email she sent to TA before she moved . . . she knew she wanted to move but didn't tell travis because he got upset everytime she made "exertions of independance" . . .

Her infinity was on the tow dolly . . ..

She was in Hollister CA staying @ older half sister's house (next day?) . .. she wanted to meet w/Gus S . . .. took her a few days to get there because she made stops . . . .

We were going to Pacific Coast Hwy and some up and see me . . . it was going to be a long time before she was going to see him even though they were going to be talking on the phone.

They had a running theme they were fighting about . . .1 was the pamphet . . .objection -
on the day JA left mesa the day he flipped her off - running themes during that month . . .
themes were he had complained and told her about Ms Anderson . . . she was Objection - Sustain

TA told JA about Lisa Andrews . . . first time you knew about this?
no someone else told me in April
Describing you were not angry with him
Object - restate
No I wasn't angry . . . by that time I knew he was interested in Mimi - I felt bad because I knew how it felt when he was seeing a bunch of girls on the side while I was his girlfriend and now he was doing that with others.

He had interest in Miss Hall . . . why was it ok with you to have sex with him while he was interested in Miss hall?
Old habits die hard . . . . . I knew it was unhealthy but I wasn't making healthy choices at that time - so I just slept with him

Were you under the impression he was having sexual relations with Miss Hall
Definately not - they were not together that was my impression

Told you not go to bed when angry
Yea that was his philosophy

We did speak that evening or the next day . . . I wasn't angry he might have gone to bed angry.
When he calls you you know he is interested in another woman and dating someone else and you knew for some time . . . he flipped you off while leaving his home . . . again why did you answer his calls?

Why talk to him on the phone
He did send me a very mean text message - he had a lot of facts screwed up so I called to correct him . . . he was mad about the person who had informed me about Lisa - he got into my Gmail account and he found messages I was chatting with another guy on LDs linkup (webchat) . . . .

He got into your Gmail account - how
He had my . . . object - sustained

Before he texted you in April 2008 - you said he got into your email account - how
I gave him my Gmail password and my MS password - we exchanged 2 passwords each - two for two in Oct 2007

Deal struck in Oct 2007 when you had not been unfaithful to him - you gave him passwords as well? Unfaithful?
I wouldn't consider it unfaithful - we werent boyfriend and girlfriend . . . I wondered if he was still carrying on as he was when were official . . . we werent together I didn't feel it was my business . . . .we were trying to figure out if we were going to be exclusive.

Deal struck to give you passwords to him . . . . Mr. Hepworth gave you about TA sleeping with other people
Object - he was seeing others not sleeping
his roommate didn't say he was having sex with other people but based on our relationship he was unless he had changed his ways

You gave him your passwords to him . . . even though he was the one seeing other people
yea we exchanged passwords
why did you feel need to give yours to him
originally it was one for one but I agreed to give 2 . . . . so did he

He's texting he is angry the fact that you are conversing with someone named Steve Carrol . . . .you made contact with TA because he had his facts wrong - why would you care he had his facts wrong?
I could tell he was angry - when he got to that level it made me start shaking . . . I started to feel trepidation, unsettled.
When he got mad @ you - you would visibly shake -
yes but not in the beginning but in April
Shaking began before or after beatings began
Object - beatings
Before he slapped you in face
yes began in FAll 2007
before he choked you, kick you in the ribs
Before he pushed you down and insulted yo9ur family
no I think they began before that - kind of like a chihuaha shakes and trembles

In April 2008 even when miles away in Holister CA . . . you were shaking
yes I was asleep . . . it starts as a tingly nervous feeling and I started to feel frayed my nerves were frayed

He was threatening . . .he wanted to know the name of the person who told me about Lisa . . . if you don't tell me I will tell all your friends and family about the psycho things you have done . . . . I called him and threatened him back

I think he said "time to spit it out" the girl name was not Michelle but Marie but not Marie Hall . . . it felt like he was trying to exert control over me

The only thing I said was I would tell everyone he was a pediphile with a past . . . at the time I thought it was child *advertiser censored* but I realized it was just a child picture not *advertiser censored* . . . his tone turned softer . . . .

I think it ended up like I was more apologising that to him . . . I always apologised to him that is how our fights always ended up.

I think I met Gus in Southern Calif and then went to Holister then spent night and then to Yreka . . . .

Now hours away from TA . . . 1000 miles - felt like he could reach thru the phone and grab you . . . .
it was a gradual process . . .after moving to Yreka I felt like a cloud was lifting - I was suicidal before . . . . I wasn't feeling that way any longer . . . . spent time with my Grandparents and my little brother - I was increasing my photography business - I had a lot of weddings booked . . .

I was still depressed . . . . up and down at times . . . . sometimes he would say send more mean texts or emails . . .I wanted us to be friends @ show up @ events and our spouses be friends . . I was friends with my previous boyfriends.

I still had feelings for him . . .not making best choices for myself . . . . . we just continued same thing but just from far away.

Phone sex conversation recorded on the 10th . . . were you having other similar chats with TA when you moved back to Yreka . .

yes - that was increasing . . . .. 3 other times and other than that it only happened one time.

desire to be friends . . . why talk about subjects we heard on phone call . . . why talk about it . . .why not just talk about PPL . .

honestly I liked it . . . there were times when he could be nice and I tried to get the nice

he wanted me to get on the phone and start talking to him . . . I knew that phone call would be about . . . he was being very nice online . . . so
May 2008?
yesterdays call? last or first of the calls
the one the day after we broke up . . . I never did that before ]

first time phone sex . . . .
I was in Big Sur - I got the idea he was masturbating . . . there were two prior to the one played yesterday and one afterward - I think

What other things . . . photography business starting to pick up -did you have a job when you moved back?
not then I was putting applications in everyplace there was not many jobs in Yreka

If I were to go forward with somebody else I would have cut off contact with TA because I am monogamous.

Were there others you had an interest in other people
yes there were others . . . Sam Schultz . . . also met him on LDs linkup . . .

Ryan Burns?
I didn't have a relationship with RB but I got a text from Zion he texted me in spanish - you need to come to Utah - people to meet - I found your husband . . . Mr. Arias . . . clues . . . accomplishments in the business . . . . I went to a conference with RB as the speaker . . . how many letters does his first name have . . .four . . . I think I know who it is . . . Zion asked if he could give RB my phone number . . I said yes . . .

April or May . . . don't think of me as a blond because I am a brunette now . . . I died my hair in late March or April . . . I waited to go to convention with dark hair and a few blond highlights . . .

Lunch recess til 1:25
oh the details...

every time she says, "I don't recall" it is nuts

now she says she dyed her hair brown before she moved out of Mesa

(AND that she has pictures that are date and time stamped)
Sorry, I'm late to the party. Did they ask about the doggy door yet?
I can't listen to her talk because everything is twisted and a serious % of it is fabricated. Plus she's so boring in the level of detail. This all is such a waste of time. I would be so antsy if I were on the jury. None of this has any explanation on why she decided to take a gun, a knife, gas cans, and drive 1,000+ miles to go kill T.A. None of it. And no matter how hard they try and insinuate she was acting in self-defense, the fact that she initiated a visit to kill him and had weapons with her and a plan, blows all of that out of the water.

It's as clear as day. Has been from the first day. Therefore, anything out of her mouth or her attorneys' mouths is a waste of O2.

I'm in this for one reason only: to see Mr. Juan do his thing and create some courtroom cross-examination magic. I don't care how obnoxious or sarcastic he gets.

Did she REALLY mention time stamping on pictures?????

And hair dye?????
I wish there was some sort of alert/alarm system I could set for when they ever get to murder day.
Going on and on about some other guy she was interested in dating and has to be reminded by Nurmi about Ryan Burns!
She just said she dyed her hair brown in April or May 2008. Really? She had platinum blond when she rented the car for the "murder trip".
Aw -- they turned down the audio on the live feed immediately today.

It's always interesting to 'overhear' little snippets when they delay...
Is it just me or does anybody else think she was recording these phone conversations to blackmail Travis because he was trying to date other women..or the woman he was going to take to Cancun.. she would get in contact with the other woman and say "hey travis is with me...listen to this call" So he'd have no choice but to take her to Cancun because the other woman would back out after hearing the phone sex tape?

It's not just you! I absolutely believe that was the reason for recording those! Love your nic btw!!
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