Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #35 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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"Are you embarrassed to say penis (giggle)". YUCK, he really makes me ill. He actually makes my skin crawl.
Yes they would. Maybe not all, but it is quite common.

I am not familiar with issues of confidentiality with respect to Mormon confessions.
It seems to me it operates like Catholic confessions.
So I am not aware that Bishops would violate confidentiality when others are implicated UNLESS the Bishop has permission to violate confidentiality.
If anyone out there is a depraved sexual's Nurmi! This guy relishes saying the most foul sexual things he can. Over and over and over......
where did nurmi get his law degree? back of a cereal packet? he does not have a clue (im still on the mistrial)
Rachel was the girl JA met through PPL originally. JA lived with Rachel maybe 1-2 weeks before she was asked to move. JA's states because Rachel was getting married not sure what the real reason why she was asked to move.

Hmmm . . . wasn't Rachel living with her boyfriend when JA moved in. Bet JA was a little too chummy with boyfriend.
No ponytail today.. She's a BIG girl! Is it just me.. or does Jodi have an attitude today?

My feeling as well - plus her language is "slipping" - it's not so proper and she seems more like normal Jodi.

However, what's up with the poor widdle Jodi's embarrassment talking about Travis' penis? Puhleeeezzzee!
To make this JA related, I wonder if she smokes in Jail?

Working in family practice for 15 yrs we had a very successful (old fashioned) way to get patients to quit. Take the number of cigarettes you smoke a day, lets say 25. Today and for the next 3 full weeks put out 24 cigarettes a day, that is your allotment. (if you don't smoke them all they carry over, you don't get extra) in 3 weeks put 23 cigarettes out a day for 3 weeks. 3 weeks later, 22 cigarettes a day for 3 weeks. The idea is even if it takes you 6 months to quit that is OK. Nicotine is nearly the hardest drug to get out of your system. Do it slowly and you will not feel cravings or deprived. SLOWLY. Important, take them out, count them out and never have them in a pack or estimate.. Do this exact. It should work!

just go get a vapor e-cig unit and buy nic juice.

I did and I quit smoking for a month longest time ever and I smoked since I was 8, for over 43 years.
Rachel was the girl JA met through PPL originally. JA lived with Rachel maybe 1-2 weeks before she was asked to move. JA's states because Rachel was getting married not sure what the real reason why she was asked to move.

Rachel had good instincts!
Anyone else as grateful as I am that we spent about 15 minutes on JA's hair, dye/highlight history and the various tint nuances?

SO GLAD they went into such detail with this - the case would be formless without this information. I hope the jury took notes!

(Charlie Brown: "Thanks for the Christmas card, Violet!" sarcasm)
I would love for Juan Marinez to ask JA to hoold up her finger. I really do not believe it's as bent as it was the other day it look fine today

Right about now, I would just like him to ask her to pull his finger. :giggle:
Would any of you think less of me for wishing just once, during her walk to the stand, she trips over her own two feet and falls flat on her face???

:floorlaugh:You're not having flashbacks to Casey Anthony tripping in the elevator are you?
To make this JA related, I wonder if she smokes in Jail?

Working in family practice for 15 yrs we had a very successful (old fashioned) way to get patients to quit. Take the number of cigarettes you smoke a day, lets say 25. Today and for the next 3 full weeks put out 24 cigarettes a day, that is your allotment. (if you don't smoke them all they carry over, you don't get extra) in 3 weeks put 23 cigarettes out a day for 3 weeks. 3 weeks later, 22 cigarettes a day for 3 weeks. The idea is even if it takes you 6 months to quit that is OK. Nicotine is nearly the hardest drug to get out of your system. Do it slowly and you will not feel cravings or deprived. SLOWLY. Important, take them out, count them out and never have them in a pack or estimate.. Do this exact. It should work!

I'm gonna try that---but ja HATES smokers and drinkers...
LOL. His aren't deleted. He didn't text her back!!!!
We're back in Feb. 2008. Yes, we went backwards again.

We are going back, back, back, forward, back, forward, back.

They were going back and forth that weekend. Ha, how about right now!
"Are you embarrassed to say the word 'penis'?", Nurmi asks the KY introducer...
How convenient is it that there are missing text messages from TA but JA's texts are all intact...imagine that.
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