Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #35 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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Him getting meaner after she moved doesn't make sense to me. If abusive it's more likely, imo, that he would have been the world's biggest sweetheart promising her the moon if she would only come back to him.

If she told him no and continued to refute any advances (we know damned well she didn't) then he would escalate.

It is true that Elder TA would be rebuked and possibly excommunicated if his sexual activities and fantasies were revealed.

TA was NOT temple worthy in May 2008 based on the audio conversation

JA was NOT Temple worthy (what was the day she was baptized, again?) ever!

In fact, I think everyone who entered that water, after her, should be checked by a medical professional and re-baptized.
Why the fork does she continually smile throughout this whole thing. If I went through what she did (and it actually WAS a self dense killing), I'd be so traumatized reliving it and it would show. I wouldn't look like a Beauty Queen waiting to answer and question. (note: I did NOT say she looked liked one, just acting like a brainless one)

OFFS, I decided to take the day off because I just can't stand listening to her or nurmi anymore. Curiousity got the better of me, but to my surprise the first words I hear were Pop Rocks. Seriously - they're still on that?

And why is she drumming through those pages incessantly and then saying "it's not here".

When, just when, are we going to get to the day of the killing? I really want to hear all her excuses on that day. I just can't stand this.


LOL, in a tweet I just read they said the jurors are getting bored and looking around.

Ya think?!


That is what I can not get over. I just can not fathom anyone putting up with mental pamphlets (do they even make these for pedophiles?) or accusations over the phone...nadda.

I know that she has done much more that would have been end game for most men, but I am just really in awe about the whole pedophile thing. Not that she would accuse him, but that she actually thinks people will believe she said that him; and especially, the pamphlet.

She obviously does not know men! She is doing worse and worse for herself. Her pretend Travis is purely make believe and anyone who has even been around men knows it is all a farce! I mean, from the Martha Stewart V-Day box to the hacking of her email (yeah, that is a woman thing - usually), to the homemade shirt and granny panties to the anal sex on baptism day (um, Jodi, you do realize that without lube you would have been torn the ef up?) , now the pedophile carp.

I am so thankful for the 11 (is it eleven?) men on the jury. I'm quite positive they KNOW she is ********ting!

I'm sure there is much more, but I'm a female that is married to a man and only know so much.

Oh, almost forgot, the nude photo. DH said there is absolutely no way in he-double hockey sticks any man would allow a photo of his 'junk' to be taken when it is at rest.

Keep her talking....she is doing fine.

I agree with you in your sentiments expressed above.
As a male, I noted IMMEDIATElY she (JA) comes off as a TOTAL FRAUD.
I was on to her after about 2 minutes of the audio tape. She is a total self serving sycophantic sick piece of white trash.
I don't know about you guys, but when I delete text messages, I delete the whole conversation. How convenient that only TA's get deleted.

On my phone I have in box...out box and drafts and that is how I have to delete by box ..
She just said that she controls his behavior by being sexual toward him.

She had nothing else going for her. Uneducated, broke, dishonest, self-absorbed, no apparent long-term goals that don't involve marriage as THE goal, no autonomy or achievements, no adherence to any beliefs/faiths but considered them as simply tools of leverage and manipulation, no personality, no ability to understand love, respect, loyalty, honesty, selflessness, nurturing...

All she had/has was sex. Unfortunately, sex can be extremely effective and powerful for those who wish to use it to manipulate.

I'm so glad she doesn't have children...
Does anyone else wonder if the jury is getting peeved at this as well? I don't know that I wouldn't be getting angry at this point. These people have LIVES they'd like to get back to.

Though, I sit here and seeth one minute and then remember she is fighting for her life and while I don't feel sorry for her even the tiniest little bit, I want to try to keep it in perspective.
he was swearing at her...i can only imagine how she is going to explain the way she killed that poor man. anyone else feel like stabbing their computer to get her to STFU?
this may have already been said, im not caught up at the moment. but it seems like JA is loving everyone having to watch her flip through those damn papers.
Did I hear her right....she said that she did not go into Walgreens because "she said" she looked like a *advertiser censored*. ??? I just want to make sure I heard that right.

Yes, but she felt walking into Walmart dressed like a *advertiser censored* was preferable.;)

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Nurmi is definitely maximizing his time on the floor . . . and yes, he LOVES it, even if it's true that he really didn't want this case . . . he now appears to be thriving on all the attention - I just can't believe that the judge couldn't find a way of "encouraging" him to speed it up for everyone's sake.

Today, there have been many droopy eyelids in that courtroom! I would have completely dozed off by now if I were a juror or a spectator.

He wants to be the next Jose Baez. :furious: Where is the barf smiley?
She never remembers what the fights are about, but is never the one to blame for them. Nothing is EVER her fault!
Moaning is what you do JA!!! Ugh....this is so past ridiculous ....
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