Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #36 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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I'm thinking the her atty kind of mentioned that when he was rehashing that sex tape over and over and over. That seemed more his words not hers. She clarified it by stated it was like the 17-18 year Old. Jmo

Nope, when she was saying she didn't think Travis was cured yet of his pedophile proclivities, she mentioned that his talking about sodomizing a little girl is what made her think that.
There is a lot of misconception about what those cameras capture. The fact that she brought it up coupled with the fact that her plates were janky leads me to believe that she put a lot of thought into her little plan ahead of time -regaurdless of whether or not it makes sense.

I love this discussion btw... I feel like this is the sort of thing that the jurors will bat back and forth. I totally see your you see my point?

Do the plates go to premeditated planning or coverup afterward... anybody?

Here's my opinion:

The rental car itself was premeditated but....the plates being turned upside down was part of the coverup. KWIM?
I asked this before and sorry if discussed already, but she clearly was clothed and he was not during and before his being killed, the pics seem like he didn't know she was there, save the last one, where he is looking at the it possible she used the flash of her camera to blind him before shooting/gang rushing him? The boom before the stab/shooting?

Well I'll be....I have never thought or heard that before. Excellent thinking !!!!!!
HLN is talking about the pigtail pic the day of the murder - who's to say that Jodi didn't take the pic herself with a self-timer while TA was sleeping ? That would certainly indicate more premeditation as a ruse to fool people into thinking she was unhappy and under his control. If I remember the pic, JA certainly does not look happy ... thoughts ?

I think all of those pics could have been on a self timer set by her and her alone. She did not look sexy or seductive like she might have if a man was taking those pics. Well of course there are a couple where her face is not visible at all.
If she had the credit card before her credit went bad and made the payments on it then it would have still been good. She just wouldn't be getting any new credit cards or loans.

I guess I was thinking if she had just had a car repossession, according to her, credit wouldn't be so good but you are right. Takes a while for creditors to get that info from the reporting agencies. Thanks! :seeya:
There is a lot of misconception about what those cameras capture. The fact that she brought it up coupled with the fact that her plates were janky leads me to believe that she put a lot of thought into her little plan ahead of time -regaurdless of whether or not it makes sense.

I love this discussion btw... I feel like this is the sort of thing that the jurors will bat back and forth. I totally see your you see my point?

Do the plates go to premeditated planning or coverup afterward... anybody?

I completely agree that it's good so many of us have different theories/thoughts bc we get a feel for what the jurors will go through. I just LOVE that the jury gets to ask questions ~ I think that will make a big diff in the end!!
I hope Juan plays the interrogation video again and the calls to the detective. We see Jodi lying over and over again with no problem. She even tells the detective to look into one of his ex roomates about Travis' murder. We see/hear her trying to pin the crime on someone else. trying to ruin that persons life by having them wrongfully investigated for murder. She is doing the same thing to Travis. Calling him a pedo, abuser, caffeine drinking, astrogliding, monster all in an effort to save herself from caught. She offered his ex roomate like it was nothing. How can you believe anything that this person says? Juan needs to ask the dv "expert" is it common for the victim to pin the crime on someone else? and wait for the silence in the courtroom. She also bad mouths her friend that she lived with as well, calling her flighty etc.

Snippits of the videos will most likely be played during the closing arguments. They'll be even more interesting now that the jury has had a week (so far) of her testimony to compare them to.
I love reading at WS. You all create such good posts & makes for enjoyable reading and definitely thought provoking.

Gonna take a break to spend time w/hubby on Valentine's Day.

I would send you a waving smiley but I can't get it to work (probably me).

Will read more this evening...I'm hooked.
Nope, when she was saying she didn't think Travis was cured yet of his pedophile proclivities, she mentioned that his talking about sodomizing a little girl is what made her think that.

But I believe she was somehow. Ow he'd into the sodomizing other girls stmt only because the day before she said hexwasnt interested on little girls that way. But nudmi kept hammering the pedophile approach. That's how I got it.
That is an interesting point because the detective at that point informed her they could only do that had she run the red light.

So that still begs debate
Did she either a) make that statement because she knew the plates were upright in AZ or b) make that statement because she knew they couldn't capture her on film without a violation?

I go with her just being cocky and almost daring Flores to prove without a shadow of a doubt she was there!! She knew better than to run a red light with weapons on the way there and clearly she was careful when she left!! Sneaky, sneaky, sneaky...
A few days ago, didn't Jodi go on and on about how Travis was a pedophile? Yesterday she said not so.
yes, he makes his living defending murderers, rapists and pedophiles. While strategically attempting to further victimize their victims in the courtroom.

Well then, this would explain how JA knows what to say. She certainly is not a true abuse victim, but she knows the correct words/phrases to say. She is very well coached by her attorney. What a joke!
Someone said Abe posts on the justice for Travis FB page he never got -- I'm thing it just went to Travis. Travis was only supposed to get the cc

I said that, it's on the "State vs Jodi Arias". Facebook page. It is very hard to find a single post the way it is laid out, but it's under the topic of the email. Abe is posting on that page from time to time and he posted several comments yesterday and responded to questions. He stated he NEVER got that email. People were telling him to check his spam folder, etc. but he was pretty adamant that he never received this. Is it allowed to post a quote from Facebook? If it is I will hunt for it again and put it here, but I didn't want to get "in trouble".
I'm curious about the voire dire on the email. She tell Nurmi that she send it to Abe and sends a copy to Alexander. When JM asks her about it; it comes out that she sent it Alexander. JM is interrupted by Nurmi when he starts to say..."Ma'am isn't it true that you took this email and...."

I wonder what he was going to say. Do we have any information on all of these emails and texts or is that information not available to the public?

Juan was trying to say that she should have bcc'd TA. By her forwarding the email she could have altered what it said.
If no one watches the ID network, know this, I recently saw on said network, Martinez, get a conviction, watched him prosecute a defendant, where there was no body, the guy was lying...lying out of his *** and Martinez got a conviction. She is going down in flames here...still...even though there will be appeals, the look on her face when the jury, the vast majority are men, says GUILTY will be priceless. Jmo. I can't wait.

Is this the show I would like to check it out.
Even if Jodi did call Gus the night of the murder, how is that a bombshell NOW? Sure, at the time it would have been...but now she's admitted to killing Travis so why is it such a big deal that she may have called someone after the fact and talked about it?
But I believe she was somehow. Ow he'd into the sodomizing other girls stmt only because the day before she said hexwasnt interested on little girls that way. But nudmi kept hammering the pedophile approach. That's how I got it.

Clearly. Nurmi: "kick it up a notch, girlie...we've got nothing left to lose!"
IMO she had the gun on him at this point and she shot him 1st, and he didn't die as expected, he goes to the sink thats when she starts stabbing in the back, MOO gun jammed. I tried crawling away down the hall she final had to slit his throat, then last pic she is dragging him back to the shower JMO

I agree with you. I think she was shocked he did not die right away, which led to the further brutality of the murder. I also was reflecting on the tape heard in court. TA said he was going to Argentina for a month with some guys. I got the impression she wanted to go. She had insinuated herself into other guy trips before. She then turned up the "sexy" big time in the conversation. IMO, it became evident to her that he was moving on without her even more so. She kept using sex to keep him reeled into her web. IMO, she just could not accept just being a "friend with benefits" and that she was "not good enough"to marry. RAGE
If no one watches the ID network, know this, I recently saw on said network, Martinez, get a conviction, watched him prosecute a defendant, where there was no body, the guy was lying...lying out of his *** and Martinez got a conviction. She is going down in flames here...still...even though there will be appeals, the look on her face when the jury, the vast majority are men, says GUILTY will be priceless. Jmo. I can't wait.

The defendant testified in that case.

I posted the clip last night of Juan cross-examing this guy. Here it is again

Extra: Bryan Stewart cross-examined - 48 Hours - CBS News
Yesterday, Nurmi kept asking JA if there was anything else that she could recall that she felt was physically abusive (I think) and I found that odd. He kept asking and she said no, and he asked again and again. Why?? Was there something he wanted her to say?
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