Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #37 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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She testified about a choking incident serious enough to make her black out. No marks anyone noticed? Besides that, with all her sexual escapades, maybe this was just another one she suggested they try.
I may be wrong... but based on all of Nurmi's efforts to get a mistrial.. this is his last ditch effort to 'help' Jodi in an appeals process. He has nothing to work with. He knows the defense he is building is built on sinking sand. He may be strange and a bit 'creepy' but he's not dumb. The way he 'leads' Jodi is appalling. I feel that Juan refrains from objecting AND the judge gives so much leeway so that later on JA won't be able to say that she didnt get a fair trial. JA's being on the stand for so long and saying nothing relevant to the murder is a disgrace! She and the DT insult not only the jury's intelligence but also the general public. It will ultimately be her demise.... and so be it. Keep digging that hole... there are those of us who will gladly throw the dirt over them when the trial is done! MOO

I agree. I believe his entire case is more like a mitigation hearing than a guilt phase. I think it's sort of assumed she will be convicted. And the Judge is on board with this giving him all kinds of leeway to protect the record and keep her trial from being overturned once convicted.
I think the shower ledge is taller than this. I think that's the baseboard. MOO. Maybe her shoe in the upper left???

You may be right because the inside of the shower would be whitish.
It looks to be brown like the walls.
Don't we all find it interesting he suddenly produces this "evidence" that Jodi called him the night of the murder AFTER he's been released as a witness? I'm assuming he's been released because he's seeking every camera and microphone he can find this week.

Then he slips up yesterday and on JVM says "when I called her". Um, isn't your first story she called YOU, you idiot?

It's bad enough he's seeking the spotlight over a dead man's body, but that he's aligning with the KILLER and fabricating stories just to keep himself relevant. He is despicable.

Oh and I don't think he kept inviting Jodi to his "motor home" for innocent reasons. My opinion, well formed.

And the Prosecutor is probably thinking I don't care when you talked to her or she talked to you, she confessed, we're ahead of you and your story full of holes.
I'm listening to her singing an Alanis Morrisette song about scratching backs right now.

He's getting so tired and she's full of energy trying to keep him engaged. Trying to play the role, reflect back to him anything other than her distinct emptiness.

Let the jury decide. (first time I've heard this tape )

She couldn't have picked a better song to convict herself. A song about a woman that is angry she was dumped and is an emotional mess because of it.
I challenge you to bring a complaint to the bar on this code.
You will have to prove what the lawyer "knew".

As someone who has filed complaints with the CA bar, I have the distinct feeling nothing would come of it.

California does not have a functioning Bar. See, e.g. Taitz, Orly.
If I'm looking for good ethics, I'm not going to be heading towards the legal community.

If you were indicted in a crime, JM would do everything in his power to convict you, regardless of whether you were actually guilty. That's his job.


I disagree, and I will leave it at that.
I have a question about these weird photos I've seen online. They are really dark and blurry and I had NO idea what they were until someone "drew" the parts then placed them side by side. It is allegedly Jodi holding the gun or camera. I can post it here if that's allowed.

It's kind of weird.

I would like to see those if allowable.
the sex tape was recorded how long before the murder? i think she might have been planning to off him then. maybe when he visited her in yreka. but she couldn't get him to come and time was wasting, so she went to see him. i just sense she is sick and evil. no conscience. same caegory as dahlia deppolito

If you think that JA was engaged in active premeditation of murder during her sex audio recordings May 10 (??), it is worthwhile to listen again to the entire conversation.
For me it is plainly obvious that much if not the entire conversation was staged. Realize that JA was well aware the conversation was being recorded and that TA clearly was NOT aware of this fact (JA testimony notwithstanding). JA was phony as a $3 bill during the entire exchange. She goaded TA to talk about sex. She was the “leader” in the conversation. TA was both bored and very sleepy. TA was animated mostly when speaking about his fantasies and the imagined sex with JA. This sex talk aroused him out of his soporific state.

She played the “into it” “sexy vixen”. JA controlled the tone and tenor of the conversation. She was probably rehearsed on the topics she wanted committed to audio tape.

She also spoke as if she were “one of the Mormon guy gang” She thought she appropriately blended into the Mormon community of PPL workers. Listen to JA comments about the “mission president” – totally weird!!!!
For me the big question was MOTIVE. Why did JA record THIS conversation on THIS date?

The candidates are:
1) Served as powerful blackmail weapon against TA vis a vis his Bishop and vis a vis any of TA’s future Mormon girlfriends
2) Bolstered JA future alibi that all was “well and good” between TA and JA when the police would investigate his murder. In the conversation JA shows no anger, petulance, irritation, or grievance based on “TA’s boorish behavior”
Yes u use it on ur cell phone.
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Rule 3.3—Candor to Tribunal

(a) A lawyer shall not knowingly:
(1) Make a false statement of fact or law to a tribunal or fail to correct a false statement of material fact or law previously made to the tribunal by the lawyer, unless correction would require disclosure of information that is prohibited by Rule 1.6;
(2) Counsel or assist a client to engage in conduct that the lawyer knows is criminal or fraudulent, but a lawyer may discuss the legal consequences of any proposed course of conduct with a client and may counsel or assist a client to make a good-faith effort to determine the validity, scope, meaning, or application of the law;
(3) Fail to disclose to the tribunal legal authority in the controlling jurisdiction not disclosed by opposing counsel and known to the lawyer to be dispositive of a question at issue and directly adverse to the position of the client; or
(4) Offer evidence that the lawyer knows to be false, except as provided in paragraph (b). A lawyer may refuse to offer evidence, other than the testimony of a defendant in a criminal matter, that the lawyer reasonably believes is false.

(b) When the witness who intends to give evidence that the lawyer knows to be false is the lawyer’s client and is the accused in a criminal case, the lawyer shall first make a good-faith effort to dissuade the client from presenting the false evidence; if the lawyer is unable to dissuade the client, the lawyer shall seek leave of the tribunal to withdraw. If the lawyer is unable to dissuade the client or to withdraw without seriously harming the client, the lawyer may put the client on the stand to testify in a narrative fashion, but the lawyer shall not examine the client in such manner as to elicit testimony which the lawyer knows to be false, and shall not argue the probative value of the client’s testimony in closing argument.
(c) The duties stated in paragraph (a) continue to the conclusion of the proceeding.

yeah, but who's to know? i know about these rules, but i really believe they're ignored a lot. and i don't believe DA's don't know what really happened either----i think they HAVE to in order to mount a defense. and what's the harm in telling them the truth? it's their job to defend you no matter what, and you're bound not to tell anyone what they related to you.
What was the evidence he had? Certainly not the call from Jodi. He couldn't remember the day correctly, isn't that right? Much ado about nothing. He has had all this time to prove she called him at 3:30 in the morning on June 5th so why did he not produce the proof? He knows Travis is dead but fails to talk to anyone about it for a week. Right. jmo

yeah and he goes on the very trip Travis is supposed to be on, knowing Travis is dead from some kind of reason he doesn't seem to care about, and never discusses it.

He tries calling the prosecutor but never tells what "evidence" he has...just plays a little cat and mouse game with them.

He claims on TV the phone records will bear out his story, knowing no one will call him or his phone records. And if someone gets a hold of them (which won't be by him producing them as he knows what's on and not on them) he will claim some kind of "mistake".

He makes it up as he goes along just like Jodi. Classic Narcissism and no wonder he's supporting her and had whatever trysts with her in his creepy travel trailer. Birds of a feather.

In my opinion.
She couldn't have picked a better song to convict herself. A song about a woman that is angry she was dumped and is an emotional mess because of it.

And she's singing it with her creepy childlike voice and giggle, just weeks before she slaughtered him, helpless, in his shower.

If you think that JA was engaged in active premeditation of murder during her sex audio recordings May 10 (??), it is worthwhile to listen again to the entire conversation.
For me it is plainly obvious that much if not the entire conversation was staged. Realize that JA was well aware the conversation was being recorded and that TA clearly was NOT aware of this fact (JA testimony notwithstanding). JA was phony as a $3 bill during the entire exchange. She goaded TA to talk about sex. She was the “leader” in the conversation. TA was both bored and very sleepy. TA was animated mostly when speaking about his fantasies and the imagined sex with JA. This sex talk aroused him out of his soporific state.

She played the “into it” “sexy vixen”. JA controlled the tone and tenor of the conversation. She was probably rehearsed on the topics she wanted committed to audio tape.

She also spoke as if she were “one of the Mormon guy gang” She thought she appropriately blended into the Mormon community of PPL workers. Listen to JA comments about the “mission president” – totally weird!!!!
For me the big question was MOTIVE. Why did JA record THIS conversation on THIS date?

The candidates are:
1) Served as powerful blackmail weapon against TA vis a vis his Bishop and vis a vis any of TA’s future Mormon girlfriends
2) Bolstered JA future alibi that all was “well and good” between TA and JA when the police would investigate his murder.
In the conversation JA shows no anger, petulance, irritation, or grievance based on “TA’s boorish behavior”

Can we consider another candidate? Not blackmail, as that gives him an option, but part of a direct scheme to bring him down.

Here's the picture. Not sure where it was supposedly taken from.
Does JA have to testify about the attack and the actual murder? She admitted killing him. Her testimony thus far has in her mind, painted a picture of abuse she suffered from TA. (IMO NOT). Could the defense just be painting the picture that he attacked her in all probability, and the jury to be left to draw conclusions? If she does not testify to the events of the murder, can Juan cross her on that?

Yes. She would not be testifying at all if she didn't intend to testify about the murder, but even if she said nothing more, she testified that she killed Travis because he attacked her, so the murder is open for JM to cross her on.

Which leads me to believe that the defense won't even go there as there is no plausible explanation for that call ... or for making out with Ryan Burns ... or for taking the knife and gun with her and disposing of them ... or for discarding the rental car mats ... or for flipping the license plate ... the list goes on and on.

But it will come out in rebuttal. In fact, IIRC, the call came out in the state's case already.

I really thought it was creepy when she was talking about the Alanis Morissette song "You oughta know".

She also mentioned "Hurt" by NIN. Those lyrics are equally as creepy!


I hurt myself today
To see if I still feel
I focus on the pain
The only thing that's real
The needle tears a hole
The old familiar sting
Try to kill it all away
But I remember everything

What have I become?
My sweetest friend
Everyone I know
Goes away in the end
You could have it all
My empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you hurt

I wear this crown of *****
Upon my liar's chair
Full of broken thoughts
I cannot repair
Beneath the stains of time
The feelings disappear
You are someone else
I am still right here

What have I become?
My sweetest friend
Everyone I know
Goes away in the end

You could have it all
My empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you hurt
If I could start again
A million miles away
I would keep myself
I would find a way

I love the version with Johnny Cash. So intense. He and his wife are featured in the video just a couple years before they both died.

Unfortunately, everyone thought Casey Anthony's lawyer was also a fool.

He was somewhat of a fool. But not as bad as most think. It's just that the jury was even more foolish. But you also have to remember that he had a great team behind him. Nurmi is not a bad attorney, BTW.

I understand the felling of wanting to think that she made these backhanded compliments to herself but that is very doubtful IMHO

Here is why, take the one on May 1st 2008 about increasing the hotness of Yreka by her presence.

That was made over one month prior to his death, if she made it he would have known instantly by email that someone logged in to his account from another computer, if she did it through his, he still would have seen the comment...most likely

If they were emails, people don't automatically see what they sent unless they look for it. She may have been trying to prove to whatever girl he was seeing that he was still into jodi. "Look at the e-mail your boyfriend sent me!"

I pulled this from the timeline thread. Nurmi got assigned just before he left the public defender's office and has tried to get off the case multiple times. If I counted right, Nurmi and Wilmott are #'s 6 & 7. JM has been on the case since day 1. I found this whole post very interesting. Trying to have the DP removed, wanting to represent herself, etc. :what:

Edit : BBM all the different names of attorneys

In essence, though, Nurmi was there from the beginning, at least from when it mattered. In these cases, the first attorney assigned is usually not the one who carries the case through. They just step in temporarily until someone qualified can take over.

Not to mention the smell. The detective report states that the moment he opened the front door he could smell decomp. I too wonder what the heck was wrong with those people's sinuses that they could not smell a 5 day old decomposing body???? WTH

I used to live in the country and once a deer got hit and fell in the ditch where no one noticed. I don't know how long it was there but by the time I called the county I could smell it everywhere in the house (it was near our driveway) and wanted to puke.

I live in a large 7 bedroom house and don't think I will ever get beyond the roommates not noticing, I can tell you what someone is doing (music,tv on, water running, loud conversation) in their room upstairs when I'm downstairs in the opposite corner of the house. *sigh*

June, Arizona, Air Conditioning basically running around the clock. Door probably had somewhat of a decent seal around it, so once opened, Poof. It was the Master Bedroom, so it's the end of the hall.

I am just mystified at WHO else was in the house when she did it, she was in his room, door closed and locked.. They sure gave each other a lot of privacy

That is so puzzling to me, maybe it is just because its a house full of "guys". I also know where and what is happening in every square inch of this house (4 bdrm). For any of them to come home, walk through the kitchen, NO note left by Travis and some girl just starts to feed the dog, his office has his laptop, wallet and keys on his desk. Car is there.

I shake my head...

Guys, apparently no one was there when jodi was murdering Travis. She got out before. The home was somewhat large and he essentially had a suite - bedroom and bathroom to himself. The door was closed, he was supposed to be on vacation and guys aren't girls.
They don;t tend to track each other's whereabouts or doings.

Finally, do any of you have boys? I have brothers, three brother-in-laws (two of whom are still teens) and I have had young, male boarders. It does not baffle me at all that the roommates would not notice a smell or if they did, become alarmed by it.

Got th hear a lot of the "sex call" this am. I find it sad that both JA and TA seemed happy and maybe even playful on the call. If only they could have remained "friends"! Very sad.

ETA: who initiated this phone call?

jodi taped it and she initiated it. She also thus controlled the flow of conversation as she was taping for a reason. So it doesn't show the reality of their relationship. It shows what she wanted it to show.

I still can't see it. I stared at it until I went cross-eyed and I can't see it.:confused::confused:

That's because skin is not a mirror. It can reflect light but would never reflect the facial features or details of the figure of a person, like hair, head shape, facial expressions, body parts like hands, eyes, mouths, hair, etc. That's impossible.
It is just re-runs. But Vinnie and Mike Brooks were cracking me up about her finger. They just had a discussion about how neither of them think there is anything wrong with it, other than maybe a cut tendon at some point in time.


For future reference, does anyone have an online link to In Session ?
It's a good effort, but the angle is all wrong and would defy laws of physics in terms of image refraction.

If what you're suggesting is true, then in order for there to be an image where you have circled to be reflected in the shower door, then that reflection could only be made by a photographer standing on the far left- not in the far right as your circle indicates.

Think about when you try on clothes in the mirror. Do you see yourself standing directly in front of you, or do you see an image of yourself off to the right? Because I know if that happened to me, I'd freak the heck out because I would be having an out of body experience! Ha!

No, when you stand in front of the mirror, you see your reflection directly in front of you - not off to the side. A camera lense acts no differently than the human eye. It will display what it sees on film from your eye's vantage point.

The only way that could be a reflection of Jodi is if there was a 2nd person in the room standing off to the left taking the picture and captured Jodi's reflection in the right.

Yeah, I see what you're saying, someone suggested that I was too far to the right. I'm one of those folks who lies on her back and makes every cloud into an image so that's probably where that image comes from. I was looking for anything that could be an outline of her in the reflection. I don't see it to the right but I'm looking at the marked-up pictures. I'm going to look at the unmarked picture and see if I can see it. Again, I won't have much confidence because now it is in my head that it is there and the smallest thing will make me think that I'm seeing her.

My mind is easily manipulated by my imagination...though I never believed the whole 'end of the world' thing. LOL

It is just re-runs. But Vinnie and Mike Brooks were cracking me up about her finger. They just had a discussion about how neither of them think there is anything wrong with it, other than maybe a cut tendon at some point in time.


Reminds me of people who have "double-jointed" fingers and can set them at weird angles!
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