Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #37 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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First of all, she didn't graduate from high school and ran away from home- not stable behavior, if that is what we are talking about.

She had her first car in high school and I'm going to assume it was given to her by her folks- otherwise we would have heard Jodi expound on the fact that she bought herself her first car for at least an hour on the stand.

Server jobs are NOT that difficult to get or keep, I have personal experience in the business for almost 2 decades- first as staff then management. She did move jobs more than anyone I know personally in terms of someone who 'stays' in the business. Most lower level restaurant staff work while they are going to school or are trying to make it in some other field, but a select few it is their long time career; those people usually stay at one restaurant for their entire career (or two). They know the job and menu like the back of their hand and have regular long time customers that tip them well.

She moved A LOT and as far as any testimony went, she personally never rented an apartment herself. She moved in with, or stayed with other people. she never put down a deposit or had a credit check, she glommed on to someone else who did.

I bet she was a credit ghost until she met Darryl and then began to acquire credit because of her relationship with him and his maturity and experience in this area. Of course her credit was good- she had never had any to ruin previously.

When she first got the job at Ventana she lived in a tent, until she got staff housing. I do not know anyone that has lived in a tent- for any length of time- as an adult, or otherwise.

She was with Darryl for four years- she did not live with him for four years- big difference, IMO. According to both she and Darry's testimony they lived in staff housing for a short time at the same time, but not together. He moved back to Monterey after that and at some point she lived with someone else in Monterey at the same time too.

As far as I can tell they lived in the house together for even less amount of time then they owned it for- which wasn't that long. The house was purchased June 2005, IIRC and Darryl was on his way back to Monterey by fall of 2006 right? She stayed in the house til foreclosure in Jan/Feb/March of 2007. I may have the exact dates/years wrong but timeframe wise, close Someone please correct me if you can.

She admitted that she didn't have the credit or income to buy the house herself- that it was because of Darryl they were able to get the house. If she was able to save $10,000-12,000 like she stated on the stand it was because of her relationship with Darryl. She probably got her new car in the timeframe with Darryl too, as well as her *advertiser censored*, so Darryl really was beneficial to Jodi in many, many ways. Interestingly enough, it doesn't take long for her in this short time owning the house with Darryl to:

-Blow through her savings
-Stop paying bills towards the house
-Begin burning through her actual credit balance (making mortgage payments on those- remember) I do not know anyone who has payed their mortgage with a credit card. I'm sure some people do, I don't know them.

By the time she is at the end of her relationship with Travis, she has ruined her credit entirely, barely has money left on her card(s) in terms of balance and is having her car repossessed! She has to ask Gus for a phone and beg her mother for money to get back to Yreka, where she will live at her Grandparents for free.

I would also not be surprised if she had run ins with the law when she was a rebellious teen- but the record(s) would be sealed. We have heard from no one but Jodi in regards to her childhood and teen years.

This, to me, is A LOT OF INSTABILITY that proves an unstable, parasitic lifestyle. MOO!

Everything posted above may be 100% accurate. But nothing stated above speaks to the proposition that JA was a psychopath or an inveterate liar.
JA has admitted the crime. Has she ever said what happened to the murder weapons (knife/gun)?

That's what I'd like to know and I'm sure Juan does too. To date I've heard no explanation.
I hope that Juan has a big long list of things she has lied about on the stand. I hope that he reminds the jury that what they have heard is a one side of a story. A proven liar at that and her side of it goes against what everyone else that knew him said of his character and personality. I hope that he points out she has more emotion seeing a picture of her pet dog than the body of poor travis. He also should ask why a victim of abuse finds it amusing at times, recalling sexual episodes when giving testimony, especially when this made her suicidal and she is on trial for murder. I cant wait for Juan.
On the issue of psychopathy I think this is an important correlation.

Ted Bundy, one of America's most prolific serial killers, was undoubtedly a psychopath. Yet, he was able to maintain a semblance of a 'normal' life until he was arrested at age 29.

Before his arrest he was accepted into law school, despite mediocre test scores, on the recommendation of several psychology professors working at the university he'd graduated from. He worked at a suicide prevention center. (Crime writer and policewoman Ann Rule worked alongside him.) He had a lengthy relationship with a woman - 7 years. He learned chinese. He was passionately active in politics. He 'seemed' normal to most who knew him. Charming, even.

Just food for thought. Before Bundy I believe few would have entertained the notion that a psychopath could be a psych graduate devoted to the empathetic task of helping others through their darkest moments.

And let us not forget the BTK killer, Dennis Rader!

Rader attended Butler County Community College in El Dorado, earning an associate degree in electronics in 1973.[5] He then enrolled at Wichita State University and graduated in 1979 with a bachelor's degree in administration of justice.

Solid employment: Rader worked as an assembler for a camping gear firm and then, from 1974 until 1988 (then later worked as a dog-catcher).

Rader was a member of Christ Lutheran Church and had been elected president.

He was married for 34 years.

AFAIK - he had no prior arrests before the BTK murders (10 or so).

So it appears to me you can have a steady life outside of your psycho side. Scary isn't it?


I gave up on this puzzle some time ago. We don't usually see photos around the killing to confuse the issue. Glad we did, to put her there for sure, but the wounds were enough for me to decide it was not self defence. The rest is good sleuther material but it makes my head hurt!!

I totally agree. Jodi murdering him in self defense, makes as much sense as Casey killing Caylee in self defense. DIDN'T HAPPEN!!

at 19:30 when she breaks down a bit, I believe her. She said:

"he was kneeling down in the shower...and I don't really know what happened after that"

Her body language before she says that is believable. I did not know she ever said he was kneeling down before just now.

I always said he either bent over toward the shower head, or bent down, the shot went through the right eye brown in a downward motion exit left cheek.

I say she shot first, he kneels down, she lifts the gun shoots him through the right temple expecting a fatal shot through the temple. He was below her (hence all the blood low in the shower) Because he was kneeling the bullet didn't go straight through his head, it went down at an angle, not a fatal shot, simply due to his kneeling.

I think he surprised her by stumbling to his feet, he got up, he was dazed but then tried to fight back.

Then the frenzy ensued with the knife.!

18:20 19:05 you see her relive the first shot she fired. She feels it

I know what the ME has said, but nevertheless I am convinced this is exactly how the attack started, in Jodi's own words:
Everything posted above may be 100% accurate. But nothing stated above speaks to the proposition that JA was a psychopath or an inveterate liar.

I don't think Jodi is a pathological liar, I think she is an opportunistic liar.
I just keep looking at the first photo of him down, after he is alive and all the blood draining down behind the ear, down the neck, down the shoulders. Where is that coming from

Do you have a link to the specific group of photos you are looking at? I have several different links, all different, either grouped differently, some photos missing, etc. It's driving me bonkers. TIA :wave:
As far as I know, the last one of him alive, he is sitting in the shower. I assume he started to stand or he lunged out at her from the shower, and that's when she first attacked him, knife or gun. It is hard for me to believe that he stood completely up, and then she was able to successfully stab him in the heart, as seems he should have been able to block it or grab her arm and stop that from happening. So maybe she started stabbing before he got all the way up, maybe not in the heart though? Or, as you say, was the shot first? I just don't know.
The questions I have about this crime can only be answered by the criminal or victim. Since the victim can't answer........


I suppose I'll never get answers. JA will never tell the truth. Maybe they could get some of the Elders or Bishops of the Mormon church to go into the Jail and speak to her about telling the truth.

Your post reminded me of the Lori Hacking murder case. Mark Hacking's brothers persuaded him to confess when Mark was in the psych ward. That male was one .,,677683,00.html
JA has admitted the crime. Has she ever said what happened to the murder weapons (knife/gun)?
I don't know and if she has, it was only to her defense team IMO. I hope it is the first thing asked of her on cross. I want to know what she did with them and what all she took from the house when she left.
I have just spent the afternoon going back through all the evidence photos , case photo's ect.

Travis was everything and had everything JA did not.
From his home, to his clothes, to his career and so on.

I believe her jealousy was beyond his relationships with other women MOO
Do you have a link to the specific group of photos you are looking at? I have several different links, all different, either grouped differently, some photos missing, etc. It's driving me bonkers. TIA :wave:
As far as I know, the last one of him alive, he is sitting in the shower. I assume he started to stand or he lunged out at her from the shower, and that's when she first attacked him, knife or gun. It is hard for me to believe that he stood completely up, and then she was able to successfully stab him in the heart, as seems he should have been able to block it or grab her arm and stop that from happening. So maybe she started stabbing before he got all the way up, maybe not in the heart though? Or, as you say, was the shot first? I just don't know.

Perhaps he had a towel over his face drying his hair, when the attack began with a stab to the chest.
Do you have a link to the specific group of photos you are looking at? I have several different links, all different, either grouped differently, some photos missing, etc. It's driving me bonkers. TIA :wave:
As far as I know, the last one of him alive, he is sitting in the shower. I assume he started to stand or he lunged out at her from the shower, and that's when she first attacked him, knife or gun. It is hard for me to believe that he stood completely up, and then she was able to successfully stab him in the heart, as seems he should have been able to block it or grab her arm and stop that from happening. So maybe she started stabbing before he got all the way up, maybe not in the heart though? Or, as you say, was the shot first? I just don't know.

I will look for a good source that lined them up. I just don't think he would let her walk toward him with a knife and gun and be able to get a stab in, he could easily grab her arm (unless he turned for a moment) I just think getting a shot off is easier in terms of her not risking him grabbing her)

But seeing the number of days from death until discovered makes it difficult naturally to try to put that together.

I'm going over her interview You Tube videos 1 & 2. Amazing how much sounds "true" and how much of her voice and behavior change when I think she is making it up. You can almost glean small bits of truth inside her giant story.

What is interesting is how different she sounds there, compared to her Stepford Wife impersonation on the stand.. the very bland, one tone, quiet demeanor. Could be what has been drilled into her is due to the appearance of such a "rage" killing of monumental proportions, you must keep your composure at all times, you can't let them see that you get riled.

I feel guilty that I am excited to see if she gets "excitable" on cross. But, for educational purpose.. to study crime. :fence:

I wonder if she has a "button" that can be pushed.
at 19:30 when she breaks down a bit, I believe her. She said:

"he was kneeling down in the shower...and I don't really know what happened after that"

Her body language before she says that is believable. I did not know she ever said he was kneeling down before just now.

I always said he either bent over toward the shower head, or bent down, the shot went through the right eye brown in a downward motion exit left cheek.

I say she shot first, he kneels down, she lifts the gun shoots him through the right temple expecting a fatal shot through the temple. He was below her (hence all the blood low in the shower) Because he was kneeling the bullet didn't go straight through his head, it went down at an angle, not a fatal shot, simply due to his kneeling.

I think he surprised her by stumbling to his feet, he got up, he was dazed but then tried to fight back.

Then the frenzy ensued with the knife.!

18:20 19:05 you see her relive the first shot she fired. She feels it

I have always thought that the shot first made more sense, for one reason the position he was in, sitting which put him below JA, and in the right position for the gun shot wound. Also, it made sense she would try the gun first, easier, and even if it didn't kill him she knew it would be easier to complete the task with the knife. That's why she brought both, imo. I think she wanted to stab him and watch him suffer. She enjoyed doing it then and still derives satisfaction when thinking back on it today, sick, cruel, deranged, coldhearted b**** that she is.
If he attacked her for dropping the camera, as the defense says, then why are there pictures inside the hallway. If it were dropped would it not have stayed in the bathroom?
Fran - just a question.....I haven't posted pictures, but I'm confused. These pictures have been here since before the trial and have continued to be posted during the trial. Is this a new rule or are pics only supposed to be in the links thread?

Normally we do not discuss moderation on the open forum. We prefer pm's. However, because these photos are readily available and have been posted a number of times on this forum and removed, I'll explain.

Websleuths is a victim friendly website. This means that often times friends and family of the victim read here, not to mention any number of media, LE, etc. Having said that, there's no question this was a horribly brutal crime. This victim was slaughtered. He was at his most vulnerable, in the shower with no clothing on, we all get that. The photos are an unnecessary reminder of what occurred that day.

Think of the surviving victims, ie family and friends. :(

If anyone has any questions about this issue, please let me or any other moderator know in pm.

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