Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #38 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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I think Travis was a great guy but I also think he and Jodi were both equally responsible for their roller coaster relationship. If he truly wanted NOTHING to do with her then he should NOT have had any contact with her, especially the sex. I believe he was giving mixed feelings by continuing to have a sexual relationship with her. He could have said no. He did NOT deserve to die and Jodi does NOT get a pass for what she did but I do not think he was all sweet and innocent in their relationship.
State of Arizona versus Jodi Ann Arias. As to case number CR2008-031021-001SE, as to the charge of first degree murder, with premeditation, verdict as to count one, we, the jury, find the defendant guilty. So say we all. Dated at Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona, on this 20th day of March, 2013.


It became "official" on March 20, 2013. JA's terminology.
And after reading the M.E. report, it's hard for me to determine was was happening other than sheer chaos, rage, hysteria, anger on her part. She either taunted him based on a few of the less deep "pokes" just to be mean, trying to get him to stop moving OR see if he was alive. Or, they are the result of her simply not landing the blow very well, so she did it again, it indicates clusters of 9 stab wounds then hard stabs through the back, through the soft tissues and past the ribs but not quite to the chest cavity (mind you this would be him maybe on his knees, or belly, just laying there, or moaning and crawling almost involuntarily mustering any strength left totally disoriented having no earthly idea what is happening to him) And she is not sure why he won't go down permanently.

Her first blow whatever it was, slice to neck, gunshot, rendered him pretty "hurt" or he would simply over power her. So she got in a surprise "first" something. No broken fingernails on his part, no appearance he grabbed her scratched etc.

He could have just been down, or slumped at the sink and she went for it again. I read the reports over and over and wonder if he was ever aware it was her doing it. Just heart breaking.

It's important to keep in mind that, although Travis did have defensive wounds, he was not able to put up much of a fight at all. His defensive wounds consist of a couple of fairly shallow cuts on one hand -- given the number of times he was stabbed, if he was able to remain conscious and put up a fight throughout the stabbing, we would expect to see many more defensive wounds. The most he was able to do was get his hand up or make one attempt to grab the knife.

Whatever attack came first, it had to have been a major blow that almost completely incapacitated him.
I think Travis was a great guy but I also think he and Jodi were both equally responsible for their roller coaster relationship. If he truly wanted NOTHING to do with her then he should NOT have had any contact with her, especially the sex. I believe he was giving mixed feelings by continuing to have a sexual relationship with her. He could have said no. He did NOT deserve to die and Jodi does NOT get a pass for what she did but I do not think he was all sweet and innocent in their relationship.

So why even mention that Travis was a jerk if you agree that it's not justification for killing him?
It's important to keep in mind that, although Travis did have defensive wounds, he was not able to put up much of a fight at all. His defensive wounds consist of a couple of fairly shallow cuts on one hand -- given the number of times he was stabbed, if he was able to remain conscious and put up a fight throughout the stabbing, we would expect to see many more defensive wounds. The most he was able to do was get his hand up or make one attempt to grab the knife.

Whatever attack came first, it had to have been a major blow that almost completely incapacitated him.

I agree, I don't even see there was a struggle.. I see him hit in some way (gun/knife) and pretty much down for good.. only adrenaline, maybe crawl, yell out some involuntary utterances, maybe true right at the beginning the yell for her to "get the neighbor" or "get help" "I can't feel my legs" just the natural thing we might yell out...then he is silent (by her own words also, he didn't say anything else, he made some noise) but no talking..

I think it was just a dying man, crawling, bleeding and getting continuously stabbed and yelled at (in her words) "SHHHH STOP IT! BE QUIET!! SHHHHHHHHHHH!!" I actually believe that
I saw crime scene pics here somewhere and now I am lost. Where are the pics please? thankyou
Perhaps everyone here when something like that happens so obviously in the media, we all put it on the appropriate media Facebook. Facebook is for everybody other than Websleuths and them and the producer to see! and folks like strawberry (( strawberry on this thread?)) send them tweets. even competitive media outlets!

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FYI, I'm a tweeter too! :) Twitter is much better for reaching reporters, producers, etc. directly. They don't read their own FB wall's comments. But I've had many a reporter respond to me via Twitter.
O/T but I thought I would throw this out and see if one of the many legal experts here could elaborate further on this idea please.

All of us here have been speculating on how JA will explain her actions on that fateful day. Just how was it self defense? I for one dont think the defense can weave a credible tale of the events that day that the jury will believe. So that leads me to wondering.

Is it possible that Nurmi will rest BEFORE recounting that day? I mean what if they decide not to talk about it? Could that be a strategy? And if so, would Juan be forbidden then to question her about June 4th?

I am wondering if their plan is to portray JA as an abused woman and Travis as an abuser and leave it at that. What do they have to lose by not trying to explain the evidence of premeditation?

What if their entire strategy is to merely save her life having concluded already that the jury will convict her. LWOP?

I would really like to know what happened in that bathroom on that day but we probably never will.

I don't think Nurmi will rest without asking about June 4. He has to ask about it, and Jodi has to give some explanation that is consistent with self defense. It will be something outlandish and off the wall, but she has to say something.

Yes, I do believe their entire strategy is to keep her from getting the death penalty. They all know she will be convicted IMO
I have a lot of catch up to do on this case.

For those of you who are well-read, was TA so ashamed of JA that he did not want his roommates to know when she visited? Was TA even aware that JA was going to visit him on June 4? Also, has it been established where she parked her car outside of his home?
Do you know if the bullet passed through the brain? I read this case one time about a couple who were bashed horribly in the heads with a hammer while sleeping. The man got up and was so disoriented, he started making his lunch to take to work. He collapsed in the kitchen. But, I also think I understand that a bullet is a small explosive force that devastates the brain even where it did not pass through.

How awful for your friend. I hope he's doing well today.

Thank you. My friend has had about 12 surgeries in 10 years, but is doing very well and living a normal life!
I noticed that JA is left handed, was there any talk from the ME about the slashed throat and if it was evident that the wound was started from the left or right side of TA's neck? TIA

The ME said he could not determine from which side the cut was started.
I have a lot of catch up to do on this case.

For those of you who are well-read, was TA so ashamed of JA that he did not want his roommates to know when she visited? Was TA even aware that JA was going to visit him on June 4? Also, has it been established where she parked her car outside of his home?

No, Jodi admits to the Detective that once she was in Arizona and near his home, she called him. He picked up and she said "Surprise! guess where I am?"

she said he said "huh? what...where?"

and she said "I'm in Arizona I'm almost at your house!"

And she said that it went silent for a bit.

Uh ya. He saw his life pass before his eyes and unfortunately he should have refused to let her in. The part she might be lying about is, she never called him but just showed up, came through the garage and went upstairs to his room expecting to find him with Mimi who he was going to Cancun with and she planned to kill them BOTH.

But much to her surprise, found only Travis.. Asleep.. and woke him up
Oh drat...
I've been working on a month-by-month timeline in an effort to make sense out of when what things happened, how far apart and in what sequence - using testimony video and also the time-line thread.

I color-coded what I copied from parts of transcripts from minor4th, Kmouse and wenwe4 so they could approve, edit or not and at least get credit for what they did - far more than I've done trying to cut and paste it into a monthly chronology. I pasted it here (still not done with it) and all the formatting disappeared.)'

Not going to give up, though - Many things are making more sense to me with seeing everything chronologically as a (long) list. after doing this - I now think She's FAR worse off than I thought yesterday. Wow.

I started with DT OS - when things between Darryl and JA were going south and she discovers PPL. I'm up to the 'sex' tape - sort of. I'm not including testimony about how computer data is stored, etc. but the date when something was sent (if provided) - yes. I'm only listing events that have actual dates and are reasonably or obviously relevant actions/events to the murder, I'm not getting into how JA felt over this or that or any of her uncorroborated stuff, unless it's unbiased and reasonable - no details about dogs, or department stores, etc. I'm trying to keep it fact-based only (or as close as possible, but I'm putting my own notes in here and there which clearly show a bias on my part,)

Maybe when I get it cleaned up, formatted properly and ready to post (in the time-line thread, probably, it will be there for anyone to look at and edit or add to if they have dated testimony that I've gotten wrong or haven't added yet.

It's just a list like this:
bold/dark red: DT OS transcribed by minor4th, copied verbatim
bold/green: testimony transcribed by Kmouse, copied verbatim
plain old boring black text - my entries taken from testimony, if in parentheses, my question or comment)
jan 2006
this happened
feb 2006
this happened and then that happened (part of the same sentence/testimony)
feb 15(actually have days sometimes) another thing happened
feb 18 this photo/email was sent from X to Y
mar 2006
this did NOT happen, this went wrong. X drove/moved to___
mar (unknown day) something became official.

(actually, every little snippetI get from someone else is verbatim - so that's redundant. I don't change anyone's words.)

Anyway, you get the idea. I hope! If the 3 WSers I mentioned above don't want me to do this, please let me know and delete it. Or if you want to see it before I post it anywhere, PM me. I won't assume anything, but it's like a lot of little quotes, so I hope it's okay :)

Suggestion, if any, are most welcome, too!

My goal is that it ends up being a useful, quick-reference outline of sorts - if I can transfer it successfully and get it done before my kids descend on me! I started to do it out of frustration for not having dates/years with certain crucial things... Nothing on it is just made up or guessed at (unless in parentheses, but most of those I'm deleting if/when I can get answers/dates to go with my notes)
Yes. This is especially true in Asia where I live. My grandmother had her first baby (my father) when she was 16 and that wasn't even the norm. Girls who had started menstruating would be considered 'young women' These girls would receive careful training on how to be a wife/mother etc. even before the actual wedding.

p.s. this really has nothing to do with what Travis said about 12 year olds. I don't think he meant it any perverted way.

This exchange was part of their consensual submissive/dom roleplay. It has nothing to do with actual pedophilia. No matter how much Jodi wants to pretend to be a 4-year old girl, she is still a full grown woman and Travis was speaking to HER.
I have a lot of catch up to do on this case.

For those of you who are well-read, was TA so ashamed of JA that he did not want his roommates to know when she visited? Was TA even aware that JA was going to visit him on June 4? Also, has it been established where she parked her car outside of his home?

Yes, he kept her a secret (after their "official" break up), and snuck her in many times.

We don't know whether he was aware she was coming. She said he was aware. He's not here to share his side of the story.

It has not been established where her car was parked.
Did JA ever give a reason as to why she rented a car? She did have her own car correct?

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