Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #38 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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I agree, I don't even see there was a struggle.. I see him hit in some way (gun/knife) and pretty much down for good.. only adrenaline, maybe crawl, yell out some involuntary utterances, maybe true right at the beginning the yell for her to "get the neighbor" or "get help" "I can't feel my legs" just the natural thing we might yell out...then he is silent (by her own words also, he didn't say anything else, he made some noise) but no talking..

I think it was just a dying man, crawling, bleeding and getting continuously stabbed and yelled at (in her words) "SHHHH STOP IT! BE QUIET!! SHHHHHHHHHHH!!" I actually believe that

We are in agreement. What about in her second story when she said he screamed but not like a girl. Paraphrased. I believe she is the so called Ninja reliving the events.
We are in agreement. What about in her second story when she said he screamed but not like a girl. Paraphrased. I believe she is the so called Ninja reliving the events.

I totally do too...there is something in her that wants to get it out while not admitting she did it. Um too late now sista...we know. wow. but i think she is female ninja, stern but not aggressive, loud whisper yelling at him, wanted to kill her but the man ninja says no. Saves her.

Oh jesus, this girl.. too much
In the police report linked a few pages back, several of the 'witnesses' mentioned Jodi by name. They specifically stated about Jodi moving there after she an Travis quit being and item. Travis was angry about that, too, and they got into fights about it. They also said Jodi would come and stay at the house when Travis was gone.

Maybe Jodi made a last ditch effort to tag along on the Cancun trip. He said absolutely not. Then she wanted to stay there while he was gone. Again, absolutely not; as a matter of fact, just disappear from my (Travis') life. The threat of the recording didn't work either.

Every time Jodi is asked if she made a police report of the abuse, I wonder exactly what she would have reported? 911: What's your emergency?" JA: My boyfriend wants to break up after we had consensual *advertiser censored*** sex and acted out fantasies I enjoyed and most often suggested.
Jodi's lack of a plan AFTER the killing itself is amazing. She goes through the trouble to steal a gun, borrow gas as, dye her hair, rent the car, shut off her cell phone etc.
But once she kills Travis (without wearing gloves) she really had no plan. She did get rid of the gun, knife and her clothing. Then she left him a voice mail on the way to Nevada. The crime scene itself however....palm print, hair, she didn't stage it as if there had been a burglary ...she even left his camera. Not sure how she expected to get away with this killing!

agreed, i'm blown away imagining what she was thinking during her rage, and running up and down the steps with the laundry, wasn't she concerned about a roomate coming home??? about the sound of the gunshot? can you imagine when she got pulled over if she thought she was busted??
I agree, I don't even see there was a struggle.. I see him hit in some way (gun/knife) and pretty much down for good.. only adrenaline, maybe crawl, yell out some involuntary utterances, maybe true right at the beginning the yell for her to "get the neighbor" or "get help" "I can't feel my legs" just the natural thing we might yell out...then he is silent (by her own words also, he didn't say anything else, he made some noise) but no talking..

I think it was just a dying man, crawling, bleeding and getting continuously stabbed and yelled at (in her words) "SHHHH STOP IT! BE QUIET!! SHHHHHHHHHHH!!" I actually believe that

That's what it looks like to me, too. I imagine her thinking, "My gosh, why won't you just die!!" I mean, just how many times did she have to kill him? Brings tears to my eyes what happened here.
Would there have been some blood transfer to the car? I know the mats were missing, so I am assuming some was there. I am puzzled as to the immediate aftermath, and how she got rid of the blood on her, and where she got the bandages for her hand?

Since the floor mats had been removed from the car, my assumption was at least one of them had some blood transfer on it, most likely from her shoes. I would also speculate she changed clothes before leaving the house, and could have gotten the band-aids from Travis' house.

No, Jodi admits to the Detective that once she was in Arizona and near his home, she called him. He picked up and she said "Surprise! guess where I am?"

she said he said "huh? what...where?"

and she said "I'm in Arizona I'm almost at your house!"

And she said that it went silent for a bit.

Uh ya. He saw his life pass before his eyes and unfortunately he should have refused to let her in. The part she might be lying about is, she never called him but just showed up, came through the garage and went upstairs to his room expecting to find him with Mimi who he was going to Cancun with and she planned to kill them BOTH. But much to her surprise, found only Travis.. Asleep.. and woke him up

You are on a roll today and I like the way you think. I believe the night she killed him was along these lines.
agreed, i'm blown away thinking what she was thinking during her rage, and running up and down the steps with the laundry, wasn't she concerned about a roomate coming home??? about the sound of the gunshot? can you imagine when she got pulled over if she thought she was busted??

If the roommate had come home, he might also be dead. I believe by the time of the traffic stop she had disposed of the weapons, bloody clothes and anything else associated with the murder, and was as cold as she is on the witness stand.

I can truly say at this point, I've read both sides of speculation into their relationship and I WAS IN AN ALMOST PARALLEL one in my 20's myself. I have absolutely no support for what JA interpreted it to be, or ultimately her solution. Nor do I believe TA had any of this coming... I just truly know my own insight and close relation to the nature of this impossible "relationship".... It's not a proud part of my past but I learned a lot, and I guarantee whether you consider my past abisive or not, I did NOT go sociopathic and murder him.
Originally Posted by OEJ
I do not "like" Travis. I don't think he deserves the pedestal he has been placed on, at all. He
is a total jerk in my opinion. However, complete jerks have every protection under the laws not to be murdered.

A couple of weeks ago when I posted that he had something of a "jerk factor" about him, I got slammed by several people saying this is a victim friendly forum! And not to post anything negative about him! So now it's ok to say he is a total jerk? where are the this is a "victim friendly forum" police? ha hah

I think we all have acted like a "jerk" at some point or another in our lives. If a couple of girls were talking about a guy that was being a "jerk" to one of us, we would probably advise that girl to move on. Could what Travis said to JA be considered "disrespectful", yes. However, there was something preventing JA from moving on. IMO, she was so desperate to keep him and insinuate herself in his life even further. She wanted to "matter" as so many of us do, and was unwilling to take his cues. However, no matter how big of a jerk a guy can be, he does not deserve to be brutally murdered. Respectfully IMO
In the police report linked a few pages back, several of the 'witnesses' mentioned Jodi by name. They specifically stated about Jodi moving there after she an Travis quit being and item. Travis was angry about that, too, and they got into fights about it. They also said Jodi would come and stay at the house when Travis was gone.

Maybe Jodi made a last ditch effort to tag along on the Cancun trip. He said absolutely not. Then she wanted to stay there while he was gone. Again, absolutely not; as a matter of fact, just disappear from my (Travis') life. The threat of the recording didn't work either.

Every time Jodi is asked if she made a police report of the abuse, I wonder exactly what she would have reported? 911: What's your emergency?" JA: My boyfriend wants to break up after we had consensual *advertiser censored*** sex and acted out fantasies I enjoyed and most often suggested.

:floorlaugh: now that made me laugh
See you later. Not feeling too well today. Look forward to continue reading this evening. :seeya:
When your almost girlfriend moves from Yreka 1280 miles to Arizona, to a home a few miles from you AFTER you say its totally over...

It's time for an ADT Home Alarm System
No, Jodi admits to the Detective that once she was in Arizona and near his home, she called him. He picked up and she said "Surprise! guess where I am?"

she said he said "huh? what...where?"

and she said "I'm in Arizona I'm almost at your house!"

And she said that it went silent for a bit.

Uh ya. He saw his life pass before his eyes and unfortunately he should have refused to let her in. The part she might be lying about is, she never called him but just showed up, came through the garage and went upstairs to his room expecting to find him with Mimi who he was going to Cancun with and she planned to kill them BOTH.

But much to her surprise, found only Travis.. Asleep.. and woke him up

Unless she had a second phone there is no record of calling him. In fact her own phone was turned off so as not to give any indication she was in Arizona.

I believe she is fabricating the dialogue with him, unless something close to it happened after she got inside his house. Still curious, however, just how she did get inside, unless there was a side door into the garage/house that was unlocked.

folks: do not copy posts from other places and bring them here without links. That is a :nono:
There are a lot of things to complain about in regards to NG, but I respect her for being a voice for the many victims out there that have no voice.

Now I feel bad...

You're right, popsicle, but I'm a little leary of her motivations. I guess that's really unfair of me and doesn't matter anyway if she's doing good and connecting with people. I think she's really over-marketed herself or something...

I really don't like the way she transparently has guests on that are there to say things so she can interrupt and tear them down. "Cut his mike!", etc. Then she has the same guest every night for the rest of the week. That game show quality of it really bugs me.

As far as relaying information - I'm not happy with her on this either.

Case in point. She keeps repeating - over and over and over - that JA had sex with Travis in her 'baptismal clothes' (is that a word?).

Google: jodi arias baptismal/baptism clothes, and the page will be full of NG links because of her outrage that JA had sex in her (she also calls them 'church clothes' which are different).

So, Nancy, JA got dunked in a pool, hopped in a car, went home and had sex in a heavy wet white outfit? No! She wore a jumpsuit and changed into church clothes (a skirt, etc.) and went home and who knows what happened then.

If this were an example of something so frequent and so... is she really sticking with sensationalized made up stuff because it gets better ratings? Is her staff that unfamiliar with Google and Youtube that they can't find actual testimony, photos, LDS info on the different types of dress. And just - it didn't occur to her that people don't just walk around the temple and drive off in sopping wet heavy cotton/canvas-like material.

She annoys me, but I'll give her a little slack in your honor because you do have a valid point and I do think she - no I don't think she really cares at this point, except superficially. But I think she acts like she does well enough that it works and she is a figurehead of sorts I guess for something. But she repeats her emotional voice the same way every night - it seems rote to me.

I'm sorry! Poop, Now I feel worse, but I'm being honest...! :)

ETA: I forgot that she does or has done work at battered women's shelters and abuse victims. So now I feel even worse but I feel better about her having remembered that. (Sigh)...
Unless she had a second phone there is no record of calling him. In fact her own phone was turned off so as not to give any indication she was in Arizona.

I believe she is fabricating the dialogue with him, unless something close to it happened after she got inside his house. Still curious, however, just how she did get inside, unless there was a side door into the garage/house that was unlocked.


His friends confirmed that many of them, including Jodi, knew the garage keypad code, then the garage door opens and the door to the house was always unlocked
No, Jodi admits to the Detective that once she was in Arizona and near his home, she called him. He picked up and she said "Surprise! guess where I am?"

she said he said "huh? what...where?"

and she said "I'm in Arizona I'm almost at your house!"

And she said that it went silent for a bit.

Uh ya. He saw his life pass before his eyes and unfortunately he should have refused to let her in. The part she might be lying about is, she never called him but just showed up, came through the garage and went upstairs to his room expecting to find him with Mimi who he was going to Cancun with and she planned to kill them BOTH.

But much to her surprise, found only Travis.. Asleep.. and woke him up

I don't think he knew she was on her way. Hey, didn't she have her phone off during her whole time in AZ? And phone records would show if she called him (her records, his records) and we haven't heard about that yet...have we? Just checking to make sure I haven't missed that part, LOL

I would think that if he was looking forward to her visiting him and she was driving alone in the middle of the night, that there would be calls between them, just checking on her what she said happened, but that I don't think evidence will prove happened...again, because she was careful to have her cellphone off the whole time in AZ.
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