Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #39 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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I think we saw two store receipts also. One at CVS I think 1 product but it was not detailed. I think she stopped at CVS to get the KY only. Maybe in an attempt to not have that lumped in with some normal things from the first store.

i believe that CVS receipt was for the KY, too.
Watching this ridiculous testimony right now where she's describing how she called her Mom for money to "move back" to CA, like it was her decision based on the "abuse".

In the background as they show her family (I actually feel sorry for her father...I have a feeling he knows about who she is), you can see "the other katie" in the back row and she's trying so hard to not roll her eyes and show a "B**** please" face. It's perfect (because I know how she really feels here).
Re: bank deposits, in those days, I am wondering if she had several deposits, specific amounts and if you hand them 3 checks or a stack of cash, the deposit shows $4566 (for example) When she wanted to see all 3 figures, so she did them one by one so it itemizes out so she can remember what was what. When in fact the receipt might have itemized them anyway, but sometimes it does not.

she may have put money in for 3 trips, and wanted them to show up independent of each other so she knew what she put money in for. Just guessing and with this girl who knows.

maybe 3 deposits is how vampires do it

Rofl @ vampires!

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yes I thought that "two cars" business was odd as well. Why do that...when obviously you are going to the same place and returning to the same place? Together? More odd noise from this sociopath.

I thought that was so strange at that point too and I hoped that Juan would ask Ryan about it but it didn't happen (in court anyway).
Haven't been able to read all of the posts to catch up, but, I seen the text message mentioned on the last thread too... that text message was actually sent on May 26th, not the 10th. I know minor4th had found it late last week when we were trying to figure out when it was sent. JA's testimony is all over the place and so hard to follow. I'm sure Nurmi will take her back to being a toddler tomorrow *sigh*

here is a link to post by minor4th (post 1770)

I know minor had another post where he/she was able to link it better, but I couldn't find it lol The post I linked is a very good post and possibly shows JA putting her plan in motion after the 26th.

Well if Minor4th has it correct it was quite a day. That would make more sense than the 20th.

Thank you
Do a search on your own name via each thread and all quote will show up. I made one to you too :)


Thanks Katie! I didn't know we could do that. I've missed a lot the past few days trying to catch up with real life stuff before trial starts up again.
Thanks to KBisMe for asking. :)

You're a rock star. :)
What do you think Juan Martinez first question to JA will be?

I'm thinking he will put a crime scene photo of Travis on the screen and ask "Now let's start here, shall we? You did this to Travis Alexander, correct?".

Then he can start his own "backing up" from there.
Is there a place where I can ask forum administration questions? A post I made yesterday was deleted and I'm not sure what I said that might have violated WS TOS or netiquette. The post still turns up in a Google search, so I know it existed here for a little while at least. It's not in the thread though. It wasn't important, just wondering whether I inadvertently offended someone or broke a rule.
But there sure was a bandaid.

Did you guys see where Vinnie Politan pointed out that the finger she damaged was "one he was never going to put a ring on"?

Loved it. He's so passionate sometimes I love it when he goes off like that. And when he does his "jail house stretch". :floorlaugh:

Darn ... I missed it!

Did anyone ever find the video of Vinnie's jail house stretch?
If so, could someone please re-post it for those of us who haven't yet seen him in action? TIA
Thanks Katie! I didn't know we could do that. I've missed a lot the past few days trying to catch up with real life stuff before trial starts up again.
Thanks to KBisMe for asking. :)

You're a rock star. :)

You're welcome!

You can do the "search this thread" up at the top right of the thread on every thread...on any word. I'd recommend avoiding the Gus Searcy search. I kind of went a little ballistic over the weekend on him. :banghead::blushing:

(ok I'm not ashamed...I can stand that greaseball)
How is IN Session going to change?

TruTV has announced that March 4 they will cut InSession to 2 hrs per day, 9a-11a est, with Vinnie Politan as the host. I don't know how to insert into this post but I just googled TruTV changes for insession March 4 and it's definitely gonna happen.
This video will convince you, if you're not already, that Jodi Arias was completely unprepared for Travis Alexander's final, desperate attempts to survive her murderous attacks.

It is Jodi Arias in her own words. She is, after all, the sole surviving firsthand witness to the murder of Travis Alexander.

She describes in gory detail Travis Alexander's violent and gruesome death:

Piecing Together the Truth Behind Jodi Arias' Lies -- The Details of Travis Alexander's Death - YouTube

Thanks for posting this again. It summed everything up IMO.

I wonder if JA was planning on doctoring up one set of the double receipts??

IOW, one set for heading toward Utah and the other for heading toward Yreka.
I almost spit my coffee out from laughing so hard.

heck, when I watch the video and she does a back bend, then knees up and chin on her knees and the Detective is questioning her and he says "I know you killed Travis"

I swear the look in her eye, I thought she was going to say "I did not, Jodi did it"

(because frankly, I'd be going for the Bat S*(^T crazy defense myself - when Travis admitted we can't really astral project ourselves and I'd really have to drive the car to Utah..I was understandably upset)
Thanks for posting this again. It summed everything up IMO.

It's not my video, but since I missed all of the prosecution's case I found it really helpful.

It also speaks directly to her pathological prevarication.
I'm trying to put one together - been working on it for a couple of days... it's harder than I thought! :)

Probably not as detailed as you might like, it's more of a chronology/timeline of events and details that are relevant to the trial. I've stayed away from JA's childhood and prior boyfriends (unless they come up after she met Travis) and I'm trying to eliminate as much of the gossipy teenage noise/nonsense that isn't relevant.

I'm going to put it up as soon as I can even unfinished as there aren't dates for some events and I haven't been able to fill everything in yet, but hopefully someone will find it helpful as a quick reference.

I get all worked up working on it (getting more and more angry at JA when I do) because when you remove all or most of the clutter and see things in sequence, she looks even guiltier (to me).

I'll try to have it up in the timeline thread this week... especially if Nurmi keeps going.

I make NO promises about having it done this week if JM starts his cross because I will not miss that (and the dialogue here that will burn up the pages :) ) for anything, but I'm trying! It's a start, and I'm hoping that it at least becomes a jumping off point that at least puts some things in perspective!

My youngest daughter is coming for her Feb break :)cheer: TODAY!!! YAY!!!!!! :cheer: ) and if she spends most of her time with her older sister rather than me (very likely :) ) and Nurmi keeps plodding along - I hope to have something up soon.

What a dedicated undertaking. Thanks for taking the time to compile something that will help us all see even more clearly the events of Travis' murder. Kudos to you.
carruied over from previous thread:

No kidding!

I really don't understand these two:

States Exhibit #237.016, Tesoro SCL UT, 6/6/08, 03:57, Fuel 10.672 @ 3.85 gal $41.18, MC 2015

States Exhibit #237.017, Tesoro SCL UT, 6/6/08, 04:05:42, Fuel 9.583 @3.859 gal $36.98, MC 2015

She gets 10 gallons of gas at 3:57, then at 4:05 gets nine more gallons? WTF?


This is when she filled up gas with the gas cans she borrowed from Darryl, so she didnt have to stop in AZ for gas...

(last part is JMO)

Hi Snoopy

6/6 is two days after the murder...why is she still needing the gas cans :waitasec:
Wow I can't believe In Session would make those changes, do they even realize the following they have. I wonder if HLN will continue covering this trial and others
My apologies, I didnt see that the date was 6/6

I think you may be on to something with needing fuel for the fire she had to build to burn the clothing and knife/gun.

Too bad she didnt blow herself up in the process.

No Snoop1, I had to correct my own post...funny thing is I always figured she would have burnt the evidence before reaching Ryan. But taking into account her time constraints she must have done it after.....all that stuff in the trunk?????yuck
You're welcome!

You can do the "search this thread" up at the top right of the thread on every thread...on any word. I'd recommend avoiding the Gus Searcy search. I kind of went a little ballistic over the weekend on him. :banghead::blushing:

(ok I'm not ashamed...I can stand that greaseball)

LOL! I promise I won't do a Gus search. I've seen more than enough of him to last a lifetime. :)
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