jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #50 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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My phone keeps denying my thanks to your post but..thank you!!

I have two boys and two girls and every time I read a "he didn't deserve it but..." I cringe. So my sons lives mean less than my daughters??? Because I have no doubt that if this were reversed and TA had done all the stalking, plotting, killing and lying we wouldn't be reading any "buts"

Nobody would even entertain these fairytales.

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Thank you!

I cringe too. We have four daughters and one son. They ALL mean the world to us. I also have a loving brother who also struggled with his own psycho and finally got rid of her. I think of all of our male friends that we love so much and all the males in our family.

I think of my hubby's coworker who was a wonderful worker and devoted loving father. He died like Travis because he was divorcing the woman who made his life hell ............who had abused him for 18 years. She too like Arias wasnt going to give Kevin a chance at true happiness.:( The court had awarded him the two children because of her abusive ways. The shot him 6 times in the back and stood over him in their own yard and shot him in the head two days before his divorce was to be final.:furious: Their 13 year old daughter saw it all and testified in court against her. Oh and yeah she said he was the abuser....falsely claimed he tried to rape her.......and said it was self defense. :furious: The jury gave her LWOP. She lied just like JA lies.

I think about another one of our friends who is a gentle giant who was physically abused for 20 years by his petite wife. Why did he stay and cover up the abuse? Because he was so afraid the courts would award her their children. When she finally put him in the hosptial with third degree burns he divorced her and he got custody of their children.

I hate it when I see 'he didnt deserve it BUT':banghead:...when we wouldnt even being having that discussion if Travis had been a female victim. He didnt deserve to die PERIOD.

What he did deserve was to be left the hell alone. She should have respected his wishes when he no longer wanted her in his life. He had not been to see her since she moved. He knew she was bad for him and had introduced him to things that made him feel bad about himself. She shouldnt have stalked him.....peeked through his windows ........slashing his tires.......hacking his accounts......and sending threatening email to his girlfriend. She totally was trying to consume his entire life.

Its a wonder we arent here because he finally resorted in murdering her when he just couldnt take her psychotic ways anymore. It shows Travis was not vengeful..........he was moving on with his life in spite of the things JA put him through. She just HAD TO COME BACK uninvited once again:furious: and I cant stand her. What a damn evil predator she is.:furious:

I hope she gets what she deserves and she deserves to put on a gurney one day with a needle in her arm.

Travis deserved LIFE. Jodi deserves DEATH.

God bless ALL who have endured abuse.

Getting hair colored in a salon is not cheap, so that goes against her "I was broke" excuse. That's IF she had her hair colored in a salon.

Maybe she returned to Darryl's to color it herself.

She was sure cagey about that return trip.

What I don't understand is why Juan didn't get to the bottom of that during his cross of Darryl I mean. Maybe he was just hearing about that return trip then so did some investigating since. That would be awesome. One of her expected supporters double crossing her accidentally.

I also noticed this morning how she seemed to kind of distance herself from Matt--like they rarely speak or something. She knows what's coming there related to the magazine coded messages.
this is one of those little things i don't quite get----why did she have darryl's garage remote?

A Garage Remote !!! Now that makes more sense. I think she accidentally took it (really this time) because MAYBE ? she used it to open the garage to get the gas cans out and accidentally put it in the car with the cans?
I don't know...I was scratching my head because I thought it was a TV remote LOL
Darryl testified that after Jodi left and went to the salon she came back to return his remote. So I'm thinking he is sending a message to Jodi that Juan knows she got her hair dyed at the salon and he has proof. Something for her to ponder over this weekend. jmo

Good catch, makes sense if Darryl tells the truth.
I haven't read all the posts and maybe this has already been brought up but where the arrows are pointing, it appears Travis's forearm is not resting on the floor. Were his arms bound together with the "mystery rope"? While dragging him wouldn't gravity cause his arms to fall at his side sliding along on the floor? Guess I need to watch more CSI! Love CASTLE though!

There was duct tape on the bathroom floor. So maybe she had his wrists duct taped.
Katie, I am rewatching Thursday's cross exam again today.

With the help of many posts here that helped me understand what Juan is doing, I am now starting to appreciate the brilliance of JM.

This is just so fascinating seeing how hard JA works to give vague answers that can be interpreted many different ways. And how she is trying to stay one step ahead of JM, but can't really with all his jumping around.

I was really having trouble first time around understanding why he was doing this and worried the jurors would not be able to follow. But am now seeing, thanks to posters here, how this works.

Watching a 'pro' question a psychopath (IMO) and not let them get away with the word games, is very gratifying.

Can't wait for Monday!

ME too! Watching it again and seeing his strategy. She opens one door and he follows it awhile seeing if she will reveal anything then he brings her back to something else...with speed. He's disarming her.

Did you note just how many times he asked her about where Matt was? Phoenix Oregon? He asked her this several times. That left me with...hmmmm...:waitasec: It's like he was saying "you sure you wanna stick with that answer?".
Katie, I am rewatching Thursday's cross exam again today.

With the help of many posts here that helped me understand what Juan is doing, I am now starting to appreciate the brilliance of JM.

This is just so fascinating seeing how hard JA works to give vague answers that can be interpreted many different ways. And how she is trying to stay one step ahead of JM, but can't really with all his jumping around.

I was really having trouble first time around understanding why he was doing this and worried the jurors would not be able to follow. But am now seeing, thanks to posters here, how this works.

Watching a 'pro' question a psychopath (IMO) and not let them get away with the word games, is very gratifying.

Can't wait for Monday!

As we all know by now, Jodi couldn't shut up if her life depended on it. (not often can you say that and have it not be a metaphor)

I think she had hair, nails, waxing done at the salon and told at least one person all about the trip to Cancun she was taking with her boyfriend. (He could have even been a fiance) It's more than just being there that's a problem, that could be explained a dozen ways, so I bet she blabbed in the salon.

Juan asked her how long she was in there so he knows exactly how long she was in there and I bet he knows what she said

He's going after her "He's taking the babysitter of a friend and that's fine with me" lies

Holy schmoly! If JM has a salon witness who testifies that JA said she was prepping to visit her boyfriend in Arizona, I'll faint.

If she additionally mentioned Cancun in a salon conversation, just get the DP chamber ready.
Darryl testified that after Jodi left and went to the salon she came back to return his remote. So I'm thinking he is sending a message to Jodi that Juan knows she got her hair dyed at the salon and he has proof. Something for her to ponder over this weekend. jmo

this is where i'm confused. what remote? to what? and why in the world would she have his remote to anything?
Heading to Pearson Airport in about half and hour. Want to say Thank You in advance to all who will update here and from the Courtroom. I look forward to it upon return :seeya:

Safe travels. We'll hold your spot. :seeya:
this is where i'm confused. what remote? to what? and why in the world would she have his remote to anything?

And why is she suddenly "forgetting" everything about it? Returning a remote is fairly innocuous. There's something more to this...timeline, etc.
She wasn't arrested for over a month after the murder, so she could have lightened it or when she dyed it before it could have been a demi-permanent, a glaze or another temporary hair color that fades quickly
Just a thought!

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Ya, but why go to a salon when she could have easily done it herself? And for a fraction of the cost. We are missing something.........
Darryl testified that after Jodi left and went to the salon she came back to return his remote. So I'm thinking he is sending a message to Jodi that Juan knows she got her hair dyed at the salon and he has proof. Something for her to ponder over this weekend. jmo

Thank you LambChop ~ I couldn't remember who had posted about the remote. I'm so dumb ~ I thought it was the tv remote.
Similarly, Jodi's facial expression in her nude photos doesn't look all *fun 'n games*. We've seen many pics of her, and IRC she's often wearing a pleasant enough smile. (One notable exception: in her candle-lit witchy pic.)

But not in that nudie pic. She looks tight -- like a hypnotized panther studying its prey.


Thank You! I have thought this for a bit but keep forgetting to bring that up. I do not think the Travis was behind the camera because of the look on her face, that look has bothered me, Thanks again.
ME too! Watching it again and seeing his strategy. She opens one door and he follows it awhile seeing if she will reveal anything then he brings her back to something else...with speed. He's disarming her.

Did you note just how many times he asked her about where Matt was? Phoenix Oregon? He asked her this several times. That left me with...hmmmm...:waitasec: It's like he was saying "you sure you wanna stick with that answer?".

Reminds me of Who Wants to be a Millionaire, when Regis would ask "is that your FINAL answer?" :)
It was June 4, 5, 6 were Wed, Thurs, Fri. There would have been no hours long wait at a nail salon in the mid afternoon or morning. Not in my years ago experience anyway.
As we all know by now, Jodi couldn't shut up if her life depended on it. (not often can you say that and have it not be a metaphor)

I think she had hair, nails, waxing done at the salon and told at least one person all about the trip to Cancun she was taking with her boyfriend. (He could have even been a fiance) It's more than just being there that's a problem, that could be explained a dozen ways, so I bet she blabbed in the salon.

Juan asked her how long she was in there so he knows exactly how long she was in there and I bet he knows what she said

He's going after her "He's taking the babysitter of a friend and that's fine with me" lies

Yes, something along those lines I think. She has to know approximately how long she was there. She's had 4+ years to sit and think about every single thing she did that month. I don't have a great memory on everyday, mundane things, but if I sit and think for a long time I can usually come up with it.
The standing on the bench was how she found the gun "cleaning".
She jumped up on the shelf was how she retrieved the gun while being chased by Travis.

She found the gun while "cleaning." Yeah right. More like "snooping."
Similarly, Jodi's facial expression in her nude photos doesn't look all *fun 'n games*. We've seen many pics of her, and IRC she's often wearing a pleasant enough smile. (One notable exception: in her candle-lit witchy pic.)

But not in that nudie pic. She looks tight -- like a hypnotized panther studying its prey.


I believe that photo was taken with a timer. I think that she had to include some shots of her naked to make it look like "they" were together and having sex that day when they really weren't.
If I only knew what evidence (or aha!) Juan has it would make it so much easier to follow. But he likes to back into the evidence by introducing things and then because he has to argue with her over every other word due to her passive/aggressive shifting of meanings, I find I have no clue where he's headed until he finally gets there. And the journey to get there is arduous since she and her team drag their feet at every possible place. Perhaps it's an effective strategy for the jury, but I find myself not following and it's frustrating for me.
this is where i'm confused. what remote? to what? and why in the world would she have his remote to anything?

Garage remote to get out gas cans IMO
maybe she put it in car with the cans?
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