jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #51 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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JM was obviously showing DB a deposition he gave to someone where he used the word 'testy' and said she told him she was going to mesa. he wouldn't admit that he said it. why didn't JM make him admit those were his words? to me, it makes it sound like JM's pulling a fast one. but i know those 2 things had to be in there!!!

I think he was just trying to refresh Darryl's recollection with his deposition testimony -- Darryl didn't remember, so he left it at that. It really wasn't in Juan's interest to impeach Darryl or be too antagonistic because Darryl was giving him truthful testimony that was helpful to the prosecution.
Am I missing something? Doesn't it take just as long to read 5 pages of 20 posts as it does to read 1 page of 100 posts? Or is this for smart phones?

I personally like the 25 or 40 per page (reading on a kindle)....I can remember which page I was on easier than which post I last might be different for other gizmos though......

Whatever makes it easier for our WSers to keep up with a fast moving thread like this though... (I think its just as crazy-fast as the whole CA trial threads! !!!)
And the ME has experience with many many autopsies and lots of training. His evidence speaks far more than Jodi's mouth, although she does weave in bits of truth with her lies.

no no ~ I'm sorry. I did not mean that the ME was wrong. I was trying to reply that Jodi is a liar, and nothing that she testifies to is the truth. That's all I meant.
It really all depends just how much blood she actually had on her body. If her clothing covered it, just remove the clothing, wash her face and hands and be out of there. Obviously, however, she had to bandage her fingers somewhere, and there was most likely blood transfer on the car mats. Doubt she spent much time in the house afterward as the roommate was due home any time.
True ... I'd also like to know how she knew the roommates' schedules for 6/4 did she know with 100% certainty that neither of them would be coming home at the time of the murder ? Unless she actually left the house, watched them leave, and reinvited herself back in to kill Travis ...
From what wound is he coughing the blood ?

It sure looks like it to it from the sinus cavity from the shot....or.....stabs to the back.

Did she punc:waitasec:ture his lungs from behind?????
Wait? She "woke" up from her blackout in the desert with blood all over her? Rinsed off with Costco water, shook it off, and then drove to Utah to where she then dry humped another guy within a matter of a day or so? Do I have that right? Who does that after killing someone?

Oh, you have it right! :) Problem is - none of it's true! Except the m/o session with Ryan Burns. That I do believe... in large part because someone other than JA (Burns himself) testified to it.

Everything she says that can't be corroborated: I assume to be false, especially if they are in any way self-serving - which is basically all of them.

Her blood/Costco water scenario is laughable and defies forensic science and (unless equipped with magical powers) human movement imv - NO blood anywhere in the house (beyond Travis' bathroom and about 2-2.5 feet into his bedroom, yet not a speck in the closet, ding!ding!ding!)
...except one small, diluted, dried stain on the washing machine. None.

Were it not for lies, JA would have little or nothing to say... :)
That is possible and option she could have done. However, Beth Karas said there was absolutely no blood in the rest of the house. Therefore, for her to use the other showers would mean drops of blood would be detected. I have yet to see someone get rid of blood that well especially when they are in a rush.


Not to veer off topic , however, remember how little blood was found in a certain white Ford Bronco compared with that crime scene? I honestly believe it would be possible to not cover everything else with blood if the clothing she was wearing was immediately removed and discarded.

It really all depends just how much blood she actually had on her body. If her clothing covered it, just remove the clothing, wash her face and hands and be out of there. Obviously, however, she had to bandage her fingers somewhere, and there was most likely blood transfer on the car mats. Doubt she spent much time in the house afterward as the roommate was due home any time.


She was very adamant about the fact that if she was going to commit a murder she would wear gloves... she had them.

She did a lot of planning before she left Cali! Maybe one day someone will come across her 'manifesto' that she thought she carefully destroyed. Doubtful... I know. I dont know if the *whole truth, and nothing but the truth* will ever come out. .... sigh
rewatching her version of the murder now that I have time to sit down and really watch it.

it is SO FAKE!!!

[ame=""]Jodi Arias Trial - Day 20 - Part 1 - YouTube[/ame]
rewatching her version of the murder now that I have time to sit down and really watch it.

it is SO FAKE!!!

[ame=""]Jodi Arias Trial - Day 20 - Part 1 - YouTube[/ame]
It sure looks like it to it from the sinus cavity from the shot....or.....stabs to the back.

Did she punc:waitasec:ture his lungs from behind?????

Punctured lung was my thought.

[brought over from previous thread]

While it might be true that JM is intentionally proceeding with a desultory cross exam for purposes of confusing and trapping JA, it seems like a disjointed approach to the jury. We can assume or at least hope that JM will take time to summarize and bring together the evidence to insure the jury is comprehending the line of questioning.

I have no doubt that JM is going to tie it all together for the jury. And I have a lot of faith in this jury. From what we have heard, they are not buying what JA is trying to sell them. So they know exactly why JM is jumping around and trying to throw her off. After those 8 tedious days of her boring testimony, I am sure they are happy that he is so kinetic and exciting in comparison.

I will argue that JA was never remotely rattled by any of the cross examination on Thursday. JA was in complete control of her answers including all of her sarcastic rejoinders. JA has mastery of all the states evidence arrayed against her.

She may not have looked rattled, but she was at times. She made a few mistakes. And JM has those in his back pocket for later.

But most important to the jury is the demeanor she proudly arrogantly showed. Her sarcasm and her controlling behavior demolishes her previous defense that she was just a meek, helpless victim who couldn’t stand up for herself.

She knew the jail magazines were going to be presented and she will have an answer for the cryptic messages found written in them.

There is no good/reasonable explanation. This magazine stuff is very damaging. He just barely got into it.

Also, she was rattled when she was being questioned about the writing. She BLEW IT when she said they were page numbers. How did she know that? D’OH. :slaphead:

JA’s selected memory is strategic and carefully planned. For example, JM line of questioning regarding sequence of events on January 22, 2008:
JA carefully avoided pegging the time when she started her work and the time she left work. She carefully stated that she went to work in the morning and arrived at TA house in the afternoon. She carefully stated she did not remember any call placed to TA that morning where an arrangement to help TA with boxes would have been coordinated. JA undoubtedly knew about the sequence of text messages and TA cell phone calls.
She did NOT allow herself to trapped in a lie about the pedophilia discovery. She will claim that she arrived at TA house well before the documented texts and calls started in LATE afternoon.

She did carefully avoid pegging the time when she started work, but the text he showed says she started at 10:30. And her lack of memory, concerning the time of such a hugely upsetting event is laughable. Sure, she was stubborn and avoided answering, but that will not make her believable.

And her ridiculous assertion, that he needed HER to come by to move boxes of decorations is silly. He had two male roommates. And why would they discuss it weeks earlier? That was so bogus on her part and he made her look like a liar, once again.

And those texts show clearly that she did not go over that afternoon and cacth him doing that act. There was not enough time for all of that to happen and for her to go home, vomit, and cry and cry for hours. And if she DID, then why would she text him about switching cars?

JM points out NO ENTRY was made in JA private journal respecting the TA physical abuse or his pedophilia. She clearly implied in her rejoinders on the stand that she would NEVER have written about this “dirty little secret” in a journal, in cell phone text messages or telephone conversation with her Father. Her clear implication is that no evidence of journal reference to abuse or pedophilia is NOT probative and does NOT hurt her case at all.

Sure, that is HER implication. But will the jury agree. He made her read from her journal, where she discusses lots of dirty little secrets about their kinky sexual escapades. And it is not just that she never mentioned it. It was that she said NOTHING NOTEWORTHY HAS HAPPENED. I don’t think she can wiggle out of that one.

The “broken left ring finger” incident/”lie” Jan 2008 will be completely rehabilitated when Nurmi conducts his defense cross exam. JA would never have divulged the TA secret – including getting medical attention, discussing problem with another trusted “friend” or writing about it. The photo JM produced revealed JA left hand and fingers that were ALL slightly flexed. JA could easily argue that JM’s photo was shot at an angle that did NOT reveal her ring finger injury.

I disagree. She did not have to tell a doctor that he bf kicked her. There are zillions of excuses for a broken finger. That excuse will never fly, imo.

JA did NOT in any way shape or form “slip up”during cross exam. She did NOT concede any inconsistencies. In fact JM opening salvo regarding reference to JA calling her sister “dumb” was ineffective confusing and a very poor choice respecting “how to open the cross”. The point fell flat like a lead balloon, and was forgotten within minutes of the prolonged testimony.

Yes, she did. And JM will be bringing those slip ups back to us each day. And the sister things was strategic, and was not actually about the sister. I already discussed it in other posts, but it has to do with a sneak attack that some attorneys do. Start with something unimportant and unexpected, get your hostile witness upset and angry, then jump into the real issues. And that is what he did.

His job is like that of a deep sea fisherman with a swordfish on the line. You cannot just reel it in. You hook the fish, but then you have to allow it to dive, jump in the air, veer side to side, and all one can do is tire them out. That is exactly what JM did, imo. He hung on and watched her do her verbal gymnastics and her deflecting and her obfuscating and he just kept at her.

All in all JA shows composure and brimming self-confidence.


She wore a smirk throughout her time on the stand which sent a signal to JM that NOT only is she NOT afraid of him but indeed she is actually smarter than JM. Her tone and demeanor on the stand Thursday was if to declare contemptuously:


And that was her mistake. She SHOULD have cried and shaken like a Chihuahua. Then she might have looked like she told the truth in the earlier testimony. But she puffed out her chest and her chin, and challenged JM to a duel. She might mistakenly believe she is winning. But she lost already just for showing her true aggressive, competitive nature. JMO
Not to veer off topic , however, remember how little blood was found in a certain white Ford Bronco compared with that crime scene? I honestly believe it would be possible to not be cover everything else with blood if the clothing she was wearing was immediately removed and discarded.


Oh who? LOL I can't imagine who you are talking about? They guy sitting in prison in Nevada for stealing, Kidnapping? hahahhaha sheeeeesh..
I understand.. what you mean.. unfortunately there were STILL drops of blood that busted him.. Well busted him for that moment.. not at the trial unfortunately.

According to Beth Karas, there was no, absolutely no blood, drops, smears, etc, in the rest of the house. That is why I summarize that she took a shower in the master bathroom. Just going with the evidence as it has been presented. :)

Same here. I was so firmly convinced it was gunshot first, but now that Jodi has testified, I have done a 180.

I'm still firmly convinced. Takes more than the testimony of a liar to change my mind. :floorlaugh:
I just sent tanisha a message on Facebook. I don't know why. I just want to hug her in real life.
I think she simply shot him after she dragged him back to the bathroom right before she stuffed him in the shower. I think the purpose was to throw LE off in an attempt to make it appear there were two perps.

I think she came prepared with a hefty bag, stripped down, showered standing over his dead body, packed up, switched the laundry around, deleted the pics she purposely took and tossed it in the washer.... Wiped down the banister and washer/dryer.

I think any blood on her hands was from retrieving items from the bag to toss them in the desert.

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I believe she started the clean up even before she killed Travis as the bedsheets were found dry in the dryer.
She was very adamant about the fact that if she was going to commit a murder she would wear gloves... she had them.

She did a lot of planning before she left Cali! Maybe one day someone will come across her 'manifesto' that she thought she carefully destroyed. Doubtful... I know. I dont know if the *whole truth, and nothing but the truth* will ever come out. .... sigh

not much use against a knife. she could well have worn latex gloves and they got cut to ribbons during the knife attack and didn't do her much good at all. then she took them with her along with all her other murder tools.
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