jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 12TH DAY #60 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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A bit off topic, but tangentially related. My ex used to get me in these Jodi-like convoluted discussions, say outrageous things, argue in a really maddening fashion. When I finally would lose patience, I would be the one to raise my voice. Trump! He would immediately say "wow, you're acting really crazy". And I was---but it was after a concerted effort on his part to get me there, and BINGO---we were no longer talking about him or the issue at hand, but my "crazyness".

Gaslighting, crazy-making. It's a technique and it works. Unless you're Juan.

Oh my goodness, I didn't know there was a name for that type of behavior. Very interesting indeed.
What is this nonsense about her thinking she'll be aquitted? She's already admitted to killing TA. There is SOME consequence to that regardless of the outcome of this trial. Does she think she might walk away if she can bluff through this?
Finally a detail was revealed during the cross exam yesterday. The cell phone carrying the recorded conversation was “mysteriously” ?? stolen or was mysteriously ? lost around May 18. JA could not possibly have anticipated her 2013 defense strategy to characterize TA as a sex pervert back in May 2008. So I am confused why JA would ditch this cell phone only to “miraculously” find it again sometime around 2010 when her self-defense story was being constructed.

Any better ideas out there??

She probably did lose it. It was probably found by law enforcement in a search of her room and since the prosecution has to turn over ALL evidence to the defense, she would know that they found it and retrieved the recording in 2010 (probably when they turned over the evidence to her lawyers). To her, it would have been lost for 2 years. Actually, it probably had been sitting in an evidence locker.
When Juan is asking about the camera............
She stated on direct, she doesn't think she even took her camera out for the portion of the trip!!
I don't think there was large amounts of blood on the floor mats. I think she was showered, changed and fresh as a flower to start her alibi trip to Utah.

I thinks she got rid of them just in case there was some trace evidence (blood).

What about the "kool aid" stains on the seats? I want to know more about that!

Good point and could that be why she had her new love interest take his own car! to the meeting they attended? So that he wouldn't see the cool aid stains? Makes sense no?
My bf is currently taking care of his dad at his parents' house, all three of them were there yesterday. Since I got him addicted, he has been watching the trial at our house during the day. He was jonesing for the past week since his dad was in the hospital. Yesterday he decided to turn on the tv and later complained to me that every other time he watches it on tv everything is bleeped out and of course yesterday while he is sitting with his parents they were saying the "p" word and "jo" without the bleeping. He was so embarrassed he went to watch in the basement. Poor guy! :floorlaugh:
Am I the only one who gets really nervous until the trial starts? It's like I'm being called to testify or something. I'm probably just a weirdo!
I agree, what really strikes me is how much time she had during that road trip to change her mind & NOT KILL HIM! I can see her endlessly fantasizing about it, what he would say, what she would do, but the fact that she actually did it is what separates her from your average stalker.

That is the chilling part of this, why it makes it so ungodly BAD. You are exactly right, the steps she took, drive car to this boy friend...chit chat and get gas cans...get back in the car and drive to another person, get out, start talking.. have a snack. Get back in the car...

OVER and OVER and all those minutes in between where you are alone with your thoughts, the LONG drive to Arizona, thinking and thinking?

when someone is in a passion killing, or even rage spontaneous they just snap.

She didn't snap, she methodically drove many hours over 1.5 days getting closer and closer to him, with a gun and knife in the car, cans loaded with gasoline. Luggage.

She did not snap, she carried it out like a business plan.
This trial is really starting to get to me. Earlier today I made a Jodi sim in Sims 3. I drowned her in the pool.

Thats great! During the CA trial, I bought a voodoo doll and tortured it. :floorlaugh:
I hadn't caught that. What an ego to think Travis was "mirroring" her! From everything we have learned about Travis, he had a very strong, funny, confident, generous personality. No way would he be mirroring someone else.
You have to remember to stick everything she says through the JodiLiarTranslator.

What she is really saying is SHE was mirroring him. Utter clownshoe of a woman.
Forgive me, I've followed this case for what feels like forever, but I'm going through a massive Crohn's flare so my trial watching is spotty but I'm here. I'm pretty sure I caught Arias saying she got a quickie Brazillian in Salinas? TMI, but no way. I've gotten them, and you can't do them that quick because sometimes it irritates your skin. And it's not a quick thing nor a cheap thing. Wouldn't she need an appointment? She made it sound on direct like she waltzed in to some strip mall and got her nails done. Nails, assuming hair, and Brazillian require money and appointments which IMO prove premeditation.

Hope you feel better soon :) my hubby has Crohn's, not fun at all.

Good morning everyone!

I missed a few things yesterday.... but I really thought that Juan was going to throw some pictures up that they found on JA's camera. He was really trying to get her to nail down what time she had a shower and when she took the luggage out. Which led me to believe that maybe they had some photo's with time stamps or something. Also... remember at the beginning of the trial, all of a sudden it was a big issue for the defense to get her camera, thought maybe there was more too it. Guess we might see more today :)
Another good point that I hadn't thought of. She was able to burn evidence, after she "woke up" in the desert, after she washed her bloody hands off with bottled water that she had in the trunk..of a rented car.

Does anyone know when she bought the case of water? Is there a receipt for that?

All I know is that for a Ford Focus, that trunk can sure hold a lot of stuff. 3 gas cans, a case of water, JA's luggage...

So JA had two 5 gallon gas cans and a case of water in the trunk of her car? How big was this car? Can you imagine what that water would taste like

LOL just read the rest of your post. Ford Focus OK just another lie from JA
"And you want to spend time with someone you say is a bully, right?"
I wish he would have included pedo.
Nurmi doesn't remember her saying bully - lololol

Laughed when I heard him say that. I thought now he is testifying for Jodi. Maybe they should trade seats.
Am I the only one who gets really nervous until the trial starts? It's like I'm being called to testify or something. I'm probably just a weirdo!

I think it's more a feeling of anticipation-wondering what today will bring?
and of course I have to leave shortly after court starts to take one of the kids to the doctor. They called the other day and said they had a cancellation for today. It's a specialist and we've been on the waiting list for about a year. I had to stop myself from asking if they had anything on Friday.

Hope everything goes well. We'll miss you here.
Watching rerun from yesterday....

She says she deleted phone shower pics?

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I'm going to have to watch her direct examination again--I just couldn't focus on it the first time since her speech affectations really irritate me and I find myself just noticing her mannerisms. That will be a fun weekend project for me while the court is dark. It's pretty obvious that poor Jodi is struggling to remember which lies she told. She's been lying without any consequence until now--now she actually has to worry about what she said on direct exam. If she tells another story during cross, she knows she's lost.

If you are really going to do that, have a bottle of whisky on hand, or at least Pepto-Bismal.

Good Luck and hope you will have the stomach to rejoin us on Monday! :seeya:
Last night I was thinking about when Juan was cross-examining Jodi and asked her if her senses were "heightened" during the murder, because typically that is what people experience when feeling threatened. Of course, she stated she had no memory WHATSOEVER.

I used to work in a drug store that was robbed at closing by two armed men in wigs - three of my co-workers, myself and two customers were terrorized with threats and other verbal abuse for 45 minutes while we gathered drugs, hypodermic needles, the cash register contents, watches and jewelry. We were ultimately tied up on our stomachs in the stock room after the phones were ripped out of the walls (no cell phones back then).

My point is - this was over 30 years ago - and I remember ALL of it to this day. I even remember specifically word for word some of the threats while a gun was held to a customer's head, which one of us got what items in the store for the armed men, what I was wearing, what I was called, what the two customers who were caught up in it looked and acted like, the second the robbery was brought to our attention and how (I worked back in the pharmacy). I can give a complete narrative minute by minute all the way up to finally walking out that door several hours later.

I know exactly what Juan was getting at, and I do believe Jodi remembers every second of it, except possibly the couple of minutes when her rage and panic got the better of her and the actual stabbing began and Travis just wouldn't die.

Sorry for the long post. This is what I think about when I can't sleep. The trial. I will be glad when this trial is over. LOL.
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