jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 12TH DAY #60 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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If she is so near-sighted, what the heck was she doing driving?

The license plate would likely not "flash", would it? Wouldn't it remain reflective as long as her headlights were on it? Wouldn't this make it less of an indescerible flash and more of a recognizable license plate.

Her story about closing the closet door, dragging over the bench, climbing up to get the gun, getting the gun, and pointing it at TA defies all possible time lines. If he is in hot pursuit and, blocked by a closed door, simply has to run to the other side, it couldn't take more than 5-6 seconds. Clearly not enough time for all that she claims she did in the meantime. By the way, I believe she created this particular explanation to explain the trajectory of the bullet.

Interesting when JM asked here where the bullets were and she paused . . . "um . . . in the gun." Why the pause? Where else could they have been? If her situation were as she described, having the bullets already in the gun was essential and she must have been hugely relieved to find it was loaded when she fired in "self defense". So why pause when asked, basically, if the gun was loaded when she picked it up?
Forgive me, I've followed this case for what feels like forever, but I'm going through a massive Crohn's flare so my trial watching is spotty but I'm here. I'm pretty sure I caught Arias saying she got a quickie Brazillian in Salinas? TMI, but no way. I've gotten them, and you can't do them that quick because sometimes it irritates your skin. And it's not a quick thing nor a cheap thing. Wouldn't she need an appointment? She made it sound on direct like she waltzed in to some strip mall and got her nails done. Nails, assuming hair, and Brazillian require money and appointments which IMO prove premeditation.

We learned she went to Walmart and bought a gas can... Making it three gas receptacles

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And for the Jury to find Premeditation, they only need to agree that for a mere second... yes 1 second, she had a forethought that she would kill him..

She would do "something, anything" along the line of put this in the car, decide to drive there and give him 1 chance to marry me, take a gas can and not leave a trace of me in AZ.

Any one moment of planning however small of someones demise, and she had the "pre" meditated.. "pre" thought that she would not leave with him alive..

And that is premeditation. It can even come AFTER she is there and says to herself "oh no you didn't just say Mimi a 4th time..that's it! 3 was ok, 4 is now, he we go Travis"

I will be stunned in disbelief that this jury does not find at least one small event or thing she did to meet the requirement for premeditation.

How much more planning would they need to see? the text to herself on the Iphone calendar "JUNE 4, 2008 - Kill Travis"

My faith is in this Jury, the Prosecutor and the State of Arizona.. really, they don't mess around there.

I agree, what really strikes me is how much time she had during that road trip to change her mind & NOT KILL HIM! I can see her endlessly fantasizing about it, what he would say, what she would do, but the fact that she actually did it is what separates her from your average stalker.
Fortunately I don't know what its like in her head. Unfortunately I do know what its like living with someone eerily similar though so I'll offer this up, fwiw.

First think of psychopathy like your personality. You're made up of all bits and pieces and so is Jodi. For the most part you're good and rule abiding, right? ;) But every so often you can be naughty or do something wrong - which leads you to feeling guilty, embarrassed or perhaps even ashamed.

Jodi can't feel those emotions the same as you or I. She feels an insatiable anger almost constantly. But years of living with humans has taught her it isn't acceptable to show her anger and its level. She learns by default it isn't normal and though she can't feel guilt, shame or embarrassment herself she does learn that humans don't like to feel them. So she adapts because she has no other choice. She studies the humans around her and learns what joy, fear, heartbreak, loss, embarrassment and every other conceivable human emotion look like. She looks human. She sounds human. Everyone seems to believe she is human. So she learns at a very early age how to pretend to emote as a human.

Because of her psychopathy it only matters to Jodi what she wants and what makes her feel good. She cannot feel empathy or put others first for their own benefit. Everything in her world must revolve around her. She learns to manipulate and control in order to facilitate this. She is adept at it due to her psychopathy. In a way she is even 'programmed' to easily prey on others. No conscience and no empathy. The extreme greed and selfishness of only her really every mattering. She'll use every trick she can think of, engineer any event - all to make people more reliant on her, more trusting of her, more compassionate of her, more giving to her. Ultimately it is always, always about her.

As long as things go Jodi's way she can be affable and charming. Once she is challenged though she becomes a hotbed of psychological manipulators only designed to make humans feel bad and comply with whatever she wants. Either way they will often stop challenging her though - which is the important part. Push her further still and she struggles with keeping up the pretense of being human. When the mask slips on a psychopath even the 'worst' human traits can't describe them. It's beyond jealousy, vindictiveness or even rage. It's something so cold, so animalistic it sparks a flight response in humans. (You may not recognize what you're seeing - it is purely instinctual to get away from it for self-preservation.)

When Jodi is hopping all over herself on the witness stand we are witnessing her true disorder at play. Psychopaths just cannot withstand scrutiny and challenging day after day, while trying to remember their lies, and also attempting to maintain their facade. Because it is so foreign to how we humans feel it can border on incomprehension seeing them in that state. In reality when you look at it like a juggling act it becomes perfectly clear how difficult what she is doing really is - and how unfathomable for any human being to be capable of the same. We really are different species.

(Yee gatz. Sorry for the novel. Again. :blushing:)

Excellent discussion.

Thank you for taking time to write out these insightful observations.
Last night on here some people were wondering if she gave DB the DVD player that was "stolen" from her grandparents house. When she was asked about having to go back to his house to return a remote and Juan asked her how she ended up with it, her answer made no sense. She said something like "Well, he'd already had it...I don't know how I ended up with it." That did kind of sound like something someone would say to cover their butts if they did give someone a stolen DVD player, forgot to give them the remote with it and had to drop that off later.
In the replay of the 48 Hours she talks about how TA "mirrored and matched" her demeanor when they met. I seem to remember once hearing that this is what sociopaths do - they copy the behavior of people they want to get close to . . . "mirror and match". I'm pretty sure this is what JA has always done but I find it interesting that she seems to think this is what everybody does. I guess, being a sociopath, you don't realize how different you really are.
Watch when Juan goes for a drink, she does too. I only noticed it the past couple of days.
A bit off topic, but tangentially related. My ex used to get me in these Jodi-like convoluted discussions, say outrageous things, argue in a really maddening fashion. When I finally would lose patience, I would be the one to raise my voice. Trump! He would immediately say "wow, you're acting really crazy". And I was---but it was after a concerted effort on his part to get me there, and BINGO---we were no longer talking about him or the issue at hand, but my "crazyness".

Gaslighting, crazy-making. It's a technique and it works. Unless you're Juan.

ALL my exes did this!!!!!!!! And I have quite a temper when baited like that, too. Thank God I met my hubby who never does that! It is crazy-making.

Isn't that interesting that JVM thinks JM is yelling. Has JVM ever listened to herself, she yells all the time, to the point I can't listen to her. Sorry, but I think her brain turned to mush a long time ago.:moo:

True. true. true.!

Does anybody else get fed up with the experts (body langauge, etc.) who make wild and sometimes way-off-the-mark comments? It's very evident to me that they are all auditioning to become a part of the In Session team. Nice full time job if you can get it.
I really don't find ANY of the jurors seeming sympathetic to JA in the ways I see it. But there was that "navel intelligence" Janine Driver spoke about regarding how people will regard someone's importance.

I've not been really worried about any juror except one and my feeling has changed on him in the last couple of weeks.

THANK YOU for clearing that up!!!. It had me worried, because your observations seem perceptive and it only takes one juror, etc.
Forgive me, I've followed this case for what feels like forever, but I'm going through a massive Crohn's flare so my trial watching is spotty but I'm here. I'm pretty sure I caught Arias saying she got a quickie Brazillian in Salinas? TMI, but no way. I've gotten them, and you can't do them that quick because sometimes it irritates your skin. And it's not a quick thing nor a cheap thing. Wouldn't she need an appointment? She made it sound on direct like she waltzed in to some strip mall and got her nails done. Nails, assuming hair, and Brazillian require money and appointments which IMO prove premeditation.

:getwell: So sorry you're not feeling well. Feel better real soon!
Totally agree. Today will be big (and horrible for the family).

and of course I have to leave shortly after court starts to take one of the kids to the doctor. They called the other day and said they had a cancellation for today. It's a specialist and we've been on the waiting list for about a year. I had to stop myself from asking if they had anything on Friday.
I've reached the conclusion that the Cancun trip itself was not some huge trigger for the murder. I no longer think that she went to AZ with any hope or intention of talking TA into taking her.

I think he cut her off completely enough in mid-late May that she knew she had no hope of worming herself back into his real life. I don't believe that TA knew she was coming at all, or that if he did it was at her insistence and for some lame reason like she was dropping off a check.

Yes they had sex, but I can also see her coaxing him into it by saying one more time, just for old time's sake. I look now at that last photo of him alive in the shower, and maybe I'm reading into it, but I see an expression bordering on anger and certainly of impatience. Like, just get the h--ll out of my face, out of my shower, out of my house, out of my life.

I agree and then understood that Jodi packed up suitcases on her brief trip to Travis. Maybe she anticipated if she ran into trouble (LE after the murder) she would keep on running in the car?
My thought was....the attorney told you they record these but he didn't tell you not to talk to the police without a lawyer...? :what:

For all we know, "an attorney" was just somebody she saw on TV.
"And you want to spend time with someone you say is a bully, right?"
I wish he would have included pedo.
Nurmi doesn't remember her saying bully - lololol
This trial is really starting to get to me. Earlier today I made a Jodi sim in Sims 3. I drowned her in the pool.

Another thing learned on WS, had to google it to know what this was!:floorlaugh:
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