jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 12TH DAY #60 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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I don't understand why JA always says that she "knew about" the Cancun trip for a year, knew that Travis would have a ticket for a guest, but just didn't care one little bit that he wasn't taking her.

Although Cancun itself isn't listed in that '1000 places' book, there are some places very close to it that ARE listed--ruins, or something. I looked it up in the book a while ago--maybe someone can provide a link?

WHY would Jodi be ok with not going if she learned about it a year ago? If I was Travis' girlfriend, I would expect to go. There's just no way that this trip is a coincidence to have been around the time of the murder. She's lying.

because she wouldn't want to appear jealous?????
Can't recall, but did Travis have a 2 car garage?

Did the article mention how they are planning to "make" this baby?

I really do not remember very much about it but the article said that JA thought she would acquitted and her girlfriend will get released soon.
I am thinking JA and Brian would do the deed to "make" the baby since the girlfriend is almost 40. LOL!!

I read National Enquirer off of Drudge Report. The article may still be there.
I don't understand why JA always says that she "knew about" the Cancun trip for a year, knew that Travis would have a ticket for a guest, but just didn't care one little bit that he wasn't taking her.

Although Cancun itself isn't listed in that '1000 places' book, there are some places very close to it that ARE listed--ruins, or something. I looked it up in the book a while ago--maybe someone can provide a link?

WHY would Jodi be ok with not going if she learned about it a year ago? If I was Travis' girlfriend, I would expect to go. There's just no way that this trip is a coincidence to have been around the time of the murder. She's lying.

I haven't looked it up but Tulum and Chichen Itza are near Cancun. I can see one or both being on that list -- especially Chichen Itza. All of the bigger hotels in Cancun run excursions to both.
If that's the case, from what you have seen, do you think this judge would sentence her to death?

By appearances and the rulings she makes, I think she could. I don't know anything about her record on these things though. I'll google and see what comes up. That'll help me stop watching the clock for trial to start LOL!!

*** Per Which is a blogspot so take it for what it's worth- She's considered to be middle of the road when it comes to sentencing ( others were noted as tough on crime). She was a family court judge before this and I can't find any DP cases she's presided over. She has upheld the DP in this case every time the defense wants it off the table however.

I like that she was a family court judge! It means she knows about what DV is and isn't!!
I can't seem to find this bit anywhere...

When/where (which city) was she when she took "the cosmetic approach to her pelvis area?" Or did juan cover the "where" yet?
Maybe I'm the one with memory issues now, but didn't he ask her if she took more than one shower and she didn't know/remember?

On direct she said she took a shower downstairs after sex in TA's office. Yesterday he asked her if she took a shower where she had placed TA and she said yes, which was upstairs in the master suite, right?
Other JA watchers and I have been debating the role of the JA recorded phone sex conversation of May 10. It is not obvious to me what her motive was to obtain that recording at that time?

One reason was JA wanted it for “blackmail” purposes. She could threaten TA that this recording would be forwarded to any future girlfriend TA was to ever have in the future. That is plausible assuming JA was feeling rejected and rage at that time. Such a recording would be a very effective weapon.

A second reason offered is that JA was collecting souvenirs for her own sick purposes. She wanted a reminder of her prior conquest although that relationship proved to be abortive by May 2008.

Finally a detail was revealed during the cross exam yesterday. The cell phone carrying the recorded conversation was “mysteriously” ?? stolen or was mysteriously ? lost around May 18. JA could not possibly have anticipated her 2013 defense strategy to characterize TA as a sex pervert back in May 2008. So I am confused why JA would ditch this cell phone only to “miraculously” find it again sometime around 2010 when her self-defense story was being constructed.

Any better ideas out there??
Thanks for sharing all of you guys (gals) on this who are. That one back row juror Anita calls "Maureen" really looks directly at her. It makes some people uncomfortable but I've not gotten that feeling from it...maybe she's doing exactly what you guys would do.

Just remember strawberry shortcake in Scott's trial. Lots of worry about her but she was solid for 'guilty.'
You know, I appreciate this perspective. And although I am personally kind of fascinated with the body language stuff, I hear you on how you would handle it. I don't think it's that black/white. I do find it interesting though that for some time the two closest jurors to her won't look at her at all.

Thanks for your sharing though as all perspectives on this are important. not just the "experts" although I do love Janine Driver. :)

I do believe there are some body language "tells", but I am also an assertive woman and would be facing Jodi because I would want to see how all this affects her.

As far as "naval intelligence" goes, yesterday Juan played a snippet from a tape with flores where Jodi is seated cross-legged in her char, folded nearly in half with just her crossed arms and elbows on the table. Her mid-section or "naval" is pushed way back from the table and she is doubled-up over it.

I thought, wow, she is really protecting her naval. She's got is pushed as far as she can get it away from Flores and she's got her crossed legs protecting it too.

This was after I learned about "naval intelligence" from Janine Driver thougth.
Gotta get to work, will check in later!!

Have fun trial watching and keep posting!!

Steph, the gas has to be used tho. It will go bad. :floorlaugh:

I have placed gas cans in the bed of my hubby's pickup trucks but I would never put them in a trunk in the summertime heat. The smell can be overpowering and if there is a leak or the vapor vent isnt working correctly there could be an explosion with the fumes building up in an enclosed trunk space.

If that's the case, from what you have seen, do you think this judge would sentence her to death?

Judge Perry would have! I don't know about this Judge though. If she is usually a Life in prison sort of judge then I hope she makes an exception for this grisly murder.
I think she went packed for Mexico. I think her trip was meant to be a last ditch effort to "close the deal" and land Travis. She pulled out all stops, sex, photos, etc. and her plan was always this is it, its now or never. It was going to be them together or him dead. one or the other.

I think she did buy sunscreen because ms JA wanted to be prepared for the possiblity that she was going to Mexico. I think the gun was because she wanted to be prepared to kill him if she wasn't going to have him.

I totally agree with your thoughts!!
LOL @ JVM says Juan needs to stop yelling!!!!! Hahahahahahah

Isn't that interesting that JVM thinks JM is yelling. Has JVM ever listened to herself, she yells all the time, to the point I can't listen to her. Sorry, but I think her brain turned to mush a long time ago.:moo:

Jodi--I would never say I was speculating when I was speculating.
I can't seem to find this bit anywhere...

When/where (which city) was she when she took "the cosmetic approach to her pelvis area?" Or did juan cover the "where" yet?

Salinas (I think)
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