jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 13TH DAY #62 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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What is the deal with azcentral showing fast-forwarded testimony today? This is the second time it's happened.
There goes the pool footage again..,

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I think it was unfair of the judge to call for an early lunch. Juan had JA in a vunerable position and she may have revealed more had she been allowed. I bet he is furious! Don't like this judge at all.
What is the deal with azcentral showing fast-forwarded testimony today? This is the second time it's happened.

They're snipping for news broadcasts

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I'm convinced now that the date wasn't what was important and the reason that JM played the tape several times. The point he wanted to make was that Travis DID NOT WANT Jodi to take photos of him in the shower. The fact that she violated his personal space by ambushing him with a camera while he was naked in the shower was the reason for the confrontation that inevitably ended up in Travis' death. This is the way that I interpret it, but's it's only :moo:

well he certainly doesn't look happy in any of those pictures, does he? And, for someone who is always mugging for the camera, he looks deadly serious in every one of them--which is why I think she was holding the gun on him while taking the pictures and ordering him into poses.
I know I have said this before but I do not believe ANY of this story. I believe it was completely premeditated. I believe they were getting along fine, they had sex, they took pictures, she set him up to take his pictures in the shower. He was naked, she was dressed, she shot him (still not convinced which order) she stabbed him( he fought back -hence the defense wounds) and after he was good and dead she slashed his throat for an exclamation point. Then, like a good psychopath she drug him into shower and washed his body. I so hope the jury sees this similarly because they will have to vote 1st degree and hopefully the DP. I will forever believe it was COMPLETELY planned. If not for the camera and the pictures with time stamp I may not be so convinced. I believe Travis' angels made sure those pictures were able to be seen!
I hope he asks her WHY she felt the need to document this murder or oops self defense killing with photos? who does that? what was she going to do with these photos?
You know, I would be curious to find out if ANYONE who genuinely killed in self defense, took the time to clean up, create an alibi, lie constantly, take the "48 Hours" "ain't I cute?" tour, etc., etc. I have tried to imagine having to kill a loved one out of fear for my life (and it's not easy) - I can only imagine I would become hysterical, call the police, feel horrible that I had had to resort to killing - I most certainly wouldn't be able to do any of what Jodi did afterward. She got back home and went to work! Wouldn't any of us be curled up in the corner, sobbing our guts out? ESPECIALLY if the guy had been what she claims Travis was, genuinely beautiful with this tiny problem (at least, she acted like it was tiny, instead of reporting him to the police), but who just snapped? This wouldn't even have been a case of ongoing abuse and control, where you feel you have to take the first opportunity to neutralize your abuser and escape. I am rambling just like you-know-who - but I'm just saying that NONE of her story makes sense, even without all the mountains of evidence and testimony against her.

I think the computer ate my post.

I dont like how the judge is calling lunch early - seems as though she feels for JA?? I hope I am WRONG.

I think JM should have been able to use ALL his time, not be cut short cause the murderer is CRYING....

I'm thinking the opposite, that the judge just doesn't want to deal with it and she doesn't want the jury to have to either. If she felt sorry for her, she would have made a sweet comment like judges often make to witnesses of violent crimes when they break down. JMO
IS there any kind of timeline of the photos in order? To show how fast they were taken?

I don't have the link, but I remember seeing a video (youtube maybe) where the pics were in real time. However long the pause was between pics is how long that pic would be on the screen.

Does anyone have that link handy?
Ugggh! I'm not feeling well and I'm exhausted, but I'm putting all of my effort into staying awake. I don't want to miss a minute of the afternoons testimony. :what:
She is going to have a problem with the gunshot because the ME said the gun was not close when shot--no stipling, gunshot residue.

But it does work if she shot him while he was sitting in the shower and she stood two feet outside the shower with the gun. That fits the wound--2 feet away, no stipling or residue, and from above, right to left.

I think that picture of him sitting with his legs crossed in the shower--no head shot--was taken by mistake right after she shot him. His body looks like he has lost control of it to me--slumped.

Then the gun jams and she drops the camera.

But JM will not agree. He is wedded to the gunshot happened last.

I will never understand these conspiracy theories.

You are wrong on several counts. First of all, it is impossible for the picture of him in the shower to be taken after she shot him. Why? Because that picture was taken BEFORE the headshot and the headshot clearly shows no bullet wound.

Second of all, very clear testimony from the medical examiner explains why he was shot last.

Third of all, based on the fact that he was shot last and would have been incapacitated by them, it is not necessary to speculate on a particular angle of entry because she could have placed him in any position she wanted to before shooting him.
if this is true and he was shot first in the did the blood get all over the sink and then out in the entryway of the bedroom or closet area?

IDK but a .25 is not a big gun, not a big bullet. I think of a .25 like a pea shooter. It will slow someone down, but would not even be close to my first choice of gun to eliminate someone.

If she shot him and the injury wasn't fatal, and he begins pursuing her in attempt to disarm her, gun jams, she freaks grabs the knife, begins stabbing, etc.

I have always kind of felt he was shot first and the knife was a last resort finish the job the gun couldn't kind of act.

I believe the throat was slashed last.
I hope he asks her WHY she felt the need to document this murder or oops self defense killing with photos? who does that? what was she going to do with these photos?

Photo shoot was a lure to get him in a vulnerable position

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I understand. But, don't forget, she didn't leave the crime scene alone. She stayed there for a while and messed with it. She could have stayed in his house for as long as 3 hours. So if she is throwing water on the bathroom floor, leaving the room, and coming back, movig his body into the shower, washing it down, wiping things down, etc--that bullet casing could have been manipulated to end up where it did.

Don't forget, just because we cannot see blood on it with the naked eye in the crime scene photo, does not mean there is no blood on it.

BBM - I dont believe this to be correct. TA had roommates that were to be home at 6 or so. Although one of the roommates was late that day, I dont believe she would have known that.

She would have wanted to get out of there ASAP. Thats why everything was just scattered everywhere and such. I believe that if she would have stayed longer, the clean up would have been MUCH better.

I understand. But, don't forget, she didn't leave the crime scene alone. She stayed there for a while and messed with it. She could have stayed in his house for as long as 3 hours. So if she is throwing water on the bathroom floor, leaving the room, and coming back, movig his body into the shower, washing it down, wiping things down, etc--that bullet casing could have been manipulated to end up where it did.

Don't forget, just because we cannot see blood on it with the naked eye in the crime scene photo, does not mean there is no blood on it.

I didn't say there wasn't any blood on the casing, just that it was shiny, sitting on a puddle of blood - and the puddle doesn't appear to have any indication that anyone tried to clean it up.

I think it was her "goodbye" to him - just before she went downstairs, IMHO.
Ugggh! I'm not feeling well and I'm exhausted, but I'm putting all of my effort into staying awake. I don't want to miss a minute of the afternoons testimony. :what:

Hang in there Steely!!
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