jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 13TH DAY #63 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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back from picking up DS. DD 12 who is home sick today put on my headphones in my absence and was listening to trial.

her comments:

She takes forever to answer the most simple questions!

ME: I know right, why would she do that?

She is stalling to think of what to say.

i don't think he did as much about the stabbing etc because she would cry and he didn't want her to get any sympathy.

I believe that too. However I wish he would have talked more about the fact she stabbed him B4 she shot him. Therefore, Travis couldn't have body slammed her etc etc. Maybe I'm just afraid the jury doesn't see through all the bull. :please:
I have watched lots o' trials, read lots o' true crime books/articles and even tho JM got sucked down Jodi's rabbit 'hole' a few times, I must say that was the most MASTERFUl cross I have ever seen!!!

I hate that Beth is leaving and IS is stopping live coverage but I will bet they feel that they are ending on the highest note possible!
Nurmi if the sentence is death. He's not even entertaining the idea she will not be convicted.
My guess is that JM's saving the 29 stabs for closing. Going over it twice would lose its impact. And I bet he's going to present - and probably demonstrate the stabbings, one at a time, late in his closing, so that's the last image he gives them before they're dismissed to deliberate.
Ok anybody here remember the show Night Court?

There was a episode where they had a really slow talker, who said one word at a time during his testimony.(wish i had a clip of it) he was driving the whole court room nuts.

anyways when i hear Nurmi speak i think of that guy..

I feel sorry for Travis, who was horrifically slaughtered. And for his lovely family, sitting there, day after day, reliving his death, reliving the light he was that was brutally taken by a witch. Having to sit quietly after losing their brother in such a brutal manner, and listen as his murderer tries to desecrate his memory with disgusting allegations of pedophilia among other things.

That's who I feel sorry for.
I agree! How can anyone have sympathy for her when right up to the bitter end of cross examination, she continued to ARGUE, and act DEFIANT, constantly correcting the prosecutor on meaningless details. No, that will eliminate ANY AND ALL sympathy!!
What? He's done with crosss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I wish he had left JA & the defense worrying all weekend that there was more to come.... but who am I to question the master?
She didnt feel sorry for Travis family as she would deliberately smile at his sisters also she didnt mind her making Travis to be a pedophile
Don't forget she said if she was Travis she would jump off a bridge
I totally agree. I'm hardly impartial, I know, but I put psychopaths in a category that is pure predator and hardly human.

After my experiences, even knowing they live among us often undetected, scares the living hell out of me. They usually find the sweetest, most compassionate and generous people to prey on...

And they often end up leaving such people in a state of total ruination and destruction. They'll stop at nothing to totally and utterly destroy human beings they target until and unless it suits them. Nothing.
Jodie thinks if she forgets about 29 stab wounds, 9 to the back, 3 to the back of the head, the Jury will, too.

I thought Mr. Nurmi was so concerned about the drop dead end time.

Doesn't seem to be such a priority.
And, she just admitted the closed hearings were at the defendants request. Judge letting her bias show?

That is not bias. The defendant is the one with the constitutional right to a fair trial. Defendant is the only one who would be requesting that matters be sealed to assure her due process.
Night guys, thanks for the company tonight. See u monday!!!
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