jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 14TH DAY #68*may contain graphic and adult content*

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Ugh, whatever.
He was kinky.

My better half is too kinky for me but I just let him say whatever - I think the fantasy thoughts probably fulfill his kinkiness. Sorry if TMI.

Does that mean I can kill him? I don't think so.
O/T while in sidebar:

I cannot *believe* they are not going to recover that poor man's body from the sinkhole.

Just hearing his brother speak is more than heartbreaking... There has got to be a way to retrieve this man's remains safely - it might take a long time, but, come ON. I'm thoroughly disgusted. My heart goes out to this family. How horrible...
Lawyers help me with this. It's one thing to enter Travis's texts, without seeing her replies because you knew Juan would be able to bring it back in cross and they are from an actual transcript of the text messages, but this cut and paste is not the same. How is allowing this in?
I'm about to stop watching this entire trial, the justice system has now been made into a joke to me IMO.

Unbelievable, really really is.
Just wanted to clarify since I'm following only on WS...did she ADMIT the exhibit or just give it a number? I mean, she would have to give a number even to an exhibit she refuses to admit.

Looks like we get to venture once again into the cesspit that is Jodi's mind and imagination.

Her parents must be so proud.
What Juan needs to do if the Judge lets him recross is put up only her trash talk.:furious:

This is so biased.

Or bring in every guy and not just the ones she claims and put them on the stand and question them about their sexual encounters with Jodi. When was it anal, vaginal, oral, lubricated, not lubricated and every other nasty secret of hers.
Message to all Americans: Would you like to be perceived as a victim? All you have to do is to murder someone in cold blood. That's it. Then you get a trial where YOU are the victim. After that a not-guilty verdict with dozens of book deals in store for you. Ta da.

It's ok to slaughter your ex boyfriend as long as you secretly recorded the phone sex sessions?

She is sick
Who is really on trial here?!

This is just awful :(
I don't know about the rest of you, but I will not sit here and listen to the carp again! Shame on Judge Stephens for allowing this "evidence". :furious:

I agree - I'm done watching today. I'll read here.
She's got to be loving this. Which is actually the worst part of this for me.
The jury heard the whole recording. It can't be unheard. I'm sure some of them still remember it well and they can even ask to hear it again.
I hope the jury is as disgusted as I am by the defendant, defense and the judge. They are all slime IMO
The jury can hear and see as well as we can. They'll note the inconsistencies and the flagrant manipulations in the capitalizations. I think they will feel insulted.
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